Chapter 680

The Great Bright Bodhisattva standing aside saw what the Emperor Taizu was thinking, so he smiled slightly and said to him: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I know that there is a treasure in your Majesty's possession. Mana, even if the opponent has Yu Ruyi, they can't do anything to us."

The Emperor Taizu was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood what the Great Bright Bodhisattva was talking about.

It should be said that this treasure was discovered in the underground palace of an ordinary temple when Emperor Taizu was alive.

This thing is not something else, but the Nirvana relic of the Buddha's real body.

Ever since Emperor Taizu got it, he has not left this treasure for a moment, even after he passed away, he still has to take this treasure with him.

"Bodhisattva, I only know that this treasure is the relic of the Buddha's real body, which can suppress luck. But I don't know if it can be successful against the enemy."

The Great Bright Bodhisattva clasped his hands together, and proclaimed the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, this relic is left by the Buddha's real body. Seeing the relic is like seeing the Buddha in person. After inviting this relic, the poor monk can summon a party of bliss with magic power." The phantom of the world. At that time, all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the sky will come to protect and protect, and although the jade wishful is powerful, it will be useless."

The Emperor Taizu was overjoyed when he heard that, and hurriedly ordered someone to fetch a jade letter from the treasury.

After a while, there were several gods guarding him, and a jade letter came in front of Emperor Taizu. The Emperor Taizu took the jade letter, held it in his hand, and stroked it carefully. After a while, he sent Yuhan to Dazu. In the hands of the Buddha of Light.

After the Great Bright Bodhisattva took the jade letter, he gently opened it, and immeasurable light immediately emitted from it.

This light is not ordinary light, but Buddha's merit light, wisdom light, and pure light. This light immediately illuminates the heaven and earth, and almost the entire underworld is illuminated by it.

When the soldiers on both sides were illuminated by this light, they immediately felt refreshed and all killing intent disappeared. So regardless of the enemy or us, they knelt down on the ground with palms together and recited the name of Amitabha together.

Not far away, Jia Yan was shocked when he saw this situation. This Jia Yan knew that Emperor Taizu had this treasure when he was alive, and he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

The Great Light Bodhisattva held the relic in front of his chest, and began to preach the "Amitabha Sutra".

As the sound of chanting sutras rippling in the void, a halo of light was formed in the sky above Netherland, in which there were vaguely Buddhas and Bodhisattvas appearing in this world.

With the recitation of the scriptures, the spiritual mountains, Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas in the light circle became more and more clear, and in the end they were almost like real people.

Seeing this scene, Fairy Jing Huan was also very shocked. With the treasure of Yu Ruyi, she thought that she would be able to fix the world when she came to the battlefield, but she was a little at a loss when this treasure came out.

But at this time, Fairy Jing Huan became even more sober, knowing that the Great Bright Bodhisattva could not continue to chant sutras, otherwise, it would be too late to regret when the projection of the West Heaven Spirit Mountain really appeared.

So the Fairy Jing Huan threw the jade ruyi in her hand into the air again, then recited the mantra again, and then tapped three times at the Great Bright Bodhisattva.

That Yu Ruyi once again emitted light in the air, and then fell towards the Great Bright Bodhisattva like a meteorite.

The Great Light Bodhisattva didn't seem to see Yu Ruyi flying towards him, but he was still chanting sutras with his eyes closed, seeing that Yu Ruyi had reached the top of his head.

At this moment, the sarira released its brilliance, which immediately shone on Yu Ruyi, and Yu Ruyi was covered by the brilliance, and could not move immediately.

Fairy Jing Huan, seeing this scene, knew that it was not good, so she recited the incantation and stimulated the mana.

Although Yu Ruyi struggled desperately, she still couldn't get rid of the brilliance emitted by the relic. In the end, it gradually stopped, and then shrunk to a normal size, falling into the hands of the Great Bright Bodhisattva.

Although the Bodhisattva took Yu Ruyi in his hand, he did not stop speaking the scriptures.

As the scriptures reached the end, the phantom in the aperture became more and more real, and finally the phantom suddenly rose, breaking through the range of the aperture, forming a world above Netherland.

As soon as this world is formed, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in it seem to be alive again, each one is extremely vivid.

Seeing this scene, the Great Bright Bodhisattva sat on the lotus platform again, came to this world, and began to recite sutras together with all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the world.

Up to now, the Yin soldiers and ghosts from both sides folded their hands together and knelt in front of this world, and repented to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas together.

Fairy Jing Huan stood there feeling the waves of Buddha's radiance and Sanskrit sound coming from this world. If she hadn't cultivated her own body for these years and had some merits, she might have converted by now.

As the voice of the Buddha in this world became more and more serious, the Buddha sitting in the middle suddenly opened his eyes and looked outside.

The Great Light Bodhisattva was overjoyed seeing this, he knew that this was the Buddha in the Lingshan Mountain of the Western Heaven, and through the phantom of this world, he cast his gaze here.

That's not to mention, the other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas also opened their eyes one by one now, and they are more vivid now, each of them is supernatural, with various lights and flames rising from their bodies, illuminating the sky brightly.

Seeing this scene, the Great Light Bodhisattva did not hesitate, the light on his body lit up again, he took a step forward, and entered the phantom of this world.

The Great Bright Bodhisattva came to the Buddha in the center and knelt down on both knees, "My Buddha is merciful, and Great Bright is being polite here."

The Buddha sat in the center, with a smile on his face and lowered eyes, and said to the Great Bright Bodhisattva below: "You came here to end cause and effect, why use this relic to attract our spiritual thoughts."

The Great Bright Bodhisattva clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, it's not because his disciples overstepped, it's really a precious treasure that Fairy Jing Huan invited from the Heavenly Palace, otherwise it's not enough to protect himself."

After the Great Bright Bodhisattva finished speaking, he took out the jade Ruyi from his bosom, and held it to the Buddha with both hands.

The Buddha sat on the throne, and with a light call, the jade wishful came into his hand.

The Buddha lowered his eyes, looked at the Ruyi and said: "This treasure is the treasure of Chixia Palace. I saw the princess holding this treasure at the Pantao Festival."

After the Lord Buddha said this, he seemed to forgive the Great Bright Bodhisattva, then he raised his eyes and looked at Jia Yan in the distance.

This time, Jia Yan felt a gust of wind blowing, and all the murderous thoughts in his body disappeared, leaving only peace in his heart.

Seeing that Jia Yan had calmed down, the Buddha said with a smile: "Old benefactor, it's better to look at the poor monk's face and let it go this time."

Just as Jia Yan was about to agree, the dragon energy burst out from Bald's body, Jia Yuan immediately woke up, and then looked at the Buddha with deep eyes.

"Where did Lord Buddha come from? Today we let them go, but his descendants may not be willing to let it go. When the time comes, the people will suffer. I don't know who will bear the responsibility."

The Buddha seemed to have known that he would say this a long time ago, and replied with a smile on his face: "There is a golden lotus blooming in my Eight Treasures Merit Pool. I use this golden lotus to exchange this piece of Netherland. I don't know what Lao Shi's idea is." ?”

After Jia Yan heard this, he hesitated a little. The golden lotuses in the Eight Treasures Merit Pool are each made of the essence of heaven and earth and cultivated by the water of the merit pool. If a person has such a golden lotus, he can not only defend himself against the enemy, but also Can suppress luck.

At this moment, Fairy Jing Huan took a step forward and said to Jia Yan: "Old Duke, you can't agree. Today, all the immortals in the palace have already turned their hearts to the new emperor, so what is the old Duke afraid of?"

After Jia Yan finished listening, he still didn't talk to him. What he was thinking now was that if his younger brother succeeds, he will naturally secure the position of Lord of the Underworld. If he fails, he will offend the Western Buddha. difficult.

Jia Yan was thinking about it, undecided, and finally gritted his teeth and felt that the Western Buddha hadn't arrived in person, but just evolved a world with spiritual thoughts, so he let himself shrink back, which was unreasonable anyway.

"Buddha, please return to Lingshan and don't interfere in the secular world. The incense in the world is naturally indispensable to the Buddha. Otherwise, the story of Wu Zong's extermination of Buddha will repeat itself."

After hearing that, the Buddha's face was displeased, "Since that's the case, the poor monk is here, you have the means to use it, let's see how you can destroy this piece of hell."

Jia Yan didn't hesitate even after he reached this point on the phone, and took out his hole card from his bosom, which was the soul-absorbing pearl from Jia Ke.

As soon as the soul-absorbing bead came out, the space immediately vibrated, and the pure land of the Western Lingshan in the sky, where the relics manifested, immediately began to vibrate.The face of the Buddha sitting in the middle also began to blur.

This Buddha is also so good that when the projection of the Lingshan Pure Land is about to disappear, he immediately opens his eyes wide and emits immeasurable light, and immediately fixes the Pure Land.

After the Buddha settled down in the Lingshan Pure Land, he looked at it like the orb, and immediately turned pale with shock.

It turned out that with his buddha eyes, he couldn't see the origin of the orb, but felt it was extremely mysterious, as if it had transcended the realm of heaven.

At this moment, infinite mysteries descended from the sky, and it turned out that the way of heaven had descended.

In the past, this orb was in Jia Ke's soul. Although Tiandao could understand the mystery of the orb, he couldn't see it clearly through a veil. Now that the orb is separated from Jia Ke, it is the first time in this world. The true face was revealed, and the way of heaven came down naturally, and kept studying the mystery around the orb, trying to make up for the rules.

As soon as the Dao of Heaven descended, the surrounding space immediately became solidified, and the Buddha in the projection of the heavens seemed to be completely disconnected from the main body.

Jia Yan saw how powerful this orb was, but as soon as it showed its majesty, it fixed space and time together, and even the projection of the Western Lingshan became illusory.

Jia Yan didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately sent the dragon's energy into the soul-destroying bead.

The orb absorbed the dragon's energy, and immediately released waves of ripples.

Wherever the ripples go, the Yin soldiers and ghost generals of the Jia family are naturally all right, but the Netherland of the previous dynasty was not so lucky. After being swept away by the ripples, they immediately turned into ruins. Countless ghost soldiers and ghost generals, as well as the ghosts and gods formed by loyal and good generals, were all annihilated, and even the Taizu Emperor was wiped out in an instant.

As for the Great Bright Bodhisattva sitting under the projection of the Lingshan Mountain, his lotus platform now has immeasurable rays of light, and he wants to help this Great Bright Bodhisattva, who knows that the light emitted by the lotus platform will collapse immediately when the ripples are swept away. .

(End of this chapter)

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