Chapter 69 Arrest
When Jia Ke heard Zheng Kai's affirmative answer, he said to him: "Wang Wan (the name of the master lord), without my general's order, just left the castle privately, and his whereabouts are unknown. I am afraid that the master lord is a Tatar. I am a spy, otherwise how could Qianhu die so easily. If this villain is not recovered and punished severely, how will he maintain military discipline in the future, and how can he be worthy of the soldiers who died in battle."

It was only at this time that Zheng Kai understood Jia Ke's intentions, and he was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. He thought that Jia Ke would ask the Master Wang for the ledger, check the accounts, and then impeach him if he could find evidence of the Wang Master's embezzlement.Unexpectedly, this is just Jia Ke's strategy to scare the snake away.Master Wang's running away was like sending the knife into Jia Ke's hands.Now Jia Ke can do whatever he wants with him.

Not mentioning Zheng Kai's shock, I only heard Jia Ke hold the command arrow and said loudly: "Liu Yu, you take my token, send two hundred cavalry, go out to the north gate, and search for a hundred miles north. See if you can find the king. If you find any traces of the master book, please arrest me immediately and come to see me."

Liu Yu knelt down on one knee, took the arrow from today, and replied loudly: "Follow the present." After getting up, he went out without turning his head back.

Then Jia Ke shouted again: "Zheng Kai."

Zheng Kai quickly fell to his knees and replied loudly: "The villain is here."

Jia Ke said to him: "You also take my command arrow and go to the cavalry, and also transfer two hundred cavalry. Go out of the south gate and search 150 miles south. If you find the king's trace, capture it immediately and return to the castle. There must be no mistakes. .”

Zheng Kai didn't dare to neglect to take the token, got up and went to the cavalry to transfer troops.

As for why Jia Ke knew that the master Wang was in the south, but asked Liu Yu to search the north and Zheng Kai to search the south.In fact, this was deliberately arranged by Jia Ke, so that after Zheng Kai came, he had to serve him wholeheartedly.Because without his protection, Zheng Kai may be retaliated by the prefect of Xuanfu Town, and his situation will not be optimistic at that time.

Not to mention that Jia Ke was waiting at the Qianhu Mansion, but that Zheng Kai arrived at the cavalry station with Jia Ke's token. At this time, there were already two hundred households in the cavalry team and Liu Yu stood at them with the arrow in his hand. Front.Seeing Zheng Kai coming, he nodded to him and led the team to the north gate.

At this time, Zheng Kai was also holding a command arrow, and found Li Baihu (Zheng Kai originally belonged to Li Baihu) and Wang Baihu who were close to him.Show them Jia Ke's current arrow.Let them immediately form a team and prepare to go.The two did not dare to neglect and began to prepare.

Among the two hundred households, Li Baihu is the most familiar with Master Wang.He once even followed the king's lead.Now that I heard the news that Master Wang was going to be arrested, I was already sweating from fright, thinking that it was fortunate that I had drawn a clear line with him in the lobby just now.Otherwise, I am afraid that I am already in prison.At this time, he was also grateful to Zheng Kai, he knew that Zheng Kai asked him to lead the army this time to make him atone for his crimes.At this moment, how could he dare to delay a bit.I can't wait to catch Master Wang as quickly as possible, so as to get rid of the relationship with him.

Not long after, the two hundred cavalry were ready, Zheng Kai rode in front, the two hundred households followed, and the other cavalry followed closely, and they went out to the south gate together.I searched around along the official road.

Besides, Master Wang, the reason why he wanted to run away was because Kaipingwei didn't have thousands of households in the past few months, and he deducted too much.I thought that according to the rules, the newly appointed Qianhu would not ask about old accounts.Unexpectedly, the first thing Jia Ke came here was to check the accounts.If Jia Ke caught him, he might lose his skin even if he didn't die.So he started to panic, lost his judgment, and finally decided to take his family and go to Xuanfu Town to join his order to seek his protection.

Therefore, after he handed over the account books to Zheng Kai, he immediately packed up the household items, took his family in the car and left the south gate, heading towards Zhengxuanfu Town.

He rode fast all the way until the sun was about to set, and he felt a little relieved when he saw that no one was chasing after him.Seeing that the horses were tired and it was getting late, he asked his family to camp on the side of the road in order to spend the night.

Just as Mr. Wang stopped to take a rest, there was a loud sound of horseshoes from behind. Mr. Wang hurriedly stood on the roof of the car and looked back.In the rear, smoke and dust billowed, horseshoes thundered, and a large number of cavalry came galloping.

Seeing this situation, Master Wang knew that it was not good. It was because Jia Ke sent someone to arrest him, but he didn't pay much attention to it. At most, he was just corrupt.At that time, the stolen money will be returned, and there will be a brother-in-law to help with the matchmaking, so it will be no big deal.

Maids and servants of the palace, listen to the sound of horses' hooves behind.Terrified, panicked, and messed up.

At this time, Master Wang yelled: "What's the mess? It's just that the officers and soldiers are taking me back, so there's nothing to be afraid of. Pack your bags, don't be afraid. Let's go back to Kaipingwei first."

Then Master Wang got down from the roof of the car and walked to a car.He said to the inside: "Ma'am, the cavalry behind me are probably here to catch me. Once I am caught, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to speak again. Don't talk now, just listen to me quietly. After returning to Kaipingwei, you Go to Xuanfu Town secretly, and beg for mercy like the magistrate. If Madam cares about the relationship between husband and wife, then help me complete this matter. If Madam doesn’t care about the relationship between husband and wife, then clean up the house and go back to your mother’s house. "

At this time, the woman in the car cried and said: "Since I married into the Wang family, my husband has always loved me deeply. Now that my husband is in great trouble, how can I stand by and watch? Please rest assured, my husband, I will definitely do it for you. "

Master Wang wanted to tell her a few more words, but it was too late, the cavalry led by Zheng Kai had already surrounded them.

Zheng Kai sat on the horse, and condescendingly said to Master Wang: "Where is Mr. Wang going? Why don't you say hello to Mr. Qianhu? Let us Mr. Qianhu find it easier."

Master Wang looked at Zheng Kai and said, "I was just inadvertent and didn't take precautions. It's still unknown who will die. You Jia Ke's dog, don't be too happy."

Zheng Kai was furious when he heard his words, and ordered: "Left and right, take down this traitor with me." "

So a few sergeants came up immediately and tied up the master Wang without any explanation.

Then Zheng Kai ordered: "These people are all suspects. They are all tied up and under strict supervision. When they return to Kaipingwei, I ask Lord Qianhu to make a decision."

Then, Zheng Kai pressed Wang Zhubo's family and went to Kaiping Weixing.

Because Zheng Kai hated Master Wang deeply, he called him Jia Ke's dog.So Master Wang was not allowed to ride in the car.Just let him walk behind the horse.

Where has Master Wang suffered such a crime?At first, he yelled and cursed at Zheng Kai's back, but then he gradually lost his strength, so he could only pant heavily and try his best to follow behind the horse.Therefore, the group of people did not return to Kaipingwei until late at night. As soon as Master Wang entered the gate of Kaipingwei, he collapsed to the ground and could not get up again.

Zheng Kai was shocked at first, afraid that something might happen to him.Later, Li Baihu went up to check and found that he was just exhausted.Only then did Zheng Kai feel relieved, and he sent them all into the dungeon.Go to Qianhu Mansion by yourself and report to Jia Ke.

Zheng Kai entered the Qianhu Mansion and found that the lights in the Qianhu Mansion were brightly lit. He went up to ask and found out that Jia Qianhu had been waiting for news from him without a break.And he has already ordered the soldiers to go to the back hall to answer as soon as Zheng Kai comes back.

Zheng Kai dared to neglect, and went directly to the back hall.Came outside the door of the back hall, signed up and said: "Zheng Kai, please see Lord Qianhu."

Jia Ke was sitting inside waiting for his news, when he heard his voice, he immediately ordered: "Zheng Kai, come in and answer."

Only then did Zheng Kai dare to enter the back hall.

Jia Ke sat in the middle, looked at Zheng Kai and asked, "How far have you chased? Did you get someone?"

Zheng Kai first knelt down and saluted, and then answered Jia Ke, "My lord, I chased him for about 30 miles. I caught the master Wang by the side of the official road, and now I come back to give orders to my lord."

(End of this chapter)

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