Chapter 70

When Jia Ke heard that Master Wang had been captured, he was not as happy as he imagined. This Master Wang Wan was just the monkey in the middle of his killing monkeys. At the cost of disposing of Master Wang, the entire Kaiping Guard We all know who is in charge of Kaipingwei.

Jia Ke had already got the answer she wanted to know, so she said to Zheng Kai: "You have worked hard all this way, go down and rest."

Zheng Kai cupped his hands and said: "I will resign from the humble position." After hesitating, he said: "Doesn't your lord need his confession?"

Jia Ke looked at him with a slight smile and said, "Since he left the castle privately, he has already violated the military regulations. What evidence do I need from him? In two days, he just needs to be dealt with according to the military regulations."

Only then did Zheng Kai understand what Jia Ke meant, and he never wanted to give Wang Wan a chance to defend himself.

At this time, Zheng Kai had already completely convinced Jia Ke, and he had already decided in his heart to serve this new boss wholeheartedly.

After Zheng Kai got the answer, he left contentedly.

Just as Zheng Kai left, Liu Yu came in from the back hall.

Seeing Zheng Kai leave, Liu Yu walked gently to Jia Ke's side, and asked in a low voice, "Why did you tell Zheng Kai these things, sir?"

Jia Ke glanced at Liu Yu and said to him, "I just want to let him know, let him have a knife hanging in his heart at all times, let him know the fate of betraying me."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, he said to Liu Yu: "Don't rest tonight, and take someone to copy Wang Wan's house for me. Don't leave any of his servants and family members alone. As for the copying of the house, you have already copied it twice. Don't you need me to tell you?"

Liu Yu respectfully said to Jia Ke: "Don't worry, sir, I will definitely get things done tonight. I will tell you the good news tomorrow morning."

Jia Ke nodded slightly, then waved his hand to let him go down to work.

Liu Yu then quietly withdrew from the back hall, and took a part of the guards to Wang Wan's house to ransack the house.

Jia Ke had already made arrangements, and after thinking about it for a while, there was nothing wrong with it, so he went back to the back house to rest in satisfaction.

The next morning, Jia Ke still got up on time to practice Fang Tian's painting halberd and Chunqiu Daoyin.Now this is something that Jia Ke can't shake every day. To know about martial arts, if you don't practice for one day, you will know it;Although Jia Ke has fully integrated Lu Bu's bravery now, and drinks spiritual spring water every day to continuously improve his physical fitness.But I still persist every day and practice martial arts in the morning.

After Jia Ke finished practicing martial arts, he just wiped his sweat, which reminded him of Chuncao and Qiaolian. If they were here, they would have prepared the bath water by now, waiting for him to take a bath.I don't know how these two girls are doing now?It's been a while, but I still miss them a lot.

After eating the breakfast brought by her servants, Jia Ke went to study in the study contentedly.The servants that Jia Ke is using now, except for a few people from the former Qianhu Mansion.Most of the others were added after Jia Ke arrived in Kaipingwei.Especially the cook, I heard that he used to be an imperial cook, and he was dispatched to Kaipingwei for some crime.He was in charge of raising horses in Kaipingwei. After knowing that Jia Ke needed a cook, he was sent to Jia Ke's house yesterday.

This morning was the first time for Jia Ke to try his cooking skills, and she was very satisfied with the result, as expected of being an imperial cook.At the same time, Jia Ke became more and more obsessed with power. Some things that he hadn't thought of, the people under him had already done for him.The wine of power really makes people obsessed.

Jia Ke had just read the book for a while, when Liu Yu asked someone to come in and report that he had something to report to Jia Ke.Jia Ke guessed that last night, the copying of the royal family's house had already been completed.So he went to the back hall and asked someone to tell Liu Yu to answer there.

After Jia Ke arrived at the back hall, Liu Yu was already waiting there.

When Liu Yu saw Jia Ke coming in, she immediately went up to salute. Jia Ke took the main seat and looked at him with her eyes.It was found that he might not have slept all night. Although he was still in good spirits, his eyes were full of red threads.Jia Ke is still very satisfied with his attitude of firmly carrying out his orders. It is worthy of me that I chose him as the captain from so many personal soldiers. Although he intended to appease Old Man Liu at the time, Liu Yu himself made Jia Ke very satisfied. Otherwise, no matter how prestige old man Liu is, he would not arrange Liu Yu as his personal captain.

Liu Yu saw that Jia Ke was seated in the superior position, so she stepped forward and reported, "Master, we randomly searched the master's house overnight, and found a total of more than 5 taels of silver, as well as other gold and silver jewellery, jade, and antiques. More than two hundred pieces."

Jia Ke nodded on it, and said: "I didn't expect this Wang Wan to be very greedy. He has accumulated so much money in just a few years as a bookkeeper. He is still very capable in this regard, but it is a pity that he is a bit dizzy. , a small chief bookkeeper dared to fight for power with me, today's result is his retribution."

In fact, Jia Ke wants to clean up the king's book, not all because he is fighting for power with him. You must know that the thousand households in the Qianhu Mansion, and the hundreds of households below, must obey his orders no matter what they think in their hearts, otherwise Jia Ke can completely enforce military law against them.Another reason is that when Jia Ke first came here, the first thing he did was to show his prestige, otherwise the people below would be in conflict with others, and there might be big troubles on the battlefield.Therefore, the king's master who was fighting for power with him became the target of his prestige.

After listening to Jia Ke's words, Liu Yu took another step forward, came to Jia Ke's side and said quietly, "My lord, besides these belongings, I also brought some correspondence with the magistrate of Xuanfu Town. I brought them all. Do you want to take a look, sir?"

Jia Ke said, "Ugh? Of course I have to take a look."

Then Liu Yu took out a stack of letters from her bosom and handed them to Jia Ke. There were about ten letters.

Jia Ke picked up the top one, opened it and looked at it carefully.The above is the answer from the prefect of Xuanfu Town to Master Wang, saying that Master Wang will send the fifth floor to his mansion for the heavily deducted ordnance repair expenses.Also, there is nothing serious about this matter, don't worry about it.

Jia Ke quickly read the following few letters and read them all. It was all because they colluded with each other and withheld Kaipingwei's money, food and military pay, and the prefect of Xuanfu Town acted as a protective umbrella. The two split the accounts [-]-[-]. These letters, Xuanfu Town Magistrate, clearly stated that they would be burned after reading. Now it seems that Master Wang did not follow his instructions.

Jia Ke guessed that Master Wang's intentions were probably to leave evidence, fearing that if the incident happened, the magistrate would push him to the front regardless, so he left these letters as a threat in the future.Unexpectedly, all these letters fell into Jia Ke's hands.

Jia Ke decided to store all these letters for the time being, and not to publish them for the time being, because it is not the time to use them. If the magistrate is interested in the future, everyone will live in peace. At that time, I used these letters to send him to the guillotine.You must know that embezzlement of military pay, privately withholding the cost of ordnance repairs, if no one reports it, just report it, once someone reports it, it will be the death penalty in any dynasty.

Jia Ke was very satisfied with today's harvest. Not only did he have tens of thousands of taels of silver, a pile of gold, silver and jewelry, but most importantly, he had a trump card to deal with the magistrate of Xuanfu Town.

Jia Ke is very satisfied with Liu Yu. Since he followed him, he has been loyal to him. It seems that if he has the opportunity in the future, he must be promoted.

Now that the house raid has been completed, the next step is how to deal with the master Wang?Jia Ke decided to cut through the mess quickly, so Liu Yu went down to deliver an order, and three days later, all thousands of households will read it in the school grounds. Except for the necessary personnel on duty, all other people must be present.

(End of this chapter)

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