Chapter 71
Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and early this morning, hundreds of households lined up neatly in Kaipingwei's teaching ground.Infantry in the center, cavalry on the wings.These are elite soldiers who have been fighting against the Tatars all year round. Now they are lined up neatly, and the whole team can't help but exude a murderous aura.When ordinary people come here, they feel shuddering.

Each hundred households has a square formation, and the hundred household officials stand in front of the team.A total of twenty phalanxes were neatly waiting for Jia Ke to come to review.

At the end of Chen Shi and the beginning of Si Shi (about nine o'clock in the morning now), Jia Ke came to the teaching ground with his own soldiers. Seeing Jia Ke coming, some officers and soldiers could not help but look at the new Lord Qianhu .

I saw him wearing a purple gold crown decorated with a phoenix on his head, wearing a unicorn bright armor with a treasure face, a fire dragon horse under his crotch, and a Fangtian painted halberd hanging on a winning hook with a bird's wing ring.

The body is dignified and the appearance is dignified.A pair of eyes shot cold stars, two curved eyebrows like paint, and a broad chest, with a majesty that is invincible.

Seeing Jia Ke in such a state, all the officers and soldiers felt awe-inspiring, and couldn't help feeling a sense of awe in their hearts for this young Lord Qianhu.

Jia Ke led his soldiers to the parade, dismounted from his horse, and then went straight up to the stage. Some of his soldiers had already brought a large chair, and Jia Ke sat on the chair, while his soldiers stood in the fourth middle of the parade.

Jia Ke looked down from the reading platform, and the soldiers below were all strong and strong men, with more or less murderous looks on their faces, but except for Baihu, the other soldiers were only wearing mandarin duck battle robes. It's fairly neat, but there isn't a single armored one.But think about it, if all the soldiers were in armor, the court's finances would have gone bankrupt long ago.

However, Jia Ke was not optimistic about their formation. He decided to rehearse the formation in the future, and used the Macedonian phalanx rehearsed by the soldiers of Xia Caozhuang before to deal with the grassland cavalry. It can be said that they complement each other.

Seeing that Jia Ke was seated, all the households in the audience came to the front of the stage, knelt down on one knee to Jia Ke, and reported together: "My lord, all the hundred households in Kaipingwei have arrived, please inspect your lord."

Jia Ke said loudly on the stage: "The officials of each hundred households will return to their teams and start checking immediately."

With the soldiers in the audience, they began to practice various formations.There are nine kinds of formations, including fish scale formation, front arrow formation, crane wing formation, and Yanyue formation.

Jia Ke could see clearly from above that if these formations really worked, they would be really powerful.But these formations have a common problem, that is, they are too complicated and require very high cooperation from soldiers.Once someone leaves and takes the wrong position, the entire formation may disintegrate.In the drill, this problem is very prominent.

You must know that most of the ancient soldiers were from farming families, and they were not literate. It is really difficult for them to perform such complicated operations. The soldiers of Kaipingwei, in the entire Xuanfu Town, are already considered elite, but their formation drills, Still not ideal.It can be seen how bad the situation of other troops is.

So Jia Ke decided to improve the Kaipingwei formation.Macedonian phalanxes are used for all infantry formations. Such formations are simple and practical, and have great lethality against grassland cavalry.As for the training of our side, it is very simple.It is in line with the current situation.

After the formation rehearsal was over, each of the hundred households returned to their respective positions, and one hundred households came to the reading platform together, knelt down on one knee and said to Jia Ke, "My lord, the formation rehearsal is over."

Jia Ke said to them: "Let's go back to the team, I have something to say."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, each household went back to the front of the team, waiting for Jia Ke to speak.

Jia Ke stood up and walked to the front of the reading platform.Said to the following: "Brothers below, some of you may already know. We have a traitor in Kaipingwei. The traitor not only embezzled money and food, withheld military pay, but also tipped off the enemy. I discovered it a few days ago and intended to escape. I sent people to chase him back. Do you know who he is?"

After Jia Ke finished speaking, she stared fiercely at the bottom, but no one answered.He went on to say: "He is our chief bookkeeper Wang Wan, you can't think of it. This guy was trying to escape, but luckily I chased him back, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Jia Ke paused, and then said: "I think he did more bad things than this. Otherwise, how could the Qianhu who took office die for no reason. This is completely unreasonable."

After hearing Jia Ke's words, the people below also began to discuss, and they all felt that what Jia Ke said was very reasonable.Knowing that being an official on the battlefield is the safest, but this Kaipingwei didn't know how to do it, and killed several thousand households in a row, which is completely unimaginable.

As for the deduction of military pay and money and food, it is a major matter for everyone. The food given to them in the past few months is indeed getting worse day by day.Military pay has also changed from cash to scattered copper coins.

We must know that in this era, silver is expensive and copper is cheap, and the ratio between official quotations and private quotations is quite different.Officially, one tael of silver can only be exchanged for seven or eight hundred copper coins, while among the people, one tael of silver can be exchanged for more than 1000 copper coins.

Since Master Wang came to Kaipingwei, several thousand households have trusted him. He is in charge of the military equipment, money and food. Since he came, the military salaries have been paid in copper coins, and it is naturally impossible for him to go to the folks. The conversion ratio is issued to the sergeants.According to the official quotation, he distributed one tael of silver or eight hundred copper coins to the soldiers.Although the soldiers complained, the king's master book also paid the soldiers according to the official quota. On the surface, the military salary was not deducted, but the silver was exchanged for copper coins.The soldiers had nothing to say, but the master Wang made the difference from it.

Many poor soldiers hated the king to the bone.At this time, hearing what Jia Ke said, they all started clamoring, "Kill him? Kill this corrupt official."

Jia Ke waved his hand at the top, suppressed the voice below, and then said to the bottom: "If it's just embezzlement of military pay, it's not a crime that deserves death. Just hand him over to the Shangguan for punishment. This bastard dares to leave the castle privately." According to military regulations, those who leave the castle privately will be punished as spies and executed."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, she instructed Liu Yu beside her, "Bring Wang Wan up here."

Liu Yu went down immediately and asked people to bring up the master Wang.The current master Wang has messy hair, red eyes with dark circles, and messy clothes.How can he have the prestige when he and Jia Ke were fighting in court that day.

Wang Wan was pulled up, forced to kneel down in front of Jia Ke, Wang Wan was not convinced, and still thought he was just embezzling military pay, Jia Ke would at most detain him for interrogation, and then hand him over to the superior, but when he got to the top, there would naturally be The magistrate cleared it up for him, so when he saw Jia Ke again, he was furious and unconvinced.

Wang Wan knelt down and shouted to Jia Ke: "You framed Zhongliang, there is no law for you, I will take revenge for this in the future."

Jia Ke looked at him contemptuously from above, and said, "Are you still thinking about the future? According to military regulations, you left the castle privately, and you should be punished as a spy. What else do you have to say now?"

The chief secretary was taken aback for a moment, then a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he scanned all the things Jia Ke did when he came to Anpingwei, and he completely understood it all at once.

Only then did he realize that he had fallen into Jia Ke's trick. Jia Ke asked him for the account book, not for the purpose of checking the account, but to make him panic and flee to Xuanfu Town for help.

And Kaipingwei is in the army, not in the local area. Military law is enforced here. As long as there is no order from Jia Ke, if he dares to step out of Kaipingwei without permission, then Jia Ke can ask for his head in any name, even His family members will not be spared either, they will all be demoted to official slaves.After thinking through the cause and effect of this, he collapsed to the ground, unable to get up again.

(End of this chapter)

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