Chapter 72 Beheading
Jia Ke was condescending, looking down at Master Wang who was lying limp on the ground below, with a cold smile on his face.

At this time, Master Wang seemed to wake up suddenly, he got up and knelt forward a few steps.Facing Jia Ke above, he wailed and said: "My lord, it was the little one who was confused for a moment and made a big mistake. Please take my lord's life for the sake of the magistrate of Xuanfu Town. In the next life, I will be a bull and a horse. Repay my lord."

Jia Ke looked at Master Wang's pitiful appearance below, without a trace of pity in his heart.He said to him coldly: "Military law is ruthless. Although you are an official in the same dynasty as me, I can't bend the law for personal gain. If you want to blame, you shouldn't have violated military regulations and left the castle privately. Now I can't save you."

Then Jia Ke ordered: "Come here."

Zheng Kai immediately led several people to kneel down in front of Jia Ke, and replied loudly in unison: "I don't know what your lord has ordered."

Jia Ke looked at them and said, "Wang Wan violated the military regulations and should be beheaded according to the law. Now push him down and behead him to report."

Zheng Kai and the others immediately replied loudly: "I will obey your command." After speaking, they rushed forward and dragged Wang Wan to the center of the teaching field.

There was already a swordsman waiting there. Zheng Kai ordered someone to press Wang Wan's head on a big wooden stake, and the body was also held down by a big man. Although Wang Wan struggled desperately, she couldn't move an inch. Wan had been fixed, so he took up the knife and fell, chopping off Wang Wan's head to the ground with one knife.

Then Zheng Kai put Wang Wan's head on a wooden tray, and quickly walked up the reading platform with his hands in his hands.

Arriving at the reading platform, he knelt down on one knee, lifted the wooden plate high above his head, and said to Jia Ke: "My lord, here is the head of the criminal Wang Wan. Please have a look."

Jia Ke looked down, and saw a bloody human head in the wooden tray, with eyes open with death.Jia Ke only felt sick for a while, but she still had to pretend to be calm, without showing a trace of expression on her face.He said indifferently to Zheng Kai: "Hang Wang Wan's head on a high pole to show the public. It will serve as an example to others, and let the whole thousand households remember not to do it again, otherwise Wang Wan will be their role model."

Zheng Kai replied loudly: "I would like to obey your lord's order." After saying that, he went down.

Jia Ke went on to say: "According to the military regulations, all Wang Wan's family members will be reduced to official slaves. Serve before the army."

This treatment shocked the soldiers below. They never expected that the seemingly thick-eyed Lord Qianhu would act so hotly. Since then, everyone has been careful and strictly abides by military regulations. He no longer dared to disobey Jia Ke's orders.And the twenty hundred households also completely surrendered to Jia Ke.

From then on, Jia Ke took full control of Kaiping Guard and became the absolute authority in Kaiping Guard.

In fact, Jia Ke was assigned to Kaipingwei at this time, and the timing was just right.Kaiping Weizhong Zhengyin Qianhu was assassinated, and the two deputy Qianhus were greedy for life and afraid of death, so they were transferred away one after another.The biggest one in the army is nothing more than a master bookkeeper, so he was given the opportunity to fully control Kaipingwei. In the future, even if he came to deputy Qianhu, he could only obey orders and had no chance to resist.

Then Jia Ke ordered again: "Today's review is here, and each of the hundred households returns to the camp in order. There must be no rules."

After speaking, he stood on the stage and watched the hundreds of households leave the teaching field one by one.It wasn't until the last hundred households left that he stepped down, got on his horse and went back to the mansion.

Jia Ke returned to the Qianhu Mansion and began to deal with the aftermath of the matter. He beheaded the army chief in public and had to give an explanation to the Shangguan.

Jia Ke wrote a letter to Xuanfu Town Jiedu envoy Wang Tao in the study.The letter stated that Wang Wan, as the chief bookkeeper in the army, withheld military pay, corrupted the law, and left Kaipingwei without approval. He was suspected of being a spy.For the sake of rectifying military law and establishing military discipline, he was executed on the spot.At the same time, Wang Wan embezzled money, a total of 2 taels of silver, and sent it to the Jiedu Envoy, please consider it.And also said in the letter that Kaipingwei is still short of two deputy thousand households and the master book.My lord, please replenish the manpower quickly.

Then he wrapped the envelope and sealed it with wax.Get someone to call Liu Yu here.

Not long after, Liu Yu came to the study, saluted Jia Ke and said, "I don't know if the master asked me to come and ask for something."

Jia Ke handed the letter to Liu Yu and said, "Take this letter and go to the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion in Xuanfu Town, and hand this letter to Mr. Jiedu Envoy Wang in person, and at the same time go to the warehouse to withdraw 2 taels of silver, Send it to the Jiedushi's residence."

Liu Yu took the letter respectfully and was about to leave.

Jia Ke sensed that something was wrong and called him back again.After thinking about it, he said: "Take another twenty of your own soldiers, fully armed. Escort these silver, don't be careless on the way, go early and return early."

Liu Yu bowed again and said to Jia Ke: "I will be careful, and I will not disappoint you."

Jia Ke nodded and let him go with confidence.

For the next few days, Kaipingwei had nothing serious to do.Jia Ke has been thinking in the room about training the Macedonian phalanx for the troops.Although the Macedonian phalanx is relatively simple to train, it requires stronger discipline, which is exactly what Kaipingwei lacks.

After much deliberation, Jia Ke decided to promote it in the whole army, based on her experience when training the soldiers in Xiacao Village.This will strengthen the discipline and obedience of the army, and the most important thing is to stamp his brand of Jia Ke.He can completely control this army.

This matter should not be rushed. In two days, all the hundreds of households will be called together and a meeting will be held.In determining this matter.As for the manpower of the training army, let the personal soldiers go down and train 50 people each, just like he trained the personal soldiers back then.

But before that, we still have to wait for the letter from Jiedu envoy Wang Tao to see how Wang Wan will deal with this matter in the end.

Not to mention that Jia Ke is here thinking about what to do next.But on this day, Jiedu envoy Wang Tao was handling official business in the mansion, and suddenly heard a report from his servants, saying that it was Jia Ke, a thousand households of Kaipingwei, who sent someone to deliver a letter.

Wang Tao was very surprised to hear this. The small thousand households in Kaipingwei have been there for less than a month. If there is something to write to him in person, it may be because of an urgent military situation.So he didn't dare to neglect, and asked people to bring the messenger.

Wang Tao met Liu Yu in the lobby in Jiedu. After seeing Liu Yu, he found that his face was calm, and he didn't seem to be vigilant about the military situation.I felt a little displeased, even though it was said that Kaipingwei was under the direct control of his Jiedu Mansion, but he couldn't report all the big and small things to him.

But now that the man has come, he still has to see him. After all, his master, Jia Ke, is also a dignitary in Beijing, so he can't be too offended.

Seeing Jiedu Envoy Wang Tao, Liu Yu immediately knelt down on one knee, held Jia Ke's letter high above his head, and said to Wang Tao: "I was ordered by my lord to deliver the letter to Jiedu Envoy. There is also a batch of goods An adult is required to sign for it."

Wang Tao felt a little strange, could it be that Jia Ke gave him a gift, said that he took the letter, and opened it to watch on the spot.

After reading Jia Ke's letter, he was shocked.I didn't expect this little doll to have such courage.As soon as he went to Kaipingwei, he killed the chief book to establish his military prestige.It looked like he had completely controlled Kaipingwei, and it seemed that he had underestimated him at the time.

Then I looked down and found that he had sent himself 2 taels of silver.He nodded involuntarily, it seems that this little guy still knows etiquette very well, and the children of other aristocratic families came to practice, and his eyes can grow on his head.He doesn't pay attention to people at all, and he, the Jiedushi, has also been looked down upon by them.Not to mention giving gifts, it would be nice if he didn't spend money.

But Jia Ke is completely opposite to them. Not only does he know the etiquette, but he is very respectful to him as a military envoy. Count him in.

(End of this chapter)

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