The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 73 Military Discussion

Chapter 73 Military Discussion
At the end of Jia Ke's letter, he also mentioned that Kaipingwei still lacks two deputy thousand households, as well as the newly missing master book.He took a closer look, and it was all trivial things.

In fact, Jia Ke thought that beheading the master was the biggest thing, but in the eyes of Jiedushi Wang Tao, it was just a trivial matter.Instead, it was Jia Ke who gave him 2 taels of silver. He thought it was a big deal. This was Jia Ke's approach to him, and he would completely obey his orders in the future.That being the case, he will treat Jia Ke as his own for the time being. As for what will happen in the future, it will depend on his future performance.

After Wang Tao read the letter from beginning to end, his face was as expressionless as before, and then a smile appeared on his face.Liu Yu secretly saw clearly from below. After Wang Tao read the letter, he raised his head and said to Liu Yuwen, "You have worked hard all the way, go down to hand over the goods first, and then let the housekeeper arrange for you to rest overnight. You will take me tomorrow." Go and talk to your master. As for other things, they are all trivial, so he doesn’t have to worry. With me in Xuanfu Town, he can’t suffer.”

When Liu Yu heard that Jiedu Envoy Wang Tao had answered, he went down to rest in peace.

After Liu Yu left, Wang Tao went back to his study and immediately wrote a letter to Jia Ke.The letter basically said: Regarding Wang Wan's matter, let him not worry about it. Since Wang Wan violated the military order, he was beheaded.He also said that the goods he sent had been received, and he would be stationed at Kaiping Guard with peace of mind. If he had a chance in the future, he would not forget him when he made military achievements.Then he said that for the shortage of two deputy thousand households and chief bookkeeper, let him choose among Kaipingwei, and it will be fine when the time comes.

After Wang Tao finished writing the letter, he put it in an envelope and sealed it with wax.Give it to the steward, and ask him to hand it over to the person who delivered the letter to Jia Ke.Arrange a banquet for them tonight and let them go back tomorrow.

Liu Yu got Wang Tao's reply in the evening, and the next day, he brought his own soldiers and rushed back without stopping.When you go, you should escort the silver taels, and you can't walk too fast.When I went back, I was light and simple, and it took only three or four days to return to Kaipingwei.

As soon as he returned to Kaipingwei, Liu Yu immediately went back to Qianhu Mansion and returned to Jia Ke.

At this time, Jia Ke was also anxiously waiting for Liu Yu's reply.As soon as he heard that Liu Yu was back, he immediately asked him to go to the study to answer.

Liu Yu got Jia Ke's reply, and immediately went to the study to meet him, and as soon as Liu Yu entered the study, he saw Jia Ke was already sitting behind the desk waiting for him.

Seeing him coming in, Jia Ke didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly, "Did the Jiedu envoy take the taels of silver? Did you answer?"

Liu Yu immediately replied to Jia Ke and said: "Master Jiedushi has already received the silver taels, and Master Jiedushi asked me to reply to the uncle. What the uncle said in the letter is only a trivial matter, so don't worry about it. And there is a reply letter, then I will reply to you." Bring it back and show it to the uncle." As he spoke, he took out the reply letter and presented it to Jia Ke with both hands.

Jia Ke took the letter and opened it to read it. After reading the new contents, he breathed a sigh of relief.He beheaded the master book this time, although it was reasonable and compliant.But he still kept his tongue, now that the Jiedushi said that there was nothing wrong, then it was really nothing wrong.Later, he also said that letting him choose the deputy thousand households himself would be more conducive to his control over Kaipingwei.

As for the candidate for the master book, he hasn't decided yet. After all, he has only been in Kaipingwei for a short time, especially the few literati he knows.

It seems that during this period of time, he still manages the money and rations in the army in person, and asks the few clerks left to help him. He should familiarize himself with it for a while, and see if there are any suitable people under his command?If there is a suitable person, he will be promoted directly.

Now that all the troubles have been settled, it's time to start training the army.

Early the next morning, Jia Ke finished practicing martial arts.So he ordered his soldiers to pass an order, and all the hundred households waited in the lobby of Qianhu Mansion, when he had something important to discuss.

All the hundreds of households heard that it was Jia Ke who delivered the order, so they dared not delay for a moment.At two quarters of the hour (about eight o'clock in the morning), I arrived at the lobby of Qianhu Mansion.

Jia Ke heard that all the hundreds of households had arrived, so she went to the lobby to meet with all the hundreds of households.

As soon as Jia Ke entered the hall, all the hundreds of households bowed together and said in unison, "Welcome Lord Qianhu."

Jia Ke was very satisfied with this situation. Throughout the ages, any leader would not want his subordinates to be respectful and polite to him.Jia Ke felt that if she cared for her heart, she would never be negligent when facing her boss in the future. She would rather give a lot of courtesy than let people say that the courtesy is not good enough.

Jia Ke was sitting in the middle of the lobby while thinking, and these hundreds of households stood in line on both sides.

Jia Ke sat on it, looked at the hundreds of households below, and said, "I invite you here this time, because I have a few things to discuss with you."

The hundreds of households below replied one after another: "For the matter of Kaipingwei, the adults are in charge, and we will definitely follow orders."

Jia Ke nodded and said, "Although that's the case, I still want to tell everyone." After Jia Ke said this, he looked down, and saw that all these hundreds of households held their breath and listened carefully to his speech.

Then he went on to say: "What I want to talk about today is mainly two things. The first thing is that there is a big problem with the formation of our current army. I decided to rehearse a formation. At the same time, the formation of our Kaipingwei Although the sergeants are all elites, they are still lacking in discipline and obedience. I decided to retrain them. The instructors for the training will all be members of my personal army. Do you have What's your opinion? Can you tell me more."

Baihu standing below, you look at me, I look at you.In the end, an older Jinbaihu was introduced to speak out.

The golden hundred household said to Jia Ke in embarrassment: "I don't know if my lord will send his own soldiers to each hundred households for a long time, or for a short time?"

Jia Ke has long seen their small thoughts, and said to them: "It is both long-term and temporary. I say temporary because they will return to me after the training is over. Long-term Well, it’s because if a hundred households repeat themselves after the training, they still have to go back to retrain. So whether they are temporary or long-term depends on whether you, the hundred households, can restrain the team?”

When all the hundreds of households heard that this was the case and that they were not trying to seize their military power, they all felt relieved.Some hundred households immediately expressed their opinion to Jia Ke: "My lord, just send someone to my hundred households, those little bastards under my command. It's time to train them. They are not in good shape all day long."

Seeing that everyone agreed on this matter, Jia Ke made a final decision and said, "In that case, I will send people down in a few days. Each hundred households will send two people to train fifty soldiers each. For a month, you hundreds of households must also follow the training together. You must eat, live with them, and train with them. You can’t do anything special.”

All the hundreds of households were still a little embarrassed to listen to his final request, after all, they were officials no matter what they said.Training with those big soldiers is really a bit out of air.But seeing that Jia Ke had made a decision, it seemed that he would not change the order.I didn't dare to object, thinking that it would only be a month anyway, and it would pass after I endured it.But they didn't expect that this month was a complete change for them. These people have become Jia Ke's loyalists since then.

(End of this chapter)

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