The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 74 Military Discussion 2

Chapter 74 Military Discussion 2
Hearing that they had agreed, Jia Ke nodded in satisfaction, and said to them, "Don't think that I am making it difficult for you. I am doing this to teach you how to fight in the future. Our current formation is relatively loose, and we are dealing with cavalry. When you are attacked, you are often dismissed as soon as you are rushed. What I want to tell you later is the tactics of dealing with cavalry. If you don’t go and learn with the soldiers, how will you command them to fight in the future? So everyone insists on it for a month. I know how powerful this formation is."

Jia Ke explained a few words to them, and then said to them: "Now I will tell you the second thing. This second thing is a very good thing for everyone here."

The next day was a good day, and they all became puzzled. They were all the lowest-ranking officers in the army, and what good things could happen to them.

Seeing their disbelief, Jia Ke smiled and said to them, "I have already reported to Lord Jiedushi about the vacancies of two deputy thousand households, and Lord Jiedushi Wang wrote back and said, let me go to Kaipingwei by myself. selected, and then report to him.”

The hundreds of households below were all excited when they heard Jia Ke's words. Before this kind of thing happened, they were all directly appointed by the superiors, if they hadn't bribed and sent a lot of money to the superiors.It is impossible for such a good thing to get their turn.Hearing what Jia Ke said now, I am afraid that two deputy thousand households will be selected from among them.How does this not excite them?
Jia Ke looked excitedly at the people below.I also understand them very well. Now most of them are small soldiers, fighting on the battlefield step by step to become hundreds of households.If there is no one above, this hundred households is probably their highest position.Now it is possible to take a step forward and become deputy thousand households. For them, it is the most important opportunity in their life.

Jia Ke coughed on the top, suppressing their discussion, and then said: "It is said that they were selected from our Kaipingwei, and there are twenty people present. I am new here, and I am not very clear about everyone's abilities. I have already trained for the next month, which is the key. Which one of the hundred households has trained well? The chief of the one hundred households will be promoted to deputy thousand households. Everyone puts their skills on the front, don't call me Jia Ke when the time comes, and bend the law for personal gain What do you guys think?"

After hearing what he said, the hundreds of households in the underground had already geared up and were ready to show their talents.So as to seize the post of deputy thousand households.Where is there any objection now?Together they reported to Jia Ke: "Your Excellency is wise, there is nothing to say about lowly ranks."

Seeing that they agreed happily, Jia Ke had nothing to say, but said to them: "When you go back today, prepare your luggage and clothes, and move to the barracks tomorrow. I will send people to every household in the morning the day after tomorrow. Go, you have to know that this is not only related to your future. It is also the life of our Kaipingwei, all the soldiers. Sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in war. We must remember this sentence in our bones."

After saying these words, Jia Ke let them go.

Don't talk about others, just say that Huang Baihu's name is Huang Baifeng, he is almost 40 years old, and he has served in the army for more than 20 years.I thought that either he would die in battle, or he would be discharged from the army and return to his hometown in a few years, and with the few silver he saved, he would buy [-] to [-] acres of land.Be a farmer at home.

But I didn't expect that today, Lord Qianhu would choose the deputy Qianhu from all the hundreds of households.This is something that has never happened before, and based on this, his old Huang is convinced of this young adult Qianhu.He thought about his age, if he didn't give it a try, he would never have another chance.So for this selection, he is bound to win.

As soon as Huang Baifeng returned home, he saw his wife was chatting with some familiar wives at home.What I'm talking about is some gossip about Kaiping Weizhong.If he had followed his temper, he would have let them go, but today was different, his heart seemed to be on fire, and he was full of energy.I can't wait to move to the barracks right away. If you don't have much affection, you can see what you can do.

Now seeing my mother-in-law, who is so ignorant, I will talk to them when I come back, and said to them angrily: "Stop talking, hurry up and prepare clothes for me. Starting tonight, I will be in the military camp Stopped."

Huang Baifeng's family, saw that her husband's tone was wrong when he came back today.I didn't dare to be negligent and hurriedly sent all the wives away, apologizing one by one, saying that my old man took choking medicine today, so I'm sorry for everyone.

I sent Huang Baifeng's house away, and when I came back.Seeing his man rummaging through the cabinet in the house, he went up and said to him angrily: "I took choking medicine today, why are you talking to all the ladies like that?"

Huang Bofeng didn't talk to her, but said to her in a hurry: "Hurry up and prepare some changes of clothes for me, and pack them into a package, I will use them right away."

Huang Bofeng's family was taken aback. Every time he marched and fought, she would pack his bags. She was completely used to it. This time, after hearing Huang Bofeng's words, he asked her to pack some bags. He thought he was going to fight again. He became silent and stopped complaining, but silently prepared his luggage with tears in his eyes.

Seeing his wife taking over, Huang Bofeng sat on a stool beside him and thought about things.Thinking about this opportunity, you can't miss it anyway.That might be the last fight of his life.

Huang Baifeng's family finished packing the clothes and put the package beside him.Sitting silently opposite him.Red eyes asked: "How long will you be going this time?"

Huang Baifeng replied: "It will take at least a month. You can take care of the house."

At this time, Huang Baifeng's family couldn't bear it any longer, tears burst out of their eyes involuntarily, and he asked with crying in his voice: "Is it okay to go this time?"

Huang Baifeng's thoughts were all on the training that will start tomorrow, and he didn't notice his wife's abnormality at all.He said impatiently: "It doesn't matter what you do, won't you be back in a month?"

Huang Bofeng's family thought it was very dangerous this time, so the head of the family didn't tell her, and couldn't help crying anymore, sobbing, he said to Huang Bofeng: "Let's quit the job, let's go back to our hometown to farm. Anyway, our two sons are already farming in their hometown, and they dare not disrespect us when we go back."

After hearing her words, Huang Baifeng realized that he had misunderstood that he was going to send troops to fight.Looking back at her, he said, "Osmanthus, you misunderstood, this time we are not going to fight, Lord Qianhu asked us to train with the soldiers together."

Huang Baifeng's family heard her husband's words, and said half-believingly: "Since it's training and we need to prepare clothes, the home is only a few steps away from the teaching ground."

Huang Baifeng explained to her in detail: "This time is different. Master Qianhu asked us to train with the soldiers. What new formations do we need to practice?"

The dissatisfaction of Huang Baifeng's family said: "Can't this official be a little less troublesome? Every time he changes, he has to make a lot of trouble. It's not easy to let people pass."

Just after she finished speaking, she was startled by Huang Bofeng's row of tables. She looked up and saw that the head of his family was staring at her with eyes as big as copper bells. She was so frightened that she immediately shut up. .

Huang Baifeng yelled at his wife: "From now on, if I hear you say it again, Lord Qianhu is not the only one. See if I don't break your leg."

After Huang Bofeng yelled at his wife, seeing her wronged, he wanted to cry again.He also thought about his wife sharing joys and sorrows with him all these years, and being in love with each other.My heart couldn't help but soften.

Huang Baifeng said to her softly: "Osmanthus, don't blame me for yelling at you. It's Mr. Qianhu, he's really a good official. It's my greatest honor to meet Mr. Qianhu in my life. Sit down Listen, let me tell you the truth in my heart over the years."

(End of this chapter)

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