Chapter 75 Competition
Huang Baifeng raised his head and looked at the ceiling of the room, and slowly said: "I have been a soldier for so many years, starting as a small soldier, how many battles have I gone through, how many officers have I met? Which officer did not promote cronies and appoint wealthy families? I After working so hard for so many years, his body was full of injuries, and he was only in the position of a hundred households. He thought that this was the end anyway, and he would only be in the same place for a day. Unexpectedly, when the end came, he met Jia Qianhu. "

Huang Baifeng was silent for a while, and then continued with emotion: "It's a pity that many old friends have not survived until now, and have not met such a good official as Jia Qianhu. The veterans who came out. From among us, the two deputy Qianhu of Kaipingwei will be selected. I think I will risk my life this time, and I will fight hard. Whether it succeeds or not, I am worthy of myself, worthy of you and the children I'm sorry Mrs. Jia Qianhu. If it works, I will be the deputy Qianhu of Kaiping Weizhong, and we will move to the two houses next to Qianhu's mansion. Then we will take our son. If it doesn't work, I will Go back to my hometown to farm. Anyway, our family is reunited."

When Huang Bofeng's family heard what Huang Bofeng said, they couldn't help feeling filled with emotion.Thinking about these years has made me nervous every day.But there is no chance of promotion at all.He was also reluctant to part with this hundred-household official, who was at least a seventh rank, and was on the same level as the county magistrate in his hometown, but he kept a little hope in his heart, and slowly endured.I didn't expect to finally see hope now, and this hope is so great.

Huang Bofeng's family came back to their senses and said to Huang Bofeng: "Master, you are right, this time we have to fight no matter what. Don't look at your age, but which one of the hundreds of households in Kaipingwei? You have rich experience. Head of the family, you go today. I will never hold you back at home."

Huang Baifeng nodded in satisfaction, picked up the package next to the table, and walked out the door.

When he walked to the door, he heard his mother-in-law shouting: "Master, you must hold on, and you must never let them compete."

Huang Baifeng didn't look back, but just nodded.It doesn't matter whether his mother-in-law saw it or not.I went out.

Things like Huang Baifeng's family happened a lot in Kaipingwei, and every one hundred households breathed a sigh of relief.Be sure to come out on top in this workout.

The next day, Jia Ke had someone call Liu Yu and asked him to choose forty people from the personal army.

In less than 10 minutes, Liu Yu came in to report.The forty people selected were already waiting outside the hall, and Jia Ke just gave them any orders.

Jia Ke heard that the gathering had been completed, so she walked out of the hall without saying a word.When they arrived outside the hall, the forty personal soldiers lined up neatly and stood straight outside the hall.

Seeing this scene, Jia Ke nodded in satisfaction. He was in Caozhuang, and the three months were not in vain. These soldiers can be regarded as trained.

Jia Ke went to the front of these soldiers and said to them: "I have called you here today because I have a difficult task to entrust to you. I am not asking you to fight, but I hope you will be the kindling. Use what you learned in Xiacaozhuang. , hand it all over to the soldiers of Kaipingwei, I hope you will be a kindling when you go, and everyone will light a big fire when you come back." Pausing, Jia Ke looked at these young soldiers.Each of them was taught by Jia Ke himself. In this era, Jia Ke believes that each of them can at least be a hundred households.Now this task is their test, and if they pass, they will become qualified hundred households. Jia Ke can promote them with confidence in the future, but if they fail, they can only stay by his side as soldiers.

Jia Ke then said loudly to the young guardsmen: "Every one of you has to train fifty people like I did back then. Can you do it?"

The soldiers standing outside shouted together: "Yes."

Jia Ke nodded, and then said to Liu Yu, "Go and order all the hundred households to meet me in the lobby." Knowing Jia Ke's order, Liu Yu immediately went to deliver the order.

But Jia Ke didn't let the bodyguards disband, but let them stand in the open space outside the hall.Let those hundreds of households see what a real elite is.Killing a few people is not the elite, but the ability to recruit, come to fight, and fight to win is the real elite.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the hundreds of households came one by one. Every hundred households who came to the hall saw forty soldiers standing solemnly at the door, and couldn't help but feel dizzy. Personally, these are clearly forty tigers.

Every hundred households had already guessed that these people were going to train themselves, everyone felt chills in their hearts, and felt that this training would not be easy.

But not all hundreds of households have such an idea.Among them, Huang Baifeng felt envious when he saw the appearance of these soldiers.I can't wait to be like them and become one of them, thinking in my heart that this is the real soldier. Speaking of their Kaipingwei soldiers, they are considered elite in the entire Xuanfu Town.But compared with the soldiers standing outside, they are simply a mob.

Huang Baifeng decided in his heart that he must learn the same as them this time.Thinking of this, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

There is another person who has the same thoughts as Huang Bofeng, he is Feng Mo of the cavalry team Baihu, he is a bit different from Huang Bofeng, but his experience is somewhat similar to Jia Ke.

He is the second son of a small family. He knew that he could not inherit the family business, and his knowledge was hopeless in the imperial examination, so he came to join the army. The owner of the family did not treat him badly, and bought him a hundred households. The starting point is still very high of.But he has a weakness, that is, he is not good at talking, either he keeps silent, or he offends his boss when he speaks.

Therefore, although they have been born and died all these years, they can be regarded as some military exploits, but they have not been promoted.This time, he was extremely dissatisfied with Jia Ke. Even if Jia Ke disposed of the master, he also thought it was a conspiracy and was not upright enough.

But ever since Jia Ke proposed that among the hundred households in Kaiping Guard, he should be able to select the Deputy Qianhu Officer, he has always admired this new Qianhu.But when he saw Jia Ke's personal soldiers just now, he was even more startled and dumbfounded.He had inquired yesterday that these soldiers were trained by Jia Ke himself.Originally thought that even if the personal soldiers were elite, they would not be much better than the soldiers in the fort.Only after seeing this did he realize that he was a frog at the bottom of a well, and what he admired for Jia Ke was his five-body cast.I thought to myself that such an officer might be hard to find in the world.It's better to sell your life to him and fight for it, maybe you can return to your hometown in the future.

Feng Mo just looked away and was about to walk to the hall.Feeling someone staring at him, he raised his head and saw that it was Huang Baifeng.He has always looked down on this person, he is just a useless person waiting to die, but the Huang Baifeng he saw at this time is completely different from usual.

I saw that he was full of energy, his eyes were shining, and his waist was straight, as if he was two people from before.And the gaze she was looking at him was no longer dodging like before. The gaze she was looking at him now was completely looking at a competitor.

Feng Mo didn't know how Huang Baifeng became like this, but he was not afraid of competition. Among so many hundreds of households, he thought he was the strongest.Only people like him can help Lord Qianhu make contributions.

Feng Mo ignored Huang Baifeng's gaze and went straight into the hall.And Huang Bofeng looked at Feng Mo's back, he knew that Feng Mo was his opponent this time, and it would be best if I could choose both of them.Then I'm afraid there will be an accident.So he can't relax, if he wants to be the strongest, he must be the strongest, only in this way is the safest.

(End of this chapter)

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