Chapter 76
Hundreds of households came to the Hall of Thousands of Households and stood on the hatchback waiting for Jia Ke's arrival.The entire hall was silent, and they were all shocked by the soldiers outside the hall.

Not long after, Jia Ke came to the hall and sat on the main seat. Hundreds of households came forward to pay respects, but Jia Ke asked them to excuse them. The hundreds of households stood on both sides again, waiting for Jia Ke to speak.There can be no mistakes in such a process, which is the embodiment of the rank in the military.

Jia Ke sat on the top and said to the hundreds of household officials: "You have seen it, and your goal in the future is to achieve their appearance."

Jia Ke paused to let them digest, and then said: "From now on, you are no longer Baihu, but ordinary soldiers. After a while, each of you will lead two people back, and then send your respective Baihu Divided into two parts, trained by my personal soldiers. You must also participate in the training. If you pass the training, you are still Baihu. If you fail the training, I will not withdraw you. But you can’t continue to be Baihu, you can only follow The team trains together, when will it be done? When will you continue to be a hundred households."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, he looked at them again, and then asked: "Do you have any questions? If not, start leading people now. After you go back, you will start training immediately. I will see your questions in a month." Results. This month is just training you in basic obedience and discipline. After this month, you will be taught the real formation. If there is nothing to ask, then start now, without me calling names, yourselves Go one by one."

As soon as Jia Ke finished speaking, a young man in his 20s walked out from below.Jia Ke remembered that his name was Feng Mo, but she had never spoken to him, nor had he ever spoken to anyone else.Jia Ke was very confused about this guy, how did he get into the position of Baihu?

I saw Feng Mo strode out of the hall and looked at the forty soldiers, who were all alike, standing there upright.After such a long time without the slightest wavering, he didn't know how to choose for a while, so he could only choose the two closest ones.

The three of them returned to the hall together, and Feng Mo knelt down on one knee and said, "The humble job has been chosen." Then there was no other words.

Jia Ke looked at him and thought this guy was very interesting.Then he said to him: "Since you have already chosen, you can go back."

Feng Mo bowed and saluted, and left without saying anything else.

Next was Huang Baifeng, who also led two people away.Take this one by one and all the hundreds of households lead people away.

Watching them leave one by one, I am looking forward to how many surprises they can bring to me in a month's time.

In the following days, Jia Ke patrolled the teaching ground every day, guiding the training of each hundred households.Because of the experience of training in Xiacaozhuang, the team training progressed very quickly.At the beginning, the formation of each hundred households was crooked, but as time went by, the team became more and more orderly, with better discipline and higher obedience.

In the barracks dormitory, the team's internal affairs are not as messy as before.Now the quilt is made of tofu cubes, the washbasins are neatly arranged in the corner, and everyone's clothes are neatly stacked aside.

And after a month, Kaiping Guards soldiers walked, walked, sat, and lay almost the same as the personal soldiers.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, no one would believe that these soldiers are an army like a month ago.

The most prominent among them is Feng Mo's hundred households. If they only look at the formation, queue, and internal affairs of their lives.It is completely indistinguishable from the personal army.

The second one is Huang Bofeng's Baihu team. Huang Baifeng worked hard. When others train, they are training. When others rest, their Baihu is still training.With this spirit, Baihu, who used to be at the bottom of Kaipingwei, was trained into an elite force that is no less energetic than Feng Mo Baihu.

As for the remaining hundred households, although they are not as good as the two of them, they have already achieved their intended purpose.

Next, Jia Ke did not announce the candidates for the two deputy thousand households, but called all the hundred households together.

Start to give them lessons, teach them the advantages and disadvantages of the Macedonian phalanx, and let them discuss with each other, how to make use of the advantages and avoid the exposure of the shortcomings.How to attack, how to defend, and how to retreat when encountering the steppe Tatars.

After studying kung fu for about ten days in this way, he sent these hundreds of households back again.All the infantry went to practice the Macedonian phalanx.And the cavalry team practiced how to cover the flanks and rear of the Macedonian phalanx.

In the end, Jia Ke divided Kaipingwei's infantry into four small Macedonian phalanxes, each with 250 men.Each infantry holds a [-]-[-] meter long spear, and they line up in sixteen vertical and horizontal rows of infantry squares to face the enemy with their guns, and each row holds their guns at different angles.

250 six soldiers form [-] vertical and horizontal platoons, which are characterized by convenient training, and the recruits added to them can quickly recover their combat effectiveness after being merged with several missing infantry phalanxes.Several or even dozens of phalanxes form a large formation with hundreds to thousands of people horizontally, which can also operate effectively.Another thing is that it is easy to turn, and can quickly change formation when the enemy turns to attack from the flank.In this way, no matter which direction the enemy attacks from, it always seems to be facing the front of the Macedonian phalanx.

The cavalry is arranged at the rear of the Macedonian phalanx, which not only protects the rear of the Macedonian phalanx, but also allows you to attack from the two wings when the enemy retreats.Chase the enemy.You can also kill from the side and rear when the enemy is attacking the front and flanks of the Macedonian phalanx at the same time, which not only protects the flanks of the Macedonian phalanx, but also ensures effective killing.

The remaining 370 six people, 300 of them became archers, mainly using bows and arrows to kill the enemy before the enemy attacked. Shoot in rows to ensure the shooting density and duration.When the enemy reaches the front and is about to enter melee combat, withdraw from the two wings to the rear of the Macedonian square, and then continue to shoot forward to relieve the pressure on the Macedonian phalanx while continuing to kill the enemy.

The remaining 76 people were divided into four teams, with 19 people in each team, and they were distributed to the four Macedonian phalanxes as the backup of the four Macedonian phalanxes. Once someone in the Macedonian square was lost, the reserve personnel would immediately make up for it.To ensure the integrity of the Macedonian phalanx and the continuity of operations.

In this way, the sergeants of Kaipingwei are basically divided into three sides when the enemy is fighting in the field. There are 19 crossbowmen in the front, four Macedonian phalanxes in the middle, and a reserve team of 300 people behind the Macedonian phalanx. It is under the unified command of Fangzi Macedonian.On the back of the Macedonian phalanx are two cavalry units of [-] each.

As long as the training is completed, Kaiping will defend Jia Ke's troops.It is completely possible to confront the prairie cavalry several times larger than oneself.

The next step is formation training, which will last about a month.In the middle, Jia Ke also fulfilled his promise. From the twenty hundred households in Kaipingwei, Feng Mo and Huang Baifeng, who performed the best, were selected as the deputy thousand households of Kaipingwei. Commanding two Macedonian phalanxes, of course it is not called the Macedonian phalanx now, this formation was shamelessly named by Jia Ke - now it is called Jia Ke's phalanx.

(End of this chapter)

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