Chapter 77
In the following time, Kaipingwei began a large-scale military training in full swing.Due to the basic formation training in the early stage, the practice of the phalanx was much faster than expected.The soldiers quickly entered the state, advancing and retreating in unison.Running and chasing, the formation is not chaotic.

After more than a month, Kaipingwei's training has basically been completed.Jia Ke decided to conduct a simulated exercise to see how the three parts of the Kaiping Guard, the archers, the phalanx, and the cavalry cooperate in actual combat, so as to see whether the current phalanx can achieve the expected goal in actual combat.

As soon as Jia Ke had this idea, he decided to implement it immediately, because time waits for no one. According to the practice of previous years, after a while, the Tatars will take advantage of the opportunity to invade the south, and Kaipingwei will be the first to bear the brunt .So now we must seize all the time to form combat effectiveness, and even improve combat effectiveness.

Because there are two deputy thousand households, Kaipingwei now does not need to recruit all the hundred households as before to discuss matters.The general situation now is that Jia Ke recruits two deputy Qianhu, and the three of them discuss.Once a consensus is formed, it is executed wide open and flat back.

That afternoon, Jia Ke summoned Feng Mo and Huang Baifeng to Qianhu Mansion, and the three of them discussed the price exercise proposal in Jia Ke's study.

In fact, it can't be called a discussion, but Jia Ge proposed to conduct the exercise three days later, Feng Mo and Huang Baifeng unconditionally supported it, and the meeting was over.

This situation happened entirely because Feng Mo and Huang Bofeng had regarded themselves as Jia Ke's hard-core confidantes, and they now unconditionally carried out what Jia Ke said.

Now that the meeting has made a decision, the team quickly started to exercise.Three days later, Kaipingwei faced the northern grasslands, and Kaipingwei conducted the first ever exercise.

The exercise was directed by Jia Ke, with Feng Mo and Kaiping Wei respectively commanding two Macedonian phalanxes as the backbone.

At the beginning, the archer phalanx kept shooting at the imaginary enemy ahead, while the cavalry team imitated the steppe cavalry. From the beginning of shooting to the final approach to the archers, they could shoot fifteen rounds in total.After being able to win [-] arrows, the archers moved to the rear of the Macedonian phalanx, and the cavalry team was officially facing densely packed spears.If you can't advance, you can't retreat. In the end, the loss is very heavy.Almost wiped out.

In this exercise, the powerful power of the Macedonian phalanx was fully demonstrated.Once the phalanx was set up, the cavalry could hardly move forward. Not only did they have to face the constant attack of the Macedonian phalanx with spears, but they also had to face the non-stop shooting of the archers behind the Macedonian phalanx.

But in this exercise, it also exposed a huge defect of the team, that is, all the people were not wearing armor. When facing the prairie cavalry, the prairie cavalry kept shooting bows and arrows at the Macedonian phalanx. By the time of real contact, many people in the phalanx may have fallen.If the prairie cavalry were smarter and kept walking around the Macedonian phalanx for cavalry and shooting, they would be constantly attacked by archers.But without the help of cavalry, the Macedonian phalanx would suffer heavy losses.

For this situation, Jia Ke had nothing to do, so he called the two deputy Qianhu together, and the three of them worked together to find a solution.But everything has no clue, they can't conjure armor out of thin air.

The Macedonian phalanx, without the protection of armor, still has a strong combat capability, but its own casualties will be great, and this hidden danger must be resolved.

Jia Ke sent the two deputy Qianhu away, and walked up and down in the study by himself, restless.The more irritable you are, the more helpless you are, and the more angry you are if you have no help.Suddenly he picked up the sword hanging on the wall, fidgeting at the books on the bookshelf and looking at it.

That was when he soon discovered that the sword could not stop cutting these books made of paper.You must know that Jia Ke is very powerful now. Although he didn't use all his strength, and the amount of each sword is huge, in many cases, he couldn't cut through these books made of paper.

It suddenly occurred to Jia Ke that before crossing, he had seen a piece of news in the news reports, saying that ancient China made paper armor to equip the army for combat.

I was very curious at the time, and even read the information on this aspect.

According to the data, China is the country where papermaking was invented. The ancient Chinese used paper in various ways with incredible wisdom, and making armor is one of the great inventions.

After thinking for a long time about the general manufacturing method of the paper armor, Jia Ke remembered some.Probably, paper armor is made of paper. To make paper armor, the paper is first piled up, then the wheel is hammered to make it three inches thick, and then nails are nailed at some special positions. Then these small pieces of armor are used The silk thread is connected, and finally cut into a complete armor. If this armor is soaked in water, it can not only withstand the shooting of bows and arrows, but even block firecrackers.

Although paper armor also has the disadvantage of short lifespan, paper armor is low in cost, light in weight, and easy to make, so it has become Jia Ke's current first choice.Let's be honest, there is still a certain gap in the defensive power of paper armor compared to iron armor, but at the current stage, something is better than nothing.

So Jia Ke decided to gather all the craftsmen in Kaipingwei to test and make a few pieces first to see if they could be used?If it can be used normally, it will be promoted throughout the army.

Without delay, Jia Ke wrote down the general steps of making paper armor on a piece of paper, and then took this paper to the Craftsman Camp in Kaipingwei.

The system of this dynasty was inherited from the previous dynasty. The artisan households have no freedom of life. The identity of the artisan households is inherited from father to son, and they have no other income except the salt and food and occasional rewards from the government. Therefore, life is difficult. If you don't give it, it often happens that you pawn your children.

The Craftsman’s Camp in Kaipingwei was no exception. When Jia Ke brought Liu Yu to the Craftsman’s Camp, he saw that the ground was full of sewage and the houses on both sides were all shanty towns.It is already autumn, but the craftsmen in the craftsman camp are still wearing single clothes. It seems that the exploitation and oppression of craftsmen in this era is very heavy.

The ordinary craftsmen in the craftsman's camp saw Jia Ke coming, and immediately notified the camp leader of the craftsman's camp. After a while, the camp leader of the craftsman camp ran to Jia Ke, and immediately knelt down when he saw Jia Ke. He kowtowed, and said humbly: "Lord Qianhu, if you have anything to do, just let me go over there. There is no need for your precious steps to come to us."

Jia Ke saw that he was still dressed very well, and his face was glowing red, which was very different from those ordinary craftsmen.So he said to him impatiently: "Get up, I have something to tell you when you come here. Is there a clean place here?"

The head of the camp hurriedly said to Jia Ke: "Sir, the lobby of the Carpenter's Camp is in front of you. If you have anything to do, you can tell the humble officer there."

So Yingtou led the way, and Jia Ke followed behind. They came to a fairly neat building, and Jia Ke sat on a large chair in the center of the room.Yingtou is by his side.

Jia Ke asked the head of the battalion, "Can Kaiping Guard make armor?"

The head of the battalion replied: "In our Kaipingwei, although there are some craftsmen, they can only repair all kinds of armor swords and guns. When it comes to production, one is the shortage of iron materials. The other is that the craftsmen's skills are also very flawed. It is also possible to make it by force. But firstly, it is expensive, and secondly, it takes too long to manufacture.”

Jia Ke nodded. It seems that although the head of the battalion has some corrupt behaviors, he is still quite capable. At least he did not blindly agree with the Shangguan, and his words were still very realistic.

Jia Ke took out the method of making the paper armor she wrote, and asked at the same time: "Take a look at the method I mentioned, can it be made successfully? You have to watch carefully, think carefully, and don't jump to conclusions right away."

After speaking, he handed the paper to him, and the battalion leader took the paper.Standing in the hall?Watch carefully for yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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