The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 78 Trial Production

Chapter 78 Trial Production
The craftsman Ying Yingtou stood under the hall, holding the paper Jia Ke handed over, carefully looking at the production method on it, standing below frowning for a while, concentrating for a while, thinking for a long time.

Then he raised his head and said to Jia Ke: "Master Qianhu, I have never heard of the method of making the paper armor you gave me. I have never seen it before. I just thought about it. If it is made according to the method of the adult, it should be It can make the paper armor mentioned above. But I dare not guarantee everything else.”

Jia Ke nodded when he heard what he said, and said to him: "You recruit capable personnel and make two or three sets first, and I will see the effect. If the effect is not bad, I will make a large number of them to ensure that every soldier of our Kaipingwei You can have one piece. How long will it take you to complete the trial production?"

The head of the camp bowed and said to Jia Ke: "My lord, follow the method you said, and I can make it for you in about three days."

Jia Ke then said to him: "It's still a bit slow, speed up, I want you to make it for me within two days. Now time is running out, the weather will be cold soon, and the Tatars will not wait for us by then. "

The head of the battalion knew that Jia Ke was telling the truth. Every year in autumn, when the horses were fat and the Tatars would invade in a large scale, so he thought about it again, and said firmly to Jia Ke: "If the adults are in a hurry, the younger ones will stay overnight." Make it, within two days from now, I will make it for adults."

Hearing his words, Jia Ke said happily, "Okay, I can really do it, and I will be rewarded a lot. What's your name, I will credit you for it."

When Yingtou heard that Jia Ke wanted to ask his name, he was so excited that he didn't know why, and he cupped his hands and said to Jia Ke: "My lord, the villain's name is Chen Mingxi, I will definitely live up to my lord's entrustment, and I will definitely make this fingernail for my lord. "

Jia Ke heard his promise and said to him: "From now on, you will start making this paper armor. When you finish it, you will report to me at Qianhu Mansion immediately. There should be no delay."

At the head of the camp, Chen Xi cupped his hands and said, "Never dare to delay Lord Qianhu's important affairs."

Jia Ke stood up from the stool, walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't let me down, and I won't let you down either." Then she walked out of the room.He took Liu Yu back to move his household registration.

After Jia Ke left, Chen Xi, the head of the camp, called all the most experienced masters in the craftsman camp.

These master craftsmen are all the treasures of the craftsman camp, and they have solved many problems in the craftsman camp for so many years.Among them, the master surnamed Wei is the most skilled.

This Master Wei is holding the paper given by Jia Kezi that records the method of making the paper armor.Frowning, he looked at it, and said to Chen Xi: "My lord, this paper armor is not difficult to make. But it's hard to say whether it will work or not."

And Master Zhang next to him also said: "Using paper to make armor is unheard of. I'm afraid it may not be able to achieve the effect that Lord Qianhu wants."

Chen Xi said to them: "Anyway, something is better than nothing. Now none of our soldiers are wearing armor. With this paper armor. If it can be used, how many fewer deaths will we have in Kaipingwei in a year?" ?”

A master Zhu next to him couldn't bear it anymore when he saw them still moaning, and said: "If it can be done, you can see it after making it? It's useless to be careless here. It's better to do it quickly. It really came."

When Chen Xi heard Master Zhu's words, he agreed very much, so he immediately said: "Master Zhu is right, let's start making it now, you three masters, each bring a few people to make it separately. My lord said it, There will be a lot of rewards for making it, and I don’t want the bounty this time, whoever makes it will get the reward.”

This time, the three masters became excited. Even though they are the oldest and best craftsmen in the craftsman camp, they are barely enough to make ends meet. If they can get a bonus this time, they will live for a long time in the future. Don't worry.

So the three of them stopped talking and glanced at each other with vigilant eyes.Then each of them twisted away as if nothing had happened.

Chen Xi saw the movements of the three of them clearly, and he was secretly proud that only by dividing them, these three old fellows could be used by him.Besides, the silver reward this time is nothing to him at all, as long as he can register in front of Lord Qianhu, his days of prosperity will not be far away.

At Chen Xi's request, the master craftsmen of the three craftsman camps immediately started making paper armor with their apprentices and grandchildren.

Because the information is only the piece of paper written by Jia Ke, many of the details are missing.The three master craftsmen came up with their own ideas, and their disciples and grandchildren also helped out with ideas. It only took one day to make three pieces of paper armor.

Chen Xi was pleasantly surprised when he heard their report.It was already midnight, and he couldn't disturb Master Qianhu, so early the next morning, Chen Xi asked the three old masters to bring the paper armor they made to accompany him to Qianhu Mansion and report to Jia Ke.

At this time, Jia Ke was also in the mansion, anxiously waiting for their news. When the servants at home said that Chen Xi came to return with the paper armor he had made, he immediately ordered them to come in and meet in the inner hall.

Jia Ke was waiting for them in the inner hall of Qianhu Mansion.

As soon as Chen Xi and the others walked in, Jia Ke looked past them and saw three pieces of paper armor that had been made.

The general style of these three pieces of paper armor is similar. Both the helmet and the armor on the body are connected by pieces of armor made of white paper.

Jia Ke stepped forward and looked carefully, and found that although the thickness of the paper armor did not reach three inches, it was more than two inches thick.Everything from the helmet to the armor is connected with each other by such pieces of paper.

The more Jia Ke looked at it, the more she liked it. She turned around and asked Chen Xi, "After these three nails are made, have you tested them? How about the defense?"

Chen Xi bowed and replied: "Because my lord ordered the day before yesterday that I will report to my lord immediately once I finish it. So I didn't carry out the experiment. Please forgive me, my lord."

Jia Ke waved his hand and said, "This has nothing to do with you. This is what I wanted too urgently. We were able to make it within two days, which is already beyond my expectation. If you succeed this time, you all have contributed a lot. "

Jia Ke told Liu Yu who was on the side: "Go and inform the two deputy thousand households and all the hundreds of households. Let them go to the teaching ground and let everyone take a look at these three treasures. Will it work or not?"

Liu Yu heard Jia Ke's order and immediately went out to inform all the thousands and hundreds of households.

Jia Ke asked Liu Yu to inform everyone, and then said to Chen Xi, "Let's go to the teaching ground and wait for them first." Then he walked out first, and Chen Xi and several old masters followed closely behind with three pairs of paper armor. back.

I arrived at the teaching field in time, and found that the individual Qianhu and Baihu had not arrived yet.

Jia Ke ordered the nearby soldiers to set up three dummies in the center of the teaching field, and then asked the three teachers to put paper armor on the three dummies.

While they were preparing, thousands and hundreds of households had arrived one after another.

They looked at the dummy ahead, clad in armor made of paper.With a puzzled look on his face, he thought to himself that he hadn't heard of anyone passing away recently, so he prepared the paper armor for him. (In ancient times, there were some customs in some places. If a soldier died without money to bury the iron armor with him, he would be buried with a pair of paper armor).

Among them, Huang Baifeng and Feng Mo, who were Jia Ke's deputy, came to Jia Ke's side.Respectfully asked Jia Ke: "My lord, now that no one in the castle has died, and it's not time to sacrifice, what are you doing with these paper armors?"

Jia Ke gave them a blank look, and said angrily: "Could it be that this paper armor can only be used as a sacrifice? This is the defensive armor I made for the soldiers. I just finished it today. I called you over to see See if this thing can be used as armor?"

(End of this chapter)

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