Chapter 79 Experiment
Feng Mo and Huang Baifeng, the two deputy thousand households, were completely dumbfounded when they heard what Jia Ke said.They don't know if their Master Qianhu is crazy?How could this paper armor be worn as real armor?
When the hundreds of households nearby heard what Jia Ke said, they also talked in disbelief.Although Jia Ke lived next to her, she couldn't say harsh words.But all of them expressed their opinions, saying that they were not optimistic about the defensive power of these paper armors.

When Jia Ke heard what they said, he didn't stop it, because he didn't know what to do with these newly made paper armors.Only after the experiment will we know whether it is successful or not.

At this time, the three masters had already put on the paper armor for the three dummies, and then returned to Jia Ke to report to him, "My lord, the three dummies have been put on the paper armor. The experiment is ready."

Jia Ke nodded, then turned to Feng Mo and Huang Baifeng and said, "Whoever you two try first, see if the bow and arrow can penetrate it. If it can penetrate, see at what distance it can be penetrated."

Feng Mo was young and vigorous, and took a bow from the soldier next to him without saying a word.Then walk to a place about a hundred paces away from the three dummies, aim at one of the dummies, draw a bow and set an arrow, aim once and let go, and the arrow shoots at that dummy like lightning.

Only a "bang" was heard, and the dummy was accurately shot, but the arrow that hit the dummy immediately fell to the ground.

Jia Ke and the others saw that the shot had been shot, and immediately ran over to see the situation of the paper armor.Everyone came to the dummy and carefully observed the paper armor on the dummy.

I saw that the part where the paper armor was shot had only a four to five cent deep mark, and it didn't penetrate the paper armor at all.When Jia Ke and everyone saw it, they were overjoyed.This situation describes these paper armors.The defense is still very good.

Jia Ke asked Feng Mo to shoot twenty steps forward, so Feng Mo drew the bow and set the arrow again at the next eighty steps, aiming at the dummy he just shot, and shot again. This time, it was still accurate. Hit the dummy.The arrow was firmly nailed to the paper armor, and everyone stepped forward to watch again, and found that the arrow had penetrated into the paper armor six to seven minutes deep.

Everyone backed away again, and Feng Mo shot.Feng Mo drew his bow and shot arrows continuously.The number of steps keeps decreasing, there is no penetration at [-] steps, no penetration at [-] steps, and only a little penetration at [-] steps.

This is waiting for everyone to fully believe in the defensiveness of paper armor.

Then it was time to test the defense of the remaining two sets of nails.

After testing, the paper armor made by Master Wei is still the best.At a distance of twenty steps, it was still impenetrable.It didn't penetrate the paper armor until at ten steps.

This kind of defense is by no means inferior to the general iron armor made of lesser quality.

Jia Ke called Master Wei to him, and asked him: "Master, the paper armor you make is the most exquisite. I wonder if you use some special materials, so that it is troublesome to make? What is the difficulty?"

Master Wei hurriedly bowed and replied: "Returning to Master Qianhu, the paper armor made by the villain is roughly the same as the one given by the master. The production method is the same. It's just that the small one has added cotton and linen to it. In this way, these paper armors In the nail plate, there are tendons and bones. In this way, these nail plates are stronger.”

Master Huang went on to say: "If you want to make a lot of paper armor, you have to make a lot of paper. This is not difficult. The paper you make doesn't need to be very good. It's just that there are not enough people."

Hearing what he said, Jia Ke was overjoyed. Now that he knew that the procedure was not complicated, it was just a lack of manpower. It was not that simple. Kaipingwei had thousands of young men.These soldiers can all go up if necessary.

Jia Ke called the two deputy Qianhu to his side, and immediately discussed with them: "How do you guys look at the paper armor? Can it be used?"

Feng Mo personally tested the defensive power of the nails just now, and now he is full of praise for the benefits of the paper armor.He said to Jia Ke on the spot: "My lord, if we can equip the soldiers from Kaipingwei to this kind of paper armor, and then rely on our newly practiced phalanx to deal with the Tatars on the grassland, we can at least fight the Tatars on the grassland with one enemy five .”

Huang Baifeng was also full of praise for the new paper armor.It is required to manufacture it as soon as possible, so that all soldiers of Kaipingwei can wear it as soon as possible, and strive to let every soldier have a set before the Tatars go south.

Jia Ke, the two deputy Qianhus, did not object, so he decided to make it immediately. He called Chen Xi and Master Wei to him, and asked them: "If more than 2000 soldiers of the Quankai Pingwei are given, each with a piece of paper armor?" how much time is required?"

Although Chen Xi was the head of the craftsman's camp, he still didn't know much about the new thing called paper armor, so he had to turn around and look at Master Wei.

Master Wei saw that both Jia Ke and Chen Xi were looking at him, so he lowered his head and considered carefully, then raised his head and said to them: "My lords, if the whole craftsmen and households make it together, everyone in Quankaipingwei should be equipped with a piece of equipment. It will take about two months."

When Jia Ke heard this, she felt that it was too late, and the Tatars might invade south in a month at most.How could he have two months for Master Wei.

So Jia Ke said decisively: "No, it's too slow, 20 days, I want you to make two thousand pairs of paper armor for me in 20 days."

When Master Wei heard what Jia Ke said, his face turned pale with fright.With a plop, he knelt down in front of Jia Ke, and said to Jia Ke in a weeping voice, "Master Qianhu, please spare the little one. The villain really can't finish it in 20 days."

Jia Ke knew that it was difficult for some strong people, so she stepped forward to help him, and said to him softly: "Master, I know that some strong people are difficult for you, but I can't wait, and neither can the soldiers who are fully armed. It needs to be completed. Tell me what you need, as long as it is within 20 days, let the full-time Pingwei fighters put on this paper armor. I will do it for you even if I sell everything."

Master Wei looked at the young Qianhu in front of him and felt a little moved. Compared with the previous Qianhu who only knew how to make money, this new Mr. Qianhu is like a soldier.For the sake of all the soldiers who opened the Pingwei, they all respected him, a lowly craftsman, so why would he not work hard?Don't those grown-ups all say that scholars die for their confidants?Now Mr. Jia is his confidant.

So he lowered his head again and thought about it in his heart.He raised his head again and said to Jia Ke: "My lord, if you want me to make two thousand sets of paper armor in 20 days, besides the people from the craftsman's camp, you have to give me another 20 people. With the help of [-] people, I promise to build [-] pairs of paper armor for you within [-] days."

When Jia Ke heard his words, he was overjoyed.Turning around, he said to Huang Baifeng: "Huang Qianhu, I will leave this matter to you. We will take all the infantry from Kaipingwei, and transfer a hundred cavalry from the cavalry. You take all these people, Under the command of Master Wei, we must manufacture two thousand pairs of paper armor within 20 days."

Huang Baifeng cupped his hands solemnly and said: "My lord, please don't worry. Even if I sacrifice my old life for my humble job, I will never disappoint my lord's expectations."

Jia Ke nodded, then turned to Feng Mo and said, "During this time, the infantry have been making paper armor, and our Kaiping Guard's defense is very lax. Once the Tatars attack, the consequences will be disastrous. You personally lead the entire cavalry team, All of them will be used as scout cavalry, and the scout range will be extended to 150 miles to the north and [-] miles to the south. Can it be done?"

Feng Mo didn't talk much, and when Jia Ke asked him, he didn't have anything else to say, but said one word firmly: "Yes."

Jia Ke knew it would be difficult for him, but who is not so difficult now, he has no choice but to hurry.So he patted Feng Mo on the shoulder without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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