The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 80 Grassland News

Chapter 80 Grassland News
The Quankai Pingwei had been mobilized, and everyone was engaged in intense and busy work. Under the leadership of Master Wei, the infantry began to work on their own.First, collect various plants in the wild, so that they can be used to make various papers.Although the quality of the paper is not very good, the production of paper armor does not have any requirements on the quality of the paper.

It seemed that it was time for the lads to work hard. They picked up wooden hammers and beat the thick paper non-stop.Until these papers were punched into two-inch-thick nails.These pieces of armor need thousands of pieces for each pair of paper armor, which is a lot of work.

The other people in the craftsman camp are responsible for connecting these armor pieces together with silk threads to make a pair of paper armor.

The sergeants of the cavalry continued to patrol around Kaipingwei, extending 150 miles to the north.In order to prevent the Tatars from coming to attack, since there are few cavalry, this task is very difficult. Feng Mo released all the cavalry that could be released, and even he himself led the team to investigate.

Every day, Jia Ke was not supervising the production of nails, or discussing the movements of the Tatars with Feng Mo.

In this way, 20 days passed without any danger. On this day, Jia Ke and Huang Baifeng were inspecting the paper armor you made in the craftsman camp. The production of the paper armor was much smoother than expected. The 20-day A total of more than 500 pairs of paper armor were made in total.

There are enough soldiers to fully open the flat guards, and there are some for spares.See the results of these 20 days.Jia Ke was very relieved. For the past 20 days, the boys have been almost sleepless.Finally completed this daunting task.

Jia Ke said to Huang Bofeng: "The lads are very tired now, you take them down to have a good meal, and then let them rest for a day. The day after tomorrow, we will go to the exercise on time, and everyone will put on paper armor. Let's conduct another exercise and see Effect."

Huang Bofeng replied to Jia Ke, "I will obey your lord's orders. The lads are really exhausted these two days. These thousands of pieces of nails were knocked out by groups of them. It is really time to take a rest."

Jia Ke joked to Huang Baifeng with a smile: "Huang Qianhu hasn't been home for a while, so it's time to go back and have a look. Otherwise, my sister-in-law might not let you go to bed."

After Jia Ke finished talking and laughing with Huang Baifeng, he let him take the whole team back to rest first.

And Jia Ke, you have to stay and express your condolences to Chen Xi, Master Wei and everyone in the craftsman camp.

In the most decent room in the Jianghu camp, Jia Ke received Cheng Xing and the important figures of Master Wei's Jianghu camp.

Jia Ke first praised Jiang Huying's performance in this assignment.Then decide to reward it.

Jia Ke first rewarded Master Wei. Jia Ke respectfully said to this extraordinary master: "Master Wei is the treasure of our craftsman camp. It is thanks to him that the paper armor was successfully completed this time. Both credits We have to reward, so Kaipingwei decided to reward Master Wei with 100 taels of Wenyin. And from today on, he will be the head of the Jianghu Camp."

When Master Wei heard Jia Ke's reward, he couldn't believe it. He thought it would be good if there was a reward of more than ten and twenty taels of silver.Unexpectedly, this Lord Qianhu not only rewarded him with 20 taels of silver, but also feared that he would become the head of the Qianhu's craftsman camp.This is a great kindness to him.

Master Wei knelt down on the ground tremblingly, and said to Jia Ke: "I will never forget the kindness you have shown me. From now on, you will be my reborn parents. If you have anything to say in the future, I will let you know." Absolutely no ambiguity at all.”

Jia Ke helped him up, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Master Wei, this is what you deserve. Work hard in the future, and there will be more opportunities for promotion waiting for you."

After comforting Master Wei, Jia Ke turned around and said to Chen Xi, "How is it? Are you unhappy? Not only did I not reward you for your meritorious service this time, but I wiped your head off instead."

Chen Xi said with a respectful face: "Your Excellency actually wiped out my position as the head of the battalion, and he will definitely arrange for me to do other things. Presumably I am still of some use to Your Excellency."

Jia Ke looked at him with satisfaction, and said, "Yes, you are still a little clever. From now on, you will be Kaipingwei's chief bookkeeper, responsible for all the logistics affairs of Kaipingwei. If you have anything to say, can you up to the job?"

Chen Xi asked Jia Ke to let him be the chief bookkeeper of Kaipingwei, thinking that he was dreaming, that he was just a small head of the craftsman camp, only from the eighth rank, not even an official, he could only be regarded as a small Official, now I have become the chief bookkeeper of Kaipingwei, which can be said to have ascended to heaven in one step.

In fact, the main reason why Jia Ke promoted Chen Xi to be the chief secretary of Kaipingwei was that he had been acting as the chief secretary during this period of time, and the whole Kaipingwei, large and small, was too complicated.Now there are a few officials left over to assist, but most of the things are still decided by him.He was really a little busy.

And after getting in touch with Chen Xi during this period, he found that although this person had some minor problems, he was never confused in major matters.And it is also very good at management, as for the expenses of the craftsman camp, the accounts can also be clear, and there is nothing to deduct.Still a useful person.That's why he was appointed as the chief bookkeeper of Kaipingwei.

Jia Ke said to the thankful Chen Xi: "Your task is heavy, and you will be taking office this afternoon. There is no time for a welcome and farewell now. The Tatars may come at any time, and we must make preparations as soon as possible."

Chen Xi immediately said: "My lord, I will live in the clerk's yamen today. Try to be familiar with all the work, and never let your lord hold you back."

Jia Ke said to him with satisfaction: "You are now in charge of the book, and the most important thing is to count and raise combat supplies, so as to prepare for the next invasion of the Tatars against us."

Chen Xi appraised Jia Ke twice and said: "Your Excellency, don't worry, you will never make mistakes with me."

After Jia Ke gave him instructions, he left the craftsman's camp.He had to go back to Qianhu Mansion to listen to Feng Mo's report.

When he returned to Qianhu Mansion, he found that Feng Mo, who had made an appointment, hadn't shown up, and his heart skipped a beat.If there is no important business, he will never be late.

While he was anxiously waiting for Feng Mo, he suddenly heard someone shouting outside Qianhu's mansion: "Urgent military situation, urgent military situation is unstoppable."

Hearing the shouts from outside, Jia Ke hurried out. As soon as she reached the hall, she saw a strange messenger running in in a panic, holding a command arrow in his hand, and no one dared to stop him.Let him go all the way to the hall of Qianhu Mansion.

Seeing Jia Ke, the messenger immediately knelt down on one knee, took out a cylinder from his back, handed it to Jia Ke with both hands and said, "Lord Qianhu, Jiedu envoy's urgent military orders, please have a look."

Jia Ke took the cylinder, the sealing paint on it was still there.He immediately opened the cylinder and pulled out a pair of letters from it.He immediately opened it to watch, and the above content said that the Jiedu Mansion had received news that the old Khan of the Tatars passed away this year, and the new Khan had just succeeded to the throne.The position is not yet stable, in order to consolidate authority, preparations will be made in autumn this year.Going south in a big way, on the one hand, to plunder the supplies for the winter, and on the other hand, to consolidate his own position and make the grasslands not surrender.Let Jia Ke prepare early and defend with all his strength, so that Kaipingwei cannot make any mistakes.And once you find that the Tatars have arrived, report to him immediately. He will do his best to support him, but at the same time tell him not to give much hope for the support, because this year the direction of the Tatars' attack is unknown, so all the guards will be closed. On guard, there is no support for him for the time being.

After reading the letter, Jia Ke felt a little heavy in his heart, but he still asked the messenger to arrange a rest, and let him take him back to Jiedu Mansion after he finished writing the letter.

(End of this chapter)

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