The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 81 The Enemy Arrives

Chapter 81 The Enemy Arrives
After Jia Ke asked the messenger to go down to rest, he immediately wrote back to Jiedu Shi Wang Tao, telling him that he had received the news and was preparing for the battle with all his strength, and it would never be Kaipingwei who made a mistake.

After that, the envelope was still handed over to the messenger. The messenger arrived not long ago, and immediately set off without any delay.

As soon as the messenger left, Feng Mo came back.There seemed to be blood on his body, and when he saw Jia Ke, he didn't talk nonsense, and immediately said to him, "My lord, we found traces of the Tatars a hundred miles to the north. Our spies met the Tatar cavalry."

Jia Ke frowned and asked, "Are you meeting the main force of the Tatars, or scattered rangers?"

Feng Mo replied: "It should be the main force of the Tatars. There are about four or five thousand cavalry. It should be a large tribe coming out."

Jia Ke thought for a while, then ordered him: "Put the horse hunting statue around again. See if there are any Tatars in other directions. We can still resist the four or five thousand cavalry alone."

Feng Mo still agrees with Jia Ke's judgment, this year is different from previous years.Since Jia Ke came this year, the army has not only strengthened their training, but also equipped them with paper armor.It can be said that Kaipingwei is now the elite of the elite equipped with armor.If you fight the Tatars in the field now, you will not be at a disadvantage, and you may even win the battle.

Then Jia Ke sent an order that all military officers with more than one hundred households go to the lobby of Qianhu Mansion immediately to hold an emergency meeting.

Soon all the officers arrived, standing on both sides of the Qianhu hall, and there was a lot of discussion for a while, the paper armor had just been completed, and before they had time to rest, Lord Qianhu was in such a hurry to hold a meeting.I'm afraid something big is going to happen.Everyone guessed that the Tatars had come, and they all looked sad.

Every time the Tatars invade, Kaipingwei bears the brunt. If Kaipingwei is defended, it is okay. If Kaipingwei is conquered, all the people in Kaipingwei will suffer, all men will be demoted to slaves, and all women will suffer be ruined, and all the old people will be executed.

In the past few years, Kaiping Guard has increased its troops. Although they are rarely conquered, they suffer heavy losses every time. At least [-]% of the troops are lost.And among these hundreds of households, one or two will always disappear.

While everyone was discussing, Jia Ke and Feng Mo came out from the inner hall of Qianhu Mansion.Feng Mo stood at the front on the left, and Jia Ke sat in the center of the lobby.

When everyone saw Jia Ke coming, they hurriedly bowed to Jia Ke, and Jia Ke waved his hands blankly to let them be excused.

After everyone saluted, they stood in two rows. Some people peeked at Jia Ke's face and found that Jia Ke's face was very serious.I knew that their guess was right, and the Tatars came again.

When Jia Ke saw the silence below, he said, "Just now I received a report from the Jiedu envoy that the Tatars will go south this year, ordering every pass and key point to prepare for war, in order to prevent the Tatars from attacking. And this year the Tatars The movements of the Tartars are unknown, so they have no ability to support us for the time being."

Upon hearing this, the hundreds of households in the lobby immediately began to discuss below. In the past, the Tatars invaded south every year and always chose one or two targets. Although Kaipingwei was always among these targets, Kaipingwei always got Support from other troops.If there is no support this year, and the Tatars are numerous.I'm afraid Kaipingwei will not be able to protect him.While discussing, there was a hesitation on his face.

Seeing the chaos below, Jia Ke yelled from above: "Shut up, what are you afraid of? Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover us. We are Kaipingwei, and we are not vegetarians this year."

When everyone heard Jia Ke's shout, they slowly fell silent.

Jia Ke said to Feng Mo, "Tell everyone what Tan Ma saw."

Feng Mo stepped forward and said, "This morning, a large group of Tatars was found a hundred miles to the north. There are about five or six thousand people. I am afraid that a large tribe came to attack."

After hearing Feng Mo's words, Jia Ke asked again, "Apart from this group of Tatars, are there any other Tatars around us?"

Feng Mo reported back to Jia Ke: "For the time being, we have not found any other Tatar tribes, so this one should be the only one nearby."

After Feng Mo finished speaking, Jia Ke said to the people below: "Everyone has anything to say, you can say it now. Brainstorm and come up with more ideas for future battles."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, she looked down, waiting for their opinions.But the hundreds of households below looked at each other in blank dismay, relatively speechless.

This made Jia Ke very angry. There was a mess of arguing just now, but now they are asked to speak, but one by one pretends to be dumb.

Jia Ke yelled angrily: "Say it, if you have something to say, hurry up, you were not allowed to say it just now, you talked so happily by yourself, what's the matter now, you are all dumb."

When the hundreds of households below heard Jia Ke's anger, they walked forward in tacit understanding, took a step, knelt down on one knee and clasped their fists and said to Jia Ke: "Your rank is incompetent, and everything is under the orders of Lord Qianhu."

Jia Ke looked at the people below and was almost laughed at by them, but after thinking about it, he didn't make it too difficult for them. They were just a hundred households at the grassroots level, and only a centurion with more than 100 people in his eyes. Let them express their opinions. It is indeed difficult for some strong people.But that's fine, as long as they obey orders and obey commands, I am not afraid of these Tatars.

Jia Ke no longer cared about the hundreds of households below, and said to Feng Mo: "The scouts sent out can't stop for a moment, and report the distance between the Tatars and the Pingwei at any time."

Feng Mo cupped his hands and said to Jia Ke, "Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely keep a close eye on their movements."

Jia Ke then instructed Huang Baifeng: "From now on, the Kaiping Guards will be in a state of combat readiness. All the soldiers will immediately put on their armor and go to the top of the castle wall in batches, ready to fight at any time. You are in charge of this matter. All hundreds of households must obey your orders." .”

Huang Baifeng bowed his hands and saluted, "I will never disgrace my life in a humble position, and there will never be any mistakes."

Jia Ke nodded twice to let them go down to prepare immediately, then went back to the study, wrote a military report to the Jiedu envoy Wang Tao, and then called Liu Yu, when he chose a steady, reliable and strong equestrian among the soldiers , Immediately sent to Jiedushifu.

Liu Yu didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately went down to order, dispatched a reliable person among the soldiers, and immediately asked him to send the letter from Jia Ke.

After Jia Ke delivered the letter, she stayed in the lobby of Qianhu Mansion, waiting for news.

In the afternoon, the news finally came that the Tatars had set up camp less than ten miles away from Kaipingwei.

When Jia Ke heard the news, he immediately went to the top of the city to watch.

When Jia Ke arrived at the top of the city, the top of the city was already heavily guarded, and Feng Mo and Huang Baifeng had already arrived. Except for them, all the other hundred households had also arrived at the top of the city.

Everyone looked north from the top of the city, and saw that the Tatars had already set up camp less than ten miles north of Kaipingwei, with a total of [-] people.And the camp is very secure.It may not be easy to sneak attack.

Now the Tatars are lighting fires and cooking, and there are craftsmen in the army making utensils for siege.These craftsmen were all craftsmen who were plundered by the Tatars who repeatedly invaded the Central Plains.Moreover, the leading Tatar generals also sent out cavalry to guard around the camp. It seems that the leading Tatar generals are very calm and steady with their troops, and they are not easy to deal with.

Looking at the current situation of the Tatars, Jia Ke probably won't be able to attack the city today. They are going to rest overnight to recharge their batteries, and they will attack Kaipingwei tomorrow, hoping to take it down in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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