Chapter 82 Battle
After Jia Ke and the others finished their observations at the top of the city, they went down to Qianhu Mansion to discuss with them how to defeat the enemy.

Everyone was silent and there was no countermeasure.Huang Bofeng saw that everyone had nothing to say, so he took a step forward and said to Jia Ke: "The enemy is outnumbered, and I may be disadvantaged in the battle. Besides, the enemy has a lot of cavalry and is good at field battles. I am afraid that this time the field battle may not be victorious. It is better to rely on Hold on to the castle. When the enemy loses their vigor and runs out of food and grass, they will definitely retreat."

All the hundreds of households listened to what he said was a prudent plan. If they followed his advice, although they would not be able to win, Kaipingwei would probably be able to defend it.

But Jia Ke was not satisfied with this conservative battle plan.He said to the crowd: "Now the enemy is coming to attack me. It is a laborious expedition. But he is fast and brave, and his morale is high. He thinks that he will be able to defeat us and capture Kaipingwei. If we just hold the fortified city, Our morale is low, and we are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. Although Kaipingwei is strong, it is a small town after all, and I am afraid we cannot last long."

Huang Baifeng asked: "Then what should we do in the opinion of Lord Qianhu?"

Jia Ke excitedly said: "The Tatars thought they would defeat us, but we decided to do the opposite. Tomorrow's battle, we will fight the enemy, and our army will go all out to defeat them and destroy the enemy's morale. Come to Kaiping, the guards will have peace of mind and high morale, and then they will have no worries in defending the city. What do you think?"

When everyone heard that Jia Ke was going to fight the Tatars, they were frightened and said no. Since the founding of the country, they have lost more than they won in field battles with the enemies of the grassland. Not sure, so they all persuaded.

Jia Ke was furious when he heard what they said, and said: "You are greedy for life and afraid of death, you don't know how to judge the situation, you only know how to stick to the rules, so tomorrow you wait in the city, and I will go alone to defeat the enemy."

Hearing what Jia Ke said, people felt ashamed. Feng Mo rushed out and said to Jia Ke, "Since your lord is so desperate, what should I do? I will fight with you tomorrow."

Jia Ke was overjoyed and said, "With Feng Mo's help, I will surely accomplish great things tomorrow."

Seeing Jia Ke and Yi Feng Mo, all the hundreds of households had the courage to fight, and their courage began to recover.They all said that since the adults of Qianhu are not afraid, why should they be afraid of death.Going to battle tomorrow, I will definitely live and die with Lord Qianhu.

Jia Ke saw that everyone agreed to go to battle, so he sent an order that he and Feng Mo would lead the entire Kaiping Guard to go out to fight the Tatars tomorrow, trying to defeat the Tatars to dampen their morale.And Huang Baifeng summoned all the young and strong in Kaipingwei to defend the city.

Press Kaipingwei to decide not to mention tomorrow's battle.

Let’s talk about the Tatars, the leader of the Tumo tribe, Sobud, who led the troops to Kaiping this time, is a supporter of the new Great Khan of the Tatars. He is the most important person in this southward invasion. egger.All because of taking office as a great Khan, although he often harassed the border.But because of the mutual market relationship with the Southern Dynasties.Large-scale invasions are rare.Although there were fewer bloody sacrifices on the grassland, it violated the interests of the great nobles and tribal chiefs.This time the new Great Khan came to the throne, young and energetic, and eager to stabilize his power, so he listened to his advice and went south this year to plunder the Southern Dynasty.

Sobud has long been greedy for the wealth and beauties of the Southern Dynasty. He is the most active this time when he goes south, and the Tumo tribe he belongs to is the majority of the grassland, with a population of [-]. There are more than [-] people, but this time only [-] cavalry are brought, but they are all the elite of the tribe.Prepare to take advantage of this southern invasion to make a fortune.

But things were not as expected. Sobud was appointed to conquer Kaipingwei this time, which made him very dissatisfied.Because Kaipingwei is a hard bone, the city is high and the walls are thick, even if it is captured, it will suffer a lot of losses.

But this time, the Great Khan ordered all the departments to attack head-on, so that the Southern Dynasty could not look at each other from head to toe. In this way, Kaipingwei would not have much support. Moreover, the Great Khan also decided that the royal court would only need three floors of the looted property this time, and all the others Owned by the tribes.

In the south of Kaipingwei, there is a map of Pingchuan, densely populated, and there are no strong fortresses anymore.Although it is a hard bone, but if you bite him, there will be big chunks of fat behind.

At that time, relying on his cavalry, he will come and go like the wind.When the reinforcements from the Southern Dynasties arrived, he had already robbed enough, and when the time came, he would slowly return north with the food and grass he had plundered.So he agreed and attacked Kaipingwei.

But he is also a cautious person, thinking that people from the Southern Dynasty will definitely not be able to beat him in the field.There are only two ways to win.One is to sneak attack at night, and the other is to defend the fortified city.

The most important thing now is to prevent the Southern Dynasties from attacking.Then let the soldiers recharge their batteries and rest overnight, so that they can attack the city tomorrow.

In order to prevent sneak attacks from the Southern Dynasties, he ordered the deployment of secret sentries around the camp, patrolling horses and riding around, patrolling day and night, and the entire camp was heavily guarded.Don't leave a little space for the people of the Southern Dynasties.

Before going to sleep, Sobud was still looking around in the camp.Seeing that there were no flaws, he went to sleep peacefully.

Early the next morning, Sobud ordered the troops to eat early and prepare to attack the city.He didn't think that the Southern Dynasty people would go out of the city to fight with him.

Besides, in Kaipingwei, it was just after dawn.Jia Ke got up, today he is fully armed.Wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on his head, wearing a unicorn with bright light armor, and walking on cloud shoes.A fiery red cloak is tied behind him.The whole body is majestic and majestic.

Jia Ke put on his helmet and crown and went out of the gate of Qianhu Mansion. At the gate, Liu Yuzao led the fire dragon horse, and asked two soldiers to wait beside Fang Tian's painted halberd.

Jia Ke went out of the gate, took the reins of the Fire Dragon Colt from Liu Yu, got on the horse, took Fang Tian's painted halberd with his left hand, and led the troops to the gate of the city.

When I arrived at the gate of the city, I saw that all the hundreds of households had been prepared.The soldiers were all wearing paper armor, each armed with a weapon, all ready to wait for Jia Ke's arrival.

Seeing Jia Ke's arrival, Feng Mo and Huang Baifeng led hundreds of households to greet him. Jia Ke has no nonsense now.Ask Huang Baifeng directly: "Have the young men in the city been organized? Can they participate in the defense of the city?"

Huang Baifeng clasped his fists and said: "Don't worry, my lord, all the spirits in the city have arrived at the top of the city, and they can help defend the city at any time."

Jia Ke then said to him: "You are mature and prudent. I will lead Feng Mo to fight in a while, and you will be responsible for defending the city."

Huang Bofeng clasped his fists and said, "I would like to abide by your lord's command." Then he bid farewell to Jia Ke, and went directly to the city to refuse to defend.

Seeing that Huang Baifeng had gone to the top of the city, Jia Ke said to Feng Mo, "Open the city gate, and all of you will come out of the city to fight the Tatars with me."

Following Jia Ke's order, Kaipingwei's city gate slowly opened. Jia Ke led the way out of the city gate, and then Kaipingwei's soldiers filed out from the city gate.Jia Ke led the army out of the city gate, and the city gate was closed immediately.

Jia Ke ordered the entire army to form a formation one mile outside the city gate.According to the previous rehearsal, the archers are in the front, and in the Macedonian phalanx, the cavalry is divided into two parts, one at the side and rear of the Macedonian phalanx.

Seeing that the formation had been properly arranged, Jia Ke ordered Feng Mo to hold the ground instead of him. He rode a fire dragon horse to the front of the formation and asked people to call for formation.

Sobud was in the camp, ready to lead his troops out of the camp to attack Kaipingwei, when suddenly a soldier came to report.

"I want to report to the leader, General Nanman is leading an army outside and is scolding in front of the battle. I want the leader to meet him."

Not only was Sobud not angry when he heard this, but he was overjoyed, did this general of the Nanman take mad medicine?There are many good cities, and they dare to go out of the city to fight in the field.If they are wiped out in one fell swoop, how much effort will be saved and how many tribal warriors will be saved.

So Sobud sent an order to open the gate of the village and dispatch all the people to a decisive battle with the Southern Dynasties.

Not long after Jia Ke waited in front of the formation, he saw the gate of the Tatar village opened wide, and countless cavalry swarmed out majesticly.

(End of this chapter)

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