The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 83 Invitation to Battle

Chapter 83 Invitation to Battle

Sobud led the army to fight, came to the front of the formation and set up a formation, looked at the opposite side, and saw that there were two thousand troops from the Southern Dynasty on the opposite side.But it was extremely imposing, as if it was smoked, and the formation was neat, horizontal and vertical, without any chaos. All the soldiers stood there motionless, like wooden men.More importantly, everyone is wearing white armor.Seeing Sobud's face was serious, he wanted to know that everyone wearing armor is not something that ordinary troops can have.

Look at the person in front of the formation again, wearing a purple gold crown with three-pronged phoenix wings on his head, a Xichuan red brocade robe with hundreds of flowers on his body, a chain armor with animal face and swallowing head (Kirin Mingguang armor), and an exquisite lion belt with armor around his waist; he carries a bow and arrow with him, and holds a painting Halberd, sit on a fire dragon colt.Young and handsome, with a white face and no beard, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, galloping across the front of the battle, inviting battle back and forth.

Seeing that the Tatars had already set up their formation, Jia Ke galloped out to the front of the formation.He shouted loudly: "I am Jia Ke from Qianhu of Kaipingwei. I heard that the warriors in the grassland are brave and good at fighting. Who here today dares to fight against me?"

After speaking, he urged the fire dragon horse, shook Fang Tian's painted halberd, roared back and forth in front of the formation, and called for battle loudly, with an incomparable momentum.

The officers and soldiers of the Kaiping Guard saw Jia Ke in high spirits in front of the battle, as majestic as a god descending from the earth.All morale boosted.

When the Tatars saw Jia Ke's appearance, they all showed fear.Morale plummeted, and Sobud saw that this was not the answer.Send a warrior to kill this person.Not only can you boost your own morale, but you can also win the courage of others.

Sobud said to the general Zhuoligetu beside him, "Zoligetu, go and take this man's head for me, and let him know the bravery of our Tatars."

Zhuo Ligetu is Sobud's general, quite powerful, he heard Sobud order generals.Responding loudly, he urged his crotch to get off the horse, galloped out of the battle, and went straight to Jia Ke.

Seeing a man rushing out of the Tatar formation, Jia Ke saw him with a hulking back and a dark complexion, urging his horse and wielding a knife to come to him, so he shouted loudly: "Who is coming, tell me your name, I Jia Ke's subordinates are immortal ghosts without a name."

Zhuo Ligetu often came to the Southern Dynasty to plunder, and he understood the words of the Southern Dynasty.Hearing Jia Ke's question, he replied loudly: "I am the leader of the Tumo tribe, Sobud, a general under the command of Zhuoligetu, and I am here today to take your life." Jia Ke cut it.

Jia Ke raised Fang Tian's painted halberd to meet him, and the two fought together.The two horses met, and there was no five-fold match. Jia Ke stabbed him under the horse with a halberd.

Jia Ke stabbed to death the enemy general Zhuoligetu in front of the formation of the two armies, and the Tatars were terrified. At this moment, a horse flew out from the formation of the Tatars, and a young general sat on it.While urging the war horse, he yelled at Jia Ke: "The shameless thief will assassinate my father, watch me take your life and avenge my father."

The Tatars watched intently. This young general was Zhuoligetu's son Xuyanggan. At a young age, his martial prowess was already among the best in the Tumo tribe, even higher than his father.Seeing him go out now, he thought he would see success.

Xurigan came to the front of the battle, but he didn't talk to Jia Ke either.Wielding the mace, it was like Jia Ke hitting it.Jia Ke urged the fire dragon horse, and Wu Fangtian drew a halberd to meet him.After fighting for more than ten rounds, he cut the rising sun dry obliquely on his shoulders and back into two pieces with a halberd.

When the Tatars saw that Xu Rigan was killed by Jia Ke, all of them looked depressed, thinking that Jia Ke was an invincible hero, and with such warriors in the Southern Dynasty, they might not be able to win today's match.

Seeing such a situation, Sobud couldn't let the enemy general on the opposite side continue to be arrogant.Turning around and looking around, all the generals around him bowed their heads in silence, it seems that they dare not step forward after seeing Jia Ke's bravery.

Sobud has fought against the Southern Dynasty many times, and this situation has never been encountered before. Before the two armies fought, he was demoralized by a young general from the Southern Dynasty. The bravest warrior under your command, go ahead and kill this enemy general, and I will add three hundred households to you after you return."

As the saying goes, under the great reward, there must be a brave man.When Wu Enqi heard that the number of households would be increased by [-], he couldn't help but feel overjoyed.No more hesitation, he sat down on his horse and came to the front of the battle to fight Jia Ke.

Jia Ke killed two people in a row, and his morale was booming.Seeing another person urging his horse to fight, Wu Fangtian immediately drew a halberd to meet him.

Wu Enqi drove his horse and wielded his gun to fight Jia Ke, and the battle was not counted. Wu Enqi felt that his arms were numb and his hands were weak, and he knew that he was invincible.Just a false shot, turned the horse's head and fled to the main formation.

Seeing him running away, Jia Ke rushed over to set fire to the horse.The fire dragon horse traveled thousands of miles a day, flying away like the wind.Not long after, Jia Ke drew his halberd and stabbed at Wu Enqi's back. Wu Enqi heard the bad wind behind him, so he used his pedals to hide under the horse's belly.Jia Ke missed a stab in the back, and immediately changed the thrust to a chop, splitting Wu Enqi with his horse and man in half.

Jia Ke won three battles in a row, and immediately became a little domineering and arrogant, urging his horse to show off his power in front of the battle.

The sergeants in the Kaiping Guard saw that Jia Ke was in front of the battle, and no one could fight him.Excited for a while, they shouted "Wan Sheng, Wan Sheng, Wan Sheng" in unison.

Seeing that Wu Enqi was killed by Jia Ke again, Sobud was extremely angry, but he was helpless.This military general of the Southern Dynasty is so brave, with so many generals under his command, no one is his opponent in a few rounds.Even Wu Enqi, the bravest of his subordinates, was killed by him before the battle.Looking at his subordinates now, it seems that no one dares to go up to fight with him.

Sobud turned his head and said to his generals: "The warriors of the Southern Dynasty cannot be defeated by one person. Uri Geng Dalai, Ulihan, Ujis Gelang, you three brothers go together, be careful. If you fight, if you can't fight, you will retreat."

When the three brothers heard that they were asked to go, they felt a little panicked.They have all seen the heroism of the southern barbarian general just now, and the three of them went up together, it may be more or less auspicious.But the leader had an order not to disobey, so he bit the bullet and urged the horses to go straight to Jia Ke.

Jia Ke was showing off his power in front of the formation, when suddenly three people broke out from the enemy formation.They rushed towards him together, knowing that the three of them were going to deal with him together, so they hung Fang Tian's painted halberd on the victory hook of the bird's wing ring, took out the iron tire bow from behind, drew the bow and set up an arrow, aimed at the person in front of him, and then Shoot with an arrow.

Wu Ri Geng Dalai is the elder brother of the three brothers. He urged the horse in front, and the two brothers followed closely. He heard the sound of a bow on the opposite side just before he arrived at the battle. Just as he raised his head, this cold light flew towards him. Come.Before he could react, he was shot in the throat by a sword.Immediately fell off the horse and died on the spot.

The two brothers who followed him closely saw that his brother was shot to death on the spot.What I think in my heart is not how to take revenge, but thinking that if I move forward, I will definitely die.So they looked at each other, turned their horses' heads together, and fled to the main formation.

Just now Jia Ke drew the bow and set an arrow to shoot one person to death, just put the iron tire bow into the bow bag, and saw that the two people on the opposite side had already fled to the main formation.

How could he allow them to escape, he immediately urged the fire dragon horse to come behind.This fire dragon horse is a good BMW horse. When it runs, it doesn't look like it is running, but it is flying.After a few moments, he overtook one of them, who heard the sound of horseshoes behind him.Knowing that Jia Ke had arrived, in desperation, he turned around and threw the gun at Jia Ke.I hope to stop Jia Ke for a while, but Jia Ke is not so easy to deal with, I saw him, swinging Fang Tian's painting halberd, knocked the spear aside, urged the horse to catch up with him, and slashed at the man's back together.Hearing the man's scream, he was split in two.

Jia Ke turned around and wanted to chase the last person away, but that person was already on the side of the Tatars. Jia Ke urged the fire dragon horse to kill the last person.When he was about to catch up, the Tatars on the opposite side fired ten thousand arrows at him.

At that time, I could only see that the arrows and stones were raining like rain, and Jia Ke was not allowed to enter, so he had to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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