The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 84 Destroying the Enemy

Chapter 84 Destroying the Enemy
Jia Ke immediately retreated to the front of the formation, laughed loudly in front of the formation, and said, "The people in the grasslands are all brave. I saw you today, but you are just a clown. From now on, with me, Jia Ke, who dares to be called a brave man?"

When Sobud heard Jia Ke's wild words in this battle, his anger rose from his heart, and his evil turned to his gallbladder.So he wanted to fight Jia Ke in person, not wanting to be held back by the generals around him.They all persuaded him: "Jia Ke, the general of the Southern Barbarians, is an invincible hero. It must be me and other mortals who can fight. The leader must not lose the big because of small things. We have six thousand cavalry. Although he is brave, he is covered with iron, and he can stick a few pieces of iron to his body. Nail, you should use all the cavalry in the formation to attack his army formation and defeat him in one fell swoop."

Sobud was just putting on a show, he had seen Jia Ke's bravery just now, and now seeing the persuasion of the generals, he went along with the flow and stopped his horse.

Thinking about what the generals said just now, it made sense. Since Jia Ke was brave and invincible, he sent a large army to confront him.

So Sobud ordered his cavalry to charge towards Jia Ke's formation together.It is necessary to wipe out Kaipingwei's army in order to conquer Kaipingwei in one fell swoop.

Jia Ke saw in front of the formation that the Tatar cavalry moved forward, knowing that the opponent was about to make a final attack.Then he urged the horse to come to the rear of the formation.Sitting in the army to command operations.

The Tatar cavalry trotted at the beginning, but they ran faster and faster.Like the tide, it rushed like Kaipingwei's big formation.The dust kicked up by the cavalry covered the sky and the sun, and the ground trembled.

In front of Kaipingwei's phalanx, crossbowmen have already begun to prepare.As soon as the Tatars approached the shooting range, the first row of crossbowmen released arrows under Jia Ke's order.After the first row is shot, the second row will continue to shoot, and then the third row will be fired. After the third row is shot, the first row is ready again.So continuous, the arrows are like rain.

The Tatar cavalry, braving the arrows shot by Kaipingwei crossbowmen, kept charging forward, and they couldn't stop, because if they stopped in front, they would be knocked down and trampled to death by those behind.

The Tatars kept shooting dead, wounded, and shot off their horses. Once these three situations happened, they would definitely die.Because the cavalry behind didn't care about them, they just stepped on them.

Sobud looked at his cavalry from behind the formation, constantly losing, feeling like a knife was twisting his heart.These are all his clansmen, and they are all the capital for him to fight for hegemony on the grassland.Today's battle can be said to have suffered heavy losses. First, five generals were lost, and then a large number of cavalry were shot to death during the charge.He now hates Jia Ke to the bone.

The Tatars are getting closer and closer to Jia Ke's military administration. The crossbowmen in front have fired more than ten rounds, and the Tatars have lost 600 people.

Jia Ke saw that it was almost done in the back of the formation, so he waved the flag and ordered the crossbowmen to retreat behind the phalanx.

Seeing that the crossbowmen had retreated, the Tatars were overjoyed. Without the hindrance of the crossbowmen, they arrived in front of the enemy's formation again, and they could kill them all. And they can enjoy the fruits of victory.

But hope is beautiful, reality is cruel.In front of the Tatars, a wall made of spears appeared, and the Tatars had no time to stop, and directly bumped into it.

The spearmen in the Macedonian phalanx of Kaipingwei kept thrusting their spears forward, and the Tatars could not move forward or retreat in front of these spearmen.

At this time, the crossbowmen who retreated behind the Macedonian phalanx also began to shoot arrows again, causing casualties to the Tatars continuously.

The Tatars also began to shoot arrows at Kaipingwei's soldiers, although the Tatars were really good at riding and arching.But they have a flaw, that is, the power of their horse bow is too small, at such a close distance.None of them could shoot through the paper armor worn by the Kaiping guards.

At the beginning, the soldiers of Kaipingwei were still apprehensive, just trying to keep the Macedonian phalanx from collapsing, but after a while they found that the Tatars in front of them could not harm them at all.The arrows fired by the Tatars could not penetrate their armor at all.

When this phenomenon was discovered, all Kaipingwei soldiers became extremely heroic. They kept stabbing the Tatars with their long spears, but the Tatars had nothing to do with them.

After only about a quarter of an hour, more than half of the [-] Tatars were lost, and some Tatars couldn't hold on anymore, and they began to flee.

The Tatars in front couldn't accept the casualties and began to flee, while the Tatars behind wanted to charge forward, so the Tatar army fell into chaos.

Jia Ke saw clearly at the end and knew that the opportunity had come.Immediately ordered Feng Mo to lead a cavalry to attack from the left, while he himself led another cavalry to attack from the right.And the Macedonian phalanx began to charge forward again.

The Tatars were attacked from three sides for a while, and the chaos expanded. Sobud was very anxious in the rear, and immediately ordered the withdrawal of troops immediately.But where can they withdraw.

Jia Ke led [-] cavalrymen, dashing from left to right in the enemy formation, as if entering an uninhabited land.He led his team into thousands of cavalry, killed nearly a hundred people, penetrated the enemy's formation, and then charged back again. This was repeated six or seven times, and no one dared to approach him again.

The Tatars were attacked on three sides by the Kaiping Guards.There have been heavy casualties, and the remaining cavalry is less than [-]. They have no will to resist, and they are routed in the same direction.

Sobud saw that his army was routed, and if he didn't stop it, the whole army might be wiped out, so he rode forward with his guards to stop the rout.

But the fleeing Tatars, regardless of this, at least bypassed him.Expose it now.

Jia Ke saw him from a distance preventing the Tatars from rout and allowing them to rally.He saw that Sobud was not dressed like ordinary people, and he was protected by a group of guards.Know he is a big fish.So he urged his horse to charge towards him as hard as he could, and before he knew it, he separated from the three hundred cavalry.

Sobud saw Jia Ke rushing towards him, thinking of Jia Ke's bravery, he was scared out of his wits for a moment.He froze on the spot, not knowing what to do.

But his captain of the guard was more clever, and immediately stepped forward to lead Sobud to the horse's head.Following the rout, the soldiers fled back, but Jia Ke's horse was fast and would soon catch up. Sobud also woke up at this time, and immediately ordered more than half of his guards to stop Jia Ke.

Jia Ke was rushing forward, and was about to get close to the enemy's leader, when he saw hundreds of people from the enemy rushing towards him.

Jia Ke was not afraid either, and waved Fang Tian's painted halberd to meet him.

When Jia Ke met these teams, he rushed his horse directly into the guards. Wherever he passed, people were turned on their backs and corpses lay in the wild. The guards of two to 300 people couldn't stop him for a moment.

Jia Ke killed Sobud's guards in a moment, and continued to charge forward.

Sobud saw from the front that Jia Ke's killing guards rushed towards him again. This time he was completely desperate. He never thought that there were such brave people in the world.

At this time, his guard captain said to him: "Boss, if this continues, the enemy will definitely catch up. I will take the rest of the people to stop him for a while. Take the rest of the people and run for your life."

Sobud was very moved. He thought that once the captain of the guard left, he would never come back again.Then he made a wish and said: "After you go, I will take care of your family and wife on your behalf. When your son becomes an adult, I will make him a thousand households."

Hearing Sobud's wish, the captain of the guard smiled wryly in his heart. He originally wanted to take people with him and run away after a little obstruction.But Sobud's wish, I'm afraid he will die if he doesn't die.

The captain of the guard, on behalf of the remaining dozens of guards, rushed towards Jia Ke with the belief that he must die.

Seeing them coming out, Jia Ke brandished Fang Tian's painted halberd and continued to charge up. Who would have thought that this group of people would fight desperately after they came up, regardless of their own safety.

It took Jia Ke a bit of effort to get rid of this group of people, and then turned to look for the enemy leader, only to find that he had disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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