Chapter 85 Counting
On the battlefield, Jia Ke searched for Sobud and found nothing, so he had to return to his team and continue to wipe out the remaining Tatars on the battlefield. It was not until the afternoon that all the Tatars on the battlefield were cleared.All the captured Tatars were gathered together, and those who were injured and unable to move were all stabbed to relieve their pain.

When Jia Ke returned to Kaipingwei with all the troops, he was warmly welcomed by all the Kaipingwei. Feng and all the young and strong can be seen clearly from the tower.

They admire Jia Ke's invincible bravery in front of the battle.

The performance of all the soldiers of Kaipingwei also impressed people. They never thought that they could fight the Tatars on the plain and win them.These are all the changes brought about by Jia Ke's coming to Kaipingwei.

From then on, Jia Ke's prestige in Kaipingwei was in full swing, and his officers and soldiers obeyed him.Now Jia Ke has completely controlled Kaipingwei through this battle. Even without the name of Qianhu, Kaipingwei will be under his control.

Jia Ke brought everyone back to the lobby of Kaipingwei Qianhu Mansion. Everyone was in high spirits, talking and laughing together. They had never achieved such a great victory.

Jia Ke watched them talking and laughing unscrupulously below, and was very tolerant and didn't disturb them.Instead, he called Huang Baifeng to the front and told him: "The war has just ended, and the battlefield still needs to be cleaned up. Take all the young and strong, and go to the battlefield to collect all the weapons and horses left by the Tatars. , All the dead bodies of the Tatars were beheaded and built into a Jingguan, which was used to frighten the tribes of the grassland."

Now Huang Bofeng is not only grateful for the fairness of rewards and punishments to Jia Ke, but also respects from the bottom of his heart. This gentleman of a thousand families is not only clear about rewards and punishments, but also brave and good at fighting, with outstanding wisdom.Now that he heard Jia Ke's judgment, he was completely convinced, unlike before when he doubted his judgment, now he thought that he would do whatever Jia Ke told him to do from now on.

When Huang Bofeng was thinking, he heard Jia Ke's order, and replied without hesitation: "My lord, don't worry, I will do well. Everyone is fighting to the death. Leave the finishing work to me." Say goodbye and leave.

After Jia Ke finished giving Huang Baifeng instructions, she turned to Feng Mo and said, "Go down and ask our team to see how much damage there is. We must do our best to comfort the dead and wounded. We cannot let the soldiers shed blood and tears."

Hearing Jia Ke's order, I was very moved. Feng Mo had personally experienced the battlefield today, and he knew the dangers on the battlefield today. , blocked the charge of the Tatar cavalry, and finally led the cavalry into the enemy's position, how many times did they enter?Even if the enemy army killed was frightened, it is impossible for them to win so easily.Now hearing Jia Ke's love for the soldiers, such a commander is simply a perfect person.From now on, Feng Mo will recognize Jia Ke without anyone else.

Feng Mo didn't talk much, and he went to do it immediately after Jia Ke finished giving his orders.

Jia Ke then said to the hundreds of households under his opponent: "The battle is over now, but everyone can't relax. You should return to your team now, calm down the emotions of each team, and don't let the team be complacent. If we win today, we will win tonight." Hold a big banquet and reward all officers and soldiers."

So all the hundreds of households bowed their hands to Jia Ke together and said: "I would like to obey the orders of Lord Qianhu." After finishing speaking, they all dispersed.

After Jia Ke arranged everything, he slumped on the chair. Today was his first real battle.It would be a lie to say I wasn't nervous.

Fortunately, he commanded well today, nothing went wrong, and the effect was as expected. He thought that he would fight the Tatars to defeat the morale of the enemy, then defend the city with all his strength, hold off against the enemy, and finally wait for the enemy's food. Can only retreat.But I don't want to make meritorious deeds in the first battle today and defeat the Tatars.This made him discover that the Tatars were not so scary, and he no longer had any fear from now on.

Before dinner, Huang Bofeng and Feng Mo both finished counting their respective affairs and came to report to him.

Jia Ke met them in the study, and after saluting each other.Jia Ke asked them to sit down separately.Then Jia Ke began to ask.

Huang Bofeng first reported the situation of cleaning the battlefield to Jia Ke: "My lord, we have beheaded more than 3000 people on the battlefield today, captured more than [-] horses, and captured more than [-] Tatars. Ren Yingzhai seized more than [-] taels of silver, more than [-] dans of grain, and more than [-] tans of fodder, which he had no time to take away, which is an unprecedented victory since the founding of the dynasty."

Jia Ke was also very happy in her heart, but now that he was the commander in chief, he couldn't express his emotions and anger, so he just nodded reservedly.Then he looked up at Feng Mo again.

Feng Mo knew that it was time for him to report, and he said respectfully to Jia Ke: "In this battle, our losses were not large. 56 people were killed and 120 people were injured. Among the dead and injured, the main ones were cavalry and phalanx soldiers. Soldiers."

After listening to Feng Mo's words, Jia Ke felt uncomfortable all the time. It can be said that these soldiers were trained by him personally, and they are still very affectionate.Unexpectedly, he was still alive and well in the morning, but lost his life one by one in the afternoon.

Jia Ke expressed emotion in the seat, and said to them: "In the future, we must not underestimate the enemy against the Tatars. In my opinion, the Tatars are still very effective. When we have the advantage, let us lose [-]% It can be seen that they are still very brave."

Huang Bofeng and Feng Mo nodded in agreement, and they didn't have any objection to Jia Ke's judgment.

Jia Ke then said to them: "Families of the soldiers who died in battle should be comforted one by one. Pensions should be provided immediately. If the family lacks labor, each family will be given a horse. The wounded soldiers should also be taken good care of. In addition to pensions, military merit rewards on the battlefield should be doubled. The military merits of other soldiers should also be doubled. You can pay attention to when the court will distribute them. The money will be released first.”

Both Huang Bofeng and Feng Mo agreed with Jia Ke's words. Although in this way, Kaipingwei distributed part of the money from his small treasury to the soldiers, but this time the seizure was too much.It should also make the people below happy.

When they were discussing, Chen Xi came in and reported that the banquet for tonight was fully prepared.Wait for the arrival of the three thousand adults, and then start the feast.

Seeing Chen Xi coming to invite them, Jia Ke asked him, "All the officers and soldiers in Kaiping are having a banquet together today. Have you prepared enough meat and wine? Don't make it difficult for our soldiers to drink to their heart's content."

Chen Xi respectfully said to Jia Ke: "My lord, please rest assured that there is enough meat. In addition to pork, there is also a lot of dead horse meat on the battlefield, enough for us to eat several meals."

Jia Ke laughed loudly and said, "These Tatars not only gave us military merits, but also gave me so much wine and meat. If we don't eat him, I'm afraid I'm sorry for their kindness."

So he stood up and walked out first, Feng Mo and Huang Baifeng followed closely behind him, and Chen Xi followed behind.Together, they left the Qianhu Mansion and went to the Dajiao Field, where the banquet tonight will be held in the Dajiao Field.

(End of this chapter)

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