Chapter 86 Arslen Khan

When Jia Ke brought the two Deputy Qianhus and Chen Xi to the teaching ground, all the officers and soldiers had already been waiting for a long time.

When the officers and soldiers saw Jia Ke coming in, they stood up together and stood solemnly.This is an expression of respect for their commander in chief.

Under the leadership of Chen Xi, Jia Ke walked to the central table and sat down, then waved all the officers and soldiers to sit down too.When the officers and soldiers sat down, he stood up instead.He casually poured a bowl of wine on the table, raised the bowl, and said to the officers and soldiers present: "Kaipingwei and other soldiers, you have achieved a great victory today, and almost wiped out the [-] Tatar cavalry in one fell swoop. Let the leader of the Tatars flee in embarrassment. Now you can proudly say to all the troops in this dynasty that we are the strongest and number one in the world. I am proud of you, but we have killed more than [-] brothers today This is the first bowl of wine. I, Jia Ke, will present it to them." After finishing speaking, he poured the wine on the ground, and said at the same time: "Brothers, let's go, you must remember that you are soldiers of Kaipingwei. Be a coward."

Seeing Jia Ke's appearance, all the officers and soldiers followed suit, picked up wine bowls together, and poured the wine on the ground.

Jia Ke saw that it was almost done, and then said to the officers and soldiers: "Brothers, now that we have won an unprecedented victory, you can drink to your heart's content. There are no military rules today, everyone drink to your heart's content." drink up.

All the soldiers of the Kaiping Guard lost their image when they saw Jia Ke's order, and they continued to drink happily, talking and laughing loudly, all of them were unrestrained.Jia Ke watched in the middle and didn't interfere. Everyone walked away from the battlefield, and they should vent the pressure in their hearts.But whoever goes to the battlefield is not afraid, but because there is a belief in his heart, he barely supports it.Even Jia Ke herself was apprehensive before going to the battlefield, let alone these little soldiers below.

Not to mention Jia Ke and the others threw a big celebration banquet to celebrate this big victory.

Besides, Sobud took a few defeated soldiers and escaped on horseback for more than 100 miles.Only then did he stop his horse, and when he saw around, there were only five or six people following him.Can't help feeling sad from the heart, burst into tears.Thinking of him, Sobud is also considered a hero on the grassland. He is invincible and invincible in many battles.Unexpectedly, in the small Kaipingwei, he fell a big somersault.Six thousand cavalry, all dead and injured, and only a few people around him as guards.The more he thought about it, the more sad he became, and the crying could hardly stop.

The guard next to him, seeing Sobud so sad, thought he was crying for the dead and wounded brothers, and couldn't help sobbing beside him.

When they were crying, there was a sound of horseshoes behind them, and Sobud was frightened out of his wits. He thought that Jia Ke had led his troops to chase after him.Heart full of grief and indignation, did not expect him to die here.I thought in my heart that no matter what, I could not be captured by the enemy.

So he drew out his scimitar and was about to kill himself. At this moment, the guard next to him grabbed his arm and said loudly to him: "The leader is not a pursuer, but ours."

When Sobud heard that it was not Jia Ke who came after him, he immediately threw the knife aside.To be honest, who wants to die if they can live.

At this time, the people behind had come over, about one or two hundred people, all of them were the defeated soldiers of their tribe.

Sobud immediately stepped forward to stop them. When the group of defeated soldiers saw Sobud, they seemed to have found the backbone, and all of them got off their horses and knelt down in front of Sobud, crying loudly.

At this time, Sobud showed the demeanor of a leader, stepped forward to comfort them one by one, joked with them, cheered them up, and told them that victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, so don't take it to heart.

Sobud knew what he should do at this time.After he collected these remnant soldiers, he sent out his guards to collect the defeated soldiers everywhere.Finally got less than 1000 people.

Sobud led the group of dejected remnants and defeated generals to the scheduled meeting place deep in the grassland.In Sobud's heart now, he hates Jia Ke very much, and he doesn't know how he will be ridiculed by other tribal leaders this time around.

When Sobud arrived at the assembly point Zhangbei (place name), it was still very deserted. Except for the king's tent of the Prairie Khan, there were no other tribal leaders leading the army back.

At this time, in the king's tent, the great Khan of the Tatars, the young king Arslen Khan on the grassland was looking at the map hanging in the king's tent, thinking about where the various tribes had fought and how much spoils they could get.

Arslen Khan was handsome in appearance and weak in body, more like a scholar in the southern dynasty than a warrior in the northern kingdom, but he had ambitions that other grassland kings did not have.Unlike his father, Arslen Khan only wanted to be king on the grassland, but his ideal was to be the biggest Khan in the world.Although the Southern Dynasty was rich, its soldiers were weak and incompetent, and it was his first annexation target.

But Arslen Khan has never thought about occupying the land of the Southern Dynasty at all.Because he knows that the Southern Dynasty is still very powerful.Although he can win for a while, as long as there is a major defeat, the alliance on the grassland may disintegrate.

The Southern Dynasties, due to their large number of people and vast territory, could withstand successive defeats.Able to get a quick refill.

If he wants to replace the Southern Dynasty now, he can only disintegrate and disintegrate the Southern Dynasty bit by bit with a small knife, eating away his land and population bit by bit.Finally, with enough strength, it was annexed in one fell swoop.

Arslen Khan was thinking about how to take the Southern Dynasty as his own in the king's tent. His personal guards came in and reported that Sobud from the Tumo tribe had returned.

Arslen Khan was very happy when he heard the news. Sobud was his staunch supporter and played a big role in the process of seizing his Khan position.

This time he ordered Sobud to attack Kai Pingwei, the most difficult attack. On the one hand, he was to show other tribes that he was fair and did not take sides because of cronies.

On the other hand, it is also to take care of Sobud, because once Kaipingwei is broken, hundreds of miles behind Kaipingwei will be plains, densely populated and rich in materials.The Tumer Department can be greatly supplemented.

Now it seems that Sobud really did not live up to his hopes.I don't know how much he has gained this time for defeating Kaipingwei so quickly.

Arslen Khan happily said to the guards: "Sobud from Tumo is back? How many people did he bring back? How much grain? How much gold and silver?"

When the guard heard his question, he looked at him in embarrassment, hesitating and speechless.

When Arslen Khan saw the appearance of the guards, he had a bad feeling in his heart.He didn't ask the guard again, and said to him directly: "Let Sobud come in by himself and call me back."

The guard went out with a sigh of relief.

Soon Sobud from the Tumo Department entered the king's tent. Arslen Khan was completely stunned when he saw Sobud. What he saw was not the energetic and neatly dressed Sobud before. Bud was listless, disheveled, and filthy from head to toe.Just like a beggar, there is no such thing as a tribal leader.

When Sobud saw Arslen Khan's eye circles turn red, he knelt down in front of Arslen Khan and burst into tears.

Arslen Khan knew it was not good when he saw his appearance. He stepped forward to help Sobud and said to him: "Tell me if you have anything to do. I will make the decision for you. You are an eagle on the grassland." , what does it look like to cry like this?"

Seeing that Arslen Khan comforted him so much, Sobud gradually stopped crying, and said to Arslen Khan: "Khan, I have shamed you. I was defeated in Kaipingwei, and the warriors in the clan suffered heavy losses. Khan, you must avenge me."

Arslen Khan frowned, looked at his hopeless appearance, felt a little annoyed, and said to him, "Get up and explain the details to me."

Only then did Sobud stand up, dismiss him as a failure, and report to Arslen Khan.

 I worked overtime last night, so I didn't have time to update it, so I will make it up now.

(End of this chapter)

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