Chapter 87 Shocked
Arslen Khan listened quietly, and Sobud told the story of the defeat.

He had a summary of Sobud's defeat this time.The first problem is that the new general of Kaipingwei is too brave and good at fighting, galloping across the battlefield, no one can beat him.

The second question is that the soldiers of Kaipingwei are probably the newly transferred troops from the Southern Dynasty.

The third question is that the formation of Kaipingwei's army is very different from before.Unstoppable on offense and rock solid on defense.

But these three things are simply impossible to happen to the army at the same time.So he suspected that Sobud was trying to shirk his responsibility after the defeat.Deliberately exaggerating the strength of the enemy army.

Arslen Khan thought that Sobud was lying because he said that the second situation might happen.

Then the first situation and the third situation are simply impossible to appear in this world.

He is a great Khan on the grassland, and he has seen many warriors, but he has never seen such a brave man as Sobud said. If there is such a man, then he is not a man at all, but a god.

As for the third point, it is even more ridiculous.How can there be such an army and such a formation in the world.

Seeing the suspicious look on Arslen Khan's face, Sobud hurriedly argued to Arslen Khan, "Khan, I really didn't lie. Not only did I come back this time, but there were more than 1000 defeated soldiers. If you don't believe me , you can ask a few to see if what I said is true."

Arslen Khan believed what he said at this time. Since Sobud dared to find someone to confront him, [-] to [-]% of what he said should be true.

Although some believed his words, Arslen Khan ordered the guards to select some of the defeated soldiers from the Tumo tribe and bring them into the king's tent.

Soon, the guards entered the king's tent with a few defeated soldiers.

Arslen Khan also knew one of them, and this was the warrior on the grassland——Ujis Gelang. Even Arslen Khan was very envious of the bravery of the three brothers. people, but were rejected.But at this moment, he was as embarrassed as Sobud, and his face was full of fear.

When these people entered the king's tent, they immediately fell to their knees and kowtowed endlessly.

Arslen Khan looked at their cowardice, and didn't let them get up, and said to them directly: "I heard that you met a fierce general on the battlefield this time, and no one in Tumo's army is his opponent, right? ?”

These defeated soldiers, when they heard Arslen Khan's question, knew who he was talking about, and they couldn't help but think of Jia Ke's bravery on the battlefield. The battle armor with white light on the battlefield waved like a shooting star. Drawing a halberd, it looks like a flying dragon's war horse when it runs. Wherever it passes, people turn their backs on their backs and fly around with their limbs. They come and go in and out of their army, as if entering a land with no one.Thinking of this, they couldn't help trembling, they didn't want to see this devil again.He is not human at all, but Changshengtian's greatest enemy on this earth - the devil.

Arslen Khan saw that he just mentioned a sentence, and the defeated soldiers below trembled in fright, as if they were about to collapse on the ground at any time, and a wave of fear rose in their hearts. What kind of person is it?It can scare the warriors on the grassland like this.

Arslen Khan was very angry when he saw that they were so scared that he dared not speak. He asked Ugisgrand directly: "Ugisgrand, you are a warrior on the grassland. You should be like a star in the sky. Look at you now." You look so cowardly, are you still a warrior of the Tartars?"

Hearing Dahan's question, Ujisgrand calmed down a little. He raised his head, looked at Arslen Khan, and said in a crying voice: "Great Khan, that man is not human at all, he is a devil." Countless of our warriors were killed by him, and my two elder brothers were also killed by him. Even Wu Enqi, the first warrior of our Tumo tribe, was killed by him. We really have no choice. Thinking of facing that man, we don't have any guts, many warriors in our tribe dare not even look at him. It's not our fault, it's because that man is too powerful."

Arslen Khan stared at Ujis Grand in front of him and was also stunned. At this moment, he believed that there were such brave people in the world.It is really enviable to have such a warrior in the Southern Dynasty. If such a warrior is his subordinate, he will give this warrior a tribe of tens of thousands.

Arslen Khan thought he had figured out the cause and effect. This warrior must be too powerful. The cavalry of Tumo's troops were defeated by the armored army led by him in one fell swoop.

Now that Arslen Khan had figured out the reason, he asked Sobud and Ujisgrand to retreat to rest and wait for news from other tribes before making plans.

Kaipingwei did not let down his vigilance after defeating the Tumo tribe.Jia Ke ordered Feng Mo to lead the cavalry to patrol non-stop within a radius of one hundred miles.In case there are other Tatar tribes coming to attack.

At the same time, he ordered Huang Baifeng to carry out continuous training for the young and strong, not to relax in the slightest until they are completely safe.

After assigning tasks to the Kaiping Guards, Jia Ke wrote a military report to Wang Tao, the Jiedu envoy of Xuanfu Town, telling him the good news. More than a hundred people.I have more than 3000 casualties, so I ask the Jiedushi to quickly replenish the manpower in case the Tatars come again.

After writing the military report, put it in an envelope, seal it with wax and seal it with the seal of Kaipingwei Qianhu.

Then, give the military report to Liu Yu, and ask him to hand it over to Jiedu envoy Wang Tao himself, and then take the Jiedu envoy's reply back to Kaipingwei.

Liu Yu took Jia Ke's military report to the Jiedu envoy, rode a fast horse, and rushed to Xuanfu Town day and night.When they arrived outside Xuanfu Town, they found that the guards were heavily guarded and the gates of the city had been closed.

Liu Yu shouted from the bottom of the city: "I am Kaipingwei's messenger. I am here to send urgent military information to Lord Jiedushi by the order of Lord Qianhu. Open the door and let me in."

Hearing his words from the soldiers upstairs, they did not dare to neglect, and immediately reported to the officer.The city gate officer listened to the report from his subordinates, saying that Kaipingwei sent an emergency military situation, and he wanted to report it to the Jiedu envoy, knowing that there would be no delay, he must go up to the top of the city immediately and look down carefully.When he saw this person, he knew him. It was also this person who delivered a letter to the Jiedu envoy last time.Only then did he feel relieved, and shouted to the people below: "Brother, wait a moment below, I will report to Lord Jiedu Envoy, the city gate has been sealed now, no one is allowed to open the city gate without the order of Jiedu Envoy, Beheaded for the order."

Liu Yu cupped his hands below and said, "My lord, please."

The city gate officer nodded, and then ordered his subordinates to report to Wang Tao at the Jiedushi Mansion immediately.

At this time, Jiedu envoy Wang Tao was in the room, restless.As one of the important towns on the nine borders of the dynasty, Xuanfu Town has always been at the forefront of guarding against the Tatars.This time the Tatars disregarded their credibility and suddenly violated the side, breaking the tacit understanding between the two sides for many years.

In the past, although the Tatars invaded from time to time, they were always small.Except for the most cutting-edge Kaipingwei, everything else is fine.Unexpectedly, this year the Tatars invaded the border on a large scale, and many passes in Xuanfu Town were breached.The Tatars used Xuanfu Town as a pasture, burning, killing and looting, doing everything.

He also received an internal military report. This year, not only Xuanfu Town, but other important border towns have also been attacked by Tatars.Now Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei, and Liaodong.were attacked by the Tatars.

This dynasty has been defending everywhere so far, and it cannot defend everywhere.The heavy loss has never been seen since the opening of the dynasty.

I heard that the emperor was furious, and the call letter to reprimand the Jiedu envoys of the towns was on the way.

(End of this chapter)

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