The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 88 Military News

Chapter 88 Military News
Wang Tao is thinking about the next step in his study.Since the Tatars invaded south, Xuanfu Town has been hit the hardest. If they don't come up with a good countermeasure.I am afraid that his role as Jiedushi will come to an end.

At this moment, a soldier came in and reported: "My lord, there is an envoy from the Kaiping Guard outside the city gate for an urgent military situation. I wonder if you should open the door to let him in."

When Wang Tao heard that it was Kai Pingwei, he felt a headache.Many fortresses in Xuanfu Town have been conquered. Kaipingwei is at the northernmost point of Xuanfu Town. At this time, the military report was sent, and it should have been conquered.

Kaipingwei is a relatively important pass in Xuanfu Town. After Kaipingwei is conquered, there are plains to the south, although there are still a few fortresses.But without an important geographical advantage, I am afraid that it cannot resist the Tatars' attack.

Wang Tao was very troubled, but after all, what he sent was an emergency military situation, so he had to disappear.He immediately sent you an order to open the gate of the city to let the people delivering the military report in, and guard around the gate.To prevent the Tatars from attacking.

Jiedu envoy Wang Tao's military order was sent to the city gate official. According to the military order, he opened the city gate a small crack.Let Liu Yu lead the horse into the city gate. As soon as Liu Yu entered the city gate, the city gate was closed immediately.

Under the leadership of the city gate officials, Liu Yu went to the Jiedushi's mansion. The road was unimpeded and soon entered the Jiedushi's mansion.

Liu Yuzai entered the hall under the leadership of the Jiedu envoy's personal soldiers, and as soon as he entered, he saw Wang Tao had been waiting there for a long time.

Wang Tao met Liu Yu a few times, and when he saw that it was him, he didn't talk nonsense, so he asked directly: "When was Kaipingwei captured? How is Jia Ke's current situation? Can he regain his strength?"

When Liu Yu heard Wang Tao's question, he knew that Kaiping Wei would be conquered.

Liu Yu quickly knelt down on the ground, holding Jia Ke's military letter to Wang Tao and said: "I report to the Jiedu envoy that Kaiping guards defeated the Tatars two days ago, beheaded 3000 and 600 people, and captured [-] people. Wei Qianhu Jia Ke ordered him to come here to report victory to Lord Jiedu."

After hearing what he said, Wang Tao was stunned for a moment, and instead of answering the military report, he asked, "You said it was the victory of Kaiping and Wei? Wasn't it conquered?"

Liu Yu held up the emergency military report that Jia Ke ordered him to send, and said to Wang Tao with certainty: "Two days ago when I opened the Pingwei, I fought with six thousand Tatars in the plains and defeated them. This is our emergency army of thousands of households." Report, please take a look."

Hearing what Liu Yu said, Wang Tao was sure. He grabbed the military information and watched it carefully in the lobby. What the military newspaper said was almost the same as what Liu Yu reported just now.

After reading Jia Ke's military newspaper, Wang Tao couldn't help but be overjoyed. With this great victory, his position as Jiedushi was preserved.But he is deeply cautious. If he does not conduct any investigations, he will directly report his merits to the higher authorities. If there is a mistake at that time, it will be a crime of deceiving the emperor.

So Wang Tao immediately calmed down and asked someone to take Liu Yu down to rest first.Then he ordered people to hear Wu Li, the chief secretary of the Jiedu envoy's mansion, and Gao Hong, the military sacrificial wine. These two have always been Wang Tao's right-hand men.

After a while, the two rushed over, and when they saw Wang Tao, they immediately saluted and said: "I have seen Lord Jiedushi."

Wang Tao waved his hands and said to them: "They are all from our own family, so don't use these vain rituals. Come here quickly and I have something to help me with."

Wu Li and Gao Hong came to Wang Tao's side, and Gao Hong said to Wang Tao with a smile: "My lord, we don't blame many people, if we offend you one day, we won't be caught by you. "

Wang Tao pointed at him with a smile and said, "You hozen have so many eyes, I'm afraid the hair on your body is empty."

Wu Li has always been a serious person. Seeing that they were very interested in talking and joking at this time, he said to them angrily: "My lord, what time is it now that you still have the heart to talk and joke? If there is something important, please bring the two of us together. Hurry up and tell them." Otherwise, I have other things to do."

Only then did Wang Tao say angrily: "It's Gao Hong who made me laugh when he came here. Okay, let's not talk about it. Now it's time to talk about serious things."

After finishing speaking, let the two of them sit down, then took out Kaiping Wei Jia Ke's military newspaper and handed it to them for them to read.

After the two had read it all, they asked, "What do you two think, is this Jia Ke lying about the military situation?"

Gao Hong first said: "I don't think Jia Ke is that courageous. I'm afraid the Tatars withdrew their troops because they couldn't attack Kaipingwei for a long time. That's why there was such an exaggerated military report."

Wu Li added: "If Lord Gao said so, it should be that his family has put in a lot of effort, otherwise he would not have been able to defend Kaipingwei."

Wang Tao said to them: "This Jia Ke is a descendant of the Rongguo Mansion. The deceased Rong Guogong has some prestige in the army. I am afraid that the Rongguo Mansion has arranged many capable people to help him this time."

Gao Hong clapped his hands and said with a smile: "That must be the reason. It seems that the Rongguo Mansion has spent a lot of energy in cultivating this young man."

Wu Li still followed his words and added: "The Rongguo Mansion has declined so badly in the past few years, I'm afraid they want to rise again by virtue of their military exploits."

Wang Tao felt that what the two said was reasonable, and I'm afraid that was the truth. It seemed that the two also felt that beheading 3000 and [-] levels was too exaggerated.

Wang Tao then asked the two of them, "Then what do you think we should do with this Jia Ke?"

Wu Li said with a sullen face, "This Jia Ke and others lied about the military situation. Not punishing them severely is not enough to enforce the law of the army. At the very least, we need to beat him with thirty army sticks as an example to others."

Gao Hong objected: "No, although Jia Ke's military report is not true, he has made great achievements in defending Kaipingwei and forcing the Tatars to withdraw. Although there is suspicion of exaggeration, in other military forts, successive losses Now, he can defend Kaipingwei, protect the rear of Kaipingwei, and keep the plain for hundreds of miles, this small flaw is nothing."

Wu Li said angrily: "Could it be that this is why he messed around like this. If everyone learns from him in the future, will military law and military discipline still exist?"

Hearing Wu Li's objection, Gao Hong also thought it made sense. After thinking for a while, he said to Wang Tao: "Why don't we send people to Kaipingwei in the name of checking the leader to verify the real situation of Kaipingwei, and then find out who he is. If you falsely report military merits, just reprimand him face to face and teach him some lessons. Then your lord will reward him with real military merits, and he will not have any resentment. Isn’t this the best way to achieve the best of both worlds?”

Hearing what he said, Wang Tao thought it was very reasonable, because he looked up at Wu Li and saw that he did not object.Then he decided: "That's it." Then he asked Gao Hong: "Who do you think is more appropriate?"

Gao Hong said to Wang Tao with a smile: "I'm afraid I have to trouble our Master Wu to go there."

Wang Tao also laughed, and said: "It's just right for him to go. I'm afraid others will go, and they won't be able to deter this kid."

Wu Li said solemnly: "If I go, I will definitely find out the facts, and I will not be in vain or indulge."

Wang Tao was afraid that he would be too straightforward, so after he left, he punished Jia Ke regardless of his military merits, and told him: "After you go, find out the facts first. As for the difference between the military reports, you can only reprimand him." As for him, there should be no other actions, after all, he still has meritorious service, then come back and report the details to me."

Wu Li cupped his hands and said to Wang Tao: "Don't worry, my lord. I still know the overall situation. How can I punish the hero for a small mistake."

Only then did Wang Tao feel relieved, and ordered him to return to Kaipingwei with Liu Yu, who came to report the letter.

(End of this chapter)

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