Chapter 89 Go to
The next day, Wang Tao met Liu Yu again in the flower hall of the Jiedu Ambassador's Mansion, accompanied by the chief secretary Wu Li.

Wang Tao said directly to Liu Yu: "You Kaipingwei, I read the battle report you reported to me. I still don't believe it, so I sent someone to verify it. The person next to you is my chief bookkeeper Wu Li. Send him back with you. Check the head and record the military achievements. If all the facts are in line with the military report. This time the credit is indispensable to you. If you lie about your military achievements, you will be dealt with by military law. Do you understand?"

Liu Yu respectfully said to Wang Tao: "I understand everything my lord said, but our military achievements in Kaipingwei are real, and the Jiedu envoy sent someone to inspect it to prove that our military achievements are real. We naturally welcome it. I just don’t know when to start.”

Wang Tao said: "The military situation is urgent and there is no delay. You start now. Director Wu is my right-hand man and cannot be away for a long time. You should go and return early. After verifying the military merits, you and I can rest assured."

Liu Yu did not have any doubts about this, and said that he would completely obey the arrangements of Lord Jiedushi.

Wang Tao was quite satisfied with his attitude. Originally, he thought that Liu Yu was afraid that the lie about the military information would be exposed, so he had to shirk it.Now that Liu Yu had agreed, Wang Tao ordered the two of them to set off immediately so that he could know how Kaipingwei repelled the Tatars as soon as possible.

So in the morning, Liu Yu rode a horse, Wu Li took a few guards in a car, and immediately set off to Kaipingwei. Xiaoxing stayed overnight along the way, and was careful. He was really afraid of being harassed by Tatars on the road, but he did not Not meeting any Tatars made Wu Li feel more fond of Jia Ke in his heart.Although he was suspected of being a leader of the army, at least they kept the Tatars out of Kaipingwei, and they were kind to the people hundreds of miles behind.

Liu Yu and Wu Li walked for three or four days before reaching Kaipingwei.Entering Kaipingwei from the south gate, Wu Li opened the car window and looked out, and found that the market was very bustling.Without the depression after the war, it seems that people's hearts are very stable.

When Liu Yu and Wu Li arrived at the gate of Qianhu Mansion, Liu Yu got off his horse first, and then told the soldiers at the gate to come out to greet Jia Ke quickly, saying that he was the chief secretary of the Jiedu envoy's mansion, and came to inspect his military achievements.

Hearing what Liu Yu said, the soldier immediately went into the inner house to report to Jia Ke.Wu Li also got out of the car and waited for Jia Ke at the door. Soon he heard footsteps, and Wu Li saw a young man running out from inside.Wu Li knew that Jia Ke was very young, and he thought this was Kaiping Wei Qianhu.

Jia Ke hurried to the door and saw a middle-aged scribe standing next to Liu Yu. He had a broad forehead and a pair of thick eyebrows.His face was very dull, like a taut drum skin.

Jia Ke had just received the report, and knew that this was the master recorder who had come to examine his military achievements, so he didn't dare to offend him.So he hurried forward, bowed to salute him, and said humbly: "It turned out that the Master Registrar came, but the younger generation came late to greet him. Please forgive me, Master Registrar."

Wu Li saw that although Jia Ke was young, he was well mannered, not as arrogant and domineering as the children of ordinary families.His favorability has risen again.

Wu Li stepped forward to help Jia Ke up and said, "Jia Qianhu fought for the country and fought off the Tatars. I have done a lot of hard work. I am a frail scholar, how dare I accept your gift?"

After hearing Wu Li's words, Jia Ke became more respectful, and saluted again: "Mr. is studying the knowledge of sages. When I was at home, I also studied the scriptures and articles, and studied for a while under the admiration of famous teachers. It's just because I have limited qualifications. I deeply regret not being able to get ahead in the imperial examinations, but when I saw such a learned man as my husband, I felt close to him unconsciously, as if I saw my teacher again."

Wu Li heard that Jia Ke also studied under a famous teacher, so he couldn't help being interested.Then he asked him who was the tall man and sat down.

Jia Ke quickly replied, "My teacher is in the first class, No. 5 in the second class, and his surname is Li Wenbin. He is now walking in the household department."

Wu Li thought about it carefully, and he really remembered that there was such a person, who was said to be in charge of Shaanxi money and food in the household department.Quite a few achievements.

As soon as Wu Li heard that he was his disciple, who also came from the imperial examination, he felt a little warmer, knowing that he was not a pure martial artist, but just abandoned his pen to fight, and he could be regarded as a half-Confucian.No wonder he knows how to behave so well. He originally wanted to give him an insult first, but now that he is so respectful, it is unnecessary.

Jia Ke introduced Wu Li to the lobby of the Kaiping Mansion, and invited Wu Li to take a seat. Although Wu Li was willing in his heart, he couldn't tell the truth, so he said that in the lobby of Kaipingwei, only Jia Ke, the chief official, could sit. How could he, a civil servant, sit? Such a position?
How could Jia Ke dare to sit in front of him at the moment, he kept giving way and insisted on asking Wu Li to sit at the head seat.

Wu Li couldn't put it off, no matter how much he thought about it, he thought he was Jia Ke's superior.So he went along with the flow and took the lead.

Jia Ke bowed and stood beside him in the hall, but it was not because Jia Ke had much respect for Wu Li in his heart.It's just that the king of hell is easy to see, and the little devil is difficult to deal with.The Jiedu envoy Wang Tao may still be jealous of the power of Jia, Wang, Shi, and Xue, and give him some face, but these little devils under him, as long as they do Jia Ke a little bit of bad, they may make Jia Ke Great merit becomes small merit, and minor merit becomes useless. At that time, no merit is a fault.This is also Jia Ke's last life, summarizing some small personal experiences.

Seeing Jia Ke standing obediently in the hall, Wu Li dared not show any disrespect to him. Although he was old-fashioned, he was human after all, so he was very grateful for this situation.So he spoke in a much gentler tone: "Jia Qianhu, the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion received your victory report? There are many strange things in it, and the Jiedu Envoy is worried, let me check it carefully. Don’t report it to the court at that time, if something goes wrong, everyone is at fault.”

Jia Ke respected him and answered him: "What the Master Registrar said is that Kaipingwei may be a little careless in doing things, and Jiedu made you worry about it. Since you have to check again when you come, Kaipingwei will cooperate fully. Don’t dare to obstruct the slightest thing. You can go to any place you want to inspect.”

Wu Li was very satisfied with Jia Ke's attitude, so he didn't say anything more.

Jia Ke said that Wu Li had finished what he needed to say, and then said: "Your Excellency has just come to Kaipingwei, and the journey has been exhausting. I have prepared a room for Your Excellency. Your Excellency can take a rest first. Tonight we will prepare for your Excellency." Banquet, welcome the wind and wash away the dust. I also ask the adults to show you the honor."

Hearing Jia Ke's thoughtful arrangement, Wu Li nodded with satisfaction and smiled and said, "Guests can do whatever they want, even though Mrs. Jia has already arranged it, so I can't refuse it. It's all up to Mrs. Jia's arrangements."

When Jia Ke heard that Wu Li had agreed.Immediately arrange a family courtyard, send Wu Li to Qianhu Mansion, an exquisite small courtyard for guests, and arrange maids to serve him.After everything was arranged properly, he left.

Jia Ke went back to the study, called Liu Yu to him, and asked him in detail about his situation in Jiedu's mansion.

Liu Yu reported to him one by one, focusing on reporting to him. The Jiedu envoy didn't quite believe their Kaipingwei victory, so he sent Wu Li to look at the military achievements again, to see if Jia Ke was pretending to be military achievements in a panic.

(End of this chapter)

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