Chapter 90
Wu Li freshened up in the small courtyard, washed away the dust of the past few days, and felt refreshed.In the past few days, in order to reach Kaipingwei as soon as possible, the road was bumpy all the way without any pause.Let him, a literati, suffer a lot.Now settle in and freshen up.It made him feel much more relaxed.

In the evening, Jia Ke personally invited Wu Li to the banquet.

Kaipingwei didn't have any good cooks, so Jia Ke had to go to the kitchen to guide her and cook some rare dishes in Jia's mansion.Although it is not up to the standard of Jia Mansion, it is considered rare in this border town.

At the banquet, Wu Li sat in the main seat, Jia Ke was in the side seat, and the two deputy Qianhu Feng Mo and Huang Baifeng also accompanied the banquet.Wu Li lavishly praised the chef who was cooking during the dinner, thinking that the food he cooked was the best in the entire Xuanfu Town.In fact, Wu Li thought that this was the chef Jia Ke brought from Jia's mansion, and he was both envious and contemptuous of the children of these aristocratic families, and he never forgot to let go of his stinky airs wherever he went.Jia Ke had already seen what Wu Li was thinking, but pretended not to know, and kept toasting Wu Li during the banquet, and said compliments without money.Feng Mo, Huang Baifeng never imagined that such a brave and skilled Lord Qianhu would have such a side on the battlefield. It seems that the methods of educating children in this aristocratic family are indeed different, and there are still many merits. Such a delicate and clear mind, Being able to let go of face at any time is absolutely impossible for them.With Jia Ke constantly adjusting the atmosphere, everyone enjoyed themselves and drank until late at night before they dispersed.Jia Ke personally sent Wu Li back to the guest room.Then go back to rest.

The next day, when Wu Li woke up, it was already high in the sun, but he did not forget his mission.After grooming, the first thing to do was to look for Jia Ke and check his military achievements.This is also the main purpose of his coming. Don't look at him accepting Jia Ke's banquet in Kaipingwei, but he will not show any mercy to Jia Ke, because this is related to the military regulations and disciplines of the entire Xuanfu Town, because Wang Tao's army is very serious. Yan, although there are some small disadvantages in the army, those are the conventions in the army for many years, such as eating empty pay and so on.But under his management, there has never been a case of false reporting of military achievements in Xuanfu Town.Before coming here, he decided to teach Jia Ke a lesson.Although he cannot be given a severe punishment, it also makes him afraid to commit another crime.

Jia Ke heard that Wu Li wanted to see him for business, so he didn't dare to neglect to come to meet him immediately.

When Wu Li saw Jia Ke, there was no expression on his face, as if he was the same as the smiling Wu Li yesterday.

Jia Ke was also a little unhappy, who are these people?Playing face-changing Sichuan opera with him.One day at a time.Although he was unhappy in his heart, there was nothing on his face.Still respectfully, he saluted Wu Li first, and then asked humbly: "I wonder if my lord has asked me to come here, what can I tell you?"

Wu Li saw that Jia Ke was still fully cooperating without any resistance.There was also a hint of doubt in my heart, could it be that Jia Ke really won the three armies bravely and won the great victory of Kaiping and Wei?But come to think of it, it's totally impossible.Jia Ke's current behavior must be confusing herself.

Wu Li regained his confidence, and said to Jia Ke: "The Jiedu Mansion still has important matters to do? I can't delay too long, and I will start the military test today. I don't know what arrangements you have."

Jia Ke cupped his hands and said to Wu Li: "I still have to do military affairs in a lowly position, so I can't accompany you to conduct personal inspections. Why don't you let Kaipingwei's vice Qianhu Huang Baifeng accompany you. I don't know what you want?"

Wu Li met Huang Bofeng at the banquet yesterday, this Huang Bofeng is a middle-aged man, he treats people very gently.Compared with the disapproval expression on his face by the other deputy Qianhu, although he knew he was looking for trouble, his expression was several times better.Should be a good candidate.I won't use small tricks on myself to delay my own affairs, that is to say, I agree.

In fact, Jia Ke was not prepared to use any means at all.Because his military merits are real, the reason why he is careful to curry favor with Wu Li is because he is afraid that Wu Li will play tricks on him. Although he is not afraid that he will lose his military merit ticket, he still sails carefully.

So starting from this day, Wu Li, accompanied by Huang Baifeng, began to test Kaipingwei's military achievements.

Wu Li is very experienced in this area, but the more he examines it, the more surprised he feels.Because he really found more than 600 Tatar captives in Kaipingwei.

He randomly selected these prisoners for interrogation, and found that it was completely different from what he thought.All these captives were young and strong Tatars.They were all captured by Kaiping Guards on the battlefield.

After inspecting the captives, they went to inspect the heads of 3000 and [-] levels, but Huang Bofeng heard that he was going to inspect the heads, so he asked someone to prepare a carriage.This made Wu Li very puzzled.

Until they got into the carriage, left Kaipingwei, and traveled northward for five or six miles.Seeing the Beijing Temple made of human heads, Wu Li was dumbfounded.

Wu Li has seen from history books that hundreds of years ago, the imperial court at that time conquered the grasslands in the north, winning successive victories, and the tribes in the grasslands fled thousands of miles north.

At that time, the imperial court used human heads on the grasslands to build a large number of Beijing temples to frighten the grasslands.But in reality, he never saw it.

Seeing outside Kaipingwei today, Jia Ke actually built the Jingguan with the heads of prairie cavalry. Looking at the size of the Jingguan, it cannot be completed without thousands of heads.Only now did he fully believe that under the leadership of Jia Ke, Kaipingwei defeated the Tatars and beheaded thousands of people.

But he still didn't think it was Jia Ke's ability, but he was more and more afraid of the aristocratic family in his heart. He thought it was a matter of Jia's manpower and material resources.

Wu Li couldn't help feeling emotional about this, a declining family could easily accomplish things that the imperial court could not accomplish.It seems that these aristocratic families still have a lot of potential that is unknown.

In the future, don't offend Jia Ke too much. If the Jia family gets angry, I'm afraid I don't have the shoulders to shoulder it as the chief envoy.Besides, no matter how Jia Ke's military achievements came from, it was true after all. There was no false report, so he had no reason to reprimand Jia Ke.

Wu Li returned to Kaipingwei again, and his attitude towards Jia Ke became kind again. Seeing that Wu Li's attitude had changed so obviously, Jia Ke was still a little puzzled.I guessed that Wu Li's attitude changed when he saw that his military achievements were real.

Wu Li didn't find out that Jia Ke's military achievements were fake, so he planned to stay another day today and report to Wang Tao at the Jiedu Mansion tomorrow.

But no one thought that Kaipingwei's situation would undergo a huge change in just this one night.

Jia Ke was woken up in the middle of the night, and the spies reported that the Tatars had [-] to [-] cavalry marching towards Kaipingwei.At dawn, you must arrive at Kaipingwei.

Jia Ke was shocked when he heard the news. He never expected that 6 or [-] people would come to besiege the small Kaipingwei. Now that he thinks about it, it was his own negligence. He never thought that the Tatars would come to retaliate.

Jia Ke didn't dare to delay, so he immediately beat the drums and assembled the generals, put on his helmet and crown, and rushed to the lobby of Qianhu Mansion.

The two deputy Qianhus and all the Baihus in Kaipingwei suddenly heard the sound of drums in the middle of the night, and they knew that it was Lord Qianhu who was beating the drums to gather generals. From the moment the drums sounded, if the three drums were not reached, they wanted to behead them to show the public .So they didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly dressed properly, and rushed to Qianhu Mansion.

Jia Ke came to the lobby of Qianhu Mansion first, and sat in the center, waiting for everyone to arrive.

As soon as the two drums were played, all the officers arrived.Even Wu Li heard the sound of drums and rushed over.

This time, Jia Ke did not let Wu Li sit in the main seat, but placed a chair for him at the bottom of the hall.Wu Li didn't have any dissatisfaction either. He heard the drums of the generals in the middle of the night. He was often in the army and didn't know there was an emergency. The general in the army was beating the drums to gather the generals. He knew that he was exercising Kaiping's responsibility to protect thousands of households, and he really couldn't interfere in any way.According to the regulations of the imperial court, even I have to listen to his orders at this time.If there is a violation, it can be done according to the military law, and I am afraid that the head will not be guaranteed.

(End of this chapter)

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