Chapter 91
Jia Ke gathered the generals in the hall of Qianhu Mansion, and the generals stood on both sides.Jia Ke sat in the middle.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Jia Ke bowed his hands to Wu Li first, and then said to the generals, "I just got an emergency message. The Tatars have [-] to [-] cavalry. They invaded Kaipingwei overnight. They will definitely arrive tomorrow morning. Now you say What should I do once I say it?"

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you.For a while, no one spoke, and finally Wu Li spoke, "Jia Qianhu, the Tatars are attacking aggressively, and Kaipingwei must be able to stop them. You should immediately send someone to report to Lord Jiedu Envoy, please ask Lord Jiedu Envoy Lead troops to help."

Jia Ke replied: "Master Wu's words are very true. I don't feel relieved to send others there. Liu Yu, you should go to Xuanfu Town and report to the Jiedu envoy."

Jia Ke turned his head and said to Wu Li, "Why don't Master Wu go back to Xuanfu Town with Liu Yu, I don't know what Master Wu wants."

Wu Li thought for a while, and felt that if he left now, he would not be able to ride a fast horse as a literati. If he took a car, he might encounter Tatars within a short distance. He might as well stay in Kaipingwei and wait for the Jiedushi Rescue, there is still a glimmer of life.

So Wu Li said to Jia Ke: "The military situation is so urgent now. Since I have come to Kaipingwei, I am a member of Kaipingwei. How can I run away. Master Jia, don't say that again."

Jia Ke was not a fool either, he understood his thoughts after a little thought, and he didn't point it out, but instead praised: "Master Wu, you are not afraid in times of danger, you are really a role model for all the adults in this dynasty."

After praising him, he turned around and told Huang Baifeng: "Last time, you gathered all the elites and were more experienced. This time, it's up to you. All the elites of every household must go under the city wall to support them. Soldiers to fight. Anyone who dares to refuse will be punished as collaborating with the enemy. You don't need to waste time, go now."

Huang Baifeng cupped his hands and said to Jia Ke: "Don't worry, my lord, I'll do it now." After speaking, he left the hall and went to gather his strength and prepare to defend the city.

After Jia Ke finished giving Huang Baifeng orders, he said to Feng Mo, "Now you, gather all the soldiers. They all go to the top of the city, there must be no mistakes."

After listening to the instructions of the lecture, Feng Mo said nothing, bowed his hands to Jia Ke, and immediately left Qianhu Mansion.

After Jia Ke gave instructions to the two of them, he said to the hundreds of households present: "Go back to your own households immediately, and each team prepares to go to the city to fight the Tatars."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand to let all the hundreds of households retreat. After Zhongren retreated, Jia Ke asked Wu Li to come to his study together.Jia Ke first wrote a military report, but he meant that five or six thousand Tatars marched towards Kaipingwei overnight. The Kaipingwei had few troops and was alone, so they might not be able to win. Please, Lord Jiedu, immediately send troops for reinforcements.

After finishing writing, Jia Ke showed it to Wu Li, who read it carefully and found that there was nothing wrong with it.He signed his name under the military newspaper.

Jia Ke saw that Wu Li had signed the letter, so he stamped his Kaipingwei seal, ordered Liu Yu to be called in, and handed over the letter to him.Said to him: "This letter is of great importance, you should not delay it, set out overnight and send the letter to Xuanfu Town as soon as possible, and hand it over to Lord Jiedushi."

Liu Yu didn't dare to neglect, took the letter, immediately came out of Qianhu Mansion, and rode towards the south gate of Kaipingwei.

Not to mention how Jia Ke arranged the defensive Kaipingwei, but why the Tatars came so strangely?

It turned out that Sobud, the leader of the Tumo tribe, was defeated and returned to Zhangbei, not long after he reported to the Tatar Khan.The Tatar tribes returned to Zhangbei one after another.

Among them, the Ewenki tribe and the Tumo tribe have been at odds for generations, and Bayar, the leader of the Ewenki tribe, saw Sobud's embarrassed appearance.Not only did he not comfort him, but he laughed at Sobud, "Sobud, don't you think you are an eagle on the grassland? Why are you so embarrassed today? Don't the eagle's wings have feathers?"

Sobud was ashamed and angry, his face was flushed, his eyes were as wide as bull's eyes when he saw Bayar, his right hand tightly held the scimitar at his waist, and he was about to go up and fight him desperately.

Seeing this situation, Bayar's guards hurried forward to guard Bayar.

Sobud's guards also stepped forward and opened their posture, seeing that the two were about to engage in a fight.

At this time, someone had already reported the situation here to Arslen Khan.Arslen Khan was furious after hearing this, and immediately ordered the guards to call the two to his tent.

Sobud and Bayar were about to start a war, but Arslen Khan's envoy arrived in time to separate them.And said to them: "The Great Khan has an order, order you two, stop the conflict immediately, and report to the king's tent if you have anything."

Only then did the two stop fighting, stared at each other honestly, and followed the messenger to Arslen Khan's king's tent.

When they arrived at the king's tent, the envoy asked them to wait outside, and went in to report first.

After a while, word came from the king's tent, asking them to go in. Bayar and Sobud entered the king's tent, feeling a little uneasy.They all looked up secretly, and saw Arslen Khan sitting on it with a livid face.Seeming to be very angry, the two quickly knelt down respectfully and saluted Arslen Khan together.

Arslen Khan sat on the big tiger-skin chair and looked at the two kneeling below.In fact, he was not as angry as he appeared on the surface, and the expression on his face was just for them to see.The conflict between the various tribes is just a means for him to maintain balance.If all the tribes are friendly and united with each other, it is when he feels panic, and this situation is exactly what he wants.But surface work still needs to be done.

Arslen Khan said to them angrily, "What do you want to do in public? You want to draw your swords at each other. I want the whole world to know that we Tatars are at odds?"

Sobud and Bayar were completely honest at this time, they wanted to take a look at each other, and then tacitly replied: "Dear lord of the grassland, Arslen Khan, the lion on the grassland, it was the two of us who did not do things right now. Zhou, completely forgot your teachings. Please punish us, the Great Khan."

Arslen Khan didn't think of punishing them at all, and seeing that their attitudes on the surface were still sincere, he gently put the matter aside.He taught them a lesson: "We Tatars can become the overlord of the world because of our mutual unity. You two should not hurt your harmony because of some trivial things, causing the various tribes to fight each other. In the end, we Tatars will damage our vitality. "

Bayar and Sobud expressed their remorse to Arslen Khan together, and promised that such a thing would never happen again.

Although Sobud expressed his remorse to Arslen Khan, he was still brooding over the defeat in his heart.Thinking of the heavy casualties of the warriors in the ministry.This has never happened before, and I can't help feeling a burst of sadness welling up in my heart.Thinking about returning to the tribe, how to explain to the people who died relatives?Thinking about their helplessness, those old people and children, thinking about it, I couldn't help kneeling there, crying bitterly.

Arslen Khan saw Sobud's pitiful look, thinking that since the Tatars confronted the Southern Dynasty, they had never suffered such a large number of casualties.

If you don't uphold justice with Sobud, the loyalty of the tribes to the royal court will be greatly reduced in the future.Who will admit that he is sweating profusely in the future.

Arslen Khan thought of this, and said to Sobud: "Sobud, you are a brave warrior, don't cry here. I know about you, don't worry, I will definitely uphold justice for you. After a while, a tribal The patriarchs summoned to the king's account to discuss the matter of revenge."

As soon as Sobud heard that Arslen Khan was going to call the chiefs of the clan to discuss revenge for him.He could no longer express his love for Arslen Khan in words. Sobud thought he was a man who would repay his kindness, and he supported Arslen Khan in the past only for profit.But now he couldn't help but have basic loyalty to Arslen Khan, and it wasn't entirely because of interests.

(End of this chapter)

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