Chapter 92
After Arslen Khan appeased Sobud, he ordered people to blow the horn to summon the chiefs of all tribes and gather in the king's tent.

When the tribal chiefs heard the ox horn, they knew that it was Arslen Khan who was calling, and they must have important matters to discuss, so they rushed to the king's tent, and soon dozens of tribal leaders gathered in the king's tent. In the tent of the king of time, you talk to me.Each of them showed off the wealth they had gained in this southern invasion and became noisy.

Arslen Khan saw how outrageous their appearance was, so he slapped the table and chair hard with his hand.Shouted loudly: "Do you still see me sweating in your eyes, don't you see me?"

The Tatars were originally a grassland nation, and they didn't pay much attention to etiquette.However, since Arslen Khan ascended the Khan throne, he began to pay attention to etiquette, and various regulations became more and more strict.The leaders of the various tribes, although they have complaints in their hearts.But such a trivial matter did not violate their core interests, and there was no need to fight against the Great Khan, so there was no objection.

They were excited just now, and had long forgotten about it. Seeing that Arslen Khan was angry at this moment, they remembered the etiquette.

Arslen Khan's expression softened when he saw that they were subdued, so he didn't pursue too much.It just said on it: "Forget it this time, if you don't understand etiquette again in the future, you will definitely be punished severely."

All the tribal leaders replied in unison: "Follow the Khan's order, and never forget it again."

That's all for Arslen Khan. At this time, the leaders of the various ministries also stood in the hatchback according to the regulations.

Arslen Khan said to them: "Sobud of the Tumo tribe encountered a strong enemy when he attacked Kaipingwei. He was defeated by the enemy because of his carelessness. Now the warriors in the tribe have suffered heavy losses. Look, what should we do next? manage?"

Although Bayar from the Ewenki tribe tried to satirize Sobud just now, but at this time he stood on the interests of the entire Tatars. He was afraid that everyone would think that if he didn’t care this time, if his own tribe had problems in the future, others would also Standing by and watching, the Tatars will become a mess at that time, so the first one stood up to speak for Sobud: "Khan, the Tumo tribe suffered heavy losses this time. It is fighting for my entire Tatars. We can't ignore it. Furthermore, this defeat hurt the morale of our Tatars. I will not wait for revenge. If such a situation happens in the future, which tribe would dare to move forward? So I ask the Great Khan to immediately send troops to break through Kaipingwei to avenge our dead warriors .”

Arslen Khan was very satisfied when he heard Bayar's words, it seems that he still took the overall situation into consideration.

Sobud didn't expect Bayar to say that, he looked at Bayar in surprise.

After listening to Bayar's words, Arslen Khan said to the chiefs of the tribes below: "Everyone heard what Bayar said, and I think it is very reasonable. If you have any opinions, feel free to speak up. Let's discuss and discuss together." .”

The tribal leaders below, hearing Arslen Khan's tone, had obviously agreed to Bayar's suggestion, and no one came out to object to it.

So everyone said that they wanted to flatten Kaipingwei to avenge the dead Tatar warriors.

Arslen Khan saw that there was no objection, so he ordered: "All the tribes gather their troops, and leave half of them to guard the prisoners and the spoils of war. The others bring enough food, grass, and horse materials. Set off overnight, surround Kaiping Guard, and make sure to take Kaiping Wei Ta is a fan."

The leaders of the various tribes under the king's tent took orders together and said: "I will obey the orders of the Great Khan."

Arslen Khan waved his hand to the people below and said: "Get ready immediately when you go down, and set off as soon as you are ready, without delay. This time I will go there in person, and I want to see the little Kaipingwei. What kind of person is there? Lost so many of my warriors."

The departure of the army is not a trivial matter, and all kinds of things have to be prepared, and they are not ready until the afternoon.

So the Tatar army, one man and two horses, set off immediately.In the middle of the night, they arrived dozens of miles away from Kaipingwei.

Only at this time did we encounter Kaipingwei's patrolling cavalry.This is actually Jia Ke, who has little combat experience and lack of thoughtfulness. He never expected that the Tatars would make a comeback.It was the consequence of being almost sneaked this time.

Arslen Khan led the army to the outskirts of Kaipingwei.On the one hand, they ordered people to block the main roads around Kaipingwei to prevent anyone from escaping, and on the other hand, they ordered people to strengthen their vigilance to prevent Kaipingwei from sneak attacking.The rest of the people set up camp, prepared meals, had a full meal, and took a rest.Tomorrow Kaipingwei will be captured in one go.

Besides Kaiping Weinei, after knowing that the Tatars were attacking, he immediately mobilized nervously.Whether it's an official soldier or an ordinary young man.Either they were transporting the defense supplies to the top of the city, or they were standing on the top of the city looking out and watching carefully, for fear that the Tatars would sneak up on them at night.

After Jia Ke arranged the military guard mission, he called Chen Xi, who was in charge of logistics, to the hall of Qianhu Mansion.Ask him whether the materials used for Kaipingwei defense are ready.

Chen Xi replied at that time: "My lord, Kaipingwei has always been a frontier fortress. The defensive materials stored are not only very complete, but also the quantity is amazing. Among them, the grain and grass can be eaten for half a year. There are more than a dozen deep wells in Kaipingwei Fort. Drinking water with livestock is no problem at all. As long as we have enough personnel, we can definitely confront the Tatars for a long time."

Jia Ke was relieved after hearing what he said.Order Chen Xi to go down, and organize people to carry supplies to the city wall.

After Jia Ke sent Chen Xi away, Zheng Kai was summoned. At this time, Zheng Kai had been appointed by Jia Ke as one of Jia Ke's confidantes.

Soon Zheng Kai came to Qianhu Mansion. When Jia Ke saw him, he said to him without any nonsense: "You put down all other things now, and take your people to patrol and monitor Kaiping Guard day and night. I It is suspected that there are Tatar spies in Kaipingwei. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the previous Qianhu to die so strangely."

Zheng Kai is now loyal to Jia Ke. As soon as he heard Jia Ke's order, he immediately led his own cavalry to patrol the Kaiping Guard without stopping.Anyone who finds ghosts and suspicious behaviors will be arrested first, regardless of the reason.

Seeing that everything was well arranged, Jia Ke didn't feel sleepy, so he recruited his own soldiers and went to Kaiping Weicheng to observe the situation of the Tatars first.

When Jia Ke arrived at the top of the city, he looked down from a high position and looked out. He saw the pitch black outside the city and couldn't see anything clearly, but he heard the sound of horseshoes from time to time.Presumably the Tatar cavalry were patrolling around to prevent being attacked by themselves.

He found that the Tatars had some ways of guarding against surprise attacks.When the Tatars attacked last time, a large number of scouting horses were arranged outside, and this time it was much the same.

I originally wanted to take advantage of the Tatar's unstable foothold and take people out to attack him.Now it seems that if there is a surprise attack, it will definitely fail.

It seems that tomorrow daytime will definitely be a vicious battle.He had to think of a way to delay the time, otherwise the little Kaipingwei might not be able to wait for the Jiedu Envoy Wang Tao to come to his rescue.

Jia Ke thought about it carefully, and decided to take a small number of cavalry out of the city to challenge tomorrow. He heard that Tatars have always valued warriors.Going out of the city to challenge by yourself, if the opponent doesn't fight, it will definitely damage the morale.If you go out to battle, you will be beheading the general, and you will also be able to greatly defeat the morale of the enemy.

If you challenge yourself for several days in a row and the enemy comes to fight, you can buy a few days for Kaipingwei.When the time comes, Jiedu envoy Wang Tao will lead the troops to help, and he is supposed to join forces with him, and they will surely defeat the Tatars.

With this idea in mind, Jia Ke ordered someone to find him a leeward position on the top of the city wall.Lie down and rest, in order to recharge your energy, and go out to the city tomorrow to fight the Tartars.

(End of this chapter)

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