Chapter 93
Jia Ke hid in a sheltered place on the city wall and lay there until the early morning before being awakened by the soldiers.

After Jia Ke got up, she touched her face with her hand to wake herself up.Then go to the city wall and look out.

Outside the city wall, there were already camps connecting camps, and tents connecting tents.Outside the camp, there is a deep ditch and Gao Lei, and the defenses are heavily guarded. Now that I think about it, it's fortunate that I didn't make a sneak attack yesterday, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to please.

However, judging from the style of the Tatar camps, they are relatively primitive. Perhaps it is because they are all cavalry, so they do not pay attention to earthworks. This is because the Tatars are relatively scarce in supplies. If they attack secretly, they can still find flaws. .

While Jia Ke was watching from the tower, Feng Mo and Huang Baifeng also came to the tower and reported to him the preparations made last night.

Huang Bofeng first reported to Jia Ke: "My lord, last night I gathered all the young men in Kaipingwei. These young men have undergone some military training. They can go to the top of the city to help defend the city when necessary."

Jia Ke nodded, and said to Huang Baifeng with a serious expression, "How is the Rolling Wood Thunder Stone prepared?"

Huang Baifeng replied: "The Rolling Wood Thunder Stone is quite prepared. I just confirmed with Chen Xi and Master Chen, and he said that there is no problem in guarding him for ten days and half a month."

"Don't be careless. We will demolish the house when necessary. We would rather demolish the house. We can't lose Kaipingwei when we rebuild in the future." Jia Ke said with a serious expression.

"My lord, I understand. Don't worry, the house will be demolished when the time comes. My house will be demolished first." Huang Baifeng said firmly.

Seeing that they finished speaking, Feng Mo also came over to report to Jia Ke: "My lord, all the soldiers of Kaipingwei have assembled. The infantry have all gone to the city. Some of them are in the front and are ready to defend the city at any time, while the others are resting in the back. Take over the first part. All the cavalry, except Zheng Kai's troops, are assembled at the city gate. They are ready to be dispatched by the adults at any time."

"You have done a good job. The current situation is like this. The enemy is so outnumbered that I am afraid that it will be difficult to defend the city. Therefore, I will take the cavalry out of the city to challenge. One is to dampen the enemy's spirit, and the other is to delay time. so that the Jiedu envoy can come to help." Jia Ke told them about his battle plan.

While they were talking, Wu Li also came up to the city, just in time to hear Jia Ke's battle plan.Immediately stepped forward to express objection: "Jia Qianhu must not do this, you are the general of the whole army, if there is any damage, I am afraid that Kaiping Guard will not be able to protect it, so it is better to defend it and wait for the rescue of the Jiedu envoy."

Seeing Wu Li coming up, Jia Ke hurriedly took him to his side, then pointed to the outside of the city and said to him, "Please look, my lord, the camp is set up a few miles outside the city. I am afraid there are at least 6 or [-] horses. The Tartars are not good at attacking the city, but the difference in the number of the enemy and us is too great. If we concentrate on defending the city, it may not take long, and our Kaipingwei troops will be exhausted. Therefore, we must do everything possible to delay the time , I will go out of the city to challenge, and with the character of the Tatars, I will definitely fight. At least one day will be bought for us. I wonder what you think?"

Wu Li looked out of the city, and saw the tents outside the city covering the sky and the sun, with people and horses shuttling back and forth, and the guards were tight. Wu Li also went to the battlefield with Jiedu envoys. Thinking about the thousands of troops on our side, and thinking about Jia Ke's method, it is already the best method that can be adopted at present.

Although Wu Li looks serious on the surface, he is actually a kind-hearted person.He didn't know that Jia Ke was capable of martial arts. Seeing that there was no other way, Jia Ke wanted to take the risk of going out of the city to challenge him.So, he cupped his fists and said to Jia Ke: "Jia Qianhu is loyal to the country, and he does not avoid dangers. Wu admires him. If there is something offended, Jia Qianhu hopes to forgive it. Wu is truly convinced of Jia Qianhu." gone."

Jia Ke also cupped his hands at Wu Li and said, "Master Wu is also serving the country and sharing the worries of the Holy One. What he does is his own duty, so there is nothing that offends him. Don't worry about Master Wu."

After Jia Ke and Wu Li finished explaining, they turned to Huang Bofeng and Feng Mo and said, "After I leave the city, you two will be responsible for guarding the city. Don't be negligent. If you encounter something that cannot be decided, talk to Master Wu more often." Please discuss it more, he has been with the Jiedushi for many years and has rich experience, and he will definitely give you some advice when the time comes."

Feng Mo and Huang Baifeng clasped their hands together, looking at Jia Ke with a look of reluctance on his face, they knew that this challenge was different from the last one.The last time the enemy army had only 6000 to [-] people, but this time there were [-] to [-], and there must be a lot of experts among them.Jia Ke is going to challenge now, it is very risky. Looking at their expressions, Jia Ke couldn't help laughing, and said to them: "You don't have to worry about me. These Tatars look brave, but I Make it worthless, wait for me to fight in a while, let him know how powerful the heroes of the Central Plains are."

After Jia Ke finished giving them instructions, he ordered people to prepare meals for all the soldiers to have a full meal, and Jia Ke himself did not return to Qianhu Mansion, so he ate with the soldiers.Facing the upcoming battle, Jia Ke had a firm mind, so he chatted and laughed happily with the soldiers while eating, with no fear on his face. Seeing that he was so heroic, the soldiers completely put life and death aside, and they were all secretly heartbroken. proud of his commander.

After having a full meal, Jia Ke straightened his armor, took a white robe from his own soldiers, and put it on his body. He had always envied those white-robed generals in the original time and space, so after arriving at Kaipingwei, he also did it for himself. Made a white robe, and fought in a white robe every time he went to battle.

Jia Ke wore a white robe, and then went straight down to the gate of the city.There were already 500 cavalry waiting there, and the eyes of these [-] people all shone with fanaticism.The soldiers of Kaipingwei have worshiped Jia Ke since he led the crowd to defeat the Tatars last time, so they feel very honored to be able to fight against him now.

Jia Ke didn't answer, took the reins of the Fire Dragon Colt from the soldiers, got on the horse, held Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, ordered people to open the city gate, and galloped out with five hundred cavalry.

Jia Ke led the horse out of the city gate, came to the Tatar village, and reined in the horse's head.The Tatars shouted loudly: "I am Kaipingwei Qianhu Jia Ke, you Tatars, who dares to fight to the death with me?" The cavalry behind Jia Ke also shouted and cursed.

The soldiers of the Tatars inside the gate of the village heard Jia Ke yelling at him and hurriedly reported it to Arslen Khan.

At this time, Arslen Khan was in the king's tent, and the leader of the same tribe was discussing today's battle while eating grilled lamb chops.

Suddenly, a spy came to report: "Jia Ke, a thousand households in Kaipingwei, led cavalry down to the pass. Before coming to the stronghold, he yelled at him for a fight. Please Khan make a decision."

When Arslen Khan heard this, he said angrily: "A small thousand households don't know the heights of the sky and the earth. Last time, I was lucky to win, but now I dare to go out to fight. Who dares to fight? It shows the majesty of our Tatars. "

Bayar of the Ewenki Department knew that Jia Ke had killed several generals of Sobud, and now was the time to overwhelm Sobud.So he turned around and winked, and the people behind him understood.So he turned from behind him and knelt in the center to ask for a fight.

Arslen Khan watched carefully, and turned out from the back of Bayar, the brave general Tonglaga. He knew this man. When the old Khan was around, he had accompanied the old Han king to the Western Regions. He had experienced military exploits and fought alone in the Western Regions The enemy's four generals were undefeated. Among the Tatars, he was a famous warrior.Seeing him play now, he is sure to win.So he was overjoyed and said: "If you go to battle immediately, you should do your best, and don't let that arrogant Jia Ke go."

With a relaxed expression on his face, Tonglaga replied nonchalantly: "Don't worry, Da Khan, I will let Da Khan see his head when he is young." After speaking, he left the tent.

(End of this chapter)

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