Chapter 94
Tonglaga was fully clothed, swung his weapons, and rushed out of the village at the head of the horse, followed by four or five hundred people from the headquarters.

Jia Ke was showing off his power in front of the battle. Suddenly, a group of men and horses rushed out from the enemy's stronghold. The first one had a bronze helmet on his head, tall pheasant tails on both sides, a black complexion, a small beard under his chin, and a bronze armor that set off the dragon. Lin five-color flowers, lined with a green willow robe, embroidered as two dragons fighting for beads, wearing tiger-head boots, sitting on a white dragon horse, holding a mixed iron gun, really has a bit of prestige.

When Jia Ke saw someone coming out of the stronghold, he shouted: "Damn barbarians, this is the fortress of the Celestial Dynasty. How dare you lead troops to attack? Go back quickly and tell your king to return to the grassland quickly, and I will spare your life." ; If you hesitate again, I will take your life."

Hearing Jia Ke's words, Tonglaga was furious: "Damn Nanman dare to speak wild words, there is no need to boast, just watch the uncle's gun." After speaking, he stepped on his horse, took the pistol and looked straight at Jia Ke's waist and stabbed in.

Jia Ke shouted: "Good time!" He knocked Fang Tian's halberd on the barrel of the gun, put the mixed iron gun aside, and after three rounds of fighting, Jia Ke turned Fang Tian's painted halberd sideways, and pointed at the gun. With a blow on the back, Laga split Tong Laga into two pieces.

Arslen Khan, with the leader of the heavy tribe, was waiting for Tonglaga in the king's tent. The news of Jia Ke's capture and killing, everyone from the leader was full of confidence, thinking that Tonglaga would win.

Only Sobud had a bad premonition in his heart, so he came out of the crowd and said to Arslen Khan: "Khan, this Jia Ke is very skilled in martial arts, and he is brave in killing and attacking. I think Tonglaga may not be able to win. Why don't you send another general?" Go to fight for Tonglaga, and have a defense when necessary."

Hearing what Sobud said, Bayar couldn't help being furious. He stepped forward and glared at Sobud and said, "Well, Sobud, don't grow up with other people's aspirations and destroy your own prestige. Tonglaga is the hero under my command." , followed Lao Khan and I through countless battles, but Jia Ke is just a doll, what skills do you have? You still need to watch the enemy."

They were arguing, and they didn't listen to the report from outside the account: "Qi Khan, the big thing is not good. Tonglaga and Na Jia Ke couldn't fight well, so they were split into two halves by Jia Ke."

Everyone in the big tent heard the return of the scout horse, and all of them turned pale with fright. Tonglaga was also a well-known general under Bayar's command, and he was killed by Jia Ke in just three matches, which was somewhat unexpected.

At this moment, a person was annoyed in the big tent. This person was the leader of the Zalaite tribe, Alaifu's general Tara, who was known for his bravery and skill in combat. , looked down on the people of the Southern Dynasties, thinking that they were just lambs raised by the grassland people.In the tent today, when I heard that Jia Ke beheaded Tongla Gacong, the tribal leader was terrified.Feeling uneasy for a while, he stepped forward and reported to Arslen Khan, "Don't be alarmed. Others are afraid of him, Jia Ke, and I, Tara, regard him as worthless. When I go out to fight, I will definitely behead him and return."

Arslen Khan was overjoyed, and encouraged him, saying: "I heard the general's name a long time ago, and now there is a general to fight, so I don't have to worry about it." So Arslen Khan hurriedly ordered him to fight.

Tara went out of the king's tent, mounted a horse with a big knife in his hand, and came out of the stronghold to fight Jia Ke.

Jia Ke had just beheaded Tonglaga, and he was very happy in his heart. Killing the enemy general in today's battle was a good start. Next, let these Tatars see his skills.

Just when he was proud, he saw another person galloping out of the Tatar village. This person held a big knife, but he didn't talk to him when he came to the front of the battle. He held the big knife like Jia Ke.Jia Ke was a little annoyed, and used Fang Tian's painted halberd to support his sword hand and asked, "Come on, you will be named, and your grandfather Jia's subordinates will never die without a name."

Tara said angrily: "I am Tara, the leader of the Zalaite Department, Alaifu, the general under the command, and I am here to kill you today."

Jia Ke said angrily, "Don't be so arrogant, watch me take your life." After finishing speaking, she stopped talking to Tara.Destroy the fire dragon horse, dance Fang Tian's painted halberd and kill him.

I saw that Jia Ke Fangtian painted the halberd dance really well, the halberds appeared and disappeared, the yin hand received the yang hand hair, the yang hand received the yin hand hair, Tara only fought with Jia Ke for four or five rounds, and he felt out of breath , the horse is tired and the man is exhausted, the sword technique is very chaotic, sweating profusely, the whole body is numb, and I am terrified, knowing that it is not good.With a false swing of the knife, he turned his horse and walked back.

Where Jia Ke could let him escape, she urged the fire dragon horse to catch up.He raised Fang Tian's painted halberd and pierced his back heart.Tara was caught off guard and was stabbed by Jia Ke under the horse.

Not reconciled to repairing, Jia Ke used Fang Tian's painted halberd to pick up his body and galloped back and forth on the battlefield.

But at this time Arslen Khan's king's tent was silent, waiting for news from outside.Not long after, a detective came over to report: "Qi Khan, Tara and Jia Ke couldn't fight five times, so she was stabbed off the horse by Jia Ke."

Arslen Khan had nothing to say at this time, as far as Na Tara was concerned, he was considered a top player in this account.Unexpectedly, he was killed by Jia Ke after only three or five hits.

Arslen Khan looked at the tent at this time, hoping that all the generals in the tent would volunteer to fight against Jia Ke.

But all the generals in the tent lowered their heads and remained silent when his eyes swept over them, not daring to look up at him.

No one dared to fight Arslen Khan, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay, what a Jia Ke, just one person scares dozens of generals in my camp, and they are too scared to fight." After finishing speaking, his face suddenly became gloomy.

Arslen Khan thought for a while, and said angrily in his heart: "All the generals follow me to the front of the battle and take a look at this Jia Ke. See if he has three heads and six arms." After speaking, he walked out of the tent.

The leaders and generals of the Zhong tribe had no choice but to follow Arslen Khan to go to the front of the battle to meet Jia Ke.In fact, they were very apprehensive about Jia Ke, but since Arslen Khan was going, they had no choice but to follow.

Jia Ke beheaded two people before the battle, hesitant in his heart, thinking that when the next enemy comes, should he fight him for a few more rounds, otherwise they will all be scared.I'm afraid that when they rush forward, they won't be able to please themselves.It also fails to achieve the purpose of delaying time.

Jia Ke was thinking right away, when suddenly the gate of the Tatar village opened wide, and countless cavalry poured out, like Jia Ke firing arrows non-stop, Jia Ke hurriedly made people back a little distance to make room for the opponent.

At this time, the Tatars had already set up their positions and formed a formation. There were [-] to [-] cavalry guarding a yellow Luo canopy in front of the formation. Under the canopy stood a man with a white face and beardless, handsome and extraordinary.Surrounded by more than a dozen gorgeously dressed figures, Jia Ke saw Sobud among them, and thought that the one in the middle was the Great Khan Arsl of the Tatars.

When Jia Ke saw that the opponent was standing firm, he urged his horse forward, came to the place where the arrow was shot, and shouted: "Khan of the Tatars, dare to come forward and talk to me?"

Arslen Khan also had a bit of arrogance, seeing Jia Ke yelling in front of the battle, he wanted to go forward.At this time, the left and right hurriedly stopped him, and said to Arslen Khan, "How can you go into a dangerous place with a body of ten thousand gold, and don't fall into Jia Ke's tricks."

Arslen Khan said to the left and right: "Jia Ke is a hero on the battlefield and a dragon and phoenix among people. It must not be a trick to harm me. If I don't go out to meet him, it will make him look down on me. There are no heroes among the Tatars." So he insisted on going, but everyone couldn't stop him.In the end, they had to send two brave generals to accompany them. These two were warriors in Arslen Khan's headquarters, and they had been guarding Arslen Khan in battles all the year round.

Arslen Khan led the two of them and urged the horse to come a dozen steps ahead of Jia Ke.

When Jia Ke saw that Arslen Khan dared to come in front of him, he thought he had a god-given opportunity.As long as he surprises Arslen Khan and captures or beheads him, Kai Pingwei will be safe, so he changed his mind, but he didn't know if he would succeed.

(End of this chapter)

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