The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 693 Recommended

Chapter 693 Recommended
After Yingchun's marriage, the most important thing in the royal family is the marriage of that precious lump, Jia Baoyu.

Jia Ke didn't worry as much about Jia Baoyu as she did about Jia Yingchun, and just left the matter to Jia Mu and left it alone.

But Jia Mu was too old to worry about everything, so the job finally fell on the Queen Mother.

Although the queen mother is called the queen mother in the palace, she does not have her own independent palace, and can only live in the Kangning Palace with Jia Zheng.

After the queen mother took over the errand, she naturally wanted to organize a decent wedding for her son.

Therefore, the Queen Mother summoned officials from the Ministry of Rites to discuss matters almost every day during this period.

Before he knew it, another month or so passed, and the day of Jia Baoyu's marriage arrived.

On this day, the excitement surpassed Yuan Chun's wedding, but on this day Jia Ke just showed his face when Jia Baoyu kowtowed to Jia Mu and disappeared.

The civil and military ministers were not fools, and when they saw Jia Ke's attitude, they naturally understood that the emperor didn't want to see his younger brother.

Therefore, although many people went to congratulate Jia Baoyu on this day, they all sat down and left.

After Jia Baoyu got married, the royal family had accomplished a major event. For the next few children, only Jia Tanchun was due, but it was not Jia Ke's turn to worry about it. Naturally, Concubine Zhao took care of it for her. matter.

In the past, Concubine Zhao naturally had no right to control Jia Tancun's marriage, but now her identity is different from the past, she is the concubine of the Supreme Emperor.

It can also be said that she is the most favored concubine of the Supreme Emperor. Naturally, countless people went to curry favor with her. According to etiquette, she is also qualified to participate in her daughter's marriage, so Concubine Zhao is very active in this matter.

Not to mention that they are worrying here, but also that Jia Ke is above the court, and the commercial and tax reforms that have been implemented this year have been very successful, so Jia Ke wants to make persistent efforts and do another thing that he has in mind.

Another worry of Jia Ke is that he wants to contribute to his parents. In fact, Jia Ke is not very good at government affairs.

But after all, Jia Ke traveled from modern times. He has been exposed to many modern TV dramas and books, and knows many things that benefit the country and the people.

For example, this is a method that can not only extend the time of the dynasty, but also relieve the pressure of ordinary people.

It is a major tax reform that abolishes the poll tax (small tax) that has been implemented in China for more than 2000 years and merges it into land tax.

The important purpose of Jia Ke's implementation of dividing the family into the mu is to greatly extend the time of the dynasty he founded, and to avoid the tragedy of the two or 300-year cycle like the original dynasty.

Jia Ke, as the emperor of the new dynasty, hopes to show "benevolent governance" by reducing taxes. On the one hand, the population of the previous dynasty increased greatly, and it was difficult to control the household registration, which made it difficult to calculate the tax increase based on population. Therefore, this method was adopted to reduce the cost of collection. .

The implementation of dividing the land into acres has freed the proletarians from the burden of taxation, while the burden on the landlords has increased, which has a certain effect on the continuous increase in the population of the dynasty, slowing down land mergers, and promoting the development of industry and commerce.

From Jia Ke's point of view, this is a good thing that benefits the country and the people, but in the eyes of the landlords in the world, it is a bad thing that greatly increases their expenses.

If an ordinary emperor wants to implement this policy, he must implement iron and blood methods like the emperor who confiscated his family in the Qing Dynasty to suppress those who resisted in the world.

But when it came to Jia Ke, it was much easier, because after all, Jia Ke was the founding emperor of the country, and his military power was very secure, and those landlords didn't have much strength to compete with him.

Another one is that if the new dynasty wants to continue the system of the previous dynasty, there is naturally nothing to say, but it is also logical to want to change the system of the previous dynasty.

Therefore, Jia Ke began to brief the civil and military officials after several big dynasties, so that they had a plan in mind.

As soon as Jia Ke revealed the news here, the city was naturally full of uproar, and it didn't take long for even the South to know it clearly.

These civil and military ministers didn't have much opinion on this matter. Although they were all landlords, their main income was ice respect and carbon respect, as well as filial piety from local officials and wealthy businessmen.

But the landlords in those places are a bit overwhelmed. According to Jia Ke's method, then those mud legs will not have to pay taxes in the future, and all the tax burden will fall on them, the landlords. How can this work?

So these people mobilized their relatives, friends and old friends, and began to send messages to the court officials, hoping that these people would say something nice in front of Jia Ke, and it would be best for Jia Ke to take back his order.

But the civil and military ministers in the court naturally knew Jia Ke's temper. As long as he made up his mind, no one could resist, so even though all the property was collected, no one dared to speak nonsense in front of Jia Ke.

Therefore, during the period before the autumn harvest, Jia Ke formally promulgated an edict to the world, abolishing the thousands of years of head tax from now on, and starting from the collection of autumn tax this year, it will be implemented according to the per-mu basis.

And what is implemented together with the sharing of the stalls into the mu is the integration of officials and gentry to pay food for errands.This is also learned by Jia Ke and the emperor who confiscated his family.

In fact, with the deepening of land annexation, a large number of fields were in the hands of landlords and gentry, and these people were just the objects of preferential treatment, which greatly reduced the scope of tax collection.

The integration of officials and gentry on errands and payment of food has been a powerful blow to the illegal behavior of tax evasion in the name of preferential exemption, which has expanded the scope of tax collection by the court and increased the fiscal revenue of the treasury.

More importantly, the power of the imperial court began to spread to the villages and towns through the policy of officials and gentry working together on errands and paying food. This made the unspoken rule of officials not going to the countryside that had lasted for thousands of years begin to disintegrate, and Jia Ke further controlled the entire world. strengthen.

This is also the political legacy that Jia Ke left to future generations. As long as his successors do not change these policies, the world will be further stabilized and the time for the dynasty to perish will be further prolonged.

During the period before the autumn harvest, Xue Baochai gave birth to a son safely in the palace. During this time, Jia Ke favored Xue Baochai more than Qin Keqing.

So as soon as the child was born, Jia Ke named him Jia Hui, and he was directly divided into King Qi.

Due to the birth of King Qi, Jia Ke's harem became turbulent.

Although Qiaolian gave birth to King Wu in the past, Qin Keqing didn't take this child seriously because of Qiaolian's birth.

But now Xue Baochai is different. He is a respectable relative of Jia's family, and his status is no less than that of Qin Keqing. Now he has given birth to King Qi. This child poses a huge threat to Qin Keqing's son, King Jiazhi of Chu.

Therefore, Qin Keqing began to turn his attention to Xue Baochai.

And Qin Keqing's nanny, Zhu Lin, also started to play in Qin Keqing's ears at this time.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Xue Gui has given birth to a Prince Qi, and our Emperor has not yet made up his mind to appoint a crown prince. I think this is the emperor who wants to choose a worthy son from among several sons, so I think it's better to let His Royal Highness King Chu leave the cabinet immediately." Let's read."

Qin Keqing nodded silently after hearing this. He saw that his son Jia Zhi was young, so he couldn't bear him to go to school at such a young age. Now it seems that he must be one step ahead of others. Only Jia Zhi wins Jia Ke's favor. They Only the mother and child can live in peace in the harem.

"Even if this Palace agrees, I have to tell His Majesty, and then ask His Majesty to choose a few talented gentlemen."

Zhu Lin's eyes rolled, it seems that now is the time to push his master out, but his master is only a small official from the seventh rank now, and he doesn't know how long it will take to become a success.

"Mother, I do know a person. This person is quite talented and proficient in common things. If he comes to teach our little master, not only will he have a whole body of talent and learning, but he will not become those bookworms who only know how to read."

Qin Keqing's eyes lit up when she heard this, "Who is it?"

Zhu Lin hurriedly said with a smile on his face, "It's our Jinshi Wang Yi from the new department."

Qin Keqing was silent for a while after listening, and then looked at Zhu Lin, "Nurse knows this person?"

When Zhu Lin heard Qin Keqing's question, he was a little flustered. He didn't expect that Qin Keqing, who had always been obedient to him, would have doubts about this matter.

But Zhu Lin said without changing his expression: "This Wang Yi is a distant relative of mine. Now he is a small official in the Ministry of Rites. He is very frustrated, so he asked to be under my door. I think he is a relative after all. And he still has some talents, so I promised to recommend him.”

Qin Keqing pondered for a moment after listening, and now Qin Keqing also felt that her nanny was a little suspicious. How can a harem steward interfere with the prince's teacher's affairs, which is already obviously deviant.

"I have to talk to the emperor about this matter, let's see what the emperor means."

Zhu Linshi also knew that she was a bit talkative today, so after listening to Qin Keqing's words, she stood aside and stopped talking.

However, on this day, it was the [-]th day of each month. Jia Ke returned from the Palace of Mental Cultivation after dealing with business, and went directly to Qin Keqing's Kunning Palace according to the rules.

When Jia Ke arrived at Kunning Palace, Qin Keqing had already greeted her outside the palace with the palace maids and eunuchs.

Jia Ke got out of the car and Nian personally helped Qin Keqing up, and then the husband and wife went to the main hall of Kunning Palace and took their seats.

After Jia Ke sat down, Qin Keqing immediately served tea for him.

Jia Ke took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "My dear concubine, I haven't seen you for a few days, and I see that you have calmed down a bit."

It turned out that Qin Keqing was originally a thoughtful person. After starting to doubt his nanny during this period, he thought about all the things about her nanny in the past few years, and the more he thought about it, the more suspicious he became.

Although Qin Keqing wanted to report her nanny to Jia Ke, she also thought that when she was young, she was supported by her nanny, otherwise she might not be able to live to this day.

Therefore, it can be said that Qin Keqing was in a dilemma during the period of going to Qin Keqing. Some of them didn't think about eating and drinking, so this was a little clear.

(End of this chapter)

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