Chapter 694 Revealed
Although Qin Keqing was troubled in her heart, she didn't show it on her face.

"Your Majesty has filtered it. These few days, the courtiers and concubines are tired of the hot weather, so they don't sleep well. This is how it clears up."

After hearing this, Jia Ke didn't say anything else. After all, no one has any secrets. Since Qin Keqing doesn't want to say anything, let her do it.

So the husband and wife slept peacefully that night without mentioning it.

The next day, Jia Ke put on a dragon robe under Qin Keqing's clothes, and was about to walk out of the hall when Qin Keqing stopped him again.

"Your Majesty, go slowly. The concubine has something to do, and I have to plead with His Majesty."

"Zitong, you and I, husband and wife, have been talking for so many years."

After hearing Jia Ke's words, Qin Keqing blushed a little, and finally lowered her head and said, "The last time Your Majesty said that Jia Zhi would go out of the cabinet to study, I thought about it for a while, and I think His Majesty's vision is far-sighted, and the child is not young. I can't let him continue to mess around."

Jia Ke looked at Qin Keqing in surprise. He just refused some time ago, but now he offered it again, maybe he really figured it out.

"Since Zitong said so, then I will arrange for King Chu to study in the upper study in a few days."

After hearing this, Qin Keqing finally showed some smiles on her face, but she seemed to think of something again, and opened her mouth, but she still didn't speak out in the end.

Jia Ke didn't seem to see that Qin Keqing had something to say, turned around, took Li Deshan and the maids and eunuchs close to her, and left Kunning Palace and went back to Qianqing Palace.

As soon as Jia Ke left, the Zhu Lin family came to Qin Keqing's side again.

"Your Majesty, why didn't you mention it to Long Live just now?"

Qin Keqing was worrying, seeing that Zhu Lin was bothering her again, so a fire rose from her heart.

I thought to myself: You are just a nanny, and because you have served me for many years, you dare to interfere with my decision many times now.

So Qin Keqing changed her face: "Nurse Lin, do you still know the rules? Do you know etiquette?"

As soon as Qin Keqing finished speaking, the entire hall immediately became silent. Ever since Zhu Lin came to Qin Keqing's side, Qin Keqing hadn't shown any disrespect to her. Who knew that Qin Keqing suddenly turned his face today.

Zhu Lin was also shocked, knowing that this time the young lady was pushed a little too fast and made her impatient.

So Zhu Lin hurriedly knelt down on the ground: "I don't dare, just now I was thinking about the little prince, so I was a little impatient, please forgive me."

Qin Keqing looked at Zhu Lin who was kneeling there, and her heart turned a few times. This Zhu Lin has always been mysterious, and now she is restless in the palace. It seems that she can't stay. It's better to send her back to retire. .

So Qin Keqing sat back on the throne, and Ruizhu next to him immediately brought Qin Keqing a cup of fragrant tea. Now that Zhu Lin's family was unlucky, Ruizhu who had been by Qin Keqing's side was naturally happy.

These slaves are also forming cliques. Now in Qin Keqing's Kunning Palace, Zhu Lin and Ruizhu are the leaders. Zhu Lin's bad luck, Ruizhu will naturally rise, there is no reason to be unhappy.

Qin Keqing took the tea and took a sip, then handed it back to Rui Zhu, and knelt there, Zhu Lin said: "The nanny has taken care of me since I was a child, and since I married the emperor, you have returned to the inner house I am grateful for helping me, but seeing that the nanny is old, there is no need to continue to serve me in the palace. I still have a Zhuangzi near the capital, so I give it to the nanny, and the nanny will go back Retire."

As soon as Zhu Linshi heard that Qin Keqing wanted to drive him away, she knew something was wrong. If she left Qin Keqing, she would never see anyone if she needed to plead with Qin Keqing for anything in the future.

This Zhu Lin has been a secret agent for so many years, and the leader is not given for nothing, and she has figured it out in just the blink of an eye.

I saw that Zhu Lin blinked his eyes a few times, and the tears in his eyes dripped down for nothing.

"Your Majesty, the old slave made a mistake this time. For the sake of my serving Your Majesty for many years, please ask your Majesty not to drive this old slave away."

If she had asked her so before, Qin Keqing would have agreed, but since Qin Keqing became the queen, she has been in charge of the entire harem affairs, and coupled with the intrigue with these women of Jia Ke, she is no longer the pure Qin Keqing before.

"What is the nanny talking about? You are getting old, how can I have the heart to let you be a servant again? The Zhuangzi in the palace has more than a thousand acres. You can rest in peace when you get there. If you get bored in the future, You can also send someone to the palace to deliver a message, when the time comes, the palace will bring the wet nurse in for a reunion."

After Qin Keqing finished speaking, she turned her eyes to other places and stopped looking at Zhu Linshi. It seemed that she had eaten the weight and made up her mind to let Zhu Linshi go.

Qin Keqing is not a fool, on the contrary, she is a smart woman. In recent years, Zhu Linshi has been doing some mysterious things by his side, and she can also see the clues. Today's incident is just an introduction.

Zhu Linshi is not willing to leave, if she leaves, the young master will not pluck her skin.

It was Zhu Lin who could only kneel there and beg bitterly, hoping that Qin Keqing would take back his life for her poor sake.

Rui Zhu, who was standing aside, was a little unhappy seeing that Zhu Lin was still entangled here.

"Mrs. Lin, the empress has already spoken, so you should obey the order. Why are you still pestering me here?"

Zhu Lin raised her head and gave Ruizhu a hard look, thinking in her heart: I will deal with you, little girl, when I recover, and then I will make it impossible for you to live or die.

Qin Keqing saw that Zhu Linshi was always entangled here, and became impatient, so she stood up and went to the side hall of Kunning Palace.

Seeing that Qin Keqing was about to leave, Zhu Lin knew that he would have no room for maneuver, so he didn't dare to neglect any more, knelt down a few steps, came behind Qin Keqing, and hugged his leg .

"Your Majesty, servant girl, I have a feeling to report back, so I also ask your Majesty to retreat to the left and right."

Qin Keqing became a little impatient, "Nurse don't need to say any more, I've made up my mind."

"Your Majesty, for the sake of my breastfeeding you, I beg your Majesty to give this servant another chance. As long as your Majesty has listened to your servant's words, then your Majesty will let this servant go again, and this servant will never delay."

Qin Keqing hesitated for a moment, she has been in love for so many years, please give her some face when you leave.

It was Qin Keqing who returned to the main position.

"Nurse, if you have something to say, just say it."

Zhu Linshi looked left and right, knelt in front of Qin Keqing and said nothing.

Qin Keqing thought about it, and it seemed that Zhu Lin knew some secrets that she didn't know.

So Qin Keqing waved his hands to the surroundings, "Everyone back down."

It was the maids and eunuchs serving in the hall, all bowed their bodies and left the main hall.

"It can be said now."

But Zhu Lin looked at it with his eyes, and Rui Zhu, who was standing next to Qin Keqing, said, "Mother, there are some things that only you know."

Qin Keqing frowned after hearing this. You must know that Ruizhu is her absolute confidant. She has been serving her since she was young, and she has never had any second thoughts for so many years. In terms of trust, the person Qin Keqing can trust most now is probably also There is only Ruizhu.

Originally, Qin Keqing didn't want to agree, but Ruizhu who was standing by was still a little perceptive. If she was standing here listening to her master's secrets in front of her master's favor, if something bad happened in the future, she might be afraid To be decapitated.

It was Ruizhu who hurriedly bowed to Qin Keqing, and then said: "Madam, this servant is going to see if the little prince is awake."

Qin Keqing nodded approvingly after listening.

Then Ruizhu withdrew from the main hall, and when she got out of the main hall, the humble expression on Ruizhu's face disappeared immediately.She stared fiercely like in the main hall, and then left the main hall to go to King Jiazhi of Chu.

Besides, only Qin Keqing and Zhu Lin are left in the main hall at this time.

"Now that everyone is gone, let's talk about it."

Zhu Lin's face was very ugly, she hesitated for a long time, and then said: "Niang Niang, you are not alone in this world, you have a younger brother."

Qin Keqing immediately stood up in surprise after hearing this. This incident was so surprising and amiable. She always thought that her whole family was in trouble and she was the only survivor. She never thought that Zhu Lin would tell Qin Keqing that she There is also a younger brother.

After Zhu Lin said these words, he felt a lot lighter all over his body.She knelt there and began to recall the scene back then.

"Back when the old prince attacked the palace, he was blocked by that bitch. The old prince still had some affection for her and couldn't bear to attack her. This led to a good opportunity."

"In the end, the old prince saw King Qin's army coming in a steady stream, and knew that the situation was over, so he could only return to the palace."

"After returning to the palace, the old prince was completely hopeless. In the end, it was the old housekeeper who reminded him that he wanted to leave blood for his bloodline."

"At that time, Madam, you and a baby boy were both young and hadn't entered the yellow book, so the prince ordered people to divide into two groups, and sent you and the baby boy out of the palace to settle down in the capital."

"You also know what happened later. You were sent to the philanthropic hall. In the end, Mr. Qin, who was favored by the prince, brought you back to the mansion to be raised."

"And after the little son stayed in the capital for a few months, he was sent out of the capital by the prince's men and went to the south. Over the years, this little son also wanted to avenge his father, but his strength was not enough. Fortunately, your wife will marry you. Now that I have become a good husband, I can avenge my blood for the prince."

"And our young master has devoted himself to reading the books of sages and sages all these years. Enke is also among the top three this year. I think that if I can let him serve, the little prince will be close to the water after he ascends the throne, and he will save a few years of struggle. That's why I made my own way to talk nonsense in front of the empress."

Qin Keqing was shocked and speechless when she heard this, she didn't expect that she really had a relative in the world, and this relative could be regarded as up-to-date, even won the top three without anyone's support, and she was considered a young talent .

(End of this chapter)

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