Chapter 750

King Jia Zhi of Chu got Li Wenbin's idea and acted accordingly.

But he didn't know that Jia Ke came from modern times, an era of knowledge explosion, and Jia Ke had already seen through his little skills.

Jia Ke looked at the kid in front of him, imitating Cao Pi's tricks in front of him, and felt a little funny.

Although King Jia Zhi of Chu said he was young and mature, he was still a child after all. It was the time when he didn’t know what to worry about, but now he was acting like an adult in front of Jia Ke. I feel chilly, are all the children of the Huang family so young, have such a heart?
Jia Ke still has some love for Chu Wang Jia Zhi, after all, it is her first child.Isn't there such a sentence?The emperor loves the eldest son, and the common people love the youngest son.

But this kid actually played tricks in front of her, which made Jia Ke unable to hold back his anger.

So when Jia Ke went to the study to check Jia Zhi and Jia Mao's homework.

Jia Mao was normal, studying desperately to show off in front of Jia Ke, although he was a little eager, but it was out of his heart after all.

Therefore, after Jia Kekao called Jia Mao several times, he let him go gently.

When it was Jia Zhi's turn, although the boy answered well, he watched Jia Como crying.

Seeing this, Jia Ke was not surprised, what's the matter?Am I dead or what, you are crying for me.

But Jia Ke couldn't say this clearly, that is, she could only ask Jia Zhi with a smile, "Imperial son, is there something that doesn't suit you recently, you tell it, and the emperor will make the decision for you."

As soon as Jia Ke finished speaking, Jia Zhi fell on his knees with a plop, stared at Jia Ke with his big innocent eyes and said, "I don't feel any other discomfort, just because I think that my father is about to go to the Northern Expedition soon. When the time comes, the soldiers will be fierce and the battle will be dangerous, so the boy is a little worried that his father will cry because of this."

After hearing this, Jia Ke only gritted her teeth. Is this something an eleven or twelve-year-old child can say?This is someone teaching from behind.

So Jia Ke set her sights on Li Wenbin who was at the side.

When Li Wenbin saw Jia Ke looked over, he immediately looked at the sky, which meant that it had nothing to do with me.

Jia Ke shook his head. Now he really has nothing to do with this teacher. Over the years, Jia Ke tried to promote this teacher several times, but he refused them all.

So Jia Ke was asking him to teach his children, but he didn't expect him to be involved in the battle for the heir apparent.

Jia Ke didn't know, what exactly did Li Wenbin like about Jia Zhi?

After Jia Ke finished thinking, she looked again at Jia Zhi who was kneeling in front of her, then smiled pretendingly, and said to him: "My son is really filial, so you will start copying the "Book of Filial Piety" when you go back today. ", until I return safely and triumphantly."

After hearing Jia Ke's words, Jia Zhi was a little stunned. The script shouldn't be like this.Shouldn't the father be so moved that he would lift himself up and praise him a lot, maybe he would make himself a prince right away, why is he asking me to copy the "Book of Filial Piety" every day, and copy it for so many days, then I still do it Anything else?Lie on the table every day.

After Jia Ke passed on the decree, she stood up and came to Jia Zhi, touched his forehead, and said with emotion: "It's no wonder that you have such filial piety at such a young age. ?”

Jia Zhi knelt down and listened even more annoyed, what does it mean to fulfill me, isn't this your will?
Jia Ke didn't care about Jia Zhi's distorted face below, but provocatively, she looked at Li Wenbin who was standing beside her.

That meaning is very clear, teacher, you have this ability, don't show it off here, I can see it clearly.

Seeing that Jia Ke had seen through his plot, Li Wenbin didn't feel any embarrassment. Instead, he stepped forward and bowed to Jia Ke and Jia Zhi again and again.

"My humble servant, I am really touched. The king of Chu is extremely filial to the emperor, and the emperor loves and loves the king of Chu. He is really a kind father, a filial piety to his son, and a role model for the world."

After Li Wenbin finished speaking, he said to the eunuch who was recording the daily record: "Hurry up and write down what happened just now, and let future generations know the emperor's kindness."

The eunuch who recorded this living path didn't know Wen Bin's evil idea here, and immediately raised his pen after hearing this, and recorded the conversation between Jia Ke and Jia Zhi just now in classical Chinese.

This "Daily Records" is the evidence to record the words and deeds of the emperor. Once entered, even the emperor cannot change it casually.

Of course, there are also some shameless emperors who don't take this unspoken rule seriously. For example, Emperor Qianlong of the braided dynasty wrote his daily life according to his own ideas.

As the founding emperor, Jia Ke still needed some face, so when he saw the eunuch record it, he touched his nose and acquiesced.

Only now did he start to look at his teacher, Li Wenbin, with admiration. His teacher was indeed full of wit, and if he didn't pay attention, he would fall into his trap.

Jia Ke shook her head and left with a smile, as if she didn't take the matter seriously.

But when Jia Ke left the upper study and returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, his face turned livid.

And Li Deshan, who was waiting on Jia Ke at the side, also kept silent now.

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Jia Ke walked around a few times anxiously, then suddenly picked up a brush and threw it on the ground hard.

"My husband, dare to deceive me like this, sooner or later I will tear your body to pieces."

Jia Ke has been the emperor for so many years, and she has long been used to being self-centered. What happened just now seems to be Li Wenbin's cleverness, but Jia Ke is magnanimous and doesn't think it is right.Just like Tang Taizong and Wei Zheng back then.

In fact, Jia Ke was already very full of Li Wenbin's work on his own reserve. If it wasn't for the fact that Li Wenbin was his enlightenment teacher, he would have been dealt with just now.

After Jia Ke sat back on the throne, she closed her eyes and thought for a while, then said to Li Deshan who was standing by, "Preparation."

Li Deshan got the order, and immediately ordered the little eunuch to move the small table. Li Deshan came to the back of the small table and knelt on the ground, and then the little eunuch next to him brought a blank imperial edict.

Li Deshan paved the imperial decree, dipped the brush in ink, and waited there.

After Jia Ke closed her eyes and thought it through, she said: "The noble concubine Xue is a virtuous Su De, intelligent and agile, dignified and gracious, respectful and caring, has served the palace for a long time, has a sensitive nature and wisdom, and does not exceed courtesy. , to take temporary photos of Empress Fengxi and take charge of the harem."

Jia Ke read at the top, and Li Deshan wrote at the bottom. When Jia Ke finished reading the last word, Li Deshan also wrote the imperial decree.

After Li Deshan finished writing, he hurriedly picked up the imperial decree and came to Jia Ke, knelt down on the ground, unfolded the imperial decree, and let Jia Ke see the content on it.

Jia Ke opened her eyes, looked down, saw that there was nothing wrong, and then said in a low voice, "Use the seal."

Li Deshan didn't dare to be negligent, and put the imperial decree on the table again, then took out the emperor's treasure from the side and used ink pads, and then firmly covered the imperial decree.

Jia Ke saw that the decree of the holy duty had been completed, and then Li Deshan said: "You go to deliver the decree in person to make the momentum bigger."

Although Li Deshan didn't understand Jia Ke's intention, he still respectfully held the imperial decree and left the Hall of Mental Cultivation to inherit.

Seeing Li Deshan go out, Jia Ke's eyes became darker.

Since ancient times, the succession of the dynasties has always been based on the eldest son. Although Jia Zhi has the blood of the previous dynasty, this matter is kept a secret. Except for these people in the Jia family, few princes and ministers know about it.

Therefore, Shang Jiazhi is naturally the best candidate for the crown prince, because Jia Zhi is the former queen's legitimate son and Jia Ke's eldest son, and he is the best candidate to inherit the throne due to emotion and reason.

But because of Qin Keqing, Jia Ke has a lot of concerns about Jia Zhi's succession to the throne. Others may not know Qin Keqing's life experience, but Jia Zhi, the son, will definitely know.

If Jia Zhi ascends the throne and sits in the palace, will he reuse the officials of the previous dynasty, or will he rehabilitate those relatives of the former dynasty who were killed by him.

No matter what, Jia Ke couldn't see this. In Jia Ke's view, this was a betrayal of himself.

What did I kill these people for? Isn't it just so that future generations of emperors can be safe and sound.

If the emperor of later generations sold himself, the founding emperor, in order to gain some fame, then Jia Ke would absolutely not agree.

Besides, Jia Ke is not the only son now, so why must King Chu inherit the throne?
Isn't King Jiazhi of Chu the eldest son?Then I will set up an opponent for you.

So Jia Ke named Xue Baochai the imperial concubine. From a legal point of view, Jia Ke could make Xue Baochai another queen at any time.

And now that there is no queen, the imperial concubine is no different from the queen.

In this way, Xue Baochai's son is also a legitimate son, and with Xue Baochai standing in front of him, you, Jia Zhi, should be honest for a while.

Only now did Jia Ke understand why those wise emperors in the past were hesitant and capricious in dealing with their heirs.

If it was something else, these emperors would naturally be able to deal with things calmly, but in terms of family affairs, so many sons were their own flesh and blood, which made the emperor's judgment have serious personal emotional factors.

Jia Ke sighed, it is difficult to conquer the country, it is even more difficult to sit on the country, and it is even more difficult to choose a person who can defend the country.

Not to mention Jia Ke sighing here, but Li Deshan immediately gathered a lot of people under him after he got the imperial decree, and then let these people beat and beat, and followed him all the way to Xue Baochai's Chengqian Palace.

As a result, before Li Deshan arrived at Chengqian Palace, the news that Xue Baochai was conferred the title of imperial concubine had already spread throughout the palace.

When Li Deshan arrived at Chengqian Palace, he saw Xue Baochai's close female Shi Huangying (Ying'er), who had already been waiting there with the palace maids and eunuchs.

Seeing Ying'er waiting there, Li Deshan hurriedly stepped forward and smiled at her and said, "Why do you have to come out and wait?"

"I heard that the emperor's decree is to come to Chengqian Palace, so I came out early to meet Eunuch Li."

Li Deshan smiled at Ying'er, and Huang Ying'er smiled back at him, and the two of them kept silent.

(End of this chapter)

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