The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 751 The Northern Expedition

Chapter 751 The Northern Expedition
Li Deshan followed Yinger into Chengqian Palace.

In the main hall of Chengqian Palace, Xue Baochai had already put on her makeup and waited there.

Li Deshan held the imperial decree high and entered the main hall, and instead of saluting Xue Baochai, he said to Xue Baochai, "Long Live God has a decree, and the imperial concubine Xue will accept the decree."

Xue Baochai hurriedly led all the eunuchs and maids in the palace to kneel down on the ground.

"Concubine Xue Baochai, take the order."

Next, Li Deshan opened the imperial decree and read: "Following the heavens to carry the emperor, the edict said: The noble concubine Xue, virtuous and virtuous, intelligent and quick, dignified and ruthless, respectful and careful, has served the palace for a long time, has a sensitive nature and resourcefulness, and does not exceed the etiquette. That is to say, she will be granted the title of imperial concubine, and temporarily capture the empress Fengxi, and take charge of the harem. This is my honor."

After Xue Baochai heard Li Deshan's declaration, a stone finally fell to the ground in his heart.

"The concubine Xue Baochai accepted the order, thank the Lord for his kindness, long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live."

Next, Li Deshan put the imperial decree in Xue Baochai's hands, and then hurried forward to help Xue Baochai up.

"Slave congratulates the empress."

Xue Baochai was also smiling all over her face, winking like Yinger next to her, and the little maid immediately took a kit from the palace man next to her and put it in Li Deshan's hand.

"Just a little bit, Eunuch Li took it back and drank a few cups of tea."

"That slave is disrespectful."

Afterwards, Li Deshan and Xue Baochai said a few more polite words, and withdrew on the grounds that there was still something to do in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

After Li Deshan left, Xue Baochai changed into casual clothes again and came to the main hall of Chengqian Palace again.

At this time, Xue Baoqin also rushed over to congratulate Xue Baochai.

Xue Baochai nodded to Xue Baoqin, and then said to Ying'er beside her: "Although the palace is divided into imperial concubines by the emperor, there are still the empress dowager and two empress dowagers above, tell the maids and eunuchs below not to be proud. Be more cautious from now on."

When Ying'er heard this, she was thrown a bucket of cold water. She thought that Xue Baochai was now the boss of the palace, and those under his command should also shake up.

Unexpectedly, Xue Baochai was already an imperial concubine, and she was still so cautious.

Not to mention that Xue Baochai is here to teach the maids and eunuchs a lesson.

Besides, in the study room at this time, King Jiazhi of Chu heard the news that Xue Baochai had been named imperial concubine, and was furious.

And his teacher Li Wenbin also frowned, and at the same time Li Wenbin felt a chill coiling around his back.

When I was in the study just now, Li Wenbin gave the emperor a compliment. At that time, Jia Ke still had a smile on his face, as if he didn't take this matter seriously.

As a result, just after Jia Ke returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he announced such a decree. The meaning was already very obvious. This was because he was very dissatisfied with the matter of forcing the eunuch to write the daily routine just now.

At the same time, it is also a warning to King Jiazhi of Chu.

Li Wenbin heaved a long sigh when he thought of this, and it really is like accompanying a king like a tiger.He thought he knew Jia Ke's temper long ago, but he didn't expect Jia Ke to be moody now.

The news that Xue Baochai was conferred the title of imperial concubine soon spread throughout the capital.

These old foxes, ministers of civil and military affairs, have already seen what Jia Ke meant, because they were dissatisfied with Chu Wang Jia Zhi jumping up and down during this period of time.

As a result, those civil and military officials who had some contact with Jia Zhi, the king of Chu, immediately died down and never contacted Jia Zhi again.

Just as there was a little disturbance in the court, it was gently resolved by Jia Ke.

And let the civil and military ministers see that he, Jia Ke, is still in his prime and doesn't want to be crowned prince, and the civil and military ministers below have also been honest for several years.

After this matter subsides, it will still be about Jia Ke's Northern Expedition.

Now the court has enough food and pay, and the soldiers are well-equipped, and most of the officers and soldiers on the nine sides have also changed into flintlock guns.

Jia Ke was also in the capital, and issued several imperial edicts in succession.

The first way was to order Liaodong Jiedu envoys to lead [-] infantry and [-] cavalry to join Xuanfu Town immediately.

The second way is to order the Manchu Eight Banners, each with [-] cavalry, to fight at Xuanfu Town.

The third way is to order Datong Town, Shanxi Town, Yansui Town, each with [-] infantry to meet in Xuanfu Town.

After Jia Ke issued these three orders, he immediately ordered Jia Yucun, Minister of the Household Department, to raise food and grass for the army going north, ordered him to recruit farmers, and immediately transported the food and grass to Xuanfu Town.

With these few orders from Jia Ke, the entire capital city and border gates were busy.Armies from all walks of life continuously gathered in Xuan'fu Town. Everyone knew that this time going north was a decisive battle against the Tatars.

For so many years, the Central Plains has been on the defensive against the Grassland Dynasty, and now Jia Ke is on the northern expedition, which is to turn defense into offense.

After Jia Ge delivered the imperial decree, he began to arrange the affairs of the capital.

The most important thing now is who will preside over the major events in the capital after Jia Ke leaves the capital.

Regarding this matter, Jia Ke had already had a plan in mind, and a day later, Jia Ke made another decree.

The first imperial decree: Xue Baochai, the imperial concubine, temporarily holds the emperor's treasure in order to supervise the country.

The second imperial decree: Fan Kang, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, is the auxiliary minister, in charge of all civil and military officials, and assists Xue Baochai.

The third imperial decree: Sun Yan, the foreman of the Military Plane Department, and Sun Yan, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, is the military counselor of the Military Plane.

After Jia Ke issued these imperial decrees, he issued another secret decree to Jia Yucun, Minister of the Household Department and Admiral of the Nine Gates.

This imperial decree was left by Jia Ke to Jia Yucun, so that during his absence, no one could deprive him of his military power without the imperial decree written by Jia Ke himself.

Because among these people in the capital, Jia Ke trusted Jia Yucun the most, because the others were only loyal to Jia Ke based on their own interests, and only Jia Yucun was completely controlled by Jia Ke.

Although Jia Yucun has various faults, he will never betray Jia Ke. After Jia Ke leaves, Jia Ke is most at ease in letting him take charge of the military power of the Nine Gates.

After Jia Ke finished dealing with this matter, she went to Ningkangning Palace in the harem.

Jia Ke and the Supreme Emperor Jia Zheng had a secret conversation all afternoon in Kangning Palace, the main content was to let the Supreme Emperor Jia Zheng.During this period of time, pay attention to the movements in the court. If everything is peaceful, Jia Zheng does not need to come forward.

But if there is chaos in the court, Jia Zheng will come out to preside over the overall situation and quell the turmoil in the court.

After arranging all the internal and external affairs of the imperial court, Jia Ke led a total of 10 people from the Fenwu Camp and Xiaoqi Camp to the north, and joined the army in Xuanfu Town.

When Jia Ke's army arrived at Xuanfu Town, they found that soldiers from all walks of life had already arrived.

This time, Jia Ke can be regarded as spending all her money, and almost wiped out all the elites in the imperial court.

These include Liaodong Town Jiedu Envoy Feng Mo commanding 15 soldiers, Xuanfu Town Jiedu Envoy Huang Baifeng commanding 15 soldiers, Shanxi Town Jiedu Envoy Wang Zuo commanding [-] soldiers, Datong Town Jiedu Envoy Liang Ying commanding [-] soldiers, Chen Qi, the governor of Yansui Town, led an army of [-] troops.

In addition to the Xiaoqi Battalion led by Jia Ke himself, the Fenwu Battalion has a total of 10 horses, and 25 cavalry from the Eight Banners of Manchuria.For the regular army alone, Jia Ge dispatched nearly 80 horses this time.

Including the strong men in the army, the total number of Jia Ke dispatched this time was nearly 120 million.

Moreover, most of the horse and infantry soldiers in these armies have completed the training of firearms. This force can be said to be able to slaughter cities and countries in the world at that time.

After the army rested for three days, Jia Ke convened a civil and military discussion in the central army tent.

In the big tent, Jia Ke has a golden helmet on his head, a golden armor on his body, and a pleated yellow robe behind him.

After all the civil and military generals kowtowed to Jia Ke, they stood on the hatchback and waited for Jia Ke to speak.

Jia Ke looked at the bottom, and then said: "The Tatars have invaded our borders for hundreds of years and slaughtered our people. It is unbearable. Now that the Celestial Dynasty is flourishing, it is time to take revenge. This time, I am in command of millions of people. When the army goes north, it is necessary to wipe out the Tatars to eliminate future troubles."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, all the generals cupped their hands together, "The ministers are willing to follow His Majesty through thick and thin, and will not hesitate to do so."

Jia Ke nodded, and then picked up a command arrow from Zhu An, "Where is Xiao Yue, the leader of the Fenwu Battalion?"

Xiao Yue hurried out of the queue, cupped his hands upwards, "My humble minister Xiao Yue is here."

"I ordered you to be the pioneer in the front, to open roads in the mountains, and to build bridges in the water."

"Xiao Yue leads the order."

Next, Jia Ke said to Jiri Gela, the commander of Zhenghuang Banner in the Eight Banners, "You lead the cavalry of the headquarters, follow Xiao Yue and follow his arrangement."

Jirigra hastily received the order.

Then Jia Ke ordered: "Datong Town is the left wing of the army, Shanxi Town is the right wing of the army, and Yansui Town is the rear of the army."

The three Jiedu envoys immediately accepted the order after hearing the order.

"Others, follow me as the army in the army, and set off north to the grassland in three days."

Three days later, an army of one million marched slowly north from Xuanfu Town.Along the way, horns fluttered and people shouted and neighed.

After leaving Xuanfu Town, Jia Ke sent out the other cavalry from the Eight Banners, and began to patrol around the army looking for Tatar tribes and the main force.

But this time, Jia Ke had decided to let the Tatars perish, so any tribes that encountered Tatars along the way would be mopped up immediately.

Therefore, although the marching speed of the army was not fast, almost all the hundreds of miles they passed by had been wiped out, and almost all the Tatars had been driven to extinction.

And the news soon spread to Arslen Khan's royal court.

Arslen Khan was shocked when he received the news, and now he was trembling all over.

Arslen Khan was frightened. In the previous battles against Jako, the Tatars almost always had an absolute advantage in strength. Although they were defeated every time, they were able to keep their main force.

But this time, Jia Ke led an army of one million to the north. Among them, the horse infantry was very well equipped, and there were 40 cavalry alone.

This makes Ars Lenghan how can he not feel frightened.

After Meng He got the news, although he was frightened, he still hadn't lost the courage to fight.

After discussing with Meng He, Arslenhan and Meng He decided to take the troops to meet Jia Ke and must not flee without a fight.

(End of this chapter)

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