The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 794 Pulling the Thorn

Chapter 794 Pulling the Thorn
After several years of development, the strength of Jia Ke's Great Yan Dynasty has greatly increased, and Jia Ke's control over the surrounding countries has become more and more stringent.

When the king of each vassal state dies, the new king must first come to the capital to pay homage to Jia Ke, and only after obtaining Jia Ke's imperial decree can he return to his own country to become the king.

And Jia Ke seems to have forgotten the suspicion of those years ago.

After these few years, nothing happened to Fan Kang's cautiousness, and Fan Kang was a little careless. He thought that he was just judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

So Fan Kang gradually stopped being as cautious as before. In addition to the development of maritime trade in the past few years, almost all the officials in the officialdom participated, only Fan Kang was cautious and did not mix.

Fan Kang didn't feel anything, but his wife was very dissatisfied, and yelled loudly at Fan Kang several times, just wanting him to come forward to make connections with those businessmen and make their Fan family get some windfall.

Fan Kang is also a bit henpecked. When he was traveling abroad to study and work for his career, his family relied on this lady to serve his in-laws and take care of his children. Therefore, Fan Kang respected this lady very much.

Now that his wife opened his mouth, Fan Kang could only agree helplessly. In addition, he thought that the matter had calmed down forever, so he used his authority to summon a few businessmen. Master Fan has also started to pay attention to Haimao, so he naturally understands what Master Fan means.

So within a few days, Mrs. Fan received invitations from several businessmen, and then they discussed in the room for an afternoon. Three days later, Mrs. Fan scraped together 1 taels of silver and delivered them to these few hands of a businessman.

Three months later, these merchants returned from the sea and sold their goods. In the final settlement, Mrs. Fan received nearly 5 taels of silver.

Mrs. Fan's eyes turned red when she saw this situation, no wonder those officials who participated in the voyages were all very rich.

As Fan Jiade's sea trade business has become more and more smooth, Fan Kang's life has also been greatly improved.

And with the comfort of these lives, Fan Kang's vigilance became worse and worse, and he no longer refused the gifts from the officials below, and those officials asked him to do small things, and he did not miss them.

Slowly, a chain of interests formed beside Fan Kang.

Fan Kang lives happily here, but he doesn't know that there is a pair of eyes staring at him in the dark.

It turns out that Jia Ke has been letting Fan Kang go all these years, just wanting to have a legitimate reason so that Fan Kang can be eliminated.

In fact, Jia Ke didn't want to kill the heroes, but because the number of people controlled by his Dementor Orb is limited, and most of the people Jia Ke controls now are generals, and among the civil servants, there is only Jia Yucun. There is no room for anyone else.

For the sake of her own descendants, Jia Ke had to adopt this method.

So Fan Kang had just been happy for more than a year, and suddenly one day, a censor came to impeach him in court.

There are three charges for impeaching him, the first one is accepting bribes.Article 1, forming a party for personal gain.Article 2, Champerty.

Jia Ke listened to the censor's impassioned speech in the main hall, and the smile in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

As for Fan Kang, who was standing under the great hall, after listening to the impeachment of these censors, he immediately became sober. Although all the ministers are doing the things he has done over the years, it depends on whether the emperor pursues them. If you don't pursue it, you will be fine. If the emperor pursues you, it will be a matter of beheading and exterminating your family.

Fan Kang now understands that all these years Jia Ke has been trying to get him, but now he smiles wryly in his heart, the emperor's emperor's art has become more and more profound, and he has not seen the emperor's intention .

That being the case, I can only plead guilty in court, and hope that the emperor can be magnanimous and lightly punished for the sake of giving me advice and advice for so many years.

So Fan Kang came out of the class, knelt down on the ground and kowtowed, "Fan Kang, the guilty minister, has broken the trust of the emperor, please punish him."

Jia Ke looked at Fan Kang who was kneeling on the ground, her eyes were cold. Although Fan Kang had contributed a lot to her, Fan Kang participated in many of her schemes. If these things were revealed, her reputation would be damaged. lossy.

So Jia Ke didn't care, Fan Kang kowtowed there to plead, and directly slapped the court case and roared loudly: "You still have the face to kneel here, I can say that I trust you, is this how you repay my land?"

Fan Kang knelt down and immediately turned pale when he heard it. He knew that he was unlucky this time.

Thinking of this, Fan Kang felt his whole body go limp, and immediately fell to the ground, shaking so much that he could never stand up again.

Jia Ke looked at Fan Kang's body as if he had sifted through chaff, limp on the ground, and his eyes couldn't bear it, but thinking of his fame before and after him, he could only kill Ma Su with tears.

"Come here, put Fan Kang in the sky prison, and wait for his release, and send someone to copy Fan Kang's mansion to me, and all his family members are temporarily imprisoned in the mansion."

Jia Ke gave orders and immediately, a few warriors in front of the temple came up and wiped their shoulders, folded their arms, bound Fan Kang, then knocked off his black gauze cap, took off his python robe, and dragged Fan Kang out.

Seeing Fan Kang being dragged out, Jia Ke said to the ministers below with a gloomy face: "Fan Kang has been with me for so many years in the South and North, and it is considered creditable, but when the great cause has been accomplished, he made a mistake." It hurts my heart to make such a mistake, and I hope all the ministers will take this as a warning."

At this point, Jia Ke looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh. She didn't know whether she was sighing for Fan Kang or for her own change. Finally, she flung her sleeves and left the gate of Qianqing, and went back to the harem.

Fan Kang's story quickly spread among the official circles in the capital, and none of these officials had eyebrows.

After a little analysis, these people already understood what Jia Ke meant. This Fan Kang has been with the emperor for so many years. If the emperor has any shameful things, it is probably this Fan Kang who made suggestions. Now the emperor does not need Fan Kang anymore. , because he was afraid that he would reveal the original matter, so he took Fan Kang for surgery.

Now that there is Fan Kang, are the other ministers of military aircraft all clean behind them?
Sun Yan, Minister of Military Aircraft, after thinking about it for a few days at home, felt that he should retreat bravely. If his group of old people did not retreat, the emperor might have some objections, so in a few days later, in a grand court, he asked the emperor Jia Ke Submitted his resignation.

Jia Ke was well aware of Sun Yan's resignation, because among these powerful ministers, there was no spy arranged by Jia Ke in any family.

Sun Yan finished writing the memorial during the day yesterday, and the contents of the memorial were delivered to Jia Ke's desk at night.

Jia Ke pretended to keep Sun Yan in the hall for a long time, but Sun Yan refused to accept Jia Ke's retention.

Seeing Sun Yan's resolute attitude, Jia Ke could only pretend to wipe away his tears, and then went down the imperial steps to help him up.Then he agreed to his request to resign.

After a while, the Military Aircraft Department was short of two military aircraft ministers, and naturally someone would need to fill in. As for the military aircraft department's foreman, Jia Ke naturally let Zhang Chaoxin, who followed him first, take the position.

Although Zhang Chaoxin said that he was not controlled by his Soul-destroying Orb, he has always been loyal to him. The most important thing is that he does not have much influence in the court, and he has not participated in any of his conspiracies.

If Zhang Chaoxin becomes the chief minister of the Military Aircraft Department, it will largely depend on the emperor Jia Ke's face.

Another lack, Jia Ke thought about it.Let Zhao Shu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, be in charge, because the group of people left behind by Prince Yizhong was headed by Sun Yan and Zhao Shu. Now that Sun Yan has stepped down, in order to appease these people, it is natural to Let Zhao Shu come to the top.

After dealing with Sun Yan's affairs, Jia Ke ordered Jiang Yan, the servant of the Ministry of punishment, to take over the position of minister of the Ministry of punishment.Song Long, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, took over the position of Minister of the Ministry of Rites.

One of the tasks of Jiang Yan, the newly appointed Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, is to try the case of Fan Kang, the former Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites and Military Aircraft.

For such a big matter, Jiang Yan naturally did not dare to close the case casually. He went to the palace several times to meet the current emperor Jia Ke, and asked the emperor to give him an opportunity.

In the end, although Jia Ke said that he was vague on this matter, the tone was set for him, that is, corrupting the law and using power for personal gain.

After Jiang Yan got Jia Ke's instruction, he soon began to try the case in the lobby of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

This matter is also very simple. Fan Kang has indeed received a lot of bribes over the years, and he has also helped people with some things. If it is Fan Kang who is favored by Jia Ke, this is nothing at all, but Jia Ke It's all his fault that Ke has turned his back on him now.

Since the evidence was solid, Jiang Yan quickly closed the case, sentenced Fan Kang to a decisive sentence, and then sent all the case files and testimony to Jia Ke.

What Jiang Yan meant was to give Fan Kang a harsher sentence. When the case file was sent to Jia Ke and Jia Ke personally approved it, Jia Ke would definitely give Fan Kang a lighter sentence based on his many years of affection. If it's good, it will be cut off after autumn. After a while, the matter will fade away, and it will be demoted again, and it will be sentenced to exile.

As a result, after Jia Ke took over the case file, she did not give Fan Kang a lenient sentence, but directly approved the letter on the memorial, and Fan Kang would be executed seven days later.

After Jiang Yan received Jia Ke's reply, he also broke out in a cold sweat, and at the same time became even more afraid of Jia Ke. It's really like being with a king like a tiger.

A few days ago, the emperor had a lot of trust in you, but he turned his face in a few days and wanted your head. Who can I ask for reason?

But how dare he go against the emperor's will, and arrange it immediately, and ask Fan Kang to be executed at Caishikou seven days later.

After Jia Ke approved Fan Kang's matter, he was restless in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. After all, Fan Kang had been loyal to him all these years. If he hadn't known many things that he didn't want others to know, he wouldn't have fallen into the trap. This fate.

Jia Ke sighed, the emperor sometimes had to do things against his will for some things.

"Li Deshan, get ready. We'll go to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice in a while, and at least we're going to send Mr. Fan off for the last time."

After listening to Jia Ke's order, Li Deshan didn't even dare to say a word, and quietly withdrew to arrange things for Jia Ke.

(End of this chapter)

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