The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 795 Kill the hero

Chapter 795 Kill the hero
Jia Ke took Li Deshan, changed into his luggage, left the palace, and went directly to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

At the gate of the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, there have been secret guards waiting here for a long time. When they see Li Deshan coming, you can go up and salute Li Deshan.

Li Deshan waved them up, and then asked, "Has everything been arranged inside?"

"If you go back to Eunuch, all the yamen servants have been dismissed by me, Eunuch can go there with confidence."

Li Deshan nodded, and then sent them away. After these people left, Li Deshan carefully returned to Jia Ke's side.

"Master, everything is arranged inside."

Jia Ke was silent for a long time, and didn't go in immediately. Speaking of this matter, he really felt a little guilty towards Fan Kang. Now that he was going to send Fan Kang off for the last time, he was a little scared to see him.

Jia Ke hesitated for a long time, but finally decided to meet her former adviser for the last time.

"Let's lead the way."

Li Deshan listened to Jia Ke's order, and immediately led the way for Jia Ke. The two masters and servants were advancing in the dark cell, and heard the groans of the prisoners in the cells on both sides from time to time.

When there was a separate cell in the innermost room, this was where Fan Kang was held.

There were two hidden guards standing at the door. When they saw Li Deshan coming, they immediately came forward to salute.

Li Deshan didn't say much, and directly ordered them: "Open the prison door, you just wait outside, don't come in without my order."

Which one of these hidden guards didn't have eyesight, listened to Li Deshan's order, didn't say much, directly opened the door of the cell, then stepped aside, and then said like Li Deshan: "I'll wait outside, my father-in-law Just say something."

After these people finished speaking, they bowed and retreated.

Only then did Li Deshan enter the cell door first, and when he looked up, he saw Fan Kang sitting on a pile of haystacks unkempt.

When Fan Kang heard the cell door, he wanted to look up. It was Li Deshan who came in. He was about to ask a question, but Li Deshan looked at the cell and retreated.

After a while, I saw a man in ordinary clothes enter the cell.Fan Kang looked so carefully, which one is not Jia Ke?

Seeing that it was Jia Ke who had come, Fan Kang hurriedly struggled to his feet, knelt down in front of Jia Ke and kowtowed to him.

When Jia Ke saw Fan Kang kneeling on the ground, he hurriedly supported him with his hands. After he got up, seeing Wan Kang's downcast state, his eyes were moist.

In the end, Jia Ke took a deep breath, and personally helped Fan Kang to the haystack, and the two of them just sat on the haystack.

The atmosphere was dull for a while, but after a while, Fan Kang spoke first, "Your Majesty, you don't have to feel sad for the guilty minister, I have to blame myself for this." Fan Kang sighed when he said this.

After listening to Fan Kang's words, Jia Ke's face became more guilty, and finally said: "Mr. Fan, don't you blame me?"

Fan Kang sighed, "If you say you don't blame the emperor, you are lying to the emperor, but the matter has come to this point, what's the use of talking about it?"

Jia Ke was silent for a while, and finally said to Fan Kang: "Don't worry, sir, after you go, I will be the master of the family affairs. I will definitely take care of your wife and children at home."

Fan Kang finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, this time he did not implicate his family.

So Fan Kang cupped his hands to Jia Ke and said, "The guilty minister is here, thank you, Your Majesty."

Jia Ke nodded, then stood up, turned and left the cell.Li Deshan, who was waiting next to him, hurried out after him.

When Jia Ke left the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, he stopped suddenly, and said to Li Deshan who was behind him, "Change Mr. Fan to a cleaner place. From now on, we will serve you with good wine and good food."

After hearing this, Li Deshan quickly agreed.

Jia Ke then sighed again, then left the cell and returned to the palace.

In the next few days, Jia Ke didn't think about eating and drinking, and often sighed for a long time. Li Deshan's repeated persuasion was of no avail.

On the day of Fan Kang's execution, Jia Ke was even more restless, and even failed to break the teacup several times.

After three quarters in the afternoon, a young eunuch came in to report, and Jiang Yan, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, was waiting for orders outside.

After hearing this, Jia Ke knew that Jiang Yan was here to report on Fan Kang's execution, so Jia Ke sent an order to let him in.

After a while, Jiang Yan cautiously entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation. When he came to the imperial case, he first knelt down and bowed three times and kowtowed nine times to Jia Ke. After Jia Ke asked him to get up, he dared to stand aside cautiously.

"Fan Kang didn't suffer anything in the execution ground, did he?"

After hearing this, Jiang Yan hurriedly replied, "Return to Your Majesty, Fan Kang did not suffer any crimes, his body has been taken away by his wife."

After hearing this, Jia Ke let out a long sigh, and waved her hand feebly to make Jiang Yan quit without saying anything.

Jiang Yan bowed and exited the Hall of Mental Cultivation. When he came outside the hall, he also lamented the deep love between Jia Ke and Fan Kang.

After Jiang Yan left, Jia Ke asked Li Deshan beside him: "How did you do what I asked you to do?"

"Go back to Lord Long Live, everything went well, Mr. Fan got a whole body."

Jia Ke nodded silently after listening.

It turned out that Jia Ke still felt guilty towards Fan Kang. Although he said that he was determined to kill Fan Kang, he still had to get a whole body if he thought so.

So this matter fell on Li Deshan. Li Deshan hurriedly found several famous executioners and asked them how to keep the whole body while beheading.

Although these people are old and no longer do this business, they do have experience.

They told Li Deshan that as long as they were looking for a person with outstanding sword skills, if the knife fell, although the person would be killed with one knife, some flesh and blood were still connected at the end, so that the head would not fall.

After hearing this, Li Deshan immediately ordered someone to find a person with very sharp sword skills, and asked him to preside over Fan Kang's beheading.

Sure enough, the executioner's sword skills were really powerful, and Fan Kang died immediately without any pain, but his head was not completely chopped off.

Hearing this, Jia Ke finally let go of some guilt, and then continued to order: "Mr. Fan's family members will be taken care of by you in the future, no matter whether they still live in the capital or go back to their hometown, you have to send someone to look after them." Keep it up, so as not to bully them by those who don't open their eyes."

Li Deshan hurriedly nodded and bowed beside him in agreement.

In the next few days, Jia Ke's mood still did not recover. After all, Fan Kang has been a teacher and friend to him for so many years. Now that he kills him by himself, the hurdle in his heart is not so easy to pass.

Fortunately, good news came from the harem at this time. Shi Xiangyun, who had not given birth for many years, was finally pregnant.

The first news: Jia Ke was quite happy with this news, and Zhong had a happy event in the palace, to get rid of the bad luck during this period.

And Jia's mother in Ningshou Palace beamed with joy when she heard that Shi Xiangyun was pregnant.Once this child is born, at least it can guarantee the prosperity and wealth of their historian family.

So Mother Jia sent all kinds of precious medicines from Ningshou Palace to Shi Xiangyun's Zhongcui Palace free of charge.

At the same time, Mother Jia also fought in the harem all her life, knowing that Shi Xiangyun was too much of a threat to others, so she sent several experienced nuns to Shi Xiangyun's Zhongcui Palace to take charge of Shi Xiangyun's diet and daily life.

And Jia's mother's worry was not unreasonable. When the news of Shi Xiangyun's pregnancy reached Chengqian Palace, Xue Baochai was smiling and happy on the surface, but in fact she had already torn several handkerchiefs secretly.

From Xue Baochai's point of view, her son is already the crown prince in the palace, and those other people are not on the stage and cannot compete with her child.

But now that Shi Xiangyun is pregnant, the situation is different. Although she is now an imperial concubine, she is a head taller than Shi Xiangyun, but it is just because Jia Ke sees that she is capable, so it is convenient for her to take charge of the harem.

In terms of strength in the harem, Xue Baochai is no match for the Empress Dowager Jia Mu in Ningshou Palace.

With Jia's mother helping Shi Xiangyun, it was too much of a threat to his son's succession in the future, so Xue Baochai wanted to use his power to let Shi Xiangyun go to the west early.

Who would have thought that Xue Baochai suffered a disadvantage this time, before the men she sent were close to Shi Xiangyun, they were spotted by the old mothers beside her, and then these people came out of the palace. disappeared.

After that, Mother Jia killed the eunuch in charge of the Yushanfang on the grounds that the food made by the Yushanfang was not to my taste.

You must know that the eunuch in charge of the imperial dining room, but the person appointed by Xue Baochai himself, is now being executed in front of so many people, so this is slapping Xue Baochai in the face.

And Xue Baochai had to go to Ningshou Palace to apologize to Jia Mu. After all, she was in charge of the harem and did not serve the Empress Dowager well. No matter what the reason was, it was her fault.

But Mother Jia didn't give Xue Baochai any face at this moment, she just made her kneel outside Ningshou Palace for nearly an hour before sending her back.

After this incident, Xue Baochai also understood that she could not afford to offend Jia Mu in the harem, so she could only die down.

It was also in this year that Shi Xiangyun finally gave birth to a son she had been looking forward to for a long time—Jia Ming, king of Zhao.

Since the birth of her son, Shi Xiangyun's temperament has immediately subsided, and she is no longer as lively as before. Now she has nothing in her heart except her son.

The Empress Dowager Jia Mu paid more attention to Shi Xiangyun's son, and personally chose a nanny and a nurturing nanny for her. If it weren't for Shi Xiangyun's inseparable son, Jia Mu would want to hold this child in her arms Raised by the side.

The people in the palace also saw the clues, and now the most promising successors in the harem are the sons of the imperial concubine Xue, King Qi Jiahui, and the sons of the noble concubine Shi, Zhao Wang Jiaming.

But now it seems that the two sides are evenly matched. One mother is the imperial concubine in charge of the harem, and the other is backed by the empress dowager. Now no one can do anything about it, just look at Jia Ke's attitude when they grow up.

(End of this chapter)

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