Chapter 797
As Yan Wang Jia Mu gradually penetrated into the government, civil and military officials gradually began to accept the future emperor.

After all, Jia Mu left the pavilion to study at the age of five, and several great scholars in the Imperial Academy taught him carefully. If it weren't for the noble status of King Yan, he would have been able to take the No. [-] Scholar Examination.

For some reason, Jia Ke is very optimistic about this son and likes it very much.

In this way, Jia Ke gradually handed over all the government affairs of the court to Yan Wang Jia Mu. Except that he did not hand over the military power to him, Yan Wang Jia Mu could almost be said to have become emperor in advance.

Since Jia Ke had that dream, her body began to gradually deteriorate, which made Jia Ke very puzzled.

You must know that Jia Ke's kung fu has been practiced to the bone. He is known as a fairy. Logically speaking, although Jia Ke can't live for hundreds of years, it is still possible to live a long life. I didn't expect this In my 60s, my body suddenly failed.

Sometimes when Jia Ke was alone in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, she would think of the words from the previous life on Earth: magical powers are not equal to the number of days.

Just like this, another year passed, and Jia Mu's position in the court became more and more stable.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Jia Ke immediately found an opportunity to divide Jia Mu into the prince.

Then Jia Ke handed over all the affairs of the court to Jia Mu on the grounds of poor health, and gradually relaxed the military power to Jia Mu.

And Jia Mu didn't disappoint Jia Ke either, he was much more familiar with the emperor's technique than Jia Ke, so he was able to handle the government with ease.

And Jia Ke saw that Jia Mu was getting more and more mature, so she let go of it completely, and moved to Ningshou Palace, where the Supreme Emperor used to provide for the elderly.

After Jia Ke moved to Ningshou Palace, he sent a decree for Jia Mu to start working in the Palace of Mental Cultivation.

In this way, when the Chinese New Year was approaching, Jia Ke drank a few glasses of wine one day and sweated a little. As a result, he caught a cold and then had a high fever. Taking care of her by her side, as well as recuperating with various panaceas, barely saved Jia Ke's life, but since then, Jia Ke's body has collapsed.

At this time, Jia Ke became more and more aware of what was going on in that dream. It seemed that God gave her a reminder to make her preparations early.

If it wasn't for that vague dream, I would still think that I would live to be a hundred years old. Don't worry about setting up a prince. At that time, those three who love to make troubles will not know what will happen now.

That night, Jia Ke still didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night, and I don't know what's wrong. Maybe it's because people get old and sleep less. Jia Ke now prefers to think about his past life in the dead of night.

Suddenly, that ethereal feeling reappeared, and Jia Ke once again felt that her separated body came directly to the sky, and then went deep into a place full of white light.

Jia Ke didn't feel any sounds around him, but he knew vaguely that someone was talking to him, telling him that he would be here for three days, so he should prepare early.

Then Jia Ke fell down again rapidly and returned to her physical body. This time Jia Ke woke up not sweaty as usual.

After Jia Ke woke up, she didn't have any fear. Instead, there was a smile on the corner of her mouth. This life is worth it, and I have enjoyed everything that should be enjoyed. He has also obtained the highest honor that a man can get. What regrets are there? Woolen cloth?
The next day, after Jia Ke woke up, he immediately delivered an order that all his sons and concubines came to Ningshou Palace to have an audience.

Jia Ke's decree immediately caused a sensation in the entire court. Everyone knew that Jia Ke was in poor health, and now he suddenly recruited all the princes and concubines. It seemed that he was about to confess his will. The Emperor Dayan, who created a huge foundation in his life, is about to die.

By noon, all of Jia Ke's sons had arrived, even Jia Zhi, the imprisoned King of Chu, had arrived.

These princes, led by Prince Jia Mu, knelt on the square of Ningshou Palace and waited for Jia Ke's call.

After a while, there was a jingle of rings outside, and then a few white-haired women came in, followed by some young, beautiful, and prime-of-the-life women.

When the prince saw these women coming in, he hurriedly turned around and knelt down to salute them again.

It turned out that these people were all Jia Ke's still alive women, and now only the imperial concubine Xue Baochai, concubine Liang Chuncao, concubine Hui Naren Gaowa, and the other concubines had passed away before Jia Ke, and there were still some concubines Jia Ke Xinna's women are not on the stage.

Among those people, the noble concubine Xue Baochai has the highest status. She has been in charge of the Phoenix Seal in the harem for these years, and she is almost the queen.

Xue Baochai walked in first, nodded to the prince and others, and then entered Jia Ke's bedroom with a few concubines behind him.

After Xue Baochai entered Jia Ke's bedroom, he looked at Jia Ke again, and saw him sitting on the bed with a rosy face, he didn't look sick at all.

Seeing this, Xue Baochai was not only not happy, but her heart sank, but she remained calm on the surface. She first went up to salute Jia Ke, then stood up, sat beside Jia Ke's bed, and said with a smile: "The concubine looked at you. The emperor looks very good today, presumably the recuperation during this period has paid off."

Jia Ke and Xue Baochai have been husband and wife for so many years, and he could tell at a glance that Xue Baochai was insincere, but he didn't point it out. He just reached out and grabbed Xue Baochai and said with a smile, "It's thanks to Baochai for taking care of you all these years."

"What did the emperor say? Isn't this what courtiers and concubines should do?"

The smile on Jia Ke's face didn't stop, she gently stroked Xue Baochai's no longer soft hand, and then said to Li Gui who was standing by, "Proclaim the decree."

Li Gui got Jia Ke's order, bowed a few steps back to the courtyard, and took out a copy of the imperial edict.

Seeing this scene, several concubines in the bedroom, including Xue Baochai, immediately fell to their knees.

"Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the imperial edict said: Xue Baochai is a virtuous and virtuous person, thanks to Roujia, and is entrusted with the emperor's benevolent order. The special book is Empress Xue Baochai, who understands the six palaces. I admire it!"

Xue Baochai was a little stunned after hearing the content of this imperial decree. This is something she has dreamed of for decades. She thought that she would never be a queen again in this life, but she did not expect that at this time, Jia Ke would seal her for the queen.

But after all, Xue Baochai had only grown up in the harem for so many years, she just stayed for a while, then woke up immediately, and then kowtowed to thank Jia Ke. After that, Li Gui handed over the imperial decree to Xue Baochai.

Looking at the gray-haired Xue Baochai, Jia Ke felt uncomfortable. Xue Baochai was the only woman who had been with her the longest over the years. Although she had some utilitarianism, she thought of herself in everything. Since Xue Baochai took charge of the harem, the affairs of the harem never bothered Jia Ke again.

Jia Ke waved to Xue Baochai, and Xue Baochai hurried to Jia Ke's bedside.

Jia Ke smiled and said to Xue Baochai: "You have worked hard all these years, I'm afraid it won't be long, leaving you this edict is also a guarantee."

When Xue Baochai heard Jia Ke's words, the tears in her eyes couldn't stop anymore, she already understood what Jia Ke meant.

Now things are very clear, Jia Mu will definitely ascend the throne and become the emperor, and after Jia Mu becomes the emperor, his biological mother, Xianfei Chuncao, will naturally be the rightful empress dowager.

In this way, Xue Baochai, the imperial concubine, had to salute Chuncao when she saw Chuncao in the future, and Xue Baochai had been in charge of the harem all her life, and she was suddenly subdued. She couldn't bear it. That's why Jia Ke had this imperial decree.

As long as Xue Baochai is made the empress, then even if Jia Mu becomes the emperor, Xue Baochai must also be respected as the mother empress dowager. The mother empress dowager still has to be honored by the empress dowager, so Xue Baochai is still the most noble woman in the harem.

Jia Ke patted Xue Baochai's hand who was crying, and then said to Li Gui who was beside him, "Princes, please come in."

Li Gui also had tears in his eyes, bowed to Jia Ke, and then slowly left the bedroom and came to the square of Ningshou Palace.

"Princes, the emperor has a decree to announce that all the princes will have an audience."

The dozen or so princes kneeling outside heard the order, and led by the prince Jia Mu, one by one, they entered Jia Ke's bedroom in Ningshou Palace.

As soon as these people entered Jia Ke's bedroom, they immediately fell to their knees and said, "Long live the father."

After these princes bowed to Jia Ke, Jia Ke didn't make them stand up, but just looked at them with his head down, and then said: "I know that not long ago, you and others have already opened mansions and government offices, and some of them have even become The king of a country, after I am gone, you must respect the heaven and the ancestors, and you must not rely on power to do anything wrong."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, all the princes below hurriedly knelt down on the ground and said together: "I dare not."

Jia Ke didn't know whether what these people said was true or not, but he didn't care anymore.

"The prince comes to me."

After hearing Jia Ke's words, Prince Jia Mu hurriedly knelt forward a few steps and came to Jia Ke's side.

Looking at such a son in his prime, Jia Ke sighed. If it was possible, he really wanted to live another 500 years.

After receiving Jia Ke, he took a jade box from his pillow, and solemnly handed it to the prince, "This is the Jade Seal of the Kingdom that I took back from the Tatars in the past year, and I will hand it to you now." gone."

Crown Prince Jia Mu took the Jade Seal from Chuanguo, gently placed it beside him, and kowtowed heavily to Jia Ke a few times.

Jia Ke smiled, and continued: "The mausoleum has been prepared for many years. The former empress Qin Keqing never entered the mausoleum. After my death, you presided over the ceremony and buried Qin Keqing with me."

"My son obeys the order." After the crown prince Jia Mu finished speaking, tears were streaming down his face, and he couldn't make a sound.

Jia Ke looked at Jia Mu crying out of shape, touched his head, and said with some reproach: "What is there to cry about? Everyone is mortal, and I am no exception. As long as you take good care of the country, I will be able to go underground." Peace of mind."

(End of this chapter)

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