Chapter 798
Jia Ke finished explaining what she had to say, and felt that she had no regrets anymore, so she waved her hand to let the princes and concubines retreat, and continued to stay in the bedroom alone, silently waiting for the moment. arrival.

Although the princes withdrew from the Ningshou Palace, they did not dare to leave the palace, so they randomly found a small palace near the Ningshou Palace, and made do with it together there.

They were really afraid that Jia Ke would suddenly disappear, and if he was not around, it would be difficult for the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs to answer questions in the future.

And Jia Ke's health in the Ningshou Palace these days is pretty good, and she eats a little more than usual every day, and her face is also very rosy.

But on the night of the third day, Jia Ke suddenly felt powerless all over, and his eyes turned black. If it wasn't for Li Gui who was beside him supporting him, he might have fallen to the ground at that time.

Li Gui was also taken aback, and hurriedly helped Jia Ke back to the bedroom, and then sent someone to preach to the imperial physicians. After a while, dozens of imperial physicians from the imperial hospital flocked.

They saw the emperor's illness a few days ago. Although the emperor was weak at that time, he would not faint.

Then the princes and concubines got the news and hurried to Ningshou Palace.

When they came to Jia Ke's bed, Jia Ke had already fallen into a coma.

As the queen, Xue Baochai, seeing that Jia Ke was not awake, immediately became annoyed, and said to the several imperial physicians nearby: "Didn't you say yesterday that the emperor is fine, as long as he takes care of himself, he will be fine? Why does it take a day?" Is Huang Shang sick like this?"

The imperial physicians were also helpless, the emperor's illness was too strange, they did take the pulse yesterday, the emperor's pulse was calm, and there was no danger, unexpectedly, his condition reversed in just one day.

Xue Baochai saw that these imperial physicians were speechless, and did not count on them any more. She turned around and came to Jia Ke's bed, gently touched Jia Ke's hand, and called out, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

And Jia Ke felt that someone was calling her in the haze. Although he wanted to open his eyes very much, he felt that his eyelids were heavy. It's Xue Baochai.

Jia Ke struggled to move his hand, but in the end it hung down feebly.

Seeing Jia Ke in this state, Xue Baochai felt even more sad. She gritted her teeth and turned to the imperial physicians, "What else can you do? Use it quickly for the emperor."

In the end, it was Lu De, the son of the old imperial doctor Lu who was now in charge of the imperial hospital, who said, "Go back to the empress, the emperor is already exhausted, and the ministers really have no power to return to heaven. The needle can make the emperor awake for the last half an hour."

That means he didn't understand that the emperor was awake for the last half an hour, and he was going to die in the end.

Come on, at this time Xue Baochai didn't dare to make decisions privately, she turned her head and glanced at the prince kneeling there.

When Prince Jia Mu saw Xue Baochai's eyes glance over, he knew that he was in charge of this matter.

But Crown Prince Jia Mu didn't make any excuses, after all, he was the future prince, so it was his turn to speak now.

"It's come to this, you use the needle quickly, no matter what happens in the end, Gu will not blame you."

After Lu De heard this, he carefully approached Jia Ke's bed, and there were a few.With the help of the maid, she took off all of Jia Ke's clothes, and then used silver needles to prick nine acupoints for Jia Ke, and then kneaded them non-stop with special techniques.

Not long after seeing Jia Ke, her snow-white face began to blush, and finally she slowly opened her eyes.

After Jia Ke opened her eyes, looking at the scene in front of her, she knew that her time had come.

So Jia Ke forced a smile, and called the prince to her with a weak voice.

"I have something to say to the prince, you all go out."

The concubines in the palace were fine, they left the bedroom under the leadership of Xue Baochai, but the princes were unwilling. Who knew what treasure Jia Ke would give the prince when he was dying?
Seeing the other princes kneeling down motionless, Jia Ke became a little unhappy, finally snorted, and winked at Li Gui next to him.

Seeing Jia Ke's meaning became clear, Li Gui immediately stepped forward and said to the princes with a smile, "Masters, you have heard the emperor's instructions, don't make things difficult for the servants."

The other princes kneeling below looked at Li Gui with smiles on their faces, but their tone was unquestionable.

They also got up helplessly, and exited Jia Ke's bedroom one by one, and Li Gui bowed and retreated after the princes withdrew, and closed the door tightly.

Seeing that there were only father and son left in the bedroom, Jia Ke tremblingly took out a ring from his finger.

Then he solemnly handed it over to the prince, "There is a blessed land and cave in this ring. I rely on this ring to turn danger into good fortune and achieve today's achievements. Now I don't need him anymore. for you."

Crown Prince Jia Mu took the ring and took a closer look, only to see that it was only made of bronze, without any magic. He couldn't help but looked at Jia Ke suspiciously, thinking in his heart that his father was sick when he was dying. Confused.

Jia Ke had already seen Jia Mu's doubts, so she forced a smile, and said, "This ring is easy to use, as long as you recognize the owner with a drop of blood, you can try it now."

Although the Prince's Ministry of Rites felt that Jia Ke was already sick and confused, he couldn't bear to go against Jia Ke's wishes, and in the end he did.He bit the prince with his teeth, and finally smeared the ring with blood.

The ring quickly sucked the blood of Prince Jia Mu, and there was no abnormality after that.

Prince Jia Mu looked at Jia Keye suspiciously. The blood was quickly absorbed by the ring just now, and he knew that the ring was not a mortal thing, but the ring did not move any more, which made him a little puzzled.

"Put the ring on and try it."

Na Jia Mu hurriedly put the ring on his hand, and immediately he felt different, the ring seemed to have a faint silk thread, connecting his thoughts to the ring.

Jia Mu followed the silk thread and moved to the ring for a while, and then it suddenly became clear to him that there was a paradise in the ring.

There is a clear spring in the middle of this peach garden, and all kinds of herbs are planted in this clear spring temple.

Jia Mu was really surprised by this matter. As a prince, he also had some understanding of some gods and gods, but he didn't feel the magic in it. Now that he got this ring, he knew that there are true immortals in the world. .

Seeing Jia Mu's surprised expression, Jia Ke smiled unconsciously, and then reminded him: "Don't spread this matter, it will be the treasure of our royal heritage from now on, and it can only be handed over when the emperor ascends the throne." to the next emperor."

After Jia Mu listened to it, he nodded again and again. Now he also feels that such a treasure should be reserved for his children and grandchildren to be treated favorably.

Jia Ke went on to instruct: "As the saying goes: Flowers don't last a hundred days, and people don't have a thousand days to be happy. The world of our family looks good now, but since ancient times, there has been no dynasty for thousands of years, so the world will start from our area. Prepare early. After you ascend the throne, you must store at least 1000 million taels of silver in this ring, and every emperor in the future will have to do the same. In this way, if our family really produces an outstanding one at the end of the dynasty, we may be able to rely on this ring Make a comeback."

Jia Mu nodded repeatedly after hearing this. His father was indeed far-sighted.

After Jia Ke finished speaking, she seemed to have no more strength, and the blush on her face faded away quickly.

Crown Prince Jia Mu knew that something was wrong when he saw this situation, and he shouted outside regardless of the other parties: "Come quickly."

Then the concubines and princes who were waiting outside rushed in and came to Jia Ke's bedroom.

Xue Baochai, the queen, saw the chaos in the scene, and immediately scolded: "What is the chaos? Kneel aside for me."

Xue Baochai is quite prestigious in the palace, she shouted loudly, these princes and concubines hurriedly knelt aside.

Xue Baochai hurriedly asked several imperial physicians to check Jia Ke's body.

Several imperial physicians stepped forward to check Jia Ke's pulse, and all of them looked ashen.

In the end, it was Lu De who stepped forward and said to Xue Baochai: "I report to the Empress, now it's time for the emperor to use the Shengmai."

When Xue Baochai heard the words Shengmaisan, she knew that there was no way to return to heaven. Shengmaisan was a royal secret, and the emperor had to use this medicine to save the situation at the last moment, but most of them relied on Powerless.

Xue Baochai had a sad face, and then waved to these imperial physicians, telling them to hurry up and prepare Shengmaisan.

Shengmai San, the imperial physicians had already prepared to take it, and as soon as Xue Baochai gave such an order, the imperial physicians came in with a bowl of medicine in person.

Seeing that Xue Baochai was going to recite it, she waved to the imperial physician directly. The imperial physician came to Xue Baochai, not knowing what Xue Baochai meant.

Xue Baochai didn't say anything else, reached out to take the bowl of medicine, and then took a big gulp from the bowl.

After waiting for a while, Xue Baochai felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so Xue Baochai came to the bed with a bowl and gave Jia Ke a drink.

But Jia Ke had already recovered countless times at this time, and even after drinking this Shengmaisan, she didn't see any improvement.

It didn't take long for Jia Ke's breathing to become weaker and weaker, and within a quarter of an hour, Jia Ke completely stopped breathing.

As soon as Jia Ke stopped breathing, Xue Baochai next to him felt it. At this moment, he couldn't care about anything else, and immediately threw himself on Jia Ke's body and cried loudly.

The princes and concubines kneeling in the room, seeing Xue Baochai like this, immediately understood that Jia Ke had gone, so everyone in the room began to cry.

Jia Ke, the hero of a generation who founded the Great Yan Dynasty, died on this day.

Not long after, all the decorations began to be removed in the entire palace, turning into a piece of snow white.

After that, it was natural that Prince Jia Mu presided over the funeral. He first sent a fast horse outside the palace to inform the ministers of the Ministry of Rites and the military planes.

Then the entire capital city began to get busy, all the red colors were covered, and the entire capital city was also wrapped in white.

(End of this chapter)

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