Chapter 96 Negotiation
Jia Ke followed Arslen Khan and rushed into the Tatar camp. Arslen Khan ran in front of him in a panic, and Jia Ke followed closely behind.

Arslen Khan gave orders while running, but the surrounding Tatars stopped Jia Ke.In the end, more and more people surrounded Jia Ke.Jia Ke lost Arslen Khan again.

At this time, Jia Ke was in the Tatar camp, charging left and right, but he didn't feel that the sun was setting and the sky was getting dark. Then Jia Ke rushed out of the Tatar camp and returned to his team, and the five hundred cavalry who followed Jia Ke out of the city.Always watched from behind, did not join the fight.

They treated Jia Ke's brave performance like a god. No one thought that Jia Ke would be so brave. He turned the Tatar camp upside down by himself, and even chased and killed the Tatar Khan twice. Can this be done by one person?Jia Ke is now a god in their hearts.

Jia Ke immediately slashed his halberd in front of his formation, and among the tens of thousands of Tatars, no one dared to move forward.At this time, everyone only felt that Jia Ke had a thousand layers of murderous aura in front of him and behind him, and the majesty of a hundred steps.

After a while, the gong sounded in the Tatar formation, ordering the Tatars to withdraw their troops and return to the camp. When the Tatar cavalry heard the sound of the gong, all the Tatar cavalry breathed a sigh of relief.Fighting against Jia Ke today, let them know what an invincible and invincible hero is.

For a while, Jia Ke only killed them and was frightened. He had already become a frightened bird, and if he fought with him again, he would probably disperse in a hurry.

Jia Ke saw that the Tatars retreated back to the camp in an orderly manner and closed the gate, but the security in the camp was still tight, probably to prevent him from breaking into the camp again.In fact, they were thinking too much. Although Jia Ke was physically able to fight again, he was indeed a little tired in his heart.I think I should take a good rest, after all, it's not time to make a life-and-death decision.

Jia Ke moved Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand and pointed at the gate of Kaiping Weicheng. The cavalry understood what he meant.The cavalry headed towards Kaiping Weicheng Gate.

But Jia Ke still stood still, cutting off the queen for them.It was not until all the cavalry entered Kaipingwei that Jia Ke urged the horses to retreat slowly into Kaipingwei.Today's battle is over.

As soon as Jia Ke entered the gate of Kaipingwei City, he saw that the gate was full of people. Wu Li brought almost all the officers of Kaipingwei to welcome Jia Ke.When Wu Li saw Jia Ke coming back, he immediately stepped forward and took the reins of Jia Ke's horse.

When Jia Ke saw this situation, he got off his horse and saluted him.But he was stopped by Wu Li, who sincerely said to Jia Ke: "The general is brave and unparalleled in the world. Today I know why Kaipingwei was safe and sound that day? With a general at Kaipingwei, no one in the world would dare to invade. Today I will be the general. Lead the horse, the general just sits on the horse."

Seeing that he was so unwilling, Jia Ke hurriedly got off the horse and said to Wu Li: "I have only been in Kaipingwei for a short time, although I have some minor achievements, but I still don't deserve such kindness from my lord."

Seeing that he was determined to do so, Wu Li did not take credit for it.The evaluation of Jia Ke in my heart has risen again, and I feel that only such a person can achieve a great career in the future.From then on, she became closer to Jia Ke.

Jia Ke and Wu Li led the crowd back to Qianhu Mansion. In the lobby, Jia Ke took the main seat, Wu Li accompanied him on the side, and the other generals stood below.

Butter torches were lit in the hall, illuminating the hall as bright as day.

Jia Ke said to the generals below: "Although the Tatars are temporarily retreating today, they should not take it lightly, in case the Tatars steal the city tonight. Feng Mo and Huang Baifeng, the two deputy thousand households, will each bring half of their troops on duty tonight. At night, all the generals worked hard for a while. When the Tatars retreated, I will celebrate for everyone."

Wu Li also said to the following at this time: "Jia Qianhu is right. When the Tatars retreat, I will report to the Jiedu envoy for everyone's credit."

All the generals knew that it was a critical moment, and they had no complaints, they clasped their hands together and said, "Don't worry about your lord's instructions, the lower ranks will definitely obey the orders."

Jia Ke had nothing to say now, so he asked Wu Li, "What else do you want to say, my lord?" Wu Li shook his head, but had nothing to say.

So Jia Ke ordered everyone to return to the team, those who could rest should rest, and those who should go to the top of the city should go to the top of the city.After everyone dispersed, Jia Ke discussed with Wu Li again, and the two of them would rest on the top of the city every day to prevent the Tatars from sneaking up on them.Wu Li agreed with Jia Ke's approach, and took the initiative to undertake the vigil tonight, so that Jia Ke could rest well so that he could fight again tomorrow.Jia Ke was indeed a little tired, so she didn't refuse, so she decided.So Wu Li went to the tower.

But Jia Ke returned to the back house and asked someone to prepare meals for him. He ate a meal this morning and fought until night.The water and rice have not been returned, and now it is time to have a full meal, and then go back to the room to rest, thinking about teaching him another lesson tonight.

The entire Kaipingwei finally quieted down. All kinds of people in Kaipingwei could finally take a rest after worrying for a day.But there are still people who keep patrolling in Kaiping Guard to guard against Tatar spies, and this is Zheng Kai.Ever since he received Jia Ke's order, he has led his cavalry hundreds of households to patrol the Kaiping Guard in different shifts, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

But outside Kaipingwei, in the Tatar army camp, it was gloomy and gloomy.The ordinary soldiers below have completely lost their confidence in breaking Kaipingwei in the future.As long as they thought of that monster on the battlefield today, their hearts would tremble incessantly.We never want to fight this monster again.Therefore, war weariness began to spread in the camp. Everyone felt that they had already obtained enough wealth and slaves in this southward invasion, so why did they have to work hard here?

At this time, in Arslen Khan's king's tent, Arslen Khan and the tribal leaders were relatively silent, and they didn't move the various delicacies on the table.They are now filled with fear of Jia Ke.Many tribal leaders are homesick and do not want to continue fighting here.But Arslen Khan hated Jia Ke so much at this time, he didn't want to just retreat.So it was very embarrassing for a time.

Although the tribal leaders wanted to retreat, none of them stood up.They looked at each other and winked.Using eye contact, Sobud was defeated in the end, and almost all the tribal leaders signaled him with their eyes to let him take the lead.In this case, he can't violate it either.Otherwise, even Arslen Khan would not be able to keep his tribe.

So Sobud stood up and said to Arslen Khan: "Khan, today's battle is not good, and everyone has no heart to fight. If the weather starts to turn cold, it's better to go back to the grassland for the winter. In the coming year, we will meet Jia Ke again." Fight to the death."

When Arslen Khan heard Sobud's words, anger flashed in his eyes, but he knew that this was not Sobud's original intention, and this was probably the consensus reached by all the tribal leaders.He can't object explicitly, in short, he can suppress this matter.In the future, the tribes will also be alienated from him.At that time, he will not be able to do this profusely. After all, the grassland is a tribal alliance, and his tribe is just the most powerful one on the grassland. If he falls out with all the grassland tribes, he can't do anything about the consequences. bear.

Arslen Khan thought about this clearly, so he had to patiently explain to them: "Jia Ke is a dragon and a phoenix, and he is an invincible warrior on the battlefield. Now he is just a small Qianhu. If we retreat, he will definitely use it as a military exploit. Flying to the top. At that time, we will hold great power and have many soldiers under our command. What shall we do then?"

Hearing what Arslen Khan said from the tribal leader made sense, he was in a dilemma.

Arslen Khan saw that their thoughts of retreating were a little shaken, so he struck while the iron was hot and said, "It's better to attack the city until the first snow in early winter. If we haven't captured Kaipingwei by then, we can retreat sooner. I don't know the leaders. how about?"

(End of this chapter)

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