Chapter 97
The leaders of the Tatars listened to what Arslen Khan said was very reasonable. Although they were very reluctant, seeing that Arslen Khan lowered his face to discuss with them, he could not hurt Arslen Khan's face too much. I can only agree.

Arslen Khan was overjoyed when he saw that Chief Zhong agreed.Then he ordered his servants to bring in a change of food and wine, and he wanted to drink a few glasses with all the leaders. After a while, all kinds of lamb and wine were served. When these people saw the wine and meat, they temporarily put aside their worries and drank freely.

Before I knew it, it was late at night, and the leaders of each family were drunk with wine, supported by guards, and went back to their tents to rest.

As for Arslen Khan, who was alone in the inner tent, thinking of what happened today, he gritted his teeth and praised Jia Ke for his bravery.It wasn't until late at night that he fell asleep drowsily.

Besides, Kaiping Wei Nei Jiake slept until midnight, and suddenly woke up, and immediately put on his helmet and crown armor, a burqa with belts, and dressed neatly.The pro-army who was ordered to be on duty at night immediately dispatched [-] cavalry to gather at the gate of the city.

Jia Ke rode a fire dragon colt, carrying Fang Tian's painted halberd, when he arrived at the gate of the city.The cavalry was not ready yet, but Wu Li, who was on duty at night, got the news and went to meet Jia Ke at the gate of the city.

Seeing Jia Ke, Wu Li stepped forward and asked, "The general has been working hard all day. He is not resting in the mansion now. What are you going to do?"

Seeing Wu Li's inquiry, Jia Ke explained to him: "Yesterday, the new Tatars came here, so they must be well-defended and there is no opportunity for them to take advantage of it. Today, I fought with him all day long, and he must be slack in his heart, thinking that I am tired. , I must rest tonight to recharge my energy. I will do the opposite and steal the camp tonight. I will definitely see success. If there is still a chance, I will take the life of the Tatar Khan. By then The siege of Kaipingwei will be resolved by itself."

Hearing Jia Ke's words, Wu Li couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Jia Ke is indeed loyal to the country, and he is courageous and resourceful. He fights day and night for the court, and he is devoutly thinking. If only there were more people like Jia Ke in this dynasty , the Tatars have nothing to fear.

While Jia Ke was chatting with Wu Li, three hundred cavalrymen had already arrived, and they were full of energy when they heard Jia Ke's call.

Seeing that everyone was present, Jia Ke immediately ordered someone to fetch wine, which was delivered in a short time.Jia Ke took the wine jar first, filled the bowl until it was full, and then drank it all in one gulp.After drinking, he said to the cavalry: "The Tatars are so powerful that there is no way to defeat the enemy unless they use a trick. Tonight, I will lead the princes to steal the camp. You are now drinking the wine in your glass, and you will arrive at the Tatar camp in a while." In the middle, you should go forward bravely, serve the country at the top, and guard your wife and children at the bottom.”

When the cavalry heard that Jia Ke was going to lead them to attack the Tatar camp, they all looked at each other with expressions of fear.

When Jia Ke saw the expressions on the faces of the cavalry, they were all troubled, and couldn't help being furious, and said, "I am the general of the Kaiping guard, and I would risk my life for the country, why do you hesitate?"

When all the soldiers heard what Jia Ke said, their morale was also boosted, and they bowed down to Jia Ke together and said, "I would like to go with the general and work together to die." So all the soldiers drank their glasses of wine.

Jia Ke ordered people to fetch several hundred white belts, and ordered everyone to tie them on their heads as a mark.So all the cavalry wore paper armor.They all got on their horses, Jia Ke was in front and the cavalry followed closely behind.He secretly opened the city gate and went straight to the Tatar camp.

Jia Ke sneaked into the Tatar camp with his men and horses, pushed aside the repelling horses, and swarmed in, entering the Tatar camp.

At this time, the Tatars were running around day after day, and they fought with Jia Ke yesterday, and they were already exhausted. Thinking about the battle during the day, Jia Ke was already exhausted, so their defenses were very lax, and Jia Ke led his men to easily kill them. In the village, there was no defense at all.

Jia Ke led all the cavalry into the Tatar village, only to go to the camp of the central army to kill Arslen Khan.

Along the way, Jia Ke led all the cavalry to kill anyone they saw, shouting like thunder, and the Tatars fell into chaos as an unknown number of troops came forward.

As soon as Arslen Khan fell asleep, he heard loud noises from outside. He was awakened immediately and got up with his clothes on.When I came to the outside of the big tent, I saw the shadows of people outside, in a state of chaos, and the sound of shouting could be heard endlessly.

Arslen Khan knew it was not good. This was either bombing the camp or being attacked by the enemy.No matter which one it is, now he needs to command immediately to restore order.He hurriedly called his personal guards, and after a while, several people came to him, and he asked someone to bring his horse, regardless of the pain on his body.Reluctantly get on the horse, call the surroundings to maintain order, and don't mess around.

He had just gathered some men and horses, and suddenly a group of men and horses bumped out in front of him.He could see clearly the first person, not Jia Ke, who else?Arslen Khan was shocked when he saw Jia Ke.And Jia Ke was overjoyed to see Arslen Khan.I didn't kill him twice during the day today, it seems that God has treated him kindly, let him bump into him now.

When Arslen Khan found Jia Ke, he ran away without talking to him.

Jia Ke came after him and was about to catch up.This is a group of people flying out from the side, and the leader is Sobud.

Sobud has been loyal to Arslen Khan ever since Arslen Khan came to Kaipingwei to avenge him regardless of public opinion.Hearing the chaos outside the tent tonight, the first thing that comes to mind is Arslen Khan's safety.So bring your cavalry to reinforce.

Not wanting to save Arslen Khan here, Arslen Khan was overjoyed to see Sobud, and shouted loudly: "Sobud, come and save me, Jia Ke is chasing after me."

When Jia Ke saw Sobud from behind, he couldn't help being very angry. This Sobud has ruined his good deeds again and again, and if he bumps into him once, he will never forgive him.

But when Jia Ke patted his horse and danced, Fang Tian drew a halberd and went straight for Sobud, and when Sobud saw Jia Ke coming straight towards him, how could he dare to fight?Hastily ordered the surrounding soldiers to resist and resist.

But Jia Ke fought bravely, and in a short time, he killed Sobud and came to Sobud. At this time, Sobud wanted to buy time for Arslen Khan, so he could not retreat, so he had to grit his teeth and face Jia. Ke, the two are really enemies when they meet, and they are extremely jealous.Perhaps Sobud knew that this time was inevitable, and brandishing the big knife in his hand was all fighting for life, and he didn't parry at all, he just wanted to die with Jia Ke.

How could Jia Ke fulfill his wish, after only three or five bouts, he chopped Sobud off his horse.Jia Ke ordered the surrounding cavalry to cut off Sobud's head, hang it on his horse's neck, and then charged forward, but Arslen Khan had lost track of him.

Jia Ke had no choice but to lead the soldiers to fight left and right.The Tatars panicked and didn't know how many enemy soldiers there were. They disturbed each other and trampled each other.Jia Ke galloped across the camp, killing everyone he met. The clamor in each camp was like thunder, and the fire was like stars, and the shouts were loud.

Jia Ke was in the Tatar camp, and he only killed until the sun was bright, and then he came out from the south gate. The Tatars were afraid of Jia Ke's bravery, and no one dared to go after him.And let Jia Ke lead the cavalry back to Kaipingwei safe and sound.

When Jia Ke got through the Kaipingwei City Gate, Wu Liyi and his generals greeted him.Jia Ke asked people to count the number of people, there were [-] riders when they left, and there were still [-] riders when they came back, no one was injured in the night's fight.

After counting the number of people, Jia Ke led the generals to the top of the city to observe the situation in the Tatar village. They saw that the Tatar village was still shouting loudly and chaotic, and it took a long time before it gradually subsided.

Wu Li looked at the situation in the Tatar village, and couldn't help but admired: "When the general left, the Tatars were all terrified. If the Tatars sweated profusely, they were already horrified. From now on, they dare not look at the general."

When Jia Ke heard him say this, she also became arrogant for a rare time, and then he said: "I have a fire dragon colt, Fang Tian draws a halberd and the hero of the world is nothing to me."

Wu Li and Kaipingwei's generals were all convinced, and they praised Jia Ke together, saying that a hero is invincible, and there is no comparison in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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