Chapter 1 The Second Year of Chongzhen
On the fourth day of the eleventh lunar month in [-] AD, when he saw snowflakes falling outside the window in his office, Huang Han cursed: "Damn weather!"

Huang Han is a cheerful person who never complains to the society, so what is there to complain about?At the beginning, who made himself superstitious that steel companies would be booming, so he chose metallurgy as a major.

Now the medium-sized rolling mill that has been working for nearly ten years has been shut down the year before last due to national energy conservation and emission reduction. Huang Han, a middle-level cadre and quality inspection section chief, has been reduced to controlling quality for a private factory, earning only monthly income. Four 5000 yuan.

Fortunately, this factory specializes in forging flanges. It is easier to inspect products according to mature national standards, and Huang Han's work is relatively easy.

Being idle all day is painful and uncomfortable. He is obsessed with online novels, and he is particularly interested in historical time-travel novels.

Many traversers came to ancient times and would open gold fingers to create unique new products.Too many comments questioned the feasibility, and Huang Han also looked at the problem from a skeptical perspective.

But he doesn't like to take it for granted with his eyes closed. He consults information and even conducts experiments to verify it. Over time, he has really mastered many technologies that use ancient technology to manufacture modern products.

In recent months, Huang Han has been a little busy, because he rides a motorcycle to and from get off work every day, the work is easy and he can be late and leave early, so he found a part-time job.

The private owner of the workshop-style factory didn't pay too much attention. Since Huang Han was hired to master the quality inspection, the boss thought he had found a treasure and treated Huang Han very politely.

The private boss only focused on profit. After Huang Han arrived, there was never a single case where the factory was often returned due to quality problems, resulting in heavy losses to the factory.

Not only that, before he dared not take orders for high-neck flanges with high added value but difficult to grasp the quality, but now he can produce freely. Therefore, Huang Han is an absolute master in this small factory with dozens of people. Authority, as long as Huang Han does his job, no one will take care of him at all.

Huang Han’s part-time job is a Meituan food delivery rider who has just flourished in the city he lives in. Most of the riders ride battery cars to deliver food. Huang Han rides a straddle motorcycle with fifth gear to deliver food much faster than battery cars. In addition to competitiveness, income will naturally increase a lot.

The part-time job earned more than 2 yuan in a few months. My wife, who always felt that life was tight, finally felt relieved. She also started to take her fifth-grade son to this class and that class on Sundays.

Looking at his wife and children, Huang Han couldn't help but think of a line of lyrics: "If the heart is in the dream, there is true love between heaven and earth... For my loved ones, no matter how hard it is, I must be strong..."

Snow is falling, the road is slippery, very cold, due to the bad weather, Huang Han received a lot of orders today, he was very tired and cold while driving on the road, he sang loudly: "...Look at success or failure, life is heroic, but It’s starting all over again.”

Suddenly, "Boom!" There was a loud noise, Huang Han felt that he was flying, and saw his beloved motorcycle fell to the ground and slid fast...

Little did he know that God really let him start all over again as he wished.


On October 27th, the second year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, the Houjin army, who had detoured thousands of miles to the Mongolian prairie, attacked the Great Wall Pass of the Ming Dynasty in three ways.

The aggressive barbarians attacked Da'ankou all the way, and the general Zhou Zhen died in a fierce battle.All the way to Longjing Pass, Ming army general Zhang Ande and others fled, and attacked Hongshan Pass all the way, Ming army guard Zhang Wanchun surrendered.

The commander-in-chief of Zuo Dudu, General Ping Liao, Zhao Ledjiao was a rare brave general and wise general in the late Ming Dynasty. After he got the scout report, the Jin army bypassed the Guanning line of defense and went south from Da'ankou. The siege of the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty was unstoppable.

Zhao Dudu was furious, and immediately led more than [-] Guanning cavalry under his command to gallop back to help.

He rode his horse to the west, and more than 4000 good men under his command were arrogant and high-spirited. Although the north wind howled and the sky was cold, these Ming soldiers came here without hesitation when they learned that the slaves had invaded the land of Gyeonggi.

Among the advancing cavalry was a soldier named Huang Han. This man was tall and burly, which was unusual in Ming Dynasty. The average height of men in the Ming Dynasty was shorter than that of modern people. This Huang Han was 1.7 meters tall and tall. With big arms and round waist, he is definitely a mighty man in this era.

Huang Han is eighteen years old this year. He is a veteran. He has served in the army for three or four years. He is skilled in bow and horse. His father, Huang Yizhou, is a Ming army who is good at bow and horse. Disability Retirement.

Huang Han's martial arts and bow and horse were not trained in the barracks, but improved his combat skills through actual combat in the army.

After Huang Yizhou retired, he disarmed and returned to his hometown in Jiulitai, Yongping Prefecture to work as a farmer. He saw that his eldest son, Huang Han, was strong and good at practicing martial arts. He trained him in basic skills since he was a child.

The Huang family is not a military household. Huang Yizhou is a battalion soldier recruited by the Ming Dynasty to pay the military salary. He was selected as a night boy because of his good martial arts. Before the Battle of Saerhu in the Wanli Dynasty.

At that time, the national strength of the Ming Dynasty was still there, and it always took the initiative to attack. Not only did Huang Yizhou have a high military salary, but it was also often rewarded with rewards for beheading. .

Huang Yizhou's seven-year military career had countless adventures and accumulated a lot of property. Unfortunately, after the injury on his leg healed, it left sequelae. From then on, his legs were not the same length and he limped when walking.

When Mr. Bai Zong persuaded Huang Yizhou to retire from the army, he felt very uncomfortable, because Huang Yizhou had already fallen in love with such a life after serving in the army for seven years, and everything that happened later made him feel lucky.

Because half a year after Huang Yizhou retired, an important turning point in the history of the war between Ming and Houjin, the Battle of Saerhu broke out, and the battalion of Huang Yizhou was led by the general officer Jun Jun.

Nurhachi, the chief of the Houjin Dynasty, was a military genius. He didn't care how many ways the Ming army came and went straight to the strongest way.

The Hou Jin army took advantage of the thick fog and decisively fought with the Juniper Ming army. The white fog was boundless and the sky was still gloomy after noon, making it difficult to distinguish at a distance.

After a dark and fierce battle, nearly [-] brave Ming troops under the commander-in-chief Jun Song, general Chai Guodong, guerrilla generals Wang Hao, Zhang Daji, Yang Qin, and Wang Hailong were killed.

The former comrades-in-arms in Huangyizhou could not even reach [-]% by chance. After the Golden Army won the Sarhu Battle, they became more courageous. The situation in Liaodong was deteriorating. .

Huang Yizhou had no intention of training his son to serve the imperial court in the army. He just thought that bandits were rampant in the world, and men needed some force to be able to stand upright.

It's also because after retiring from the army, he went back to his hometown to guard the fields left by his ancestors, and his son was a good young man who practiced martial arts.

Huang Yizhou is not illiterate, he can read a few words. He taught his son how to read and trained Huang Han to ride and shoot at the same time.

Huang Han Kong Wuyouli was a child since he was a child, Wang was also a troublemaker, and besides a fool who was one year older than him, he did things regardless of the consequences, and finally caused a catastrophe in the sixth year of Tianqi. A rogue in the neighboring village—— Lai Zi Wu San was beaten to death by Huang Han and Han Zi.

In fact, it was a fool who killed someone, but Huang Han said his loyalty and refused to betray him. Since he was a child, he was like a follower who followed him in fights, and tried his best to bear the responsibility.

Hanzi is equivalent to the adopted son of Huang Yizhou. His surname is Yang and he has no proper name. Everyone calls him Yang Dalang or Hanzi. He is the only son of Huang Yizhou's comrade-in-arms Yang Fengnian.

Back then, it was Yang Fengnian who persevered in finding the wounded Huang Yizhou from the pile of dead people and led the only war horse, risking being discovered by Tartars and Jian slaves, and walked more than a hundred miles a day and night back to the camp.

Later, Yang Fengnian, who was promoted to a small banner officer, died in the battle of Sarhu. Huang Yizhou was obliged to help his daughter-in-law and his son who was not very good at thinking, Hanzi. These two members of the Yang family.

This idiot is not a fool, but he has less roots than normal people. Huang Han belonged to a different type in Daming, and his strength is far greater than ordinary people. If the idiot really fights with Huang Han, he will definitely be able to fight two Huang Han.

It's strange, there are several children in Huangyizhou. In addition to the eldest son, the children in the family also have a son from the concubine and two sons from the concubine.

In the north these days, a family with more than a dozen farmlands is not a big landlord, not even a small landlord, at most a rich peasant.

Because the yield per mu is extremely low in this era, most of the land in the north can only produce one season of grain. If the yield is calculated by wheat, more than [-] catties per mu can be considered a bumper harvest.

Therefore, it is unrealistic to think that a family with five mu of land can live in peace without worrying about food and clothing. It is because modern people do not understand the yield per mu and the cost of farming in ancient times. In fact, the output of three to five mu of land in the north is enough to meet Food and clothing for an adult.

In ancient times, most of the families were not a family of three, there were too many families of seven or eight or even a dozen.

The Huang family has more than 200 mu of land, leaving aside taxes and costs, it can only barely provide food and clothing for a dozen members of this large family.

This is because Huang Yizhou is a hero with military merit and force value. After returning to his hometown, he taught the young people from all over the country to learn guns and sticks. Of course, some well-known families in the village would not easily bully them.

It is also because the owner of the family loves bow horses. In addition to owning two cows and a donkey, the Huang family has always raised a good horse. These days, it costs more to raise a good horse than to feed three or five people. Land, and the family has no money left.

The Huang family has two troublemakers, Huang Han and Hanzi, who hardly have a day of peace. People often come to complain and cry at the Huang family. In fact, these two boys are not bad. Hey, they are young and energetic, they just love to fight against injustices.

Wu San, a scoundrel from the neighboring village, was a stealthy person, and he was also blamed for being ignorant. After being slapped on the mouth by Huang Han, he dared to speak stubbornly, yelling: "If you have the guts, beat me to death."

The idiot made a fool of himself, jumped forward and just punched Wu San, his face was full of peach blossoms.

When the disaster happened, Huang Yizhou let the idiot pretend to be a fool, let his son stand up, and then sent his son to join the army in the Liaodong military camp through his former comrades-in-arms.

This kind of treatment is harmless, killing a rascal would not be a death sentence, and he might be sentenced to exile. Huang Han took the initiative to go to Liaodong, where the tiger's face had changed, to join the army, and naturally blocked Youyou's mouth.

Unexpectedly, since the eldest son went to serve in the army, the Huang family has been blessed by misfortune.

It turned out that Huang Han was born a good material for being a soldier. He went to the barracks and was like a fish in water. Because he was tall and energetic, he was good at equestrian skills, good at archery, and had a clean family background. servant.

There is no doubt about the quality of the Ming Dynasty's army of military officers. These people are the military officers' reliance.

Huang Han became a servant within a few months and became the captain of the servant team. He was paid a lot, and he could earn as much as two or three liang of silver a month.

As the eldest son in the family, Huang Han is a bit precocious. He is very filial and considerate of his family. He does not waste money indiscriminately in the military camp, and asks someone to bring money home every now and then.

In addition to geography, the Huang family gained two taels of silver every month, and life improved a lot. In the spring of the first year of Chongzhen, Huang Yizhou gritted his teeth and sent his eight-year-old son, Huang Yi, the eldest son of the Huang family, to go to school.

Huang Yong, the second son of a concubine, was two years younger than Huang Han. He was too early for Kaimeng and had to stay at home to help with farm work.

Huang Han is a soldier, and he is a good soldier with outstanding combat skills and can read a few words, but his temper is too bad, he is aggressive, he can't rub the sand in his eyes, and he likes to meddle in his own business. Violating military discipline has only been a corporal leader so far, which means that there are only four cavalry under his command.

The tragic hero Zhao led more than [-] cavalry to gallop in the north wind. The three-day and three-night march made even the strong Huang Han feel exhausted.

It was a pity that the commander-in-chief Zhu Guoyan refused to let the soldiers enter the city, so Zhao led the army and had no choice but to continue westward to Zunhua.

They worked so hard to come for reinforcements but were abandoned in the wilderness. The more than [-] Ming troops were all inexplicably sad and indignant. The troops marching westward were lifeless, and the oppressive atmosphere was spreading.

This army was already one of the few soldiers who dared to fight in the Ming Dynasty, and now it has not only become a lonely army that has been abandoned and cannot get supplies, they have also been targeted by the strategist Queen Jinnu Chief Hong (Note 1) up.

Hong Zhe got a report from the scout, and learned that Zhao Lediao, who had let him down in Jinzhou, only brought more than [-] cavalry to Zunhua, and was inexplicably excited. How could Hong Zhai, who is well versed in the art of war, let such a heaven-sent opportunity pass by?

After the Jin army stopped advancing, they temporarily gave up capturing Zunhua City, and instead concentrated their superior forces to wait for work to wipe out the more than [-] Guanning cavalry led by Zhao.

The military aristocrats who established slavery carried out emergency mobilization, and assembled more than [-] cavalry as quickly as possible to set up a net in the fifteen miles east of Zunhua, waiting for Zhao Lediao to throw himself into the net.

In order to complete the strategic goal of completely annihilating the more than [-] Guanning iron cavalry led by Zhao, Hongxie arranged a tactic of encircling with cavalry movements. Those who participated in the operation were all elites from the Eight Banners. The Ming army escaped from the death order.

On November [-]th, Zhao led this team of horse-strapped cavalry to a place called Sanlitun outside Zunhua City and was intercepted head-on. It was one of the three banners of the Later Jin Army with five thousand soldiers and horses in the Yellow Banner who took the lead in attacking.

The war horse neighed, the feathered arrow pierced the air, and the sound of killing was earth-shattering. The tenacious Zhao led the Ministry of Education to withstand the impact of the inlaid yellow flag. people.

Ding Ruzhong, Huang Han's chief general, is now a guerrilla general. He received an order from Zhao Lengjiao to lead his troops to attack the enemy's right flank. He must penetrate here to ensure that the main force can reach the east gate of Zunhua.

There was no room for bargaining, and everyone knew that they were faced with a life-or-death decision. Ding Ruzhong led less than [-] surviving cavalry under his command to launch an attack.

Huang Han didn't think at all at this moment, his red eyes just wanted to kill someone, because he saw the arrow falling from his robe and the horse was trampled to death by the horse's hoof.

Huang Han belongs to the powerful heavy cavalry. In his hand is a horse-chopping knife made of high-quality Fujian iron that can be swung with one hand or slashed with both hands. The knife is seven feet long, the blade is three feet long, the handle is four feet long, and weighs ten. Eight catties, can be chopped, can also be stabbed.

At this time, he could only wield the saber to meet the enemy, because Huang Han had already shot all the feathered arrows he was carrying while resisting the impact of the inlaid yellow flag.Facing the battlefield where arrows were like flying locusts, Huang Han kept his body short and only protected his face, allowing light arrows to hit his body wearing cotton armor and iron armor from time to time.

The two armies collided with each other again, and the face-to-face slashing and killing naturally caused blood to splatter. Huang Han almost saw blood, and he tried his best to wield the saber, but unfortunately, the densely packed rear golden cavalry in front of him did not decrease at all...

Suddenly he felt a heavy blow on his back, "Wow!" A gust of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the drowsy Huang Han saw the Jiannu Ba Yala who hit him with a mace, and he used up his last breath With all his strength, he threw the saber in his hand...

The battle outside Zunhua City ended, Hong Jie rode his horse and stopped on a small hill to look into the distance, feeling extremely proud.I think that Jinzhou City, which was blocked by Zhao's teaching in Liaodong outside the pass, returned home in a feather. I didn't expect that such a strong man would be killed by himself in the capital of Ming Dynasty.

Hong Xie looked at Azige beside him and said, "Twelfth brother, I have passed the order of our army to leave a whole body for Zhao to lead the Ministry of Education. Our Dajin Army only collects armor and weapons."

Azige saluted and said: "Your Majesty, I obey your orders. The cavalry under the leadership of Zhao in the Ming Dynasty have some combat effectiveness. When they fought with our Dajin Army, none of them flinched. Give these guys a decent due."

Hong Zhe smiled and said: "It's a pity that there are not many generals like Zhao Lijiao in Ming Dynasty, and there are not many teams in Ming Dynasty who dare to fight. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to take the Eight Banners to come here all the way."

Since entering the Customs, the Houjin bandits have been beaten like chicken blood. They were like frogs at the bottom of a well in the place where there were endless battles in Liaodong.

Azig, who had already snatched a lot of good things, admired Hong so much, he said sincerely: "Your Majesty is wise, it is a great honor for my Dajin to have such an incomparable hero as His Majesty."

In fact, whether to start the battle to enter the customs or not, Hong is under tremendous pressure. Later Jin is a slave-owner regime formed by military aristocrats. Hong is not powerful enough to do whatever he wants. His decision must be discussed with the other three Baylors.

Just a few days ago, there were disagreements. It was not because of the red, but because they insisted on their own opinions. It is really uncertain whether the army can successfully win the pass.

The battle of entering the customs was the result of Hongguo's insistence on going his own way against all opinions. If he failed, his status as the Houjin Dahan would be shaken. If he succeeded, he would be a hero no less than the old Khan.

The wild boar Pi Nurhachi only ruled Liaodong and Mongolia, and he never led the cavalry across the Great Wall to burn the flames of war into Daming Pass.

But now, Hong Jie led the Eight Banners to burn, kill and loot in the capital of Ming Dynasty, and encircled and wiped out more than [-] elites under the command of Zhao.

Little did he know that the Houjin slave owner committed an unforgivable sin, because the bannermen at the foot of the mountain were ordered to leave the whole body for the Ming army and only collect armor and weapons. They just cleaned the battlefield hastily and returned to the camp.

During this period of time, the Hou Jin Army, who were so poor that they could rob everything, had begun to pick and choose. There were too many good things without him, and their transportation capacity was limited, so they needed a reasonable combination to maximize the efficiency of the robbery.

The cavalry of the Ming army who came to fight were horses, armor, and weapons that were valuable, and the Jin army no longer looked down on other things.

The iron armor on Huang Han who died in battle was gone, and only the cotton armor that was stained brown with blood remained on his body.The blood-soaked ground slowly froze in the cold wind, Huang Han was lying on his back half leaning on Pao Ze's body, his face so calm that he seemed to be asleep.

It is fate for a hot-blooded man to die in battle, and from his sleepy face, it seems that he may not have left too many regrets in his heart.

The sky was gloomy, and snowflakes gradually began to fall, and the snow fell bigger and bigger. After a while, the sky and the earth became vast, and the blood stains on the battlefield gradually disappeared, as if there had never been a bloody battle of tens of thousands of cavalry.


(Note 1) During this period, the slave chieftain was translated as "Hongxishi" in the official documents of the Ming Dynasty, and the name "Huang Taiji" was also transliterated into Chinese characters from the name of the Jurchen, and it was not the original translation.Other transliterations include: "Huangtaiji", "Hongtaizhu", "Hongxishi". Listen to these names, do they conform to the characteristics of Tunguska savages? The title "Huang Taiji" was used by Hong Eishi's gray grandson Qianlong, and has continued to this day.In order to respect the history, this book calls the eighth child of the wild boar Pi family of Nu Chief as "Red Evil".

(End of this chapter)

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