Chapter 2 Came to Daming
The battlefield outside the city of Zunhua in the Ming Dynasty was littered with corpses, and Huang Han, who was covered with snow and slanted, twitched in his chest, and then moved, startling the birds looking for food.

The originally calm face twisted into a ferocious rage, and a pair of eyes opened suddenly, bloodshot eyes seemed to have been dyed red by blood.

"Cough! Cough cough..." The trachea, which was suffocated during the severe cough, was finally unblocked, and a mouthful of dirty blood stuck in his chest was choked out.On the snowy battlefield, a solitary figure staggers along in the whiteness, like a lonely ghost who does not want to leave the battlefield.

Huang Han stared blankly at everything in front of him, the world he perceived was constantly changing between real and unreal, and the image reflected by his pupils that were difficult to focus was blurred.

The clenched fist wiped fiercely on the eye sockets, and the stiff muscles felt tingling due to the sudden force, plus there were fragmentary wounds all over the body.Without pinching himself, Huang Han can confirm that he cannot be dreaming.

How can there be such a terrible dream. "It's so cold! It hurts!?" Huang Han, who looked around with confused eyes, was a little dazed. He just felt that something was wrong, as if there was another person's story in his mind, which was so vivid that he could vividly remember it.

"Ma Fuchun, Ma Erzi? Call me back if you hear it." His head was still awake, and the beating information in his mind had already urged his dry voice to start calling in a low voice.

Who is Ma Er?Huang Han's other mind was puzzled, but he was still anxious about the information that suddenly popped up in his head.

The only remaining two soldiers of Huang Han's team in the charge, Huang Han watched Liu Yong being stabbed to death by a ferocious Ba Yala, and he could even feel the temperature of the hot blood spurted by Liu Yong , Ma Er was the only one who was alive before Huang Han closed his eyes.

The snowflakes were still dancing, and the white snow covered the messy battlefield.The eyes finally returned to normal, the bloodshot eyes disappeared a bit, and the blurred vision began to clear up.

"Where's my motorcycle?" A memory was haunting, causing Huang Han to search this area continuously, and he murmured a question, not knowing who he was asking.

He suddenly felt something strange in his body, and stretched out his hands to check, "Oh! God! This must not be my hand. How could my hands be so rough? How could there be so many calluses on my hands?"

Suddenly shivering, Huang Han quickly stretched out his hand to touch his lower body, and heaved a long sigh of relief after feeling a large mass, "Fortunately, it's still there!" He groped his whole body again, except for some pain that could still be endured I found that I didn't seem to have lost any parts, and I didn't hurt my bones.

The two stories of Huang Han were merging in his mind. In order to get some proof, Huang Han pawed at the snow around him. A human leg was in sight. Huang Han's eyes widened and he continued to paw. Gradually, a soldier of the Ming army appeared in front of his eyes. .

Images emerged from his memory. Huang Han knew the Ming soldier whose chest had been pierced, and knew that his hometown was Wang Quantong in Shisanshan Post, Liaodong.

Although the snowflakes were getting smaller and smaller but the wind was more bitter, but Huang Han's forehead oozed sweat beads the size of soybeans.

The head of the crow parked on the raised half of the white wax gun was facing this way, making several low-pitched "croak, croak..." calls, which sounded harsh and sad.

The inexplicable memory in his head was urging him to turn over the snow cover and look for his former comrades in arms. His dirty hands trembled unnaturally but they never moved.

However, there wasn't much time for him to think slowly, and the rekindled vitality that the cold wind blew on his body was constantly being deprived of it.

The trembling person in the cold wind quickly flipped in the snow.One memory had him yelling: "Motorcycle, my motorcycle..."

Of course, there were no motorcycles in the snow, only broken bodies.

Ma Er's arm was broken, and that hand was still holding half of the enemy's stump.It seemed he was still fighting until the last moment.

Corpses, corpses everywhere.What's even more strange is that seeing these corpses, there is no fear in my heart.

On the contrary, it is a kind of usual indifference.

When he saw Ma Er's body, the energy in his head that belonged to Huang Han, a cavalryman of the Ming army, completely disappeared. They were all dead. Thousands of elites!God!How did it end like this?

The voices and smiles of Pao Ze in the past came to the fore one by one, and those fresh faces have now turned into cold corpses.

"Tartars, build slaves and beasts, I want you to pay with blood!" A soldier shouted from the bottom of his heart.

And Huang Han, who kept trembling with his arms in his arms, finally came up with an answer from another thought.

"I've traveled through time! Came to the ancient battlefield? Mother! You're making a big joke!"

There is no time for sentimentality, and the cold wind that reminds me never stops.Everything has to be said after living.

"Life is heroic but starts all over again!" Laozi actually came to Daming Chongzhen for the second year and inherited everything from a Ming army cavalry who died outside Zunhua City. There is nothing to complain about.

Very happy Tianpai Huang Han found out that starting from scratch was really thorough, because he found that he didn't even have shoes, and there was only a layer of sackcloth similar to a dirty sock on one foot.The cowhide combat boot on the other foot has opened its mouth wide.

It is possible that the combat boot was left on Huang Han's foot because it was broken, because Huang Han found that there were no shoes on both feet of Wang Quantong's body.

The warrior's instinct in memory affects Huang Han's thinking. Equipment is too important. Jiannu's riding and shooting are not built for him. Walking in the wilderness is more than [-]% likely to be found shot through the body by an arrow.

But the most important thing is to keep warm first, and then pay attention to protection.Although Huang Han is an ordinary person who just crossed over, he is also an elite soldier of the Ming army who survived the battlefield. Fear and respect for corpses is far less important than survival.

Huang Han, who only had a torn cotton armor on his body, was shivering in the cold wind. He didn't care about the dirt, and started to work around. Suddenly, he found that this body was very strong, and it was easy to turn over the corpse. It's just that he was too hungry and tired. , It's a bit powerless to turn too much.

The snow didn't fall for long, and it was very soft. Huang Han found out the robes covered by the snow, most of them were familiar, and some of them could even be called by their names.

Huang Han worked silently, and his movements were somewhat mechanical. He took two relatively complete padded jackets and put them on top of each other. Coupled with the physical fitness of the body itself, he finally stopped trembling.

The bare foot also wore combat boots. Although it was worn out and the size was a bit too big, after Huang Han wrapped the foot with three layers of sock-like linen and stretched it in, the pair of patchwork shoes fit well. .

The luck is not bad, and it is also possible that the Hou Jin army grabbed too much food and livestock, and even abandoned many dead horses on the battlefield without dragging them back to eat meat.

Huang Han unexpectedly found half of a Qidao under a dead horse. Although the blade was only less than seven inches long, it allowed him to use the clumsy method of cutting slowly to get some horse meat.

The Tunguska savages of the Houjin Dynasty never spared any iron materials for the needs of war. Armor, arrow clusters, knives and guns all required a lot of iron to manufacture.

In the hands of these beasts, the iron became a murderous weapon, so they were able to carry out organized robbery and massacres more effectively. It was really lucky to find a half-cut knife after Jiannu cleaned the battlefield.

In order to replenish his strength, Huang Han resisted the nausea and ate some raw horse meat.He didn't know when he would be able to get the food. In order to be prepared, in addition to the cut horse meat, he simply cut off another horse's leg.

The eight-petal bright helmet equipped before has become the booty of Jiannu. It is really dangerous to have no protection on the head. Huang Han has no good way. He can only collect some damaged cotton armor and cut it into cloth pieces with half Qi knife. Layers of cotton armor cloth and fine hemp rope keep the head tightly closed and only the eyes and nostrils are exposed.

"I'm actually a cavalry soldier of the Ming army? Only!" Sudden encounters, being abandoned alone on the icy and snowy battlefield, suffering from hunger, cold and exhaustion, everything is a bad thing, only Huang Sheng felt that he was [-] years younger. It seems to have earned it.

"I would like to use my wealth to buy a sun that will never set." "Twenty this year and eighteen next year." These are people's best extravagant wishes. I am clearly [-] and not confused, but now I am a teenager and suffer a little crime.

"A heroic life is just starting from the beginning!" While muttering, tightening the cotton armor on his body, Huang Han showed an almost fierce look in his eyes.

No matter the past life or the present life, the two Huang Han are not easily despaired, and they are not afraid of suffering and suffering.

Huang Han, a cavalry soldier of the Ming Dynasty, practiced riding and archery since he was a child. He has experienced many life-and-death bloody battles in the army for three or four years.

The modern man Huang Han is an office white-collar worker, but he works tirelessly to earn the hard-earned money of delivering food in wind and rain, which shows that he is also a person who can endure hardships and stand hard work.

Huang Han, who merged into one, has the superposition of two memories, and his brain seems to be very good.

The sky is getting dark gradually, it's time to leave the battlefield and find a sheltered place to spend the night, it's best to find a village, or find a kindling!
The fire knives, flints, and tinder that he carried with him are all gone, and it is not known whether they were lost or captured by Jiannu, and no fire was found on other robes.

It was cold before the frost and cold after the snow. At this time, although Huang Han felt the howling northwest wind hurt his hands, his body didn't feel the slightest chill. It seemed that the cotton armor was really a good thing.

Huang Han felt a little regretful, why didn't he think of a way to get a pair of gloves?Then I laughed, I don’t have needles and threads, I’m afraid I can’t tie a pair of suitable gloves with fine hemp rope.

Huang Han, who was carrying a horse's leg, was walking alone in the snow, with a half knife pinned to his waist. If any enemy found him at this time, his fate would not be very good.

Therefore, he dare not walk in the wilderness, and walk as close to the woods as possible. When crossing the unobstructed wilderness, he always looks forward and backward carefully before running fast.

When you just came to Daming, you should always cherish your life. If you find trouble, it is the first choice to go deep into the forest immediately. Fortunately, this era is different from the later generations. The vegetation is rich and the forest can be seen everywhere.

It’s not that Huang Han, who was pierced by the soul, was not brave enough, but his combat experience told Huang Han that Jiannu cavalry were not infantry left alone in the wilderness, but Ming army infantry with only half a knife in their hands. Jiannu didn’t need to fight directly. Horses can be crushed and trampled to death.

Huang Han now has a little bit of confidence. As long as he is careful and runs into the woods immediately when he finds Jiannu coming, he should be fine even if Jiannu might shoot him in the back. It is not a problem to shoot straight from the bow at [-] or [-] steps, and it is not a problem to face the projectile from the distance of [-] to [-] steps.

Huang Han is not a big figure in the Ming army, presumably Jiannu just killed him casually, there is no need to mobilize the army to chase after him, and the possibility of chasing him into the woods should not be too great.

Cavalry relies on speed, if you can fight and win, you can fight, otherwise you can just run away.Experienced cavalry love to gallop freely in the wilderness, and will not easily get into the dense forest and put themselves in danger.

He quickly ran across a small river covered in ice and snow, walked up a small hill, and found that there was a fire burning into the sky not far away. It was already late and the fire was very eye-catching. There might be another village that was ravaged by slavery.

(End of this chapter)

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