Chapter 3 Weapons
Seeing the flames, Huang Han couldn't help speeding up his pace. Even if he didn't find anything in front of him, he wouldn't be considered a loser.

At least there is kindling there, so you can set up a bonfire to roast the horse meat you brought and eat raw meat. Huang Han still feels very uncomfortable in his stomach.

Getting closer to the place where the fire broke out, Huang Han stared wide-eyed to observe, and pricked up his ears to listen. It was already pitch black, but fortunately there was snow on the ground to prevent him from moving forward.

This is indeed a ransacked village, not very big, only dozens of households in size, surrounded by deathly silence, only the "cracking" sound of burning wood.

Huang Han hid in the dark and observed for a long time, but did not find any signs of life. There were several vaguely identifiable bodies motionless at the entrance of the village. Obviously, they should have been killed by Jianu or other thieves.

During his three or four years of service in the Liaodong army, he had seen too many scenes of massacres by Jiannu. At this moment, Huang Han was not uncommon, and his nerves were so thick that he felt a little incredible.

Huang Han quietly entered the village entrance without touching the corpses of the villagers, and found a courtyard that had not been completely burned. Obviously, the economic level of this family should be above the middle peasants. There were three courtyards and a stable.

With the help of a burning rafter lighting, Huang Han stumbled to a room on the west side of the front yard.

It should have been a kitchen here, but it hadn't been completely burnt down. There was a hearth that had been smashed by falling beams, pots were missing, and some pottery and porcelain were scattered on the floor, most of which were broken pots and bowls.

Huang Han took a fancy to a place inside that could shelter from the wind and rain, so he decided to move a few broken door panels as the door, and slept here at night. He collected the broken pots and bowls on the ground, and found some wooden sticks and bricks. , Soil embryo made some traps.

These small movements are not actually traps, they can only make the sound of beasts or people when they approach the place where they sleep quietly.

The half-collapsed kitchen was originally inconspicuous. People sneaking in the dark might step on the half piece of porcelain bowl with the convex side facing upwards, or knock down a stick and hit the broken clay pot.

Hearing the noise in advance can always give you more time to hide in the dark and be on guard. This can better avoid the possibility of being beaten by others because you are asleep. You should be able to ignore the attack by wild animals. There are several corpses at the entrance of the village, and carnivores can’t do it. Seek far away.

Huang Han was busy tidying up his sleeping place, when he suddenly felt that he should be extremely happy, his luck began to improve, and he found a few ounces of coarse salt in a broken jar, this salt is not comparable to the salt that is white like snow in later generations , there are too many impurities but the saltiness is no problem.

It is good to read more books. Huang Han knew that the value of ancient salt was equivalent to currency, and the biggest consumer goods of ordinary people might be in exchange for salt.

The people in Shengdou can grow their own food and vegetables, and they can also weave their own clothes. Only salt is indispensable and cannot be produced. It can only be bought or exchanged.

So every ancient ruler would control the trade of salt, and the salt tax was one of the big tax sources of the feudal dynasty, so the price of salt was ridiculously high.

Huang Han got the salt, so the roasted horse meat won't be bland and tasteless, and he won't feel weak because of the lack of salt. It's unknown if he can exchange salt for a bite of grain tomorrow when he encounters a populated place.

well!In fact, there are people living everywhere Huang Han passed by, but the homes of the common people were destroyed by Jiannu. It is not known whether the common people were killed, captured or hid.

A bonfire was lit and the horse meat was roasted. Although the horse meat was rough and hard to swallow due to the salty taste, it felt much better than eating raw meat.Using an intact earthenware pot to boil a pot full of boiling water, Huang Han finally fell asleep with enough water and meat.

When he woke up the next day, the sky was already bright. Although it was gloomy, it didn't snow again. Huang Han felt energetic after stretching his body, and he was very satisfied with his strong body.

It was too dark last night, and I was too tired, so I didn't search the big yard carefully at all. Huang Han still wanted to find something, even if he found a strong door bar, it should be more aggressive than a half-cut knife.

After searching for a while, Huang Han was a little disappointed. The three main houses had been turned into ruins. It was obvious that there was more than one charred corpse inside, and it was unknown if it was the owner.

In the houses that were not completely burned down, there were only some rough furniture, and nothing that could be used was found at all.

When he came to the stable that was about to become ruins, Huang Han stepped on a hard object and kicked it casually, and found a scorched guillotine.

This thing is a must-have for farmers with livestock. It is used to chop up straw and stalks to feed cattle and horses. Huang Han often used guillotines before joining the army. Because he has cattle and horses at home, he is no stranger to this thing.

Unexpectedly, he could find such a large piece of iron. Huang Han was a little overjoyed. He quickly stepped on the rectangular wood cut in the middle and held the handle of the guillotine with both hands and shook it from side to side. The burnt wooden groove could be easily peeled off.

Huang Han waved the guillotine a few times, and weighed it. Although it was not as heavy as a common saber, it must have exceeded ten catties.

The half Qi Dao I have now has a blade of only about seven inches, too short to be able to slash, and because there is no blade tip, I can't use it for stabbing, so I can only use it as a kitchen knife to cut horse meat.

With this guillotine, Huang Han felt that his fighting power was instantly improved. He thought he could cut off a horse's leg with a knife, and he was [-]% sure of splitting a Jiannu wearing iron armor.

After all, this large guillotine is more than four feet long, and the blade is three feet away. It can also be used for slashing with both hands and swinging with one hand.

The current environment is so harsh, and his own situation is too bad. Nothing is as important as weapons and equipment. Of course, maintaining weapons is also very important. Huang Han didn't rush on his way, so he found a big stone to sharpen his knife.

On the fifth day of November in the second year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, the weather was cloudy, cold and windy. On a small road thirty miles outside Zunhua City, a strong man was striding forward.

He was dressed in a strange attire, with a roasted horse leg on his back, a half saber pinned to his waist, and a big knife with a round hole in the top on his shoulder. He was wearing a blood-stained Ming army cotton armor.

At this time, the strong man had only one thought in mind, to go home, hurry home earlier, and let the family members, including the entire Jiulitai villagers, go up the mountain to hide, because the Jiannu who are good at burning, killing and looting will soon come to harm Yongping Mansion.

A day and a night of blending, the two thoughts merged.The sturdy warrior Huang Han, a cavalry soldier of the Ming army, has become a wise man who has been known for 5000 years and 380 years.

Historical knowledge told him that the second year of Chongzhen in Ming Dynasty was also the third year of Jin Tiancong in Houjin, that is, [-] A.D. This year was the beginning of the disaster for the descendants of Yan and Huang.

This time, slaves were established and invaded by Daming to plunder the land of Gyeonggi, and the land of Shenzhou became a hunting ground for Tunguska savages. Millions of Han families were ruined, and Yongping Mansion was doomed.

Huang Han immediately realized that the most important thing was to go home, and he had to get home before Jiannu plundered Jiulitai.

He didn't even think about going to the Ming Dynasty's officers and soldiers for advice, let alone going to a certain county magistrate or a certain Futai master to recommend himself to help defend the city, because he knew himself very well.

The corporal commander is not a military officer, just a big soldier, or a survivor who was wiped out by his own battalion. How can he explain that Pao Ze died in battle, but he escaped from the battlefield alive?

It's lucky not to be directly killed by the official. It is impossible for someone to give him a chance to speak, and if he has the opportunity to speak, he can't tell the ins and outs at all.

Besides, the life of a pawn is as cheap as a dog, which official would have the patience to listen to your ramblings?

Therefore, saving one's relatives in this life is the most important thing. It is too high for the country and the nation, and it is not the turn of a pawn to think about it at present.

Huang Han felt very warm when he thought of his parents and a big family in Daming, and he was terrified when he thought that they might die in the slavery and plunder.

Zunhua is located at the southern foot of Yanshan Mountain, with plains, hills, and mountains each accounting for [-]%. Zunhua City is nearly [-] miles away from Yongping Mansion City. If two horses are transferred, Huang Han can reach Yongping Mansion within two days.

It's a pity that the situation is very bad now. Not only is it difficult to walk in the snow, but also to avoid Jiannu's detours all the time. When you hear the sound of horseshoes on the road, you have to leave the road and run into the woods to escape.

In this state, if you walk twenty or thirty miles a day, you will encounter good luck.

If this continues, let alone notifying the villagers in time to take refuge, I am not sure whether I will be able to go back alive.Huang Han was very depressed, he started thinking about getting a war horse.

(End of this chapter)

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