Chapter 10 Encounter

Here is an endless wheat field, unobstructed and unobstructed, it is inevitable to avoid it.

Although Huang Han's force value is not low, he is not strong enough to use foot combat to deal with cavalry. In an emergency, it seems that only the drainage ditch on the roadside can be used.

He rolled and crawled down into the ditch. The depth of the gutter is really limited. If people lie down there early, the knights passing by the official road may not be able to find it.

It's just that Huang Han hastily lay down in the ditch, whether he has been discovered by someone or not only God knows.

Fortunately, it was just passing by, but this Jiannu infantry had obviously discovered something. It might be that he was riding on a horse with the sun behind his back and had a wide view, and he saw Huang Han walking on the official road.

Presumably Huang Han has been aware of Huang Han's embarrassment in hiding in a hurry. Jiannu should know that he should be hiding in a ditch, but the exact location is not clear, only a rough idea.

Huang Han knew that lying in the snow-covered ditch should be very eye-catching. To cover it up, he pulled some snow on his back and pressed all the sabers into the snow, hoping that the enemy would not easily find that he had the ability to attack. Strive to gain the initiative.

The sound of the horse's hooves changed from sharp to slow, and the sound of the snorting of the war horse was clearly discernible. Knowing that the other party was only one person, Huang Han was not afraid at all.

On the contrary, he still had some expectations in his heart. The enemy slowed down his horse and almost stopped, which meant that he had a chance.

The instantaneous sprint speed of a person can reach 35 kilometers, which is not inferior to the speed of an ordinary war horse reaching [-] kilometers per hour. Moreover, the horse can only accelerate instantaneously when it is about to run, and a person who is good at running can guarantee that the [-]-meter sprint can completely beat the ordinary war horse , Of course, except for the one-in-a-thousand BMW horse.

As long as the knight was within ten steps, Huang Han was ready to jump up and brandish the saber to fight the enemy to the death.

Since the sight was affected by the sunlight, Huang Han didn't know whether the cavalrymen who came were Tartars or Jiannu. If they met Jiannu white armor equipped with strong armor, the outcome of this encounter would be unpredictable.

It wasn't that Huang Han didn't have confidence in his combat power, but because of the unsatisfactory equipment.

In a one-on-one life-and-death fight with Jianubayala, if you hit the enemy with one and a half strokes, the damage value may be greatly reduced due to the enemy's strong armor.

If you accidentally get hit by the enemy, the protection that the cotton armor can bring is far worse than that of the iron armor. The advantage of the cotton armor is that it has a good defense against feather arrows, and the defense effect is not ideal when confronted with a cold weapon face-to-face attack.

That Jiannu vest is a very special character, he has long seen a figure flashing in front of him, obviously that person is avoiding him, of course he will not let go of the opportunity to hunt and kill the Han people, looking for the person who is hiding.

He soon found the motionless human body lying in the ditch, sneered a few times, took out the composite bow, stopped the horse, opened the bow and released the arrow, with a sound of "whoosh", a heavy arrow was nailed to the ground quickly and accurately. Huang Han's back heart position.

Due to the snow cover, although it was not enough to hide Huang Han's body, it also prevented Jianu from seeing that there was a leather shield on Huang Han's back, and he shot decisively according to the length of the human body.

At the same time, Huang Han also took advantage of the enemy shooting feather arrows. He roared, jumped up and rushed forward like a madman, waving the saber. That Jiannu didn't expect the enemy to be able to jump out of his heart after being shot. Desperately.

He is too arrogant, full of confidence in his fighting skills, full of confidence in his archery, he did not gallop on horseback to try to distance himself from the enemy, but quickly pulled out a heavy arrow and drew his bow like a full moon Shooting directly at the enemy's face, this action is impeccable, indeed there are two strokes.

This Jiannu has rich combat experience. He found that the enemy could run and jump after being hit by a heavy arrow directly from a short distance. He believed that the enemy should have solid armor, and the second arrow shot directly at the unprotected face.

Huang Han obviously saw the enemy shooting arrows with a compound bow in his hand. Of course, he was on high alert when he found that the arrows were flying towards him while swinging his knife to block and turn sideways. This is called double insurance. It can also be avoided, the arrow is not a bullet after all, it can be seen and blocked.

The knife in his hand and his body cooperated to deal with the oncoming arrows, without the slightest pause under his feet, he still moved like a rabbit and went straight to the enemy.

Huang Han dodged the enemy's two long-range attacks, and the situation changed. He was passively shot, holding a long saber close at hand, and he had already grasped the initiative on the battlefield.

Jiannu just took out the third arrow and prepared to draw the bow again, but found that time was not allowed, because when he drew the bow and set the arrow, the enemy would kill him at the same time. Even if he could shoot the enemy at close range, he must Will be slashed by the opponent's saber.

Jiannu was in serious trouble at this time. He didn't expect that he could shoot two arrows in a row without causing damage to the enemy. Now that he was holding a bow in his hand, how would he face the attack of the saber.

This kid is really ruthless, and he is familiar with the battlefield response. He threw the bow and arrow at Huang Han, rolled down to the left side of the horse, and reached for the tiger gun in his pocket. This action was completed in one go. At that time, it happened to be separated from Huang Han by the war horse.

Huang Han has been staring at the target with piercing eyes, beware that he will shoot the feathered arrow again. Seeing that he did not pull the bow vigorously but threw the bow and arrow at himself as a hidden weapon in order to gain a little contingency time, he laughed and jumped up and ignored the blow. With a bow and arrow, he brandished the saber and saber vigorously, aiming at Jiannu's forehead.

Jiannu, who had just drawn out the tiger gun, hurriedly blocked it, but unfortunately his foot was not stable. He just held the gun in his hand, and his posture was not adjusted properly, which seemed awkward and unable to help him.

The war horse was very unlucky, and the fish in the pond were affected. The flying tiger gun was drawn heavily on the horse's belly, and the horse was so painful that it "sighed" and jumped forward, spread its hooves and ran away.

The horse between the two ran away, Jian Nu was saddened, and turned into a face-to-face confrontation with Huang Han. His tiger spear was knocked down, and how could he defend against an enemy who was holding a long weapon—a saber in his hand?
Jiannu's reaction is not slow, what are you waiting for?run!He drew out the knife from his waist and ran towards the direction where the horse was running.

How could Huang Han let go of this boiled duck, and he chased after it at a brisk pace, running is a sport that Huang Han has mastered most grassland peoples in his past and present lives, and the fleeing enemy is also equipped with iron armor, which can carry at least four weights. How can ten catties run out of Huang Han's palm?
Jiannu, who was running, felt the cool wind behind his head, and realized that the saber was coming towards the back of his head, so he hurriedly turned around and swung the saber to block, but Huang Han suddenly changed direction and swung the saber at Jiannu before he could cut the skin off. Moving away with his arms, Huang Han's force of wielding the saber collided with the force of Jiannu's blocking.

There was a crisp "click", "Ouch!" A scream was like howling ghosts and wolves.

This collision point must have made Jiannu dissatisfied. This point was just above Jiannu's iron arm, that is, at the crook of his arm.Then Jian Nu saw half of his arm flying with Shun Dao.

Jianu has no weapon and lost an arm. Huang Han is sure to win. He is not in a hurry to chop and chop at this time. He is looking forward to capturing a complete pair of armor. The armor on Jiannu seems to be better than his previous equipment. Still need to be strong.

There is no one who is not afraid of death, even this slave executioner who used to kill Han people like pigs and dogs, he knew that he had no ability to resist and still refused to wait for death, and ran forward with all his might, but unfortunately his strength was gradually exhausted with a lot of blood loss. The slave just felt dizzy and fell to the ground.

His remaining consciousness found a foot on his chest, a knife pointed at his throat, and his survival instinct made him try his best to grasp the blade in vain with his only hand.

Jian Nu's face was full of horror, and his eyes showed a look of pleading, but unfortunately it was of no avail.

At this time, Huang Han's mind flashed the vivid face of the old robes, and the Han villages that were ravaged by the slaves came to mind. He stared at this barbarian coldly, and deliberately slowly extended the time for the slaves to die.

Jiannu's hands were dripping with blood, but he was still struggling until he saw the blade piercing his throat...

(End of this chapter)

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