Chapter 11 Ranged Weapons
After killing Jian Nu, Huang Han didn't chase after the frightened horse that ran away without a trace.

Who knows if this stupid horse ran ten miles or twenty miles in one breath?It is not known whether the large army has caught up.

Don't think about things that are uncertain, it is the most realistic to take the benefits you get into your bag first.

Huang Han picked up Jiannu's equipment by hand. Of course he knew that the severed hand and Shun Dao should be retrieved. The iron arm hand should not be discarded. There is also a small piece of equipment that is especially important. Huang Han found it after searching for a while at the place where Jiannu was fighting. up.

This is a deer antler finger. Without this kind of thing, the fingers can't bear to be worn by the bowstring when archery.

A purely unexpected encounter made Huang Han understand the artistic conception of intentionally planting flowers but not unintentionally planting willows and willows to make shade.

Huang Han got the whole set of Jiannu vest and the cotton armor he wore inside the iron armor. Jiannu's cotton armor was of high quality, stronger in defense and warmth than the Ming army's cotton armor on his body.

This is not because Daming's technical strength is inferior to the Tunguska savages, but because of the prevalence of corruption in Daming's upper and lower ranks, the craftsmen cut corners and cut corners.

Jiannu in the wild boar skin era paid the most attention to army building, and they were extremely demanding on the quality of swords, guns and armor.

All soldiers know how to cherish their equipment and maintain their armor carefully. The military discipline of slavery even has such regulations. When soldiers go to battle, their armor is not as bright as new.

Attitude is everything. The Ming Dynasty's attitude towards the army is very different from the later Jin's attitude towards the army's construction. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Ming army has repeatedly fought and failed.

Huang Han also found the fire knife, flint and tinder from Jiannu, and now he no longer has to worry about fire.

This Jiannu also carried more than a dozen taels of silver and a pair of gold bracelets in his arms. This should be the result of the robbery he had harmed a middle-level peasant and above. Now this pair of bracelets, which cost about three taels of gold, was of course cheaper for Huang Han.

The long-awaited long-range weapon was also obtained. Jiannu's composite bow was of top quality, and it could be used for riding and shooting. The feathered arrow with the armor-piercing cone arrow was powerful enough to break through two layers of armor in thirty steps.

It's a pity that because Jiannu's horse ran away, Huang Han failed to capture the quiver. Now he can only use the arrow that hit his back and the two arrows that fell on the ground, which means that Huang Han can only carry out long-range attacks three times.

Huang Han felt a little regretful again, why didn't he think about leaving those feathered arrows that were shot on the leather shield yesterday, what a pity to throw them away casually!
The sun was setting, and the sky was not completely dark yet. Huang Han didn't care about the stripped body of Jiannu, he swung his knife and cut off the head with the tail of money rat, wrapped it in Jiannu's linen underwear, picked it up and seized the body of Jiannu. on the tiger gun.

Huang Han, who was on the road again after victory, was in a good mood, humming modern tunes and walking on the ancient official road.

This man looked very tough. The striding Huang Han carried a tiger gun on his shoulders, and on the barrel of the gun was a large bundle tightly tied and a small bundle soaked in blood.

He held a saber in one hand, a half saber hanging on his waist, and a leather shield and a girdle on his back. In the pocket of the girdle were a composite bow and three heavy arrows that could pierce armor.

"Damn, I don't want to throw away anything. Is it because I don't want to give up my money?" Huang Han said to himself, mockingly.

Indeed, Huang Han cared too much about equipment. He not only took the iron armor from Jiannu's body, but also put on the cotton armor. Throw it away, the current load is probably seventy or eighty catties.

It's a pity!If the stupid horse hadn't been frightened and ran away without a trace, why would I walk alone on the ancient road in the wasteland with my shoulders on my shoulders!
It probably won't happen next time. With a compound bow and three heavy arrows that can pierce armor, Huang Han even dared to attack two Jian slaves. If he was willing to take the risk to attack a three-person team, he could take a gamble.

It's not that Huang Han is so arrogant that he thinks that one can fight three to win, but that shooting three heavy arrows secretly at about twenty steps will at least cause a Jiannu to lose his combat effectiveness.

He himself covered three layers of cotton armor with an iron armor, held a leather shield, and wielded a saber to deal with one or two Jian slaves who were suddenly attacked, and the chance of winning was greater than [-]%.

Why is he so confident? Of course, having bows and arrows and equipment has increased his confidence. At the very least, Jiannu's Mangu evil tactics have been ineffective against him.

In a nutshell, the so-called mangu evil tactics are to keep a distance from the enemy and constantly ride and shoot to disturb the enemy. When the enemy's formation is chaotic, then go all out to break through the enemy. It can be used when dealing with an army. One soldier deals with one enemy. Also similar.

Before there were no bows and arrows, as long as Yiqi Jiannu or Tartars found out that there was only one choice, they went into the woods and escaped. Because the enemy adopted the tactic of entanglement and shooting arrows, Huang Han had to be beaten passively and had no power to fight back. Now he can choose to fight.

Because the enemy is riding a horse and shooting arrows from a distance, Huang Han can block with a leather shield, and can shoot back the arrows shot by the enemy. How can Huang Han's infantry shooting have a better range and power than Huang Han's infantry shooting, and can even take people with him? When the horse shoots together, the target is bigger, and the hit rate is destined to increase a lot.

Huang Han, who rushed forward to fight hand-to-hand, still had a chance to attack from a long range, which was a skill that most Ming soldiers had mastered - throwing spears.

Ordinary throwing spears only weigh two to three catties, also known as short spears. There is an iron spearhead on the top of the birch pole, and the length is about five feet. Ordinary soldiers can throw thirty or forty steps away. Ten paces away.

Although a tiger gun that weighs more than ten catties and is eight feet long is overkill for throwing a spear, it cannot be thrown very far.

Because as a throwing weapon, it is not very handy. Not only is it too heavy, but it is also a bit long, but there is no absolute bad thing. If you really throw the tiger gun, I am afraid that the leather shield will not be able to stop its penetration.

Throwing a tiger spear with Huang Han's strength should be able to pierce a war horse within twenty steps.

Why did Huang Han only put on the cotton armor captured from the self-made slaves, but did not put on the iron armor, but packed it on the tiger gun?
That's because it's too inconvenient for a person to wear refined iron armor, and many parts that need to be fastened are too easy to fall off without help, and it's not easy to climb a tree wearing iron armor, so Huang Han chose cotton armor for the time being.

Huang Han, who was trying to catch the last bit of light on the official road, felt something strange, he always had a feeling of being spied on.It didn't take long for Huang Han to realize that someone was following him from a distance behind him.

It is not difficult to analyze whether it is an enemy or a friend. The people behind him cannot be Jiannu or Tartars.

Because Jiannu and Tartars don't need to walk on their legs, they all ride horses and plunder many places. Now even bannermen have horses, and armored men with two horses and three war horses are not uncommon.

As for whether the bandit was also rejected by Huang Han, in the place where the post-Jin army was constantly flowing, the bandit and the horse bandit had already fled far away, and it was impossible for a bandit to follow behind him unhurriedly.

What's more, in the early years of Chongzhen's Ming Dynasty, horse bandits and bandits were still scarce resources, and it would take until ten years after Chongzhen to be full of bandits.

The person following him might be a commoner, or he might be afraid of traveling alone, and suddenly asked to go with him because he was afraid that the other person would not be a good person.

He chose to follow a strong man with a machete from a distance, so he should be able to find a sense of security.

(End of this chapter)

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