Chapter 16
The two will divide the work, one kills the enemy and the other grabs the horse. This arrangement seems to be good.

The horses of the Hou Jin Army may have experienced many sprints today, and they are trotting at a slow speed in order to prevent the horses from losing their strength.

Huang Han was very sure of killing the enemy with a sneak attack at close range.

But even if the enemy is shot off the horse, the horse may not stop, and the possibility of busy work is very high. With Xiao Song in charge of capturing the horse, the result of the battle can be guaranteed.

Huang Han nodded, agreeing to Xiao Song's participation in the battle.The two of them hid behind a tree dozens of steps apart and watched the Jin army pass by in a hurry.

Sure enough, the troops returning to the camp victoriously were scattered. After the big team passed, there were still small teams in twos and threes. These procrastinators were all Tartars.

This is the road traveled by the Jin army. They thought that the Ming army was defeated and fled without a trace, and it should be safe to go back this way, so they were quite slack.

Huang Han continued to wait patiently, and when he found two Tatars riding leisurely with the captured horses, there was no Houjin army nearby, and he decided to attack them.

The Tartars were not equipped with iron armor, and they were supposed to be wearing sheepskin jackets under the leather armor. This kind of equipment would not be able to withstand the direct fire of the armor-piercing cone. Huang Han thought that it was very safe to keep the two Tartars.

One of the two Tartars on the official road was a talker. He was chatting with his companions in Mongolian. He estimated that the content of the conversation should be about today's harvest. It was obvious that the two Tartars had got a horse. The horse and a Ming army servant are fully equipped.

Because Huang Han had already seen the blood-stained armor on the Tartars' spare horse, at least two Ming cavalrymen must have been beheaded by these two Tartars.

Hidden arrows are hard to prevent This sentence is not wrong, the tartar who was chatting happily suddenly heard a sound of silk being cracked, and then found an armor-piercing cone popping out of his companion's neck.

It turned out that Huang Han's direct shot from close range was accurate and ruthless, and the arrow directly pierced the neck of the Tartar cavalry in his direction.

Huang Han succeeded with one arrow, and the arrow directly sank into the tartar's neck, which was only protected by a layer of leather. He knew that the tartar was dead, and immediately shot the second arrow at the chattering tartar.

Unexpectedly, the terrified Tatars hurriedly fell down, but unfortunately, the hasty movements were not completed quickly enough, and they were not up to standard.

The fast-flying armor-piercing cone hit the tartar's left shoulder. Due to the force of the arrow, it might have broken the bone. Liuliu" with a sound, he spread his hooves and leaped forward.

Song Pengfei, who could see clearly from behind the big tree about thirty steps away from Huang Han, saw the horse coming towards him and rushed out happily waving the lasso.

At the same time, Huang Han shot out the third armor-piercing awl, and the feathered arrow hit the Tartar's back directly, "poof", as if defeating Xu, the arrow pierced through the armor and went straight into the Tartar's body.

At this time, the Tartar's war horse was caught by the lasso thrown by Song Pengfei, as if braking suddenly, the two front hoofs of the war horse flew into the air, neighing again, and barely stopped.

The Tartar on the horse fell back to the sky and fell off the horse without moving. He should have died on the spot.

Song Pengfei turned on his horse and clamped down on the horse's belly. The horse ran up again and caught up with the horse in front.

He reached out his hand on the horse and grabbed the reins of the other horse, whistled in his mouth, the horse stopped obediently, and the two horses behind him also stopped as if they had received an order.

This is the characteristic of horses. When four horses are together, it will soon appear that one horse is the leader, which means the same as the leader of the herd. Horses are organized and hierarchical. Song Pengfei can find the leader through observation and subdue it. The other horses will follow.

Seeing that Song Pengfei had really intercepted the four war horses, Huang Han was of course happy. He shouted, "Xiao Song is doing well. We can't delay. Let's carry the corpses of the two Tartars into the woods first."

"Master, don't worry, I know it's dangerous here." Song Pengfei agreed, and the two of them hurriedly cleaned up the battlefield. The total time for this ambush did not exceed 5 minutes.

Song Pengfei led the horse and walked in front. Huang Han held the saber and patrolled around to confirm that there was no one around before entering the forest.

Even so, Huang Han, who was cautious, would suddenly turn back for a while from time to time to detect if he was being followed, and he would use branches to sweep the snow to clean up the traces on the ground, which was better than nothing.

Before dark, the two of them stripped the Tartars naked in the woods and beheaded them. They threw the headless body in a valley and continued on their way.

For the sake of safety, the two stayed as far away from this section of the official road as possible. When it was dark, they still lighted torches and continued on their way. They didn't stop until midnight to rest.

Feeling far away from the danger zone, the two built a bonfire, ate barbecue, and finally had time to look at the spoils.

It is known that the four war horses and the equipment of the two Tartars were seized, but what good things did the four war horses carry?

After all, Song Pengfei was a young man at heart. After eating something in a few bites, he began to rummage through the saddlebags on the horse, and finally found that he had seized a lot.

The two of them got seven or eighty taels of silver and more than five taels of gold, as well as two pairs of chain mail. These two good armors may have been seized by the Tartars from a military officer or servant of the Ming army.

Among the seizures were two riding bows used by the Mongols, two Kaiyuan bows commonly used by Ming army servants, two Mongolian scimitars, a Ming army-style horse-cutting knife, a clamping knife stick, and two Qi knives. I finally got a pair of cowhide boots that fit my feet, and they still look like new.

Now Huang Han is relatively rich, rich in money and food. He has two bags of horse feed, dozens of grain cakes, and ten catties of horse meat. He has more than two hundred feathered arrows, and his armor and weapons have far exceeded two. Personal equipment needs, even four pairs of leather boots are spare.

The purpose of taking the official path was to rob the Jin army after the robbery. Now that the value of the two of them has skyrocketed, being robbed by others is a veritable failure.

Of course, Huang Han wanted to keep the benefits he got. The money and equipment he got in exchange for his life would become the capital for him to gain a foothold in the Ming Dynasty, so of course he had to be careful.

Both of them are actually locals, and they generally know the roads in this area. With five war horses to transfer, they can take a small road to Yongping Mansion, and they will sprint past when they have to take the official road.

The next morning, Song Pengfei carefully checked the condition of the horses one by one, and fed black beans to the war horses. The captured bag of wheat should also be horse food prepared by the Tartars, and the five horses ate a few mouthfuls.

Then he re-tightened the saddle, girth, and bit, and then set out on the road with confidence.

The two of them had five horses to transfer. If they didn't meet the Houjin Army, it should be easy to run more than two hundred miles in a day.

Huang Han guessed that the Ming army's sphere of influence should be within a distance of one or two hundred miles. Jiannu had just captured the Santun camp, and the attack on Yongping Mansion was probably at the beginning of the first month of the third year of Chongzhen.

At this time, there was a lot of noise in Beizhili, and the soldiers and civilians were in panic all day long. The Ming army might be defending the city to the death. No one among the officials would dare to leave the city, and the big households in the countryside should also run to the city at this time.

Later, the Jin army broke through the side wall and seized the Santun camp. The fortifications built according to the danger failed to stop the enemy. Yongping Mansion already belonged to the hinterland of Ming Dynasty. There are only a handful of places that can be defended here. It is impossible to say that there is no danger to defend. Not far away!
The Ming army could only choose to stick to the city to protect itself, and let the Jin army gallop across the mountains and fields. As for the fate of thousands of ordinary people?I'm afraid we can only resign ourselves to fate.

Huang Han was eager to return home, and he refused to get entangled with anyone on the road. He relied on his riding skills and the advantages of being able to transfer to resolve danger with speed.

Along the way, we not only found ordinary people fleeing with their families and their mouths, but also found the enemy's situation several times.

Passing quickly without getting entangled is the established strategy. The two of them beat their horses like flying and just keep moving forward. Often when the enemy notices something, the five horses have already disappeared in front of them. .

(End of this chapter)

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