Chapter 17

Gradually approaching Yongping Mansion, people from Daming who fled with their families appeared on the road from time to time.

They were all like frightened birds. When they heard the sound of horseshoes, they hurriedly fled the road, went up hills into dense forests, or hid in ditches.

Huang Han, who is eager to return home, can't care whether he is disturbing the people at this time, and still keeps on going.

Several times when I met a few Ming soldiers, I thought it would cause unnecessary trouble, but found that these scattered Ming soldiers had no fighting spirit. When they saw knights who were not wearing Ming army uniforms, they immediately hit their horses and fled.

Santunying is the seat of Jizhou Town, one of the nine important towns in the Ming Dynasty. The city is three feet high and seven miles in circumference. There are five turrets and nine enemy towers built on the city.

On the afternoon of November [-], the second year of Chongzhen, the Hou Jin army approached the city. In order to prevent the Ming army from occupying the city and reduce the casualties of the Eight Banners, Hong Jie gave an order to only choose one direction to attack.

Lieutenant General Zhu Laitong, Qian Zong Bai Yangsheng and other soft-boned generals saw that the Jin army did not encircle the three camps. Sure enough, they had no fighting spirit, and they fled overnight with their belongings.

Zhu Guoyan, the chief military officer who refused to let Zhao Lediao enter the Santun camp, was equivalent to killing more than [-] brave warriors under Zhao Lediao, but this person is not soft-boned. He saw that most of his subordinates had fled and knew that the situation was over.

Helpless, Zongbing Zhu took out all his savings and soft goods and distributed them to the soldiers who were still guarding the city. He asked people to write the names of the generals who abandoned the city and fled on the eye-catching walls. He and his wife committed suicide when the city was broken.

Bai Yangsheng, the chief executive of Santunying, who escaped, led a dozen servants and drove three carriages all the way east. This kid was no match for Deputy General Zhu Lai, and he couldn't let go of some floating money and his concubine.

Vice-General Zhu decided to escape quite simply. He threw away all his belongings and only carried dry food and gold and silver. With a carriage, he outperformed his companions as soon as he got out of Santunying.

Because Bai Yangsheng was carrying a carriage, which affected the efficiency of his escape, he was discovered by a small group of Jiannu sentry on the third day. The Houjin army with only five men dared to attack when they saw a team of nearly [-] Ming army cavalry.

Boss Bai Qian discovered that the enemy had no choice but to bite the bullet and fight in order to defend his property and concubine. Seeing that there were not many enemies coming, more than a dozen servants rushed forward to prepare for a group fight.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..." The feathered arrow pierced through the sky, and the goal of building a slave was clear. Bai Yangsheng, who was wearing a mountain armor, was particularly eye-catching and was naturally taken care of specially. Slave's arrows were tricky, and all five of them aimed at his eyes.

The first round of arrows was shot, Bai Yangsheng was hit by three feathered arrows and fell off his horse, and the five slaves were also shot by three of them, but these barbarians still controlled the horse like flying, and the arrows were accurate and ruthless.

The second round of arrow confrontation came again. Two people from the Jia Ding team were shot and fell off the horse. Because the two sides were close at hand, the power of the arrows increased greatly, and one of Jiannu was shot to the vitals and fell off the horse.

At this time, the Ming army actually has an advantage. As long as they continue to fight with their lives like this, under the situation of fighting more and fighting less, it should not be a problem if a dozen servants work together to kill four Jiannu, three of whom have been injured.

The crux of the problem is that the brains of the Han people are too easy to use, and the thinking that dead friends can't die poor people is deeply ingrained.

In the first round of shooting, the main general fell to the ground. The servants had already started to beat their hearts, and then two more robes were shot down by Jiannu, and the hearts of more than a dozen servants were scattered.

It's not that the martial arts of the Ming soldiers are inferior, or that their equipment is not as good as others. The reason is that they all serve as soldiers for food and money.

It was obvious that the two sides were about to collide. At this time, the archery power was strong and the penetrating power was the best. A dozen people worked together to shoot feather arrows and then waved their weapons to greet them. It was no problem that the four Jiannu were killed.

It's a pity that there was a dramatic turning point on the battlefield, and of course it completely fell to the Hou Jin army.

The Ming army's third round of shooting seemed reluctant, and less than five people still shot arrows. Although three of them hit Jiannu's body firmly, these barbarians endured severe pain and still kept their tactical movements unchanged.

The quality of the four feathered arrows shot by the Hou Jin army at close range was indeed better than that of the Ming army, and it caused two servants Zai to fall off the horse on the spot.None of the servants was willing to risk their lives to drive their horses to hit the rear Jin army, and they all pulled their horses and prepared to flee.

But Jiannu was just the opposite. None of them evaded, and they all rushed towards the Ming army without slowing down. At this time, they had already taken out the cold weapons they were carrying and brandished them.

The Ming army, who was already very weak in momentum, was of course sadly urged, and the Ming army who fled in a hurry was cut down by Jiannu three more.

What follows is not a battle on the battlefield, but Jiannu is covering up and killing the fleeing Ming army. This is actually Jiannu's favorite. He draws his bow and arrows and shoots at the back of the fleeing Ming army. The safety factor is high and the harvest will not be less.

The official road here is the only way to pass, and Huang Han, who is galloping on horseback to try to pass quickly, feels that he is very lucky.

Because there was an unowned war horse in front of him, he was quick-sighted and leaned forward to grab the rein of the horse, and found that there were still girdles and arrows on the horse.

He immediately realized that there should be a battle ahead, and shouted to Song Pengfei behind him: "Xiao Song, keep a distance behind me, I'll scout the way ahead, and I might encounter the Hou Jin army."

Song Pengfei replied loudly: "Master, this disciple understands, you have to be careful!"

Huang Sheng said: "Don't worry, I know what's going on, I will run away immediately if I find out that the situation is not good. After you find out, the Jin army must not come up, and don't bother me. It is important to run for your life."

Song Pengfei said depressedly: "Master, you underestimate the disciple too much. It is impossible for the disciple to run away on his own."

At this time, there was no time to discuss with his disciples whether unnecessary sacrifices were meaningful. Huang Han chose a healthy horse to transfer, arranged his equipment, handed over the spare horse to Song Pengfei, and galloped forward by himself.

The four Jiannu cavalry defeated Bai Yangsheng's servants, and the three Jiannu refused to let them go easily, chasing them eastward.

Seeing that the victory was decided, a Jiannu vest quickly reined in his horse and turned back to look at his companion who had been shot down by the Ming army. He had a panicked look on his face, because the fallen Jiannu was his younger brother, Yu Ding.

Yu Ding, who fell off the horse, was relatively strong. He was hit by two arrows in his chest and one in his face.

The Jiannu vest quickly jumped off the horse and went to his younger brother to check his injuries. He found that the arrow on his face had penetrated deep into the flesh. The vest wanted to help him pull it out but he didn't know how to do it.

Just when he was restless, a galloping horse appeared from the west of the official road. The horse was obviously a Liaodong horse, and the knight on the horse was dressed strangely, so he couldn't tell the enemy from himself.

It was too late and then it was too fast, the knight galloped in front of him in the blink of an eye.

The person on the horse is of course Huang Han, he has already discovered the Jiannu vest, and he has already made preparations for battle.

When he patiently approached the enemy forty paces, Huang Han suddenly got into trouble. The sound of the bowstring was like cracking silk. The armor-piercing cone also pierced through the air.

When the three arrows were shot out, he was less than ten steps away from Jiannu. Huang Han picked up the saber in his pocket and swung it straight at the enemy.

In fact, at this time, Jiannu's vest has been solidly shot by three armor-piercing cones. The successive arrows have more penetrating power than the last one. Jiannu has suffered heavy injuries and is staggering at this time Prepare to hide behind the big tree.

How could Huang Han, who was taking advantage of the speed of his horse, give a wounded Jiannu soldier who had lost his force a chance to escape. When the wheel was round, the saber slashed, and a big head rolled to the ground with a "gudong".

(End of this chapter)

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