Chapter 273 The Emperor Calls
Huang Han took the opportunity to hug Qin Yuyi into his arms and whispered in her ear:
"There are countless slaves and Tartars. I will look for another chance to cut them off in a year and a half. What is the title? I will have it sooner or later. But women are afraid of old age. How can we waste time?"

"Lang Jun, I don't know how to express my joy."

"Then don't say it, you and I are in love with each other without saying a word."

At this moment, hearing an exaggerated cough, Qin Yuyi immediately left Huang Han's embrace as if she was electrocuted.

Qin Rong blushed and said with a smile: "General Huang, the old lady invites you to speak in the front hall."

It turned out that Qin Liangyu was overjoyed when he learned everything, and sent Qin Rong to invite Huang Han to sit in the living room.

The old lady was very concerned about how Huang Han got the marriage from the emperor and asked for the order of Gongren for Qin Yuyi.

Huang Hangui recounted in detail the conversation with the emperor in the court today. Seeing that Huang Han was so emphatic about love and righteousness, he really didn't want a title to ask for an order for Qin Yuyi. How could the old lady have any reason to object?
Seeing that it was noon, the relieved old lady ordered to serve wine, and she wanted to drink a few glasses to celebrate and prepare to get drunk.

At this moment, a few eunuchs ran out panting, and the leader was Cheng Quan. As soon as he saw Huang Han, he complained: "General Huang is running so fast! Our family can't catch up even if we hurry! Hurry up!" , the emperor has an oral order, telling you to have an audience immediately!"

Huang Han was surprised and said: "Seeing that it's time to eat, Your Majesty and the ministers should have left the court long ago. It's rare for the mother-in-law to leave a meal today. Why don't I go to see the emperor in the afternoon after lunch?"

Hearing the son-in-law-to-be uttered such rebellious words, Qin Liangyu immediately reprimanded him: "Don't be rude, how can you neglect the emperor's call, why don't you go there quickly!"

Huang Han was still a little unwilling to move, so he asked Cheng Quan, "Mr. Cheng, I have finished my work, why did the Son of Heaven summon me in such a hurry?"

Chengquan really had never seen the emperor, who was still asking questions and refusing to leave. His forehead was sweating. He didn't know what was going on, so he said: "It should be a big event, and all the civil and military officials in the court are waiting for it." , General Huang better hurry up!"

No way, Huang Han had no choice but to go out reluctantly, and when he came to the outer court, he found Li Zhonghua and his party still waiting, at this time, several eunuchs rushed over, and the emperor gave another order.

But it was not for Huang Han, but for a group of doctors from the imperial hospital, such as Ma Liuliang, Li Zhongzi, Li Zhongli and Li Zhonghua, the ministers of Dali Temple.

The officials who received the emperor's oral order were not like Huang Han who considered whether to eat first before going. Ma Liuliang and the others immediately mounted their horses and rushed to the Forbidden City.

Li Zhonghua knew the inside story of the emperor's summoning. Seeing Huang Han's bewildered face, he hurriedly rode his horse and approached and whispered: "Master, yesterday my disciple and the court envoy Mr. Ma, the disciple's two cousins ​​went to visit Mr. Xu Ge. I'm afraid it was Xu Ge." Mr. Ge told Heaven that you have the secret technique to prevent smallpox."

It turned out to be the case, no wonder he just came back and sent eunuchs to pass it on. Huang Han felt relieved when he knew the reason. As long as he hadn't just left the Golden Luan Hall, the gang of censors jumped out to impeach and spoil the good thing about marrying Qin Yuyi.

Huang Han rebuked casually: "Why are you so bold? What if you are bragging as a teacher? Is the crime of deceiving the emperor a child's play?"

After all, Li Zhonghua was nearly half a hundred years old, and he was a generation of famous doctors who were quite good at observing words and deeds. He was still a little apprehensive at first, but he was relieved to see that Huang Han was so calm when he knew that the sky had been pierced.

He said cheerfully: "Master Chengzhu is definitely not bragging, besides, the old man Xu Ge is admired, if he doesn't know it, it is impossible to play the emperor."

"You old apprentice has a good brain! You can analyze things clearly and logically. You are a talented person. You just became an eighth-rank imperial doctor in Taiyuan Hospital, Tai Qucai. As a teacher, no matter what, I have to run a seventh-rank censor for you. Just do it."

Li Zhonghua blushed, and said modestly: "It's just some obvious truths, how can a disciple have any talent."

Huang Han joked: "If you say you can do it, you can do it, and if you don't, you can do it!"

Li Zhonghua is a literati who was born as a talented scholar in the south of the Yangtze River, and his education level is self-evident. He said: "Master seems to be talking about the first couplet, right? What is the second couplet?"

"If you say you can't do it, you can't do it, you can't do it, you can't do it! You can't accept it!"

Li Zhonghua laughed loudly, read it again, and said: "This couplet sounds very interesting, but it is not a pair at all, even the number of words is wrong."

Huang Han said with a smile: "This unpaired couplet will soon be known to everyone. Believe it or not? Sometimes there will be controversy when there is a problem, and only when there is controversy will it become a focus and spread widely."

"The master is a great talent, the disciple has been taught."

Not long after, Ma Liuliang, Li Zhongzi, Li Zhongli, Wu Youxing and more than a dozen people were commenting on this couplet, racking their brains to make it a pair. Unfortunately, if the couplet is neat, this couplet will be meaningless.

Huang Han's poems and songs are very popular. Today, a casual couplet will be a topic of discussion in the streets. Li Zhongli, Wu Youxing and other scholars are all looking at Huang Han with admiration at this time.

It was already past noon when I came to the Golden Luan Hall again, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty really did not disperse. I don’t know how many old men stood there for so long and persisted?
Chongzhen is impatient, and he knows the importance of effectively preventing smallpox. Seeing Huang Han coming in, he couldn't wait for him to salute, so he said eagerly: "Huang Aiqing, master Xu reported that Aiqing has a secret technique that can prevent smallpox. I call Aiqing." Did you come here to verify this?"

"Your Majesty, this matter is related to the fate of the country, and I cannot be hasty, so I cannot answer His Majesty's questions for the time being."

The emperor was full of expectation to confirm this matter, but when he saw that Huang Han did not reply, he was immediately disappointed as if he had been poured with cold water.

His face sank, and he asked: "Ai Qing also knows that such a big event is related to the fate of the country, so why are you talking nonsense, aren't you afraid that I will punish you for the crime of deceiving the emperor?"

Huang Han said with a smile: "When did the minister deceive the emperor? Even if the secret technique of preventing smallpox is non-existent, it can only be regarded as a joke between the minister and his old apprentice Li Zhonghua. Who should spread the secret technique that has not been practiced everywhere?" It's bullying."

Ma Liuliang, Li Zhonghua, etc. who were following behind were so frightened that they sweated profusely, and Li Zhonghua quickly knelt and climbed a few steps and said, "Your Majesty, I didn't make any publicity, I just reported to the envoy of the horse court, and then the envoy of the horse court brought me to the door. It’s just a visit to Elder Xu Ge.”

At this time, the unruly Huang Han had already rushed to Xu Guangqi's side in two or three steps, and seeing Huang Han whispering something in Xu Guangqi's ear, Xu Guangqi couldn't help but nodded and smiled.

The ministers and the emperor were all staring at Xu Guangqi at this time, because if the crime of deceiving the emperor should be punished, it should be the elder Xu Ge who played the matter today.

(End of this chapter)

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