Chapter 274

The dukes of Gungun saw the two masters and apprentices whispering their ears in the Golden Luan Hall, as if no one was around, each of them was listening attentively, but unfortunately they were too far away to hear anything famous.

Chongzhen said: "Master Xu, I don't know what Aiqing and Gaotu are talking about? Can you tell me too?"

Xu Guangqi smiled and went forward and said: "Your Majesty, the old minister is Meng Lang today. Just now, his disciple Huang Han was very right in his criticism. The old minister really shouldn't be so eager. How can the secret skills that are completely non-existent reach the heavens? The old minister is willing to be punished."

Chongzhen suddenly felt that there was no hope, and he said angrily: "I know that Master Xu is dedicated to serving the public, and I will not pursue this matter. Dismiss the court."

After the civil and military officials shouted long live and long live, they all withdrew from the Golden Luan Hall, and Xu Guangqi trotted to catch up with the emperor.

Wang Chengen had long seen that there was a reason for the incident. Seeing Xu Guangqi following behind, he stopped the angry Chongzhen and said, "Your Majesty, wait a minute. Mr. Xu Ge is here. He must have something to tell."

The emperor was immediately reminded. He stopped and asked, "Wang Banban, is this strange? If there is no reason, why would Huang Guerrilla make fun of smallpox prevention?"

"My servant thinks it's not a joke at all, it's nine out of ten true. Elder Xu Ge should be talking about this matter when he comes to see His Majesty alone at this time."

At this time, ninety-nine percent of the civil and military officials in the Jinluan Hall had left, and only those from the imperial hospital who had just arrived, Li Zhongli, Wu Youxing, and a sixth-rank civil official who felt that there was a reason for the incident stayed at the scene. This person is Liu Zhilun's friend Jin. Voice.

Seeing Li Zhonghua still kneeling, Huang Han smiled and said, "Old apprentice, are you frightened? As a subject, even a low-level official, don't you know the truth of keeping secrets?

As a doctor or an imperial physician, we should treat medical research with a more rigorous attitude.How can there be any reason why rumors are spread all over the street? "

Huang Han's words were hard to hear, but they made sense. The people in the Tai Hospital blushed with embarrassment. Li Zhonghua kowtowed and said, "Master taught you the right lesson, this disciple has been taught!"

At this time, Li Zhongli and Li Zhongzi came up to help Li Zhonghua, whose legs were numb from kneeling, and they were also preparing to go back.

Huang Han said: "The Holy Son of Heaven sent you here to discuss important matters. How can you leave without the approval of the Son of Heaven?"

The court envoy Ma Liuliang complained: "General Huang, we are almost guilty of deceiving the emperor. If we don't leave now, we will wait for the big Han general to drive us away?"

Jin Sheng, who stayed to watch the situation, said with a smile: "There will be no crime of deceiving the emperor, only great achievements that will go down in history. Such great achievements will soon overshadow the 'Great Victory in Qingcheng'."

Huang Han knew Jin Sheng and knew that he was a good friend of Liu Zhilun. He was also one of the few civil servants who came to Guangqumennei Street to attend the wedding. Most of the other civil servants were former students of Gao Di.

"Lord Jin, you can just understand this matter and don't talk about it." Huang Han cupped his hands to Jin Sheng.

Jin Sheng respectfully returned the salute and said: "General Huang is a wise man who thinks about the admiration of the lower officials. The lower officials have the utmost dedication to serve the country and are willing to serve in the army. Can you ask the general to give you convenience at an appropriate time?"

"It's easy to say, easy to say, if I have a chance today, I will mention Mr. Jin in front of the emperor."

At the moment there are only three people in the imperial study, that is the emperor, Wang Chengen and Xu Guangqi. Chongzhen is in a good mood. He confirmed from Xu Guangqi that Huang Han's secret technique is really effective in preventing smallpox and the cost is not worth mentioning. The reason why he refused to admit it in public is Because of secrecy.

Xu Guangqi said: "Your Majesty, the old minister is actually not thinking about it. Hearing what Huang Han said is like enlightenment. If the Ming army will not be infected with smallpox, but the enemy is spreading smallpox, wouldn't our army's attack be as devastating as it is?"

Chongzhen said: "That's true. This shocking secret technique must be strictly guarded. If it is known that Jiannu will explode one day, the Ming army can take the opportunity to attack. It's just that the timing is more difficult to grasp."

"Huang Han said that if the enemy does not have a smallpox epidemic, Da Ming can deliberately deploy it at the end of February. In March and April, when the disease is most likely to occur, it is not impossible to make the enemy's smallpox epidemic, but it requires painstaking research. It takes a long time to master this method correctly.”

"Hiss!" It's too vicious, this is simply a trick!Chongzhen secretly slandered.

Xu Guangqi said: "This is too vicious. It can only be done against Jiannu and Tartars. However, it will take time to verify the effectiveness of the prevention. Huang Han stated that in order to reassure all vaccinated personnel, he Will be the first to try."

"Is the vaccination just to prevent smallpox?"

"Of course, it is said that a little bit of skin will rot if you stick a needle in the body."

"Such a terrifying vaccination has to be proven, otherwise, who would dare to try it lightly? Did Master Xu just say that Huang Guerrilla would be the first to get the vaccination?"

"Of course, Huang Han made it very clear, how can others imitate his own secret skills even if he is not willing to try them?"

"No, why do you want me, the number one warrior of the Ming Dynasty, to take this risk? You can just find dozens of death row prisoners as the first batch of preventive people."

Xu Guangqi knelt down when he heard the emperor's words: "Since your majesty thinks highly of Huang Han and thinks he is the number one general of the Ming Dynasty, why don't you give him the reward he deserves? The country should use talents eclecticly when it is time for employing people. Your majesty can Why don't Huang Han be reused if he is entrusted with an important task to promote Liu Zhilun?"

Chongzhen quickly helped Xu Guangqi up and said: "I have always paid attention to Huang Guerrilla, and I don't hesitate to give rewards, but I have not been able to do so several times. This time, Master Xu also saw that Huang Guerrilla even gave up the chance to be a knight in order to marry a girl from the Qin family. Sometimes I really hate that iron can’t make steel.”

Xu Guangqi sighed and said, "Well, the prevention of smallpox is a top secret. Even if it succeeds, you can't openly reward the Huang Han who has made great achievements. Isn't this kid too unlucky?"

At this time, Wang Cheng'en interjected: "The potion called alcohol developed by General Huang is very effective. The wounded of the Ming army who fought fiercely in Yongping in summer had miracles in disinfection because of this thing.

Originally, in such a climate, more than half of the wounded would die of sepsis. In the end, the military department gave Mr. Zheng statistics during the incident, and only about [-]% of the wounded died. "

Chongzhen said: "I have read Zheng's account of the matter, and I have a reflection on this matter. Huang Handa can be promoted because he developed such a miraculous potion."

Xu Guangqi said: "Your Majesty, Shengming, the Imperial Hospital is also purchasing a large amount of alcohol. They are going to promote it to all the troops of the Ming Dynasty. In the future, the death rate of wounded soldiers will plummet. This will save the court a lot of money."

"The Imperial Hospital has done a good job, and I will praise you face to face later. Wang Banban, have you sent them to come and see you?"

"Your Majesty, they have already been here and have been waiting outside! Huang Guerrilla has also been waiting."

"Show them in!"

(End of this chapter)

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