Chapter 37

Huang Han fights with all the fighters, and everyone eats the same food in the same pot, the purpose is to establish a sense of identity.

He also told everyone the story of the Jin army after several successful raids, in order to let everyone not be afraid of guerrilla warfare.

Details determine success or failure. Soldiers' emotions, equipment, battlefield selection, etc. are all prerequisites for winning a battle. Whether they are familiar with the terrain may be a good way to save their lives in case of accidents.

It is known that the Jin army is coming to attack Yongping Mansion, and Huang Han is ready.The small team he led had no definite target, and did not need to defend a place or conquer any fortress.

54 Rangers kill for the sake of killing. It doesn't matter when and where, as long as they are sure they can fight and win, they will make a decisive move. Such a team is naturally hard to defend against.

This is the reason why you are not afraid of thieves stealing, but you are afraid of thieves thinking about it. The Beizhili is so big, how can the Hou Jin army cover everything?Huang Han's team would be like a pack of wolves staring at their prey, ready to pounce at any moment and tear the lone prey to pieces.

Hanzi likes to learn martial arts with others, and his spear-throwing level has been recognized by everyone. There are a few soldiers in the Ming army who are also accustomed to throwing spears and can't shoot arrows. They all follow Hanzi to practice shooting.

Wang Zhanpeng is outstanding in martial arts. Although he is not satisfactory in cavalry combat, he is already the number one master in infantry combat.

This kid's weapon is a ghost-headed broadsword that weighs more than ten catties. Since he found that the flying knife pierced the armor is not ideal, he is now also practicing throwing axes and throwing spears, and his fighting skills seem to imitate the idiot.

Huang Han took a fancy to Wang Zhanpeng's force value, let him follow him as a personal follower, and gave him the treatment of corps leader.Not long after this boy arrived, he was appreciated by the Shangguan and he practiced more diligently.

Yang Hanwei and Huang Sifang, who experienced the actual combat first-hand, managed to shoot Jiannu with bow and arrow on the galloping horse, and then rushed forward to stab and stab Jiannu face to face, and got the decapitation.

These two Huijiazi from Jiulitai Village are now qualified cavalry fighters. Although they were promoted to small banner officers, it is a pity that the Huang family has too few cavalry, and their small banners cannot reach ten people at all. Now the two Each has four brothers under his command.

With battlefield experience, Yang and Huang understood the absolute principle of sweating more in training and less bloodshed in wartime. They would ride horses in ditches and ridges every day with their subordinates, practicing chopping, stabbing, rapid fire and other subjects hard.

On the second day of the first lunar month, Song Pengfei, Wang Zhanpeng, and Yang Guoen Xiaoqi, a group of seven who were on the outpost, returned to the camp. They were quite excited because they found out that the Jin army had indeed moved towards Yongping Mansion.

How can the defense of Yongping Mansion be that Huang Han, the little chief banner officer, has the ability to intervene? If the history has not changed, the big city will be blown down by Jiannu.

But Huang Han's fighter opportunity came. He fought guerrillas in his hometown, faced the enemy and turned his back on the villagers. They were born with the right time, location, and harmony. When the Jin army attacked Yongping Mansion, Huang Han led the rangers to pick a target behind them. Let's start, fight a cheap battle first.

After all, there are thirty cavalry here who have only followed him for a few days. A small battle of annihilation will definitely strengthen the confidence of these people to follow the Huang family.

Huang Han set off with his men and horses, but still adopted the stupid method of waiting for rabbits. He set up an ambush on a section of the official road that passed through the mountain col [-] miles east of Yongping Prefecture. When he found that there were too many Jin troops passing by, he continued to ambush. When the Jin army of more than a dozen people passed through, they would not be polite to them.

On the small mountain bag is Song Pengfei leading two clever Ming soldiers to look out. When he finds the enemy's situation, he will use sign language to convey. The agreed sign language is easy to learn and can easily inform the enemy's distance and quantity.

Behind the mountain bag, Wang Zhanpeng and the three of them waited to receive the information from Song Pengfei, and then they could convey to Huang Han's location.

With nineteen cavalrymen who can use bows and arrows to attack from a distance and eight warriors who can use throwing weapons under his command, Huang Han is full of confidence in fighting an ambush again.

The Jia Ding warriors had already successfully wiped out Jiannu once in actual combat, and they could talk and laugh freely at the ambush point.

The cavalry of the Ming army had never seen such a style of play, and their faces were serious and full of anxiety.

The Jin army after two Niulu had just passed by one after another. With luck, Song Pengfei, who was watching from the mountain bag, heard that the enemy army was less than ten people, and there was no follow-up enemy army within five miles.

Huang Han immediately ordered the soldiers to quickly move into place, and he himself took up his bow and arrow and leaned against a big tree to shoot and kill the incoming enemy. Apart from the Jia Ding and the Ming army who were able to launch long-range attacks skillfully, the remaining 22 people participated in the news delivery. Dismount and hide in the woods to turn the enemy into a hedgehog.

Huang Chunsheng, who had no cavalry skills, was left behind to manage the horses. The remaining 120 cavalry soldiers were all waiting at a distance of [-] steps from Huang Han. When they saw the enemy appearing, they would charge against the enemy.

At this time, the Hou Jin army should have been stunned by the sudden attack of arrows and spears, and then charged face to face by the Ming army to pick up the omissions. It is estimated that the chance of escape is very small.

In fact, Huang Han's arrangement was a bit of a fuss. Song Pengfei's signal that the Jin army could launch an attack after less than ten was very accurate, but everyone didn't expect that the enemy only had three Jiannu, and the three Jiannu were chasing and walking ahead. Niu Lu did not take precautions at all.

The Hou Jin army made a fortune during this period, not only had a surplus of supplies, but also captured many war horses.

These three Jian slaves came galloping with two horses alone, and they never thought that they would face danger on the official road where a large army had just passed by.

In order to ensure the suddenness of the attack, Huang Han strictly stipulated that only when he shoots the feather arrow and hears the sound of the arrow, can other people attack.

Mingdi is a sounding arrow, and the arrow can make a sound when it is shot.Originally a type of signal arrow used by the Huns.

When Jiannu passed by Huang Han's hiding place, Huang Han aimed at the back of a vest and shot fiercely, with a shrill thud, followed by a sudden sound of tearing silk, and more than a dozen feathered arrows pierced the air.

The three Jiannu who had suffered a sudden change didn't even have time to make basic movements, and several feathered arrows were nailed into their backs, and two javelins were even inserted into their bodies.

The Ming army in ambush shot and threw three rounds, including 45 feathered arrows and 21 spears to attack Jiannu, and the hit rate was half. Even if the three Jiannu did not become hedgehogs, they would not be far away!

Fortunately, all the Ming soldiers knew that the horses were precious and it was best to capture them, so they targeted Jiannu's body as much as possible. Even so, two horses were injured, and one of them seemed to be seriously injured.

The warriors who were about to attack Jiannu with cold weapons were rather depressed, because although they heard the sound of the blare, they launched it at the right time, but unfortunately only stopped a few horses, and there were no enemies immediately.

In less than a breath, the battle was over, and all the Ming soldiers felt that it was not enough, and each of them was full of confidence and asked for persistent efforts.

(End of this chapter)

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