Chapter 38 Encountering the enemy
This ambush point is not exposed, it seems that another vote can still be made.Huang Han is as good as he is, and continues to lead everyone to wait for the prey to enter the trap again.

With the capture of the third-level true slave, every Ming army knew what it meant. With smiles on their faces, they all came to touch the captured horses and see what good things were in the captured girdles.

In order to stimulate the Ming army to fight the enemy bravely, Huang Han asked Huang Nongsheng to take out the contents to show everyone.

I don’t know how many Han people were harmed by the three Jian slaves. They plundered a lot of goods. In addition to a hundred taels of silver, there were also more than [-] pieces of jewelry such as gold rings, golden hairpins, and earrings. , Some jewelry is still obviously stained with blood.

The backup immediately carried three bolts of cotton cloth, six bolts of silk, and two sets of somewhat damaged chain mail, which should have been planted by two Ming army officers or servants in the hands of these three Jian slaves.

Although dozens of Ming troops who were armed to the teeth attacked the mere three Jian slaves, it was a bit of an invincible victory, but what does it matter?

The real military exploits and the captured soldiers are obvious to all. It seems that the Golden Army is not as difficult as imagined!

The cavalrymen of the Thirty Ming Army no longer had the confusion they had at the beginning, and they were already in the mood to joke with the servants.

Huang Han took the opportunity to teach the Ming army a political lesson. He looked at the envious soldiers and said with a smile:
"Why can this officer ensure that everyone's military salary is paid in full and on time? Why do you dare to promise to give 30 taels of compensation to every brother who died in battle, and promise to support the disabled brothers for a lifetime?"

The soldiers whispered and no one answered, Huang Han pointed to the captured ones and said:
"This is the confidence of this officer. I swear to be kind to every robe who follows the battle. This officer will give considerable rewards to the brothers who fought bravely, and he will be promoted to be an officer or even a general. Now you still doubt me. Is the official drawing cakes to satisfy his hunger?"

Many Ming soldiers laughed, and they shouted: "We are willing to be slaves with your lord, and we want to earn money to support our families."

Huang Han said loudly: "What's the point of just supporting the family, I want to take you to get promoted and get rich and change families."

All the sergeants applauded loudly, and everyone smiled.

This time it was Hanzi who was full of passion. He waved his fist and shouted the slogan: "There is no such thing as a general, a man should be self-improvement."

Thirty Ming soldiers said in unison: "Tiger, tiger, tiger."

At this time, this scene can only be described as a city with united will, and every soldier's eyes are showing firmness.

When the ambush continued, the mental outlook of the Ming army was very different. No one was sitting on pins and needles, and everyone was looking forward to another post-Jin army taking the bait.

It is obvious that the large team of the Hou Jin Army has passed, and it is not known what caused the calculated troops to cause them to fall behind.

Not long after, Song Pengfei received another signal to attack.

This time it was not Jiannu but a ten-man team of Tartars. There may have been battle damage. This ten-man team was not full, and there were a total of eight people including the commander. They didn't have two riders, only five horses. A spare horse full of belongings.

It was already the second time to play a sneak attack, and the Ming army was more composed. Huang Han calmly waited until the last Tartar left his ambush position and walked about twenty steps forward before shooting a Mingdi feather arrow to hit the Tartar's back.

Of course, the Ming army, who had been ready to go, was not polite, and all arrows and spears were aimed at the Tartars' backs.

This time, the blocking cavalry got a chance. Although the two Tartars who ran ahead were hit by no less than five feathered arrows, they managed not to fall off their horses.

There were more than a dozen Ming troops in front of them to intercept them. Under the attack of the Ming troops with unprecedented enthusiasm for killing the enemy, there was no chance for the two wounded Tartars to survive. They were hacked and stabbed a few times Completely dead.

The small-scale ambush was without any surprises and no dangers. The Ming army won the victory, and the soldiers immediately rushed to clean up the battlefield.

Huang Han believed that one can do two, and ordered all his subordinates to quickly cover up their traces and leave the battlefield. Even the three Jian slaves and eight Tartars whose heads were chopped off and stripped naked were dragged away and thrown into a place far away from the official road. ravine.

The two ambushes were successful, and the eight Tartars, the third-level real slaves, were captured. These barbarians have been robbing the capital for more than two months, and they have indeed saved a lot of good things.

The arms of the Tartars were bulging, and they were full of gold and silver. The horses carried cloth, silk, some clothes, and even three large iron pots.

It can be seen from this that doing any business is not as fast as being a robber and robbing directly. Huang Han got 21 war horses, 1000 bows, etc. after only one day of robbing. The precious metals he got were probably worth at least [-] taels of silver.

After arranging the secret sentry and ambushes in the evening, everyone gathered around the bonfire and cooked horse meat in the cauldron they had seized.

The cavalry all knew how to cherish their horses, but one of the horses was too seriously injured and it was obvious that it was going to die soon. In order to make the wounded horse no longer suffer, the idiot swung an ax to end its life.

After a day of fighting together, the servants and the Ming army had a lot more topics to talk about. It is obvious that a sense of trust has been established between each other. Huang Han also told everyone a part of Yue Fei's biography and taught a few new words before ordering a change of guard to rest. .

The Ming army was very curious about this unique superior officer, who was clearly a martial artist but was willing to patiently teach each of the big soldiers how to read and write, and the mantra made them feel even more inconceivable.

Huang Han often said: "You will all be generals in the future, fight hard and study hard, and you will see the result within ten years."

Damn, thank God if you can keep the whole family from starving, and you still have the life to be a general?Although everyone took it as a joke, but Shangguan said it seriously, they still felt loved.

On the third day of the first lunar month, when Huang Han led his troops to an ambush point that he had been optimistic about for a long time, Xiaoqi Huang Sifang, who was acting as a scout, sent a message to Song Pengfei who was responding. The enemy was found ahead, and the number of people was unknown in the scout report.

There is a small village in front, there should be more than a hundred people, and the discovery of the enemy's situation is probably because the Houjin army is looting this village.

Huang Han immediately announced: "Everyone has it, check the equipment, now it is a first-level battle preparation."

After a while, Song Pengfei, who had caught up with the observation before, came back and reported in person, "There are at least [-] post-Jin troops looting the Wangjiatun village in front of them. They are all hunting and killing ordinary people in the village. The exact number is uncertain, but it is certainly not more than our troops."

After all, Song Pengfei still looked at Huang Han eagerly. He must have thought of his family members who were harmed by the Tartars. At this moment, he hoped that everyone would rush into the village to save the common people.

Under the premise of being able to do it, it is Huang Han's mission to save as many Han people as possible. He loudly said to the soldiers around him:

"The Hou Jin army was massacring the fathers and folks. Our soldiers should kill the enemy and protect the people. I ordered the whole army to make preparations for the charge immediately, and strive to kill those animals."

(End of this chapter)

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