Chapter 401 Suspicion
From February to May in the fifth year of Chongzhen, the front line of Liaodong was quiet, and the Ming army and Jin army seemed to be living in peace.

The secret contest is not idle. In Ning Yuandong, the reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance of the "Red Banner Army" and the Houjin Army are in full swing.

On a towering tree, an observer of the "Red Banner Army" wearing a fishnet-like clothing covered with leaves looked into the distance with a binoculars.

The responding scout understood it. It was the observers who found several suspicious people approaching the woods quietly, three miles to the northeast.

Soon the news was quickly conveyed through sign language, and the scouts deployed nearby knew that there was an enemy coming to the door, and they all secretly laughed.

The "Red Banner Army" is the defensive side, anti-reconnaissance within its own line of defense.

There are pioneers who arrange the battlefield in advance, binoculars that can observe from a long distance, a tacit understanding of semaphore and sign language to convey military information, strict anti-reconnaissance regulations to guide operations, and an absolute advantage in numbers.

Jiannu's sentries crossed the defense areas of Jinzhou, Songshan, Tashan, Xingshan, Dasheng Fort, Dading Fort, Jinchang Fort, Shahe Fort and other defense areas garrisoned by the Guanning Army, and they basically died here.

The seven Jiannu thought their whereabouts were secretive. How could they have predicted that when they passed through a sparsely forested grassland, they would be seen clearly by a Ming army observer on a big tree about four miles away with a telescope.

When the ignorant Jianu quietly advanced for three or four miles, suddenly a net bounced from the ground, and a Jianu was hung high in the air and swayed from side to side. At the same time, a dozen crossbow arrows shot at close range. , the remaining six people fell down and bled profusely before they could make any tactical moves.

The final result was that the Hou Jin army did not find any information about the Ming army, but instead sent a living mouth to the "Red Banner Army". In the end, the Jiannu who was captured alive couldn't bear the inhuman torture to extract a confession, and told everything he knew. He even confessed about stealing his sister-in-law.

Jiannu's spies climbed deep mountains and dense forests on foot and could not sneak into the "Red Banner Army" defense area. They then adopted the method of blatantly dispatching scouts and cavalry.

It's a pity that the dozens of slave sentry cavalry were intercepted by several cavalry just as they approached the actual control area of ​​the "Red Banner Army". The front team and squadron were immediately surrounded, and the rear team saw the situation was not good. A volley of hussar musketeers knocked four men off their horses.

The current "Red Banner Army" has light cavalry. This is because Huang Han discovered that if the cavalry musketeers used cold weapons to fight, they would basically die in a confrontation with the Tartars and Jiannu who were skilled in bows and horses.

Therefore, simply don't equip them with heavy armor, let them go into battle lightly, and better use their riding advantages to form a good style of fighting and running, blocking Jiannu and Tartar cavalry, and winning the musketeer light cavalry. Time is cold The work of heavy cavalry.

The musketeers and light cavalry are not completely without combat effectiveness. Now they have all received sabers. The sabers with steel guards are three feet five inches long and weigh three catties and 11 taels. They are similar to the standard swords used by the British cavalry during World War I.

Light cavalry do not win with strength, nor do they have good defense, so they must make maximum use of the flexibility of light equipment to kill the enemy.

They don't need to exert too much effort when wielding a saber to kill an enemy with self-propelled guns on their backs. As long as they make a smooth stroke, the enemy who is scratched by the body will lose their life if they are not sure.

Because they don't wear armor, it's also important to train them to swing their sabers to block incoming arrows while running fast.

After the scouting war within [-] miles of Ningyuan City, the Jin army did not get a bargain once, so Jiannu knew nothing about Ningyuan West.

To be on the safe side, Jiannu gave up sending men and horses to harass them, because they realized that the "Red Banner Army" was not easy to mess with, and it was impossible to hide in Jinzhou like the Guan Ning Army and let the Dajin Army come and go freely.

The slaves also knew that if they crossed Jinzhou, Tashan, Xingshan and other castles to attack Ningyuan and were beaten by the "Red Banner Army", they had to pass through Songshan, Dasheng Fort, Dading Fort and other Guanning Army defense areas safely after losing the battle. I'm afraid it won't be easy.

The Ming army beat the dog in the water and everyone enjoyed it, because the head of the Jin army was worth 40 taels of silver. Which soldier is not greedy?

The slave chief knew that if he wanted to go to Ningyuan again, he would have to launch a large-scale national war. He might not be able to send three to 2000 troops. However, Hong gradually discovered that the "Red Banner Army" was developing rapidly and becoming stronger and stronger. He felt deeply moved. fear.

The traitors Fan Wencheng, Ning Wanwo, Jiang Xin, Zhang Cunren, etc. were familiar with the inside story of the Ming Dynasty. Seeing that the master was worried about the rise of the "Red Banner Army", they all jumped out to make suggestions during the court meeting.

Fan Wencheng remonstrated: "Great Khan, the minister is not secretive. That Huang Han has become the target of public criticism in Daming. He has just been taken away by the Ming Emperor Guo, Dongpinghou, Prince Taibao and other lords. It can be seen that this person has be isolated."

Ning Wan and I offered a plan: "At this time, our Dajin Kingdom can send a messenger to send a letter urging surrender. No matter whether the Huang Han accepts the letter or not, it will attract countless suspicions."

Fan Wencheng said: "We have taken a multi-pronged approach, and then launched the secret operation hidden in the capital of the Ming Dynasty to spread the rumor that Huang Han secretly contacted the Dajin Kingdom to accept the surrender of the king given by the Great Khan. .”

Hong Zhe was speechless to himself, the traitors were really vicious, and everyone was good at plotting tricks.Spreading rumors like this, even if Huang Han can't be killed, will cause him to be suspected and guarded by the monarchs and ministers of the Ming Dynasty, which is really good.

Hong Xie said hypocritically: "If that Huang Han is really able to serve the Great Jin Kingdom, I am really willing to give it to him as a prince regardless of past suspicions."

Several traitors said in unison: "The Great Khan has a broad mind and aspirations for the world, but it's a pity that the yellow man failed the kindness of the Great Khan with his blind eyes."

Hongxie said: "I have approved the plan of all of you who love you, and I hope that you will work hard to achieve an early success."

In the "Red Banner Army" system where the spring plowing is over, no one has slack in the fields, because everyone is working hard to make life easier. Unlike doing labor for Daming, a strong man will get six coins and five buckets of miscellaneous grains as labor remuneration every month. Collective labor Meals during the period are still free.

Moreover, the construction of ditches, reservoirs, and irrigation wells are all for the sake of ensuring that the fields of myself and my neighbors can keep the harvest from drought and flood, and have the ability to resist general drought and flood disasters.

The "Red Banner Army" system allows the government to provide money and grain, and the common people to work together to manage small watersheds and form an irrigation system.

When the scientific water supply and drainage system is put into use, the reservoir will provide water for seedling preservation in the dry season, and when the heavy rain pours, the timely discharge of accumulated water can save the flooded seedlings.

Even if the money is not enough, even if the development is in debt, we must strengthen the transformation of basic farmland, and strive for the good land in the system to withstand the catastrophic disaster that occurs once in 30 years.

(End of this chapter)

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