Chapter 402 Addition

The fertile land in the Liaoxi Corridor has many rivers and rich water resources. It has been verified by history. Due to the snowmelt of the Yanshan Mountains, the reservoir will not dry up in severe droughts. Because of the drop, the irrigation of farmland saves a lot of manpower and animal power.

With this fertile and beautiful land, Huang Han is ready to take in more land-lost Han people who are on the verge of death. There are countless people like Daming in the last days.

Li Jiuzheng's rebellion in Wuqiao led to chaos in most of Shandong Province, and millions of refugees appeared. Many people heard that Funing had a king's paradise, and there were countless people who took their families and went to defect.

For this reason, Huang Han specially dispatched his brother-in-law Xiucai Gong Zheng Xiaoli to assist Liu Zaiqi and Huang Kezao in taking care of refugees from Shandong.

Zheng Xiaozhang, the second son of the Zheng family, got the official post of ninth-rank official last year. This year, the Luanzhou Garrison Battalion performed well in the examination. It is guaranteed that he can be promoted to the eighth rank. The fourth Zheng Xiaoli is just an official. How willing to get In order to show their own opportunities, of course, will spare no effort.

The "Red Banner Army" used several ports on the Shandong coast of the Liaohai Sea to disembark and give relief to the people who had fled here. It didn't take long for the news to spread, and they learned that there was free food, and a large number of war refugees came with their families.

While distributing relief, the propaganda team widely publicized the reclamation policy and advantages of the "Red Banner Army", and the risk was ignored by everyone.

Refugees who are willing to go to sea can be divided into [-] acres of wheat fields, and men who can farm can drag their families and board a boat to Jinzhou and Qiantunwei.

People in this day and age know that a good man should not be a soldier, and a good iron should not be nailed. It is clear that the moment of life and death has come, and most refugees are still unwilling to board a ship and go to Liaodong to serve as a guard.

Huang Han didn't expect all the people to follow the "Red Banner Army". He did his best to see God's will. Liu Zaiqi's publicity team was at the porridge scene every day to publicize. After being encouraged, those who made up their minds to go to Liaodong to make a living could eat white noodles immediately. cooking cakes.

The content of the propaganda is very convincing. It is the same as the conditions offered to encourage the soldiers and civilians in Ningyuan to settle the land. They are also paid 30 taels of silver for each person killed by Jiannu, and five buckets of wheat for one mu of farmland destroyed.

Although everyone is afraid of going to Liaodong, when will the days when you are stuck near the port and dare not return home? The "Red Banner Army" now has ships in the port, and arranges people to serve porridge twice a day on the shore. Thousands of people hang their lives with only two bowls of gruel every day.

Everyone understands that this is not a long-term solution. If the "Red Banner Army" leaves and no one gives two free bowls of porridge, it is unknown how many people will starve to death here.

Many people decided to take the risk to go home, and more people believed in the invincible "Red Banner Army". They chose to take a gamble and plant the [-] acres of fertile land that they could get at their fingertips.

No one has any objection to the conditions offered by the "Red Banner Army", because for each household planting [-] mu of land, the men will be paid six renminbi and five buckets of miscellaneous grains every month, and the seeds and farm tools are all provided by the "Red Banner Army". When farming is busy, they will also get help from the army, and it is convenient to use cattle and horses in rotation for farming.

With the harvest, the "Red Banner Army" should be divided in half.If the output of an acre of land is average, you can get a stone of wheat. In the end, wouldn’t each household be able to get 25 stones of wheat?

Ordinary farmers get 25 stones of wheat enough to feed fifteen people. After all, it is impossible for farmers to eat white flour cakes every day. Wild vegetables and miscellaneous grains will be mixed. It is impossible for everyone in a family to be a strong laborer. Much smaller.

Moreover, the policy of the "Red Banner Army" is that one household is responsible for planting [-] acres of dry land. It is impossible to have a large family of [-] people. When the acres belong to oneself, no one thinks too much. If there are two households in the family, there can be more Who would give up farming fifty acres?
More and more people from Shandong were transported to Jinzhou and Ningyuan by ship, and more and more people fled to Beizhili by land. Seeing that the influx of refugees was about to surge again, food prices immediately began to soar.

The "Red Banner Army" system, which needs a large population development, did its best to accommodate war refugees, and the population of Kaiping Town and Funingwei increased by tens of thousands.

Coupled with the increased population of Ningyuan and Jinzhou, it has now passed the 15 mark. With the continuous fighting in Shandong and the news that defecting to the "Red Banner Army" can survive, more and more refugees will flood in. After all, how many people are there in Shandong? Big million population.

Although there was surplus food in the "Red Banner Army" system last year, at least [-] shi were consumed in the fierce battle in southern Liaoning.

That's because it was not enough to supply the rescued Han people and Dongjiang Township with enough food, and all the food seized in Jinzhou was given to Dongjiang Township.

Now that porridge shops are being opened everywhere to relieve the victims, it costs a lot of food, and the tens of thousands of Ningyuan villagers who have been newly admitted also have to supply them with food. Therefore, if there is a large influx of refugees, the food reserves of the "Red Banner Army" system may not be able to last for the autumn harvest. .

This year, the area of ​​spring cultivation has doubled. The Liaoxi Corridor and Jinzhou have sown 65 mu of wheat, [-] mu of potatoes and sweet potatoes, and [-] mu of maize, all of which are growing well.

The private fields of Funingwei, Qiantunwei, Jinzhouwei, and Kaiping towns combined and the "Red Banner Army" system has more than 150 million mu of land, including [-] mu of rice fields.

During the autumn harvest, excluding the 10,000+ mu harvest of millet, sorghum, corn, potato, sweet potato and other miscellaneous grains, the rice and wheat that Huang Han, a big landowner, deserved would not be less than 60 shi.

Because Huang Han gave thousands of households [-] acres of fertile land, and each family gave at least five buckets of grain and six qian per month, and the return on investment was amazing.

Seeing that the situation will be very good in autumn, the problem is that there is a shortage of 10,000+ shi grains until the autumn harvest, so Huang Han was in a hurry, and hurriedly took merchant ships and warships to Japan for trade, and solved the imminent food problem by the way.

Why not go to Jiangnan to buy grain?That is because Huang Han believed that the addition of the total amount of grain was the only way to truly save the Han people. If the total amount of grain in Ming Dynasty remained the same, maybe if the people in Shandong were saved, the people in Henan would starve to death. Does it make much sense?
What's more, if you go to Japan to buy grain, you will definitely not be unable to buy it, because if the food crisis cannot be resolved through trade, Huang Han will definitely go ashore to rob, and he will never stop if he doesn't get back a dozen or 20 shi of grain.

In mid-April, smoke and dust rose on the official road from Ningyuan to Jinzhou, and a group of people roared from east to west.

More than a hundred cavalrymen were dressed in armor, and each of them was full of energy. The leading young general was fat and strong, with a not too ugly knife mark on his nose.

Behind the young general was a handsome general in his forties, with a well-maintained face, red and white, not at all like a frontier soldier, much like a successful businessman.

These two are the famous Wu Sangui father and son.

(End of this chapter)

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